This was passed on to me through Paul Chastain
Voices of
Ian Paisley
Leonard Ravenhill
AW Tozer
Duncan Campbell
For the glory of God not humanism in any form
Tuesday, 30 January 2018
Monday, 29 January 2018
Facebook friends this January. Jesus is alive.
Crazy night on the streets: this champion high on crystal meth up for two days with no sleep tried to headbutt me two times during deliverance. He was twisting and some what out of his mind. The demon was raging mad I had to have the Angels tie him up. We got him set free and he dropped to the ground and peace come over soul and body. When I first started the deliverance he was freaking out and ran out of the room but I half-hour later the Holy Spirit pulled him back out said he wanted prayer. God set him free. We delivered about eight guys at the drug rehab center at the victory outreach center. Demons were flying out of All of them and spoke in tongues at the end. Even the guy in charge the rehab center started throwing up demons flew out of him to. Another guy on crystal meth and witchcraft as me and big George were casting out his demons they paralyzed him for about 10 minutes from the waist down he could not move. Wild warfare and so Crazy. I want to tell you this but I was a little worried when this happened and it did not go away right away when i commanded it too.but I. pushed on and crushed that fear and doubt in me and casted it out. Then I got him set free and filled with the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues. This was Big Gorege first time that he personally took the lead and the demons did not like him. Crazy night but God is good love you champions. Two men got their shoulder pains healed. We grew out two legs and backs healed. Another pain in the leg got healed. All received Christ all God filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues and on fire fire fire and laughing with joy.
1Co2:4 We do not come with inducing words but with demonstration of power and the Holy Spirit.

1Co2:4 We do not come with inducing words but with demonstration of power and the Holy Spirit.
I love sharing the stories from Stuart Morrison Pete Cabrera Jr Art MontgomeryTony Maden and so many others. Doesn't this describe though the tricky nature of a police enforcement officer in a world run by the Illuminati. I guess it was a bit like this with Jesus and the Centurion.

Santo Calarco
Police officer just pulled me over… God spoke to me about him…
Officer: could I see your license sir?
Me: officer I forgot my wallet at home I’m sorry
Officer: you are supposed to be Carrying your license with you at all times when you are driving. This carries a fine.
Me: this is a public holiday and double Demerit points apply today and this will mean I will lose my license. Can you please extend some grace to me as Jesus has to all of us?
Officer: you mentioned Jesus, are you a Christian?
Me: officer, am a pastor and if I lose my license this will hinder my work for Jesus.
Officer: how do I know that you are a pastor and that you are telling the truth?
Me: would you like me to quote bible passages to you from memory?
Officer: okay proceed.
Me: “I am the resurrection and the life anyone who believes in me though he die he will live” John 11: 25
(at this point the officer got teary eyed and Jesus revealed to me something very specific about him)
Me: Officer, you were scared about the scan you had last week regarding your liver… But it’s come out fine… You are going to have many years with your wife Sharon and two boys.
(he burst out into tears)
Officer: here is my phone number… Pastor please call me I want you to talk to my family. Now follow me as I escort you home to get your drivers license… And be more careful next time.
This afternoon I will go and visit and pray and I already know the outcome
Via Stuart Morrisson
Sunday, 28 January 2018
Why Reformation Talk is simply underestimating the huge thing God is actually doing
I am not saying John Noe and Lance Wallnau, and three decades before them Gerald Coates and Fulness Magazine are wrong in saying that what we need is NOT revival but a REFORMATION.
John Noe writes a book on it describing just how big the Lutheran and Protestant Reformation is.
Thirdlevel Christianity IS that REFORMATION.
But it;s bigger still.
It is the promised restoration of all things.
It is the Psalm 24 MASTER KEY in the lock
IT IS the greater glory of the latter House but without any of the former infestation of religion.
ACTS 2 was great, but it was still in a context of religion.
It broke free, and St Paul and St Peter (eventually) were no small part in that.....but in the grand grand outworking it was only the Feast of Pentecost.
God is rolling out a Tabernacles that is so big, John Noe thinks I am nuts.
Pentecost was in Jerusalem as was the Passover Jesus participated in, involving His own Body at Golgotha.
Well if you sow a Divine Seed in a Passover and Pentecost context what are you going to harvest?
YUP. The whole earth !!!!
Not understanding Union John Noe and Lance Wallnau are just tinkering with outer forms, all the seven big mountains of influence, currently totally overrun by the secular plans of Psalm 2, and Freemasonry.
God doesnt tinker at this level. He recreates ONE NEW MATURE MAN according to Ephesians....
or as Jesus put it
The Son of Man appearing like lightning across the earth.
And how can that be?
Every individual accepting being born again
Every individual accepting the message of being baptised in the Holy Spirit and taking up the Romans 6 confession of faith
Every individual believing ON Galatians 2.20 until it becomes consciousness
No one has seen a church like it?
No one has seen it happen in all the earth and every nation.
But this is behind God's GLORY or THIRDLEVEL statement
"As truly as I LIVE all the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea."
How do we get there? Facing doubts full on. Gaining experiential faith and knowledge of God
Show More Reactions
2 Cecilia Tacuboy Urian and Kimera Betz
Kimera Betz
Kimera Betz Amen!
Like · Reply · 22h
Kimera Betz
Kimera Betz We are being transformed into the very image of Christ from the inside out. Where else could those ancient gates & paths be but in our minds, will & emotions, in other words, in our souls. When we believe on Jesus & He comes to live in us our spirits a...See more
Like · Reply · 22h
John Noe
John Noe Please well define what you think "Third level Christianity" is. Thank you.
Like · Reply · 17h
Chris Welch
Chris Welch John third level is when the second level becomes us. We walk Jesus Christ as us knowing there is no such thing as a John Noe with a little bit of Jesus rattling around somewhere. None of that dual false consciousness remains.....The whole phony Genesi...See more
Like · Reply · 9h
Chris Welch
Chris Welch I don't know if Morris Cerullos generation will ever truly see this stuff, but the equivalent, if you have watched him and Kenneth Hagin is when they changed from racing around frenetically to doing seemingly very little. Morris started to speak of him...See more
Like · Reply · 9h
Hide 37 Replies
John Noe
John Noe That's not a definition. You are simply rambling on in a muddied fashion So where does muddled writing come from? It comes from muddy thinking. My advice, if you care to receive it is: you need better clarify and present your definition of your so-called "Third level Christianity" if you want people to take you seriously.
Like · Reply · 7h · Edited
Chris Welch
Chris Welch John one day you thought asking Jesus into your heart was stupid and muddied thinking.
One day you thought being baptised in the Spirit was ludicrous.
Then you experienced both.
Like · Reply · 2h
Chris Welch
Chris Welch You want a Tree of Knowledge life when Jesus only speaks out of the Tree of Life.
Like · Reply · 2h
Chris Welch
Chris Welch You want a Christianity of morals and dogma and Law and Judaism and the Old Covenant that you can easily transplant and by it prove to yourself that you are an apostle. But actually you just need Jesus.
Like · Reply · 2h
John Noe
John Noe You're rambling again.
Like · Reply · 1h
Chris Welch
Chris Welch John one day you thought asking Jesus into your heart was stupid and muddied thinking.
One day you thought being baptised in the Spirit was ludicrous.
Then you experienced both.
Like · Reply · 30m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- How do you know any of this?
Like · Reply · 29m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Because unborn again people do not get the meaning of salvation.
Like · Reply · 29m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- What's that supposed to mean?
Like · Reply · 28m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch we cannot "get"or "understand " or "perceive " what we havent experienced spiritually
Like · Reply · 27m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- Oh? So what?
Like · Reply · 27m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch everybody who isnt born again accuses born again people of having muddled thinking.
Like · Reply · 27m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- That's another example of your "muddled thinking" -- IMO.
Like · Reply · 26m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch everybody who hasnt experienced baptism in the Spirit says the same about Spirit filled people. Only this time they have to pull more straws out of the bag because the atmosphere of joy and emotion cant be denied so they put a sense evaluation to it....
like in Acts 2....oh they are drunk....
which was a bit daft at 9am in the morning.
Like · Reply · 24m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch There is nothing muddled or undefined about spirit. The only thing the poor little leftfrontal cortex can't handle is you cant measure it with 5 senses or a ruler or some kind of meter..
Like · Reply · 22m · Edited
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- Since you have introduced that rabbit trail into this posting conversation, I still I've any idea what your so-called "Third level Christianity" is all about ???
Like · Reply · 22m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch My socalled thirdlevel is the same as Paul or Jesus or St John.
Or David in Psalm 123.
It's being so locked into seeing what God is doing that in the end you deny, disallow, don't see any other form of duallistic living. Or if you see it you call it out for what it is.
One of the clearest references is when the man said to Jesus "Good Teacher"
and He turned on him to pin him down.
Who are you calling good, there is only one who is good?
The normal thing at that point is to accept a person's flattery, not examine it.
Like · Reply · 15m · Edited
John Noe
John Noe ???
Like · Reply · 13m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch what do you do when you read that passage? Or have you already torn it out?
Like · Reply · 12m · Edited
John Noe
John Noe I didn't read it.
Like · Reply · 11m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch well that's honest. How much else dont you read while deriving a living as a ministry?
Like · Reply · 9m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- lots. Also, how do you think you know whether I derive a living as a ministry or not?
Like · Reply · 8m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch at the very least you are seling a book of Christian knowledge
Like · Reply · 7m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch I think you once said you have been an apostle for some 20-30 years
Like · Reply · 7m
John Noe
John Noe So you extrapolate that to mean "deriving a living as a ministry?
Like · Reply · 6m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- Never said any such thing.
Like · Reply · 6m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch yes
Like · Reply · 6m
John Noe
John Noe Chris Welch -- then that's another issue you are in error about.
Like · Reply · 6m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch I clearly am confusing another conversation, but your book is your book.
Like · Reply · 5m
John Noe
John Noe You, sir, are ignorant with your unknowing accusations.
Like · Reply · 5m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch As one who was reading your book, I am sure you are not meaning that.
Like · Reply · 4m
John Noe
John Noe Oh, yes, I do mean that.
Like · Reply · 3m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Well to be clear, you are expecting us to read a book about reformation but you dont really perceive anything about what the bible might mean about it.
Like · Reply · 2m · Edited
John Noe
John Noe You've got to be kidding, right?
