Friday 13 March 2009

Iggy Rocks In

This post takes its title from the writer of Emerging Thought In Montana see blog link.He is called Iggy...though his first name is Carlos...which is a lot more subversive sounding. Iggy runs an internet readio station called Iggy Rocks.

Two of his last posts are well worth a read
Grace: Falling Forward - Monday March 09
The Wages of Sin - Tuesday March 10 09

I commented that they were very much in keeping with what others were writing and preaching. He replied that he has been preaching much the same for over 20 years. Which is a bit how I feel when people reply to my blog...only minus the preaching. God has only let me prophesy. No other openings have ever come in 36 years.

However , contrary to Iggy's reply I have since heard a couple of the latest Rob Rufus sermon's
particularly this one:
Faith is conducting Heaven's Influence Into The Earth:Part 1 Becoming a Lightning Conductor

And I would say there is a prophetic edge to what Iggy has written whether he appreciates that or not. As the 3rd Level Church arises in the Earth there seem to me to be two main strands:

We have to change our believing
We have to allow this believing to penetrate the depths of our being.

The last posts here have been about opening those gates within us that were slammed shut in the Fall. Helen's message was about knowing who we are...and waiting before God to let Him establish this in us.

Rob Rufus brings fresh revelation to what went on in the Garden by showing us we received a spirit that DENIES the GOODNESS of GOD. This denying spirit acts as a barrier to God's supernatural restorations, miracles and healings. So you can see - Iggy too - this is not grace business as usual...this grace message has a new edge to it. It is actually warfare as we seek to restore the supernatural to the Church and out into the world.

On Wednesday night we had a Healing Rain meeting here in Havant. This is where we are seeking to press in to open the wells of healing...that ofcourse have been always there for us in God. I got a revelation as we were waiting before Him...which I briefly prophesied out. It was so clearly impressed upon me that God is always broadcasting on His frequency. In this frequency there is en endless supply of supernatural healings and miracles. Waiting on God is simply us tuning into this frequency rather than spending much of our days listening to other traffic in the airwaves. "we cast down false speculations and everything that is exalted above the Name of God"

As we catch hold of this ...miracles will not be a strain. They are the natural stuff of this frequency...this River that comes out of God's throne.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Thanks for the kind words and promoting my little station!

Well, preaching may have been the wrong word... more teaching than preaching... but it feels like preaching most the time.
= )

I am hoping to do some upgrades on my blog soon... maybe in about 3 wks. I am just swamped lately so am a bit out of it! So pray for me.