Like · Reply · 2m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch No. Jesus turning on that man for calling Him Good Teacher is really key to what I have written there.
Like · Reply · 1m
John Noe
John Noe Enough of your rambling and accusatory nonsense. Goodbye.
Like · Reply · 1m
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Any resemblance to an encounter between Jesus and other people in the gospels is purely......
well accurate.
Andy Harrington Finding the Control Panel
Andy Harrington sent me this about his upcoming boot camp in February. Andy has come into various inner understandings through entrepreneurialism. In an advert by Him this morning he describes the function of the brain in three sections, which is obviously now the teaching that is out there:
The so called 7 million year old reptilean brain, the monkey brain and the amygdala. Something like that.
Anyhow one thing is for certain we clearly aren’t going back to the two dimensional world of the Enlightenment even if the world system is going to be forced to acknowledge the functions we recognise in the spiritual realm but they append a fancy new phrase called amygdala . Take a read and see what you think. I’ll carry on further down.
Chris I recently tweaked THE personal development process I go through every
year - and it blew my mind.
It increased my income from £2,000,000 to £7,000,000 and made me a Sunday
Times best selling author AND when you register for a FREE place at Power to Achieve
I’m going to take you through the process personally.
I thought I was too young, too small, not clever enough, rubbish with money, unpopular,
a misfit, unlovable, stupid and an a***hole. Just some of the s**t going around in my head
since I was 13.
At age 15 I left home and accepted low skilled, low paid work in a supermarket earning
£10,000 per year. I was bored, addicted to drugs, skipping work pretending to be ill.
Fast forward today I run a business with a revenue of £7,000,000 a year, I own a
£1,000,000+ home. I married the women of my dreams, I have 6 amazing kids,
I holiday every six weeks (I’m writing this from Dubai) I’m super fit and healthy. I
have an incredible team of people around me, I don’t go to my office and I only do
the work I love and that I’m good at…!
My story shouldn’t have turned out so well. So HOW did it happen?
My breakthrough came in 1998 when I discovered an old technique that helped me
clear out the s**t I was carrying around with me AND reclaim that little boy I left
behind, with all his hopes, dreams and ambitions. Without him I was lost, without
him I was empty, without HIM I didn’t know who the f**k I was…!
It changed my life in a way that is hard to describe in words. Every year since I have
refined this process but recently I made a tweak of my own that blew my mind…!
This tweak turned me into a Sunday Times bestseller, and jumped my income by over
5 million a year…! I now call it THE RE-PATTERINING PROCESS and it takes 4 dedicated
hours to go through - and once you have, your life will never be the same again.
So let’s go through it together - here’s what you need to do.
Register for FREE for my Power to Achieve Weekend Event 10-12 February at the IBIS Earls Court
Attend The Breakthrough Day (Day 1) Attend The Discovery Day (Day 2) Attend The Transformation Day (Day 3)
Experience the Re-Patterning Process during the final day (Day 3)
Check out Andy's Wikipedia page and 10 minute talk
Please feel free to try Andy out.
But here are my thoughts.
On a separate subject: universalism
Around 6 years ago Nancy Gilmore asked me what I thought of the huge tumultuous rise in Universalist Christian thinking?
I replied what was in my heart which was that I wondered if this was a psalm 24 generation thing. Jews hadn’t responded. Most of the church doesn’t really go the Way, to the Truth and finding life within them so maybe this is all part of God throwing open the doors to a whole new Jacob generation of “ outsiders” who ofcourse were never Gods outsiders anyway.
But whatever shape or form universalism takes
You may, like Jacob and his speckled and striped sheep get so far,..... then flee by night but you still meet an angel at Peniel.
Andy Harrington clearly has tapped something extraordinary, and I am convinced many other entrepreneurs are doing so today....
But sooner or later , however familiar you get with your authentic inner child self, as you work this outwardly into your family and work life you have to nail what this identity is and how humans operate which is the territory of “ Yes I Am” by Norman Grubb.
All of life is consciousness..... etc.
The so called 7 million year old reptilean brain, the monkey brain and the amygdala. Something like that.
Anyhow one thing is for certain we clearly aren’t going back to the two dimensional world of the Enlightenment even if the world system is going to be forced to acknowledge the functions we recognise in the spiritual realm but they append a fancy new phrase called amygdala . Take a read and see what you think. I’ll carry on further down.
Chris I recently tweaked THE personal development process I go through every
year - and it blew my mind.
It increased my income from £2,000,000 to £7,000,000 and made me a Sunday
Times best selling author AND when you register for a FREE place at Power to Achieve
I’m going to take you through the process personally.
I thought I was too young, too small, not clever enough, rubbish with money, unpopular,
a misfit, unlovable, stupid and an a***hole. Just some of the s**t going around in my head
since I was 13.
At age 15 I left home and accepted low skilled, low paid work in a supermarket earning
£10,000 per year. I was bored, addicted to drugs, skipping work pretending to be ill.
Fast forward today I run a business with a revenue of £7,000,000 a year, I own a
£1,000,000+ home. I married the women of my dreams, I have 6 amazing kids,
I holiday every six weeks (I’m writing this from Dubai) I’m super fit and healthy. I
have an incredible team of people around me, I don’t go to my office and I only do
the work I love and that I’m good at…!
My story shouldn’t have turned out so well. So HOW did it happen?
My breakthrough came in 1998 when I discovered an old technique that helped me
clear out the s**t I was carrying around with me AND reclaim that little boy I left
behind, with all his hopes, dreams and ambitions. Without him I was lost, without
him I was empty, without HIM I didn’t know who the f**k I was…!
It changed my life in a way that is hard to describe in words. Every year since I have
refined this process but recently I made a tweak of my own that blew my mind…!
This tweak turned me into a Sunday Times bestseller, and jumped my income by over
5 million a year…! I now call it THE RE-PATTERINING PROCESS and it takes 4 dedicated
hours to go through - and once you have, your life will never be the same again.
So let’s go through it together - here’s what you need to do.
Register for FREE for my Power to Achieve Weekend Event 10-12 February at the IBIS Earls Court
Attend The Breakthrough Day (Day 1) Attend The Discovery Day (Day 2) Attend The Transformation Day (Day 3)
Experience the Re-Patterning Process during the final day (Day 3)
Check out Andy's Wikipedia page and 10 minute talk
Please feel free to try Andy out.
But here are my thoughts.
On a separate subject: universalism
Around 6 years ago Nancy Gilmore asked me what I thought of the huge tumultuous rise in Universalist Christian thinking?
I replied what was in my heart which was that I wondered if this was a psalm 24 generation thing. Jews hadn’t responded. Most of the church doesn’t really go the Way, to the Truth and finding life within them so maybe this is all part of God throwing open the doors to a whole new Jacob generation of “ outsiders” who ofcourse were never Gods outsiders anyway.
But whatever shape or form universalism takes
You may, like Jacob and his speckled and striped sheep get so far,..... then flee by night but you still meet an angel at Peniel.
Andy Harrington clearly has tapped something extraordinary, and I am convinced many other entrepreneurs are doing so today....
But sooner or later , however familiar you get with your authentic inner child self, as you work this outwardly into your family and work life you have to nail what this identity is and how humans operate which is the territory of “ Yes I Am” by Norman Grubb.
All of life is consciousness..... etc.
Both of our separate Jacob Songs can be heard on this post
![]() |
Suzanne Vega on stage, Chris Welch at the time cleaning loos in Bosham Inn |
Two Roads In : How to Get Well and Stay Well . Pete Cabrera and Raymond Francis
1.Prayer and Supernatural Anointing
Pete Cabrera writes this week on Facebook:
Pete Cabrera Jr
23 January at 19:23 · Hutchinson, KS, United States ·
A man of God told me today as I was laying hands on someone: You really believe you have Gods power really! You really believe christians have supernatural power the power has passed we have lost that power! My response was: You didn’t lose His power sir, you lost the nerve to believe God!
Then I said watch this! Guess what happened next?
2.Knowledge of how we work
Pete Cabrera writes this week on Facebook:
Pete Cabrera Jr
23 January at 19:23 · Hutchinson, KS, United States ·
A man of God told me today as I was laying hands on someone: You really believe you have Gods power really! You really believe christians have supernatural power the power has passed we have lost that power! My response was: You didn’t lose His power sir, you lost the nerve to believe God!
Then I said watch this! Guess what happened next?
2.Knowledge of how we work
Saturday, 27 January 2018
In My Name - The Control Panel
A Brief Whirlwind Tour of John Chapters 13-17
If you own any kind of web platform or web space be it a profile in Twitter or Facebook, be it your own blog or commercial webpage you will have a control panel.
This is what Jesus was announcing repeatedly in the Upper Room discourse repeatedly in this phrase
Whatsoever you ask in My Name I WILL DO IT John 14.14
This was the first of several John 15.7
further clarification verse 26
This is the thing the devil was trying to get for himself.
This is the very hub of witchcraft and all the occult arts as defined by Aleister Crowley....."Do what thou wilst."
So how can it be safe for man?
How can God's Mandate to us ever be true? Go , multiply, fill the earth and subdue it?
It is hermetically sealed before the Throne in the heavenlies
It cannot be touched by human hands
It is absolutely IN Jesus Christ.....SAFE
The ROGUE idea of a self run soul commanding things from his leftbrain, or even adjoined to demon spirits by initiations and spells.....all this unyielded mind ,will and emotion dies in the Place of the Skull, Golgotha....
Not to deny us through the Cross as Satan lies to us....
But to secure for us a heavenly control panel inside the new Creation and Person of Jesus Christ.
Everything in the heavenlies is cleansed by the Blood of Christ and His offering.
No more does he call us disciples. He calls us friends.....if we can accept it.
But God LOCATES the Power in John 13-17
He puts it in a living framework.
What is that framework, that infrastructure?
What else?
UNION in the Trinity and with each other.
“I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; 21 that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may [f]believe that You sent Me.
The Israelites sought union with each other when they pushed Moses up the mountain and they made a calf and played.
The Gift to us and our generation of Psalm 24 people is that the mountain is given to us to enter and find one another in, while coming home to God the Trinity.
This is the context of power.
In MY NAME you shall ask what you will and it shall be done for you.
Is anybody grabbing something????
If you own any kind of web platform or web space be it a profile in Twitter or Facebook, be it your own blog or commercial webpage you will have a control panel.
This is what Jesus was announcing repeatedly in the Upper Room discourse repeatedly in this phrase
Whatsoever you ask in My Name I WILL DO IT John 14.14
This was the first of several John 15.7
further clarification verse 26
This is the thing the devil was trying to get for himself.
This is the very hub of witchcraft and all the occult arts as defined by Aleister Crowley....."Do what thou wilst."
So how can it be safe for man?
How can God's Mandate to us ever be true? Go , multiply, fill the earth and subdue it?
It is hermetically sealed before the Throne in the heavenlies
It cannot be touched by human hands
It is absolutely IN Jesus Christ.....SAFE
The ROGUE idea of a self run soul commanding things from his leftbrain, or even adjoined to demon spirits by initiations and spells.....all this unyielded mind ,will and emotion dies in the Place of the Skull, Golgotha....
Not to deny us through the Cross as Satan lies to us....
But to secure for us a heavenly control panel inside the new Creation and Person of Jesus Christ.
Everything in the heavenlies is cleansed by the Blood of Christ and His offering.
No more does he call us disciples. He calls us friends.....if we can accept it.
But God LOCATES the Power in John 13-17
He puts it in a living framework.
What is that framework, that infrastructure?
What else?
UNION in the Trinity and with each other.
“I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; 21 that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may [f]believe that You sent Me.
The Israelites sought union with each other when they pushed Moses up the mountain and they made a calf and played.
The Gift to us and our generation of Psalm 24 people is that the mountain is given to us to enter and find one another in, while coming home to God the Trinity.
This is the context of power.
In MY NAME you shall ask what you will and it shall be done for you.
Is anybody grabbing something????
Friday, 26 January 2018
Faith on Fire in Beirut
This is through a sister called EG who is American and was in Lebanon:
The Naba’a neighborhood of Bourj Hammoud
Abou Younes* first came to the Life Center Beirut looking for help with food after he arrived in Beirut with no way to feed his large family. His journey to Beirut had begun with a harrowing escape from Daesh/Islamic State and involved selling the last of his possessions to pay a smuggler to take his large family across the Syrian border into Lebanon. They just had the clothes on their back after Daesh came through and massacred many in their town.
It was at the Life Center, too, that Abou Younes encountered and entered into a relationship with Jesus. He was filled with love and joy and felt a fire inside him to share this experience with others. However, he quickly discovered that there were those that did not want to hear.
While the Naba’a neighborhood of Bourj Hammoud is known as a Christian Armenian neighborhood, it now houses a large number of people from all sects and religious backgrounds. Abou Younes lives in an area of the Naba’a that is a Hezbollah/Shiite area. As this is not his family’s background, his neighbor, a Shiite woman, kept close watch over their coming and going. She noticed a lot of foreigners coming in and out of their tiny one-room apartment. When she quizzed him about it, he tried to skirt around the issue and say that they were coming to look at the property to provide some help. Her inquiries didn’t stop here though. One day, one of his daughters spilled the beans to the neighbor that her parents had gone to church. Next thing you know, she had their electricity disconnected. In Beirut, electricity, generator, and water may all be controlled from an apartment other than your own, and you can find yourself at the neighbor’s mercy to keep things working!
Abou Younes also found his faith was not welcome at work. He had landed a job close to the Life Center where he was working seven days a week. One day, some foreigners from the Life Center dropped by his place of business. He ended up inviting them to his house to meet with and pray for his family. Unfortunately, his colleagues saw this. They hadn’t known he was a believer and, afterward, gave him such a hard time on a constant basis that he ended up losing his job.
Even as the pressure intensified, Abou Younes was becoming bolder and bolder about his faith. He started holding Bible studies at his house. This also did not go over well in the neighborhood. Eventually, it became so dangerous for his family that he had to stop. He found this heartbreaking because of his eagerness to pass his faith on to others.
However, it wasn’t long before God opened new doors for him to share as he began to travel to the Bekaa Valley to connect with his relatives living in the tent camps. With the support of the Life Center, he quickly started a Bible study course for those who are new believers as well as for those who are just learning about the Christian faith. The study courses have rapidly grown, and there are now four meetings happening in the Bekaa Valley each week with dozens of new believers attending.
Abou Younes’ next job, after a long period of unemployment, was at a produce shop where he was quickly promoted to manager. His zeal and self-described “fire” for his faith could not be contained. Soon, he was talking to customers about Jesus. It wasn’t long before a whole group of people came to the shop to meet with him to hear more about this Jesus. The owner saw the people gathering and became very disconcerted by it. He didn’t want any trouble in what is already a very politically charged environment. The next day the owner paid Abou Younes his wages and dismissed him.
Today Abou Younes is working as a volunteer at the Life Center though they do bless him with a small stipend. He helps make visits as part of the refugee relief ministry where he assesses their living situation, and he offers words of hope and prayers over families in the direst of circumstances. He is known in his neighborhood for his generosity, despite the cramped conditions in which his own family of 17 live. He once invited a man and his family to come over to bathe every day since they were staying in a place without utilities.
Abou Younes’s passion and boldness have yielded incredible results. His wife is now leading a Bible Study group with the pastor’s wife, and Abou Younes leads a group at the Life Center in addition to the four he leads in the Bekaa. There are scores of people who now believe and are being discipled as a result of his faith. Please pray for Abou Younes that God will continue to provide all his family’s needs. Pray that the Life Center can afford to bless him with a full-time job and a stipend that will help him pay the rent and feed his family!
Do you want to bless Abou Younes and his large family? There are 17 people that live in one small room and feeding growing babies is no easy task. Or maybe you feel led to be a part of supporting the refugee relief program which helps us reach more families like Abou Younes. There are several ways that you can give:
The Naba’a neighborhood of Bourj Hammoud
Abou Younes* first came to the Life Center Beirut looking for help with food after he arrived in Beirut with no way to feed his large family. His journey to Beirut had begun with a harrowing escape from Daesh/Islamic State and involved selling the last of his possessions to pay a smuggler to take his large family across the Syrian border into Lebanon. They just had the clothes on their back after Daesh came through and massacred many in their town.
It was at the Life Center, too, that Abou Younes encountered and entered into a relationship with Jesus. He was filled with love and joy and felt a fire inside him to share this experience with others. However, he quickly discovered that there were those that did not want to hear.
While the Naba’a neighborhood of Bourj Hammoud is known as a Christian Armenian neighborhood, it now houses a large number of people from all sects and religious backgrounds. Abou Younes lives in an area of the Naba’a that is a Hezbollah/Shiite area. As this is not his family’s background, his neighbor, a Shiite woman, kept close watch over their coming and going. She noticed a lot of foreigners coming in and out of their tiny one-room apartment. When she quizzed him about it, he tried to skirt around the issue and say that they were coming to look at the property to provide some help. Her inquiries didn’t stop here though. One day, one of his daughters spilled the beans to the neighbor that her parents had gone to church. Next thing you know, she had their electricity disconnected. In Beirut, electricity, generator, and water may all be controlled from an apartment other than your own, and you can find yourself at the neighbor’s mercy to keep things working!
Abou Younes also found his faith was not welcome at work. He had landed a job close to the Life Center where he was working seven days a week. One day, some foreigners from the Life Center dropped by his place of business. He ended up inviting them to his house to meet with and pray for his family. Unfortunately, his colleagues saw this. They hadn’t known he was a believer and, afterward, gave him such a hard time on a constant basis that he ended up losing his job.
Even as the pressure intensified, Abou Younes was becoming bolder and bolder about his faith. He started holding Bible studies at his house. This also did not go over well in the neighborhood. Eventually, it became so dangerous for his family that he had to stop. He found this heartbreaking because of his eagerness to pass his faith on to others.
However, it wasn’t long before God opened new doors for him to share as he began to travel to the Bekaa Valley to connect with his relatives living in the tent camps. With the support of the Life Center, he quickly started a Bible study course for those who are new believers as well as for those who are just learning about the Christian faith. The study courses have rapidly grown, and there are now four meetings happening in the Bekaa Valley each week with dozens of new believers attending.
Abou Younes’ next job, after a long period of unemployment, was at a produce shop where he was quickly promoted to manager. His zeal and self-described “fire” for his faith could not be contained. Soon, he was talking to customers about Jesus. It wasn’t long before a whole group of people came to the shop to meet with him to hear more about this Jesus. The owner saw the people gathering and became very disconcerted by it. He didn’t want any trouble in what is already a very politically charged environment. The next day the owner paid Abou Younes his wages and dismissed him.
Today Abou Younes is working as a volunteer at the Life Center though they do bless him with a small stipend. He helps make visits as part of the refugee relief ministry where he assesses their living situation, and he offers words of hope and prayers over families in the direst of circumstances. He is known in his neighborhood for his generosity, despite the cramped conditions in which his own family of 17 live. He once invited a man and his family to come over to bathe every day since they were staying in a place without utilities.
Abou Younes’s passion and boldness have yielded incredible results. His wife is now leading a Bible Study group with the pastor’s wife, and Abou Younes leads a group at the Life Center in addition to the four he leads in the Bekaa. There are scores of people who now believe and are being discipled as a result of his faith. Please pray for Abou Younes that God will continue to provide all his family’s needs. Pray that the Life Center can afford to bless him with a full-time job and a stipend that will help him pay the rent and feed his family!

Thursday, 25 January 2018
Locating the Kingdom
Disregarding time, physicists otherwise measure any point in space in three dimensions.
Its easterliness
its northernliness
and its upness.
We specify the Kingdom in three dimensions also.
Passover. Personal salvation. The total geographical removal at spirit level from Darkness to Light. What John 3 records as being born again.
Repent, be baptised and be filled with the Spirit.
As soon as you are baptised in the Spirit you enter into the second dimension of the Kingdom which is "the power of God on behalf of others" or ministry.
The third dimension of the Kingdom is Tabernacles.
Tabernacles is pictured in the Old Covenant but now fully realised in the New Covenant.
The Start of the Old Covenant year as a people happens in the Tabernacles Feast and is called Day of Atonement,
In the new Covenant Feast it is continual and is called
"Walking in the Light as He is in the Light" I John 1
Tabernacles or Feast of the Booths itself represents
the mobilising of the Body of Christ to live in Covenant community. See Acts.
If your Christianity is just about personal forgiveness. It isnt specific geographically.
If your Christianity is just about power and ministry like Benny Hinn or Morris Cerullo , the Kingdom isnt specific geographically.
You need a gospel that is specified in three dimensions for the actual Kingdom to come to earth.
Ask Westminster Central Hall and their Catholic group that meet in the basement to help mums,
ask Salvation army activists on the streets...
ask lots of movers and shakers.....
and they all will reply that they are "doing".....that they are being three dimensional. Is this the three dimensional gospel?
NO. John 15 is much more subtle.
.God's revealed will -LOGOS was for the Israelites to go up to the Promised land.
At Kadesh Barnea the Rhema Word, the Now Word, was "Go up now".
Through fear at the reports of giants the people did not obey.
But there was but a window of opportunity.
When the time frame was refused, God announced the alternative. The whole of the first generaton would die in the wilderness.
At which point some of the people rebelled again, and tried to go up "in their own strength". They were killed by the enemy.
This is a snapshot for us. A very KEY part of the Bible.
As well as the positive announcement regarding the whole EARTH.....As Surely as I LIve, says the Lord....
Really, a bit like the other key events in the wilderness and on into the Land....
Namely sending Moses up alone to God while the people "played"
Namely later choosing a KING instead of God and His order, which is the Order of Melchizedek and prophetic Voices......
But the Kingdom CANNOT COME
because the Kingdom is in 3 dimensions
not Billy Grahams one dimensional Kingdom,
not Morris Cerullo or Benny Hinn's twodimensional Kingdom.
Jesus Christ preached a three dimensional Kingdom which
moved people from
through to WATER and BREAD chapters 4-7
through to FULNESS and UNION in chapters 14-17
So through fear we Kowtow to the principalities over the world
OR like Salvation Army activists, or Westminster Chapel Methodists and Catholics WE DO HELPS and ADMINISTRATIONS in our own strength.
ofcourse nobody can actually KNOW precisely what is
in man's strength and in the faith of God....or else we could pull down Catholic Churches or Methodist places....
but as Mother Teresa showed.....SHE DID THINGS out of UNION, out of the knowledge she was eating Christ and having Christ consciousness.
But things are not endlessly fuzzy and God's LIGHT and FIRE always comes, and that which is left standing is revealed as the Work of God.
But instead of this "MIXED KINGDOM" of a Kingdom field filled with good seed and the devil's weeds and thorns,
how great it would be to specify things in three dimensions from the outset.
Its easterliness
its northernliness
and its upness.
We specify the Kingdom in three dimensions also.
Passover. Personal salvation. The total geographical removal at spirit level from Darkness to Light. What John 3 records as being born again.
Repent, be baptised and be filled with the Spirit.
As soon as you are baptised in the Spirit you enter into the second dimension of the Kingdom which is "the power of God on behalf of others" or ministry.
The third dimension of the Kingdom is Tabernacles.
Tabernacles is pictured in the Old Covenant but now fully realised in the New Covenant.
The Start of the Old Covenant year as a people happens in the Tabernacles Feast and is called Day of Atonement,
In the new Covenant Feast it is continual and is called
"Walking in the Light as He is in the Light" I John 1
Tabernacles or Feast of the Booths itself represents
the mobilising of the Body of Christ to live in Covenant community. See Acts.
If your Christianity is just about personal forgiveness. It isnt specific geographically.
If your Christianity is just about power and ministry like Benny Hinn or Morris Cerullo , the Kingdom isnt specific geographically.
You need a gospel that is specified in three dimensions for the actual Kingdom to come to earth.
Ask Westminster Central Hall and their Catholic group that meet in the basement to help mums,
ask Salvation army activists on the streets...
ask lots of movers and shakers.....
and they all will reply that they are "doing".....that they are being three dimensional. Is this the three dimensional gospel?
NO. John 15 is much more subtle.
.God's revealed will -LOGOS was for the Israelites to go up to the Promised land.
At Kadesh Barnea the Rhema Word, the Now Word, was "Go up now".
Through fear at the reports of giants the people did not obey.
But there was but a window of opportunity.
When the time frame was refused, God announced the alternative. The whole of the first generaton would die in the wilderness.
At which point some of the people rebelled again, and tried to go up "in their own strength". They were killed by the enemy.
This is a snapshot for us. A very KEY part of the Bible.
As well as the positive announcement regarding the whole EARTH.....As Surely as I LIve, says the Lord....
Really, a bit like the other key events in the wilderness and on into the Land....
Namely sending Moses up alone to God while the people "played"
Namely later choosing a KING instead of God and His order, which is the Order of Melchizedek and prophetic Voices......
But the Kingdom CANNOT COME
because the Kingdom is in 3 dimensions
not Billy Grahams one dimensional Kingdom,
not Morris Cerullo or Benny Hinn's twodimensional Kingdom.
Jesus Christ preached a three dimensional Kingdom which
moved people from
through to WATER and BREAD chapters 4-7
through to FULNESS and UNION in chapters 14-17
So through fear we Kowtow to the principalities over the world
OR like Salvation Army activists, or Westminster Chapel Methodists and Catholics WE DO HELPS and ADMINISTRATIONS in our own strength.
ofcourse nobody can actually KNOW precisely what is
in man's strength and in the faith of God....or else we could pull down Catholic Churches or Methodist places....
but as Mother Teresa showed.....SHE DID THINGS out of UNION, out of the knowledge she was eating Christ and having Christ consciousness.
But things are not endlessly fuzzy and God's LIGHT and FIRE always comes, and that which is left standing is revealed as the Work of God.
But instead of this "MIXED KINGDOM" of a Kingdom field filled with good seed and the devil's weeds and thorns,
how great it would be to specify things in three dimensions from the outset.
Wednesday, 24 January 2018
The "Co operative" Self Employed Movement
The Antidote to Carillion
We live in a remarkable age. Local Treasures is just the business name of a local conglomerate of service trades. I don’t know how they work the finances, whether they have an app similar to Airbnb or Uber or other booking app. But they cover all small jobs that handymen used to cover as well as tutoring, all aspects of cleaning and housework, plus bringing hot meals round, or even more grand catering for events!!!!!
That’s a concept waiting to be rolled out worldwide!!!!!! Especially as many other businesses don’t now support small jobs but deal only with bigger installations or extensions or complete refurbishment projects.
Roll on the bold self employed!!!!
I am convinced that many aspects of marketing or layers of marketing like MLM are waiting to be developed. The money and wealth is in the maths of commission fragments over several levels.
There is literally no reason one person has to be Mr Big. There can be any number of Mr Bigs organising services and products wherever they can be needed or thought up.
There are now many booking and customer management apps that can automate whatever you choose to be your money Tree .
Just as accounting software is taking over more and more of the book keeping and accounting roles...... so marketing and booking can also be increasingly used online.
The fall of Carillion
The enormous rates of modern tax servicing astronomical payments to black ops, warfare, NASA, huge interest payments to a private tier of elite.....
Are factors causing pause for reflection about which aspects of what we are doing are part of the problem and which are part of the solution.
Take just one change of one individual as an example.
Let’s call him Bert.
He’s 28 stone. Has virtually no life , being virtually house bound. He is reliant on support and the health system, and housing support.
Then he discovers he can change his diet.
He drops an initial 10 stone becoming so much more able. He also discovers the secrets of food, probiotics, and also complete nutrition ( 91 Vitamins needed to keep us in perfect health) and not the five a day veg and fruit but more like the real 9 a day we all need.
More or less written off and not that far from early death, this one individual becomes a force of nature instead. Losing more weight he feels abounding with new energy. Gets a job, or becomes self employed and master if his own life, he no longer drains the system at all, but is very much part of the solution.
And this is just one.
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
Monday, 22 January 2018
Sunday, 21 January 2018
The evangelism Blueprint.
First section Facebook 17th January 2018
John Stevens was part of an outreach from COLIN Urquart at Roffey. They ,the church ,had their own bus and went to minister, listen to, preach and pray for people in towns up and down Britain.
The bus was professionally kitted out. They didn’t believe in the traditional slap dash displays or the soberly dressed humourless preachers preaching hellfire in the middle of streets. Others since have participated in healing on the streets. It is possible to mark off an area in the Spirit, such that people passing through that area even without looking for it or believing anything, find themselves healed. This happened to a lady taking a shortcut through the space to reach her bank.
In Reading Elaine Trimlett Glover knows a former homeless man who is now converted who has fitted out a bus with beds for the homeless. They preach the gospel and provide support.
For several years now different groups have been doing many performances of the Passion Play. Just dramatising the gospel with the words of the gospels is extremely powerful. This was done in Havant Park with a high level of excellence.
The drawback is that it isn’t fundamentally real. The Christians who take part are only marginally connected with each other, whereas the original people lived as community for all the years during and after Jesus ministry.
Bugbrooke Uk was a community that formed in the Jesus Move around the time a lot of us were doing the equivalent of going from house to house during our teens. But while many of us were seeking God for how He would guide His Church .... and frankly .... just reveal what the Kingdom really was.... well these guys formed the evangelistic Jesus Army, and would go up and down M40 and M1 into the bigger cities of Derby, Nottingham, Leicester and down to London.
Jesus NEVER CEASED EVANGELISTIC MINISTRY..... but the thing secondlevellers don’t seem to get is that
Co former of the whole universe
Left His glory aside
Came in the likeness of human flesh but not of our sinful line...
Yet nevertheless learned manhood exoerientislly from scratch
For 30 years
Doing nothing in ministry .
Pentecostals and charismatics can’t even conceive what on earth He was doing.
What He was doing was becoming a thirdleveller as described in 1John 2.
And for that reason, while training and raising more ministries, he never ceased in evangelistic ministry from the moment He received His anointing as a priest.
The message Jesus and now us preach is subtly different from the package other Christians preach.
We preach the Kingdom of God coming now,
In us.
First and secondlevellers preach a gospel at one remove still. A gospel in a bubble that is somehow untouchable yet until after Jesus comes in the rapture.
The gospel we preach is the whole package dramatised in all the three Jewish Feasts
We preach Passover whereby the Angel of Death sees the blood of Jesus and we apply that to our whole house
We preach Pentecost and every part of the message of anointing for ministry
But we also preach Tabernacles with all its elements including
Living together having Galatians 2.20 consciousness..... we celebrate this realm in the Spirit and expect and know that it leads to more water outpouring and more ingathering of harvest.
We are not cheap in our gospel taking shortcuts. We are saying our gospel works and of itself produces the fruit that the other stages work so hard at emulating.... but never quite get to it.
They DO experience inundations
Real experiences
But JOHN 15 is at another level....
It’s the much fruit that comes out of living Out from Christ’s resurrection, from the Vine Himself
How "saved"do you have to be before sharing the secret?
Well amazingly enough Jews never did.
Noah did. He KNEW righteousness and preached it.
Enoch would have. And his "WAS NOT" would have stirred things up a great deal.
Abraham began his testimony BEFORE he had one.
He changed his name from Abram by God's personal calling to him, to Abraham or exalted Father, or father of a multitude....
and he did that before he had one kid!!!!
So there is an aspect to testimony and evangelism that is LEGITIMATE, and based on saying the crazy things we cannot see yet.
The Psalms are NOT like this....but Jews in general DO NOT PROSYLETIZE. The Psalms command that we tell of the great things of God. Jews tend to sit quite smugly on their information....
that they are called to be the top dog nation
that ofcourse the Word is true.....and have you seen the size of the fruit in our land!!!!
Canaan was a blessed land in their possession.
Queen of Sheba turned up for a visit and it says she had hardly any breath within her......she thought Israel was awesome.
Jews have a quiet knowledge that the Word works. They are steeped in Psalm 119, the fullest breakdown of the many many facets of what LOGOS, TORAH, God's Word is.
And by the way, to reduce everything to LOGOS, an intellectual conception, which is the Greek totally insufficient.
You need at least some sprinkling of the Buddhist conception of "vibration"
of the Jewish idea of bringing things to birth
of literally conceiving SEED and bringing forth the manifestation.
Every single bit of this so far in the heavenly Tabernacle Blue Print is but OUTER COURTS religion.....but as you can see from Psalm 119, even this is not's whole of life....
it's "Queen of Sheba busting".
So what happens when Jesus comes into this scenario and preaches step two and three....
the Jjewish Feast equivalents of Pentecost and Tabernacles....???
oh not forgetting that He turns up to tell them actually the Passover thing wasnt just about the birth of them as a nation leaving Egypt through the Red Sea.....but that really Passover was about the end of one Adamic Creation
and the introduction of a whole New thing.
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!"
It almost was not permitted by God UNTIL it was about the WHOLE NEW THING.
Jews just thought they were being expedient by not prosyletising, when it seems as good as the OUTER COURT old Covenant system was God only pressed Jesus to begin evangelism when it was the start of the complete gospel.
So what was the gospel?
Jesus said after reading Isaiah 61
Jesus, he mature man of 30,
having done nothing but mature for 30 years,
then gets the Anointing to minister
then faces the devil down to gain authority over what the devil considers his territory of Palestine.....
then is quietly reading Isaiah 61 in a normal synagogue context, when like in most Anglican churches, everybody was half asleep....
then Jesus goes and wrecks it all by stating
Now Jews couldnt state this. They couldnt preach this.
Jesus HAD OVERTURNED Genesis 3 delusion living for 30 years, then out of that consciousness as the Last Adam, coupled with the New Priestly Anointing, that had nothing to do with the Levitical system....
Jesus was declaring the total power of God to deliver people from the ROOTS upwards.
It is the POWER of GOD.
Evangelism isnt really telling people how they can go to heaven.
Evangelism isnt really telling people how they can have the Power of God blast them clean.
Because Jesus said about the second thing....
If your house is cleaned but remains deserted, then actually the first devil will call his friends and tell them what a nice place your body and life is now it has got zapped, and then, now filled with seven times as many demons, your end will be worse than if nothing had happened.
So at the start of each gospel, Matthew Mark Luke John, Jesus is ministering in two ways:
One declaring the actual Kingdom has come, and proving it with power,
But also like in Matthew 5 and 6 leaving us in no uncertainty about the sort of thing this Kingdom means....
in terms of shedding one system, one matrix of death, for another CREATION
another COVENANT
another Spirit of POWER.
John Stevens was part of an outreach from COLIN Urquart at Roffey. They ,the church ,had their own bus and went to minister, listen to, preach and pray for people in towns up and down Britain.
The bus was professionally kitted out. They didn’t believe in the traditional slap dash displays or the soberly dressed humourless preachers preaching hellfire in the middle of streets. Others since have participated in healing on the streets. It is possible to mark off an area in the Spirit, such that people passing through that area even without looking for it or believing anything, find themselves healed. This happened to a lady taking a shortcut through the space to reach her bank.
In Reading Elaine Trimlett Glover knows a former homeless man who is now converted who has fitted out a bus with beds for the homeless. They preach the gospel and provide support.
For several years now different groups have been doing many performances of the Passion Play. Just dramatising the gospel with the words of the gospels is extremely powerful. This was done in Havant Park with a high level of excellence.
The drawback is that it isn’t fundamentally real. The Christians who take part are only marginally connected with each other, whereas the original people lived as community for all the years during and after Jesus ministry.
Bugbrooke Uk was a community that formed in the Jesus Move around the time a lot of us were doing the equivalent of going from house to house during our teens. But while many of us were seeking God for how He would guide His Church .... and frankly .... just reveal what the Kingdom really was.... well these guys formed the evangelistic Jesus Army, and would go up and down M40 and M1 into the bigger cities of Derby, Nottingham, Leicester and down to London.
Jesus NEVER CEASED EVANGELISTIC MINISTRY..... but the thing secondlevellers don’t seem to get is that
Co former of the whole universe
Left His glory aside
Came in the likeness of human flesh but not of our sinful line...
Yet nevertheless learned manhood exoerientislly from scratch
For 30 years
Doing nothing in ministry .
Pentecostals and charismatics can’t even conceive what on earth He was doing.
What He was doing was becoming a thirdleveller as described in 1John 2.
And for that reason, while training and raising more ministries, he never ceased in evangelistic ministry from the moment He received His anointing as a priest.
The message Jesus and now us preach is subtly different from the package other Christians preach.
We preach the Kingdom of God coming now,
In us.
First and secondlevellers preach a gospel at one remove still. A gospel in a bubble that is somehow untouchable yet until after Jesus comes in the rapture.
The gospel we preach is the whole package dramatised in all the three Jewish Feasts
We preach Passover whereby the Angel of Death sees the blood of Jesus and we apply that to our whole house
We preach Pentecost and every part of the message of anointing for ministry
But we also preach Tabernacles with all its elements including
Living together having Galatians 2.20 consciousness..... we celebrate this realm in the Spirit and expect and know that it leads to more water outpouring and more ingathering of harvest.
We are not cheap in our gospel taking shortcuts. We are saying our gospel works and of itself produces the fruit that the other stages work so hard at emulating.... but never quite get to it.
They DO experience inundations
Real experiences
But JOHN 15 is at another level....
It’s the much fruit that comes out of living Out from Christ’s resurrection, from the Vine Himself
How "saved"do you have to be before sharing the secret?
Well amazingly enough Jews never did.
Noah did. He KNEW righteousness and preached it.
Enoch would have. And his "WAS NOT" would have stirred things up a great deal.
Abraham began his testimony BEFORE he had one.
He changed his name from Abram by God's personal calling to him, to Abraham or exalted Father, or father of a multitude....
and he did that before he had one kid!!!!
So there is an aspect to testimony and evangelism that is LEGITIMATE, and based on saying the crazy things we cannot see yet.
The Psalms are NOT like this....but Jews in general DO NOT PROSYLETIZE. The Psalms command that we tell of the great things of God. Jews tend to sit quite smugly on their information....
that they are called to be the top dog nation
that ofcourse the Word is true.....and have you seen the size of the fruit in our land!!!!
Canaan was a blessed land in their possession.
Queen of Sheba turned up for a visit and it says she had hardly any breath within her......she thought Israel was awesome.
Jews have a quiet knowledge that the Word works. They are steeped in Psalm 119, the fullest breakdown of the many many facets of what LOGOS, TORAH, God's Word is.
And by the way, to reduce everything to LOGOS, an intellectual conception, which is the Greek totally insufficient.
You need at least some sprinkling of the Buddhist conception of "vibration"
of the Jewish idea of bringing things to birth
of literally conceiving SEED and bringing forth the manifestation.
Every single bit of this so far in the heavenly Tabernacle Blue Print is but OUTER COURTS religion.....but as you can see from Psalm 119, even this is not's whole of life....
it's "Queen of Sheba busting".
So what happens when Jesus comes into this scenario and preaches step two and three....
the Jjewish Feast equivalents of Pentecost and Tabernacles....???
oh not forgetting that He turns up to tell them actually the Passover thing wasnt just about the birth of them as a nation leaving Egypt through the Red Sea.....but that really Passover was about the end of one Adamic Creation
and the introduction of a whole New thing.
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!"
It almost was not permitted by God UNTIL it was about the WHOLE NEW THING.
Jews just thought they were being expedient by not prosyletising, when it seems as good as the OUTER COURT old Covenant system was God only pressed Jesus to begin evangelism when it was the start of the complete gospel.
So what was the gospel?
Jesus said after reading Isaiah 61
Jesus, he mature man of 30,
having done nothing but mature for 30 years,
then gets the Anointing to minister
then faces the devil down to gain authority over what the devil considers his territory of Palestine.....
then is quietly reading Isaiah 61 in a normal synagogue context, when like in most Anglican churches, everybody was half asleep....
then Jesus goes and wrecks it all by stating
Now Jews couldnt state this. They couldnt preach this.
Jesus HAD OVERTURNED Genesis 3 delusion living for 30 years, then out of that consciousness as the Last Adam, coupled with the New Priestly Anointing, that had nothing to do with the Levitical system....
Jesus was declaring the total power of God to deliver people from the ROOTS upwards.
It is the POWER of GOD.
Evangelism isnt really telling people how they can go to heaven.
Evangelism isnt really telling people how they can have the Power of God blast them clean.
Because Jesus said about the second thing....
If your house is cleaned but remains deserted, then actually the first devil will call his friends and tell them what a nice place your body and life is now it has got zapped, and then, now filled with seven times as many demons, your end will be worse than if nothing had happened.
So at the start of each gospel, Matthew Mark Luke John, Jesus is ministering in two ways:
One declaring the actual Kingdom has come, and proving it with power,
But also like in Matthew 5 and 6 leaving us in no uncertainty about the sort of thing this Kingdom means....
in terms of shedding one system, one matrix of death, for another CREATION
another COVENANT
another Spirit of POWER.
Friday, 12 January 2018
Bulletproof Diet Roadmap
In his mid-twenties, Dave Asprey was a successful Silicon Valley multimillionaire. He also weighed 300 pounds, despite the fact that he was doing what doctors recommended: eating 1,800 calories a day and working out 90 minutes a day, six times a week.
When his excess fat started causing brain fog and food cravings sapped his energy and willpower, Asprey turned to the same hacking techniques that made his fortune to "hack" his own biology, investing more than $300,000 and 15 years to uncover what was hindering his energy, performance, appearance, and happiness. From private brain EEG facilities to remote monasteries in Tibet, through radioactive brain scans, blood chemistry work, nervous system testing, and more, he explored traditional and alternative technologies to reach his physical and mental prime. The result? The Bulletproof Diet, an anti-inflammatory program for hunger-free, rapid weight loss and peak performance.
The Bulletproof Diet will challenge--and change--the way you think about weight loss and wellness. You will skip breakfast, stop counting calories, eat high levels of healthy saturated fat, work out and sleep less, and add smart supplements.
In doing so, you'll gain energy, build lean muscle, and watch the pounds melt off. By ditching traditional "diet" thinking, Asprey went from being overweight and sick in his twenties to maintaining a 100-pound weight loss, increasing his IQ, and feeling better than ever in his forties. The Bulletproof Diet is your blueprint to a better life.
February 2018 note: Checkout the Bullet Proof Podcasts and latest Blogs. They read like a TED Talks List of Cutting edge Science Health
Blogs - Here
Podcasts - Here
The Free Downloadable Roadmap is available here
When his excess fat started causing brain fog and food cravings sapped his energy and willpower, Asprey turned to the same hacking techniques that made his fortune to "hack" his own biology, investing more than $300,000 and 15 years to uncover what was hindering his energy, performance, appearance, and happiness. From private brain EEG facilities to remote monasteries in Tibet, through radioactive brain scans, blood chemistry work, nervous system testing, and more, he explored traditional and alternative technologies to reach his physical and mental prime. The result? The Bulletproof Diet, an anti-inflammatory program for hunger-free, rapid weight loss and peak performance.
The Bulletproof Diet will challenge--and change--the way you think about weight loss and wellness. You will skip breakfast, stop counting calories, eat high levels of healthy saturated fat, work out and sleep less, and add smart supplements.
In doing so, you'll gain energy, build lean muscle, and watch the pounds melt off. By ditching traditional "diet" thinking, Asprey went from being overweight and sick in his twenties to maintaining a 100-pound weight loss, increasing his IQ, and feeling better than ever in his forties. The Bulletproof Diet is your blueprint to a better life.
February 2018 note: Checkout the Bullet Proof Podcasts and latest Blogs. They read like a TED Talks List of Cutting edge Science Health
Blogs - Here
Podcasts - Here
The Free Downloadable Roadmap is available here

Wednesday, 3 January 2018
From Relevant Magazine : The Second Coming of Russell Brand
As well as this article from here which Martin Revens shared with me, you may also want to read some of the other thoughtful pages
see also Facebook
After reading this article I wrote to Martin
“My personal feeling is the teachings of Christ are more relevant now than they’ve ever been.”
If you have even a surface-level knowledge of comedian, actor, writer and all- around provocateur Russell Brand, this is a shocking statement.
Though in recent years he’s become more and more vocal about social justice issues, for much of his career, Brand has been known for his uniquely raunchy brand of shock comedy (This is the guy who once brought his drug dealer to work with him when he was an MTV VJ.).
He continues: “When stripped of the cultural inflection of the time when it was first written and is variously being translated, there is an undeniable truth.”
Yes, Russell Brand, that Russell Brand, believes the world needs Jesus’ message now more than ever. It’s something he thinks a lot about.
Brand feels the world is profoundly broken. Technology, pop culture and social media have accelerated the worst impulses of human nature, and, in his view, never has there been a time in history that humanity has more desperately needed the message of Jesus.
“There’s a famous quote: ‘Every man who knocks on a brothel door, he’s looking for God,’” he says. “Crack houses and these dens of suffering and illicit activity, they’re all people trying to feel good, trying to feel connected. People are trying to escape. People are trying to get out of their own heads. To me, this is a spiritual impetus.”
This is at the core of why he believes the message of Jesus Christ is so important right now: Humanity is (metaphorically), knocking on a brothel door, in that they are looking for fulfillment in things that will only leave them empty. And because instant, but quickly fleeting, gratification is always at our fingertips—Amazon Prime, Instagram likes, pornography, text messages and other modern trappings—we have become addicted.
And addiction is something Brand knows a lot about.
In his new book, Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions, Brand not only further delves into his own struggles with addictions to drugs, sex, alcohol, food and fame, but also how he’s found a pathway to healing.
Recently, this journey has taken a surprising turn.
Brand now feels the answer to breaking out of this vicious cycle—not just as an individual struggling to get clean from drugs, but as a culture—is a spiritual one. It’s one he thinks can be found in Jesus.
For many Americans, their first introduction to the comedy stylings of Russell Brand was the 2008 hit comedy Forgetting Sarah Marshall. In the film—and subsequent spinoff Get Him to the Greek—Brand plays a famous, constantly philosophizing British rock star known for dating a famous American celebrity and going sober after years of drug-fueled antics. In other words, there’s a lot of similarities to the real-life Brand, who was famously married to pop star Katy Perry for about two years in 2009.
But before becoming an American movie star, Brand was a well-known celebrity in the U.K., famous for his controversial stand-up comedy, being an MTV VJ, serving as the host of the reality show Big Brother’s Big Mouth, hosting his own radio and TV talk shows and acting in various popular series.
He was also known for struggling with drug addiction, often in extremely public fashion. He’d become a fixture of British tabloids, and in his darkest moments, would even cut himself.
In the years since Brand has gotten clean, he has written openly about his troubled upbringing and becoming addicted to alcohol, hard drugs and sex. Fifteen years ago, he decided something in his life needed to change.
Already having been arrested a dozen times for drug-related incidents, Brand was caught shooting up heroin in the bathroom during an office Christmas party by his agent, who knew that Brand’s life was now legitimately at risk.
After an intervention orchestrated by his agent, Brand embraced recovery—not just as a means of getting clean, but as a way of seeing the world. The experience radically changed him, and he’s since become an advocate for what’s known as the 12-step program, an addiction recovery method based largely on Christian principles that is centered on a reliance on a higher power, self-reflection and forgiveness.
The program transformed Brand’s life. And in the years since he discovered it, Brand began to see everything through the lens of the 12 steps.
“I’ve been in recovery from drugs and alcohol for 14 and a half years,” he explains. “The longer I’ve been clean from drugs and alcohol, the more I’ve noticed that [our] own addiction—and perhaps addiction in general—is affecting our behavior in ways that we wouldn’t previously have assumed.”
The 12-step program takes time, because ultimately, it isn’t about changing behavior, it’s about changing oneself. The first three steps are based on the ability to recognize the depths of our own circumstances and to begin to understand how we can free ourselves from them.
“We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable,” as he paraphrases the 12-steps in the book. “We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” Brand explains the steps in more modern—more profane—terms, essentially, getting “unf***ed up.”
The program caused him to think about the powerlessness people have over their addictions if they refuse to recognize the depths of their own brokenness—even if the addictions aren’t drugs or substances.
“Everything we do can be colored by this unconscious belief that we can make ourselves feel better with external stuff, be it behavior or chemicals,” he says. “So what I’ve kind of come across mentally is that either we are working an unconscious program or a conscious program. So if we’re not consciously running a program, we’re running on the unconscious program of our past and of our culture. That’s what I wanted to understand an alternative to.”
Essentially, Brand believes that instant-gratification culture has led to a culture of addicts, and the 12 steps—which include things like “humbly [asking] God to remove our shortcomings,” “making a list of all persons we had harmed and [being] willing to make amends to them all” and “… [seeking] to improve our conscious contact with God as we [have] understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out—can help free people.”
However, when he was first introduced to the program—by an atheist, ironically—he had one problem: all of the religious talk.
He was known as a bohemian cultural figure with a taste for dirty jokes, and the whole “God” thing didn’t seem natural. So, instead of becoming traditionally “religious,” he changed how he thought about religion.
“My understanding of what religion means altered,” he explains. “Because when I think about the aim, the purpose of religion, I think it becomes—when you put aside the social institutions that spring up around religions in all their strains and various forms of strands—I believe that the purpose of religion is love and connection, to feel connected to one another and to feel at ease with who we are … a kind of oneness, a kind of wholeness. So, as I began to understand that, this sort of superficial language of religion seemed less relevant.”
It took a while, but after stripping away the “superficial language of religion,” Brand decided to connect with the higher power at the root of the 12 steps. Brand became fascinated with spirituality as a way of escaping the pull of physical vices, and his struggles with addiction—and their root causes—framed his way of viewing faith.
“My route to spirituality comes through addiction, so it comes from desperation and fear and this sort of defeat, destruction, annihilation of self in a very humiliating way, I suppose,” he explains. “So, I had no choice but to embrace spiritual life, but now I am grateful for this. It makes sense of my life.”
Brand realized that cultivating a spiritual life could help free himself from the strongholds of addictions by treating the root causes of the pain he’d attempted to dull with drugs. And being raised in the U.K.—a traditionally Christian country—he turned to the Christianity. He began implementing spiritual practices every day.
“Because I come from a Christian culture, a lot of the language of prayer that I use is Christian,” he explains. “I say the Lord’s Prayer every day. I try to connect to what those words mean. I connect to what the Father means. I connect to what wholeness means to me. I think about the relationship between forgiveness and being forgiven and the impossibility of redemption until you are willing to forgive and let go.”
The practice of embracing spirituality, prayer and digging into the teachings of Christ has helped keep him on the path to personal recovery. But while discovering his own unique spiritual path, he also uncovered a message that could be the key to transforming culture.
Brand says reciting the Lord’s Prayer made him start thinking about what Jesus really meant by the words. One phrase in particular began to jump out at him: “Thy kingdom come … on Earth as it is in Heaven.” What does that idea mean for a world crippled by addiction to superficial fulfillment?
“I think continually about what Christ meant by the afterlife,” he explains. “And for me, it’s that when you are disavowed of the illusion that the material will fulfill you, you enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is spread upon the Earth.”
He references Jesus’ command to the rich young ruler in Matthew 19 who asks, “What good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” Brand says, referencing Christ’s response, “Give away all your possessions and follow me—that’s a pretty radical thing.”
Brand says the reason why this idea is so radical is because it strikes at the core of the values so many people secretly hold: that money and materialism can cure our unhappiness. “I think the reason that the economic arguments Christ offered are not promoted is because they are deeply at odds with the way we live,” he explains.
Instead of focusing on unhealthy patterns centered on self-fulfillment, the message of the Gospel offers an alternative: caring for others and helping those in need.
“I’ve seen in many formats now—because I’ve played out the same pattern many times—the attachment to physical things, physical behaviors or people, will never make me happy,” he explains. “But service of others and values that are certainly found in Christianity will make me feel peace or make me feel happy. It’s a lesson that’s very hard to learn.”
The reason he says the lesson is hard to learn is because even when people are free from drugs and alcohol, there’s always the pull of a society focused on self-gratification instead of selflessness. That struggle—consistently questioning our attachment to material things instead of eternal ones—is the tension of a journey to actual recovery.
“I question what would happen,” he says. “‘Russell, if you had the strength of character to give up everything and just live in the service of love? Would you?’ I sort of rationalize why I don’t do that. I don’t have to. I can’t. I’ve got a wife and a child and live in a capitalistic society and would just be vulnerable and exposed and torn up by reality. But no, of course, the spiritual perspective is, ‘No, you would be carried there by grace.’”
Brand frequently interjects that he’s “not a theologian,” and, at times, has trouble remembering specific Scripture references or using typical “Christian” language. But after studying religions and writings from across the philosophical spectrum, the teachings of Jesus have helped him understand modern cultural addictions—and how to free ourselves from them—in much deeper ways.
One of these ways is, in his words, seeking “Christ consciousness”—a concept that Paul refers to as, and many Christians would call, achieving “the mind of Christ.” Essentially, becoming more Christ-like ourselves.
“If Christ consciousness is not accessible to us, then what is the point of the story of Jesus, you know?” he asks rhetorically. “He’s just a sort of a scriptural rock star, just an icon. Unless Christ is right here, right now, in your heart, in your consciousness, then what is Christ?”
To Brand, this is key to not only changing a person struggling with addictions, but also to recovering a culture. It must be a spiritual change; a change of values.
“I do think a spiritual and transcendent change is required for people to be free from addiction,” he says. “And by spiritual change, I mean the transition from one’s life being predicated on self-fulfillment to a life predicated on service, which for me is a moment-to-moment struggle.”
Fifteen years ago, Brand embraced sobriety and started a journey to learn about why he sought relief through drugs, sex, alcohol and fame. Today, he sees a world that suffers from the same addictions on a cultural level.
And after exploring faith, the teachings of Jesus have led to a revelation: The Kingdom of God can be ushered in on Earth, but only if we free ourselves from all of the trappings that distract us from it—the same ones Jesus Himself warned us about.
For Brand, attempting to do that is what recovery is all about. It may seem like a difficult task, but perhaps his most profound revelation is that it is not something that should be attempted alone. A higher power is here to help.
When asked about taking the first step to recovery, Brand, a man who has thought about recovery every day for more than a decade, offers this advice for those wanting to get clean spiritually and physically: “Admit you have a problem. Believe it’s possible to change, and ask Him for help. Invite Him in … Capital H’s, of course.”
Of course.
see also Facebook
After reading this article I wrote to Martin
I am firmly of the belief that when Jesus preached the parable of the vineyard workers the new intakes come in at the very point that the previous workers have arrived at, even if they have been toiling all day.
This passage which I really appreciated seems to be confirming this
“My personal feeling is the teachings of Christ are more relevant now than they’ve ever been.”
If you have even a surface-level knowledge of comedian, actor, writer and all- around provocateur Russell Brand, this is a shocking statement.
Though in recent years he’s become more and more vocal about social justice issues, for much of his career, Brand has been known for his uniquely raunchy brand of shock comedy (This is the guy who once brought his drug dealer to work with him when he was an MTV VJ.).
He continues: “When stripped of the cultural inflection of the time when it was first written and is variously being translated, there is an undeniable truth.”
Yes, Russell Brand, that Russell Brand, believes the world needs Jesus’ message now more than ever. It’s something he thinks a lot about.
Brand feels the world is profoundly broken. Technology, pop culture and social media have accelerated the worst impulses of human nature, and, in his view, never has there been a time in history that humanity has more desperately needed the message of Jesus.
“There’s a famous quote: ‘Every man who knocks on a brothel door, he’s looking for God,’” he says. “Crack houses and these dens of suffering and illicit activity, they’re all people trying to feel good, trying to feel connected. People are trying to escape. People are trying to get out of their own heads. To me, this is a spiritual impetus.”
This is at the core of why he believes the message of Jesus Christ is so important right now: Humanity is (metaphorically), knocking on a brothel door, in that they are looking for fulfillment in things that will only leave them empty. And because instant, but quickly fleeting, gratification is always at our fingertips—Amazon Prime, Instagram likes, pornography, text messages and other modern trappings—we have become addicted.
And addiction is something Brand knows a lot about.
In his new book, Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions, Brand not only further delves into his own struggles with addictions to drugs, sex, alcohol, food and fame, but also how he’s found a pathway to healing.
Recently, this journey has taken a surprising turn.
Brand now feels the answer to breaking out of this vicious cycle—not just as an individual struggling to get clean from drugs, but as a culture—is a spiritual one. It’s one he thinks can be found in Jesus.
For many Americans, their first introduction to the comedy stylings of Russell Brand was the 2008 hit comedy Forgetting Sarah Marshall. In the film—and subsequent spinoff Get Him to the Greek—Brand plays a famous, constantly philosophizing British rock star known for dating a famous American celebrity and going sober after years of drug-fueled antics. In other words, there’s a lot of similarities to the real-life Brand, who was famously married to pop star Katy Perry for about two years in 2009.
But before becoming an American movie star, Brand was a well-known celebrity in the U.K., famous for his controversial stand-up comedy, being an MTV VJ, serving as the host of the reality show Big Brother’s Big Mouth, hosting his own radio and TV talk shows and acting in various popular series.
He was also known for struggling with drug addiction, often in extremely public fashion. He’d become a fixture of British tabloids, and in his darkest moments, would even cut himself.
In the years since Brand has gotten clean, he has written openly about his troubled upbringing and becoming addicted to alcohol, hard drugs and sex. Fifteen years ago, he decided something in his life needed to change.
Already having been arrested a dozen times for drug-related incidents, Brand was caught shooting up heroin in the bathroom during an office Christmas party by his agent, who knew that Brand’s life was now legitimately at risk.
After an intervention orchestrated by his agent, Brand embraced recovery—not just as a means of getting clean, but as a way of seeing the world. The experience radically changed him, and he’s since become an advocate for what’s known as the 12-step program, an addiction recovery method based largely on Christian principles that is centered on a reliance on a higher power, self-reflection and forgiveness.
The program transformed Brand’s life. And in the years since he discovered it, Brand began to see everything through the lens of the 12 steps.
“I’ve been in recovery from drugs and alcohol for 14 and a half years,” he explains. “The longer I’ve been clean from drugs and alcohol, the more I’ve noticed that [our] own addiction—and perhaps addiction in general—is affecting our behavior in ways that we wouldn’t previously have assumed.”
The 12-step program takes time, because ultimately, it isn’t about changing behavior, it’s about changing oneself. The first three steps are based on the ability to recognize the depths of our own circumstances and to begin to understand how we can free ourselves from them.
“We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable,” as he paraphrases the 12-steps in the book. “We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.” Brand explains the steps in more modern—more profane—terms, essentially, getting “unf***ed up.”
The program caused him to think about the powerlessness people have over their addictions if they refuse to recognize the depths of their own brokenness—even if the addictions aren’t drugs or substances.
“Everything we do can be colored by this unconscious belief that we can make ourselves feel better with external stuff, be it behavior or chemicals,” he says. “So what I’ve kind of come across mentally is that either we are working an unconscious program or a conscious program. So if we’re not consciously running a program, we’re running on the unconscious program of our past and of our culture. That’s what I wanted to understand an alternative to.”
Essentially, Brand believes that instant-gratification culture has led to a culture of addicts, and the 12 steps—which include things like “humbly [asking] God to remove our shortcomings,” “making a list of all persons we had harmed and [being] willing to make amends to them all” and “… [seeking] to improve our conscious contact with God as we [have] understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out—can help free people.”
However, when he was first introduced to the program—by an atheist, ironically—he had one problem: all of the religious talk.
He was known as a bohemian cultural figure with a taste for dirty jokes, and the whole “God” thing didn’t seem natural. So, instead of becoming traditionally “religious,” he changed how he thought about religion.
“My understanding of what religion means altered,” he explains. “Because when I think about the aim, the purpose of religion, I think it becomes—when you put aside the social institutions that spring up around religions in all their strains and various forms of strands—I believe that the purpose of religion is love and connection, to feel connected to one another and to feel at ease with who we are … a kind of oneness, a kind of wholeness. So, as I began to understand that, this sort of superficial language of religion seemed less relevant.”
It took a while, but after stripping away the “superficial language of religion,” Brand decided to connect with the higher power at the root of the 12 steps. Brand became fascinated with spirituality as a way of escaping the pull of physical vices, and his struggles with addiction—and their root causes—framed his way of viewing faith.
“My route to spirituality comes through addiction, so it comes from desperation and fear and this sort of defeat, destruction, annihilation of self in a very humiliating way, I suppose,” he explains. “So, I had no choice but to embrace spiritual life, but now I am grateful for this. It makes sense of my life.”
Brand realized that cultivating a spiritual life could help free himself from the strongholds of addictions by treating the root causes of the pain he’d attempted to dull with drugs. And being raised in the U.K.—a traditionally Christian country—he turned to the Christianity. He began implementing spiritual practices every day.
“Because I come from a Christian culture, a lot of the language of prayer that I use is Christian,” he explains. “I say the Lord’s Prayer every day. I try to connect to what those words mean. I connect to what the Father means. I connect to what wholeness means to me. I think about the relationship between forgiveness and being forgiven and the impossibility of redemption until you are willing to forgive and let go.”
The practice of embracing spirituality, prayer and digging into the teachings of Christ has helped keep him on the path to personal recovery. But while discovering his own unique spiritual path, he also uncovered a message that could be the key to transforming culture.
Brand says reciting the Lord’s Prayer made him start thinking about what Jesus really meant by the words. One phrase in particular began to jump out at him: “Thy kingdom come … on Earth as it is in Heaven.” What does that idea mean for a world crippled by addiction to superficial fulfillment?
“I think continually about what Christ meant by the afterlife,” he explains. “And for me, it’s that when you are disavowed of the illusion that the material will fulfill you, you enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is spread upon the Earth.”
He references Jesus’ command to the rich young ruler in Matthew 19 who asks, “What good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” Brand says, referencing Christ’s response, “Give away all your possessions and follow me—that’s a pretty radical thing.”
Brand says the reason why this idea is so radical is because it strikes at the core of the values so many people secretly hold: that money and materialism can cure our unhappiness. “I think the reason that the economic arguments Christ offered are not promoted is because they are deeply at odds with the way we live,” he explains.
Instead of focusing on unhealthy patterns centered on self-fulfillment, the message of the Gospel offers an alternative: caring for others and helping those in need.
“I’ve seen in many formats now—because I’ve played out the same pattern many times—the attachment to physical things, physical behaviors or people, will never make me happy,” he explains. “But service of others and values that are certainly found in Christianity will make me feel peace or make me feel happy. It’s a lesson that’s very hard to learn.”
The reason he says the lesson is hard to learn is because even when people are free from drugs and alcohol, there’s always the pull of a society focused on self-gratification instead of selflessness. That struggle—consistently questioning our attachment to material things instead of eternal ones—is the tension of a journey to actual recovery.
“I question what would happen,” he says. “‘Russell, if you had the strength of character to give up everything and just live in the service of love? Would you?’ I sort of rationalize why I don’t do that. I don’t have to. I can’t. I’ve got a wife and a child and live in a capitalistic society and would just be vulnerable and exposed and torn up by reality. But no, of course, the spiritual perspective is, ‘No, you would be carried there by grace.’”
Brand frequently interjects that he’s “not a theologian,” and, at times, has trouble remembering specific Scripture references or using typical “Christian” language. But after studying religions and writings from across the philosophical spectrum, the teachings of Jesus have helped him understand modern cultural addictions—and how to free ourselves from them—in much deeper ways.
One of these ways is, in his words, seeking “Christ consciousness”—a concept that Paul refers to as, and many Christians would call, achieving “the mind of Christ.” Essentially, becoming more Christ-like ourselves.
“If Christ consciousness is not accessible to us, then what is the point of the story of Jesus, you know?” he asks rhetorically. “He’s just a sort of a scriptural rock star, just an icon. Unless Christ is right here, right now, in your heart, in your consciousness, then what is Christ?”
To Brand, this is key to not only changing a person struggling with addictions, but also to recovering a culture. It must be a spiritual change; a change of values.
“I do think a spiritual and transcendent change is required for people to be free from addiction,” he says. “And by spiritual change, I mean the transition from one’s life being predicated on self-fulfillment to a life predicated on service, which for me is a moment-to-moment struggle.”
Fifteen years ago, Brand embraced sobriety and started a journey to learn about why he sought relief through drugs, sex, alcohol and fame. Today, he sees a world that suffers from the same addictions on a cultural level.
And after exploring faith, the teachings of Jesus have led to a revelation: The Kingdom of God can be ushered in on Earth, but only if we free ourselves from all of the trappings that distract us from it—the same ones Jesus Himself warned us about.
For Brand, attempting to do that is what recovery is all about. It may seem like a difficult task, but perhaps his most profound revelation is that it is not something that should be attempted alone. A higher power is here to help.
When asked about taking the first step to recovery, Brand, a man who has thought about recovery every day for more than a decade, offers this advice for those wanting to get clean spiritually and physically: “Admit you have a problem. Believe it’s possible to change, and ask Him for help. Invite Him in … Capital H’s, of course.”
Of course.
Tuesday, 2 January 2018
Sanctions in Syriah are Killing ordinary people
We have been criticising the world media and the United Nations for their actions in Syriah, and for the media blackouts and distortions. Here is one furtherproof that while world media is accusing the internet of fake news, this is real news nder their noses that they are refusing to report, and thus propagating fake news by blackout.
1st and 2nd level situations Can be Extremely limiting
Three related Facebook Posts of mine this week:
I got nervous this week when I saw a poster on Facebook for a "deliverance Class"
Who gets nervous about secondlevellers operating in thirdlevel ministries?
I am not talking about the gifts. I am talking about ministries which have greater than church impact.
Particularly deliverance.
Some of us refer to the Dark Night of the Soul or the living experience of Romans 6 and 7 to be somewhat our Log extraction moment.
Jesus said don’t attempt splinters if you are still hampered by a wacking great log in your eye.
There is no greater log than still carting round Genesis 3 separation consciousness.
I don’t care if you have a supernatural propensity for deliverance..... my area initially was prophecy worship and worship songs.....
But would I feel happy being in that area as a definite ministry without walking right through Romans.....
And because of the very tale Jesus told of a house being cleaned and tidied, but then the demons return because it’s all clean and nice bringing 7 times as many back.
How are you going to move effectively in deliverance if you are still in the root problem that brought the whole foul condition to earth..... Genesis 3?
Can we have some thirdlevel deliverance ministries and prophets please, oh and apostles.
If only to prove to Preterists they still exist.
I divided myself off here from Francois duToit and Andre Rabe and Anne Marie for two sets of reasons. Anne Marie because she doesn't do iron sharpens iron and just like Lydia Du Toit puts up extremely positive stuff sharing the love of Christ.
In that sense you can get in anywhere with that message. ( I would recommend anybody to hitch up with all of them)
Nobody is going to be offended by somebody preaching 1 Corinthians 13.
I felt like.St Paul writes.....while Francois is ripping up the earth with Andre sharing the amazing message of the Mirror Laver you can only applaud that and think it's wonderful that Jesus Name is being lifted up.
But boy, for me, already squashed in a box for 20 years and finally let out on the internet, it was just way too confusing hanging around them all, while God is trying to take the message further to something that St Paul and the other apostles are saying. I think Francois and Andre get the basic idea that there has been a switch, but they don't seem to preach yet on the effects of the switch.
Most of Watchman Nee gets this far but that isn't because Nee didn't know more, as we can hear from any of the tapes by Witness Lee, his associate.
The sad thing is the books were all from the early notes and messages before they had been road tested and road travelled in persecuted church, and later of course prison.
So in book form the deeper Bible messages as to how Christianity works are only to be found in people like Basilea Schlink and Ed Miller and messages of Sam Fife etc.
Here's the truth guys.... the community in Darmstadt were BEYOND ANYTHING BASILEA PUT IN BOOKS. She put the effects in books like Realities.... But the mystical processes not so much. Yet when I lived with them they were sharing more of the “how's” of the deeper walk.And this wasn't theory with them.....they lived that way......But still in quite a Lutheran way, which wasn't that accessible to modern Germans and English people.
Ed Miller and Jorge Nuria Pradas were way beyond anything they put in books. Unlike Francois and Andre Rabe who you go primarily to hear , these guys could preach, and they preached stuff that people are still catching up with today, but primarily you hung around them for the way they ran meetings in such a way that God could show up.
It was allowing God direct access to His Church and the Church building up the Church as in Ephesians 4.
You were participating in the very way God dismantles His people in the manner of the Lords Prayer ready for rebuilding them.for the final section of declaration.
All the work of.God is ultimately to take people right through the material in the psalms of.Ascent 120-134 but to.rebuild them from scratch and join them together as priests 133 ready for the final climax and showdown of declaration blessing over the whole earth 134.
Charismatic meetings do early prototypes.of this but they haven't been through the processes of Romans 6and 7 in the covered portions of the Tabernacle.....the Heavenly one.
Laying the foundations of Romans 3 to 5 on a Mediterranean cruise......While necessary......It doesn't actually get you to that place of authority that Christ is taking His Church to.
When you meet a thirdleveller you are projecting your hell onto them.
Nearly everything about them is offensive.
Read your gospels will you?
Watch. Every single small phrase. The ones you glide past.
Look at how the disciples treated Jesus when they returned from shopping in John 4. They really are the ugly sisters. Jesus is Cinderella. By speaking to one “ disallowed woman, a Samaritan” virtually her whole village had come to God. And the disciples are complaining about not helping with the Sainsbury’s shopping bags!!!!
Or others in history
“Children are taught the story where Alfred is on the run from the Vikings, taking refuge in the home of a peasant woman. She asks him to watch her cakes – small loaves of bread – baking by the fire, but distracted by his problems, he lets the cakes burn and is roundly scolded by the woman. Historic-Uk
This is all any English Child is taught about the incredible Christian king. But that’s how Catholic Jesuits rewrite our histories. Good job we have early records of the Bible, think what Jesuits would do with it.
Jesus healing birds at two or levitating bears or something. Yet what the New Testament actually says, no Catholic wants to know and obey!!!!!
I got nervous this week when I saw a poster on Facebook for a "deliverance Class"
Who gets nervous about secondlevellers operating in thirdlevel ministries?
I am not talking about the gifts. I am talking about ministries which have greater than church impact.
Particularly deliverance.
Some of us refer to the Dark Night of the Soul or the living experience of Romans 6 and 7 to be somewhat our Log extraction moment.
Jesus said don’t attempt splinters if you are still hampered by a wacking great log in your eye.
There is no greater log than still carting round Genesis 3 separation consciousness.
I don’t care if you have a supernatural propensity for deliverance..... my area initially was prophecy worship and worship songs.....
But would I feel happy being in that area as a definite ministry without walking right through Romans.....
And because of the very tale Jesus told of a house being cleaned and tidied, but then the demons return because it’s all clean and nice bringing 7 times as many back.
How are you going to move effectively in deliverance if you are still in the root problem that brought the whole foul condition to earth..... Genesis 3?
Can we have some thirdlevel deliverance ministries and prophets please, oh and apostles.
If only to prove to Preterists they still exist.
I divided myself off here from Francois duToit and Andre Rabe and Anne Marie for two sets of reasons. Anne Marie because she doesn't do iron sharpens iron and just like Lydia Du Toit puts up extremely positive stuff sharing the love of Christ.
In that sense you can get in anywhere with that message. ( I would recommend anybody to hitch up with all of them)
Nobody is going to be offended by somebody preaching 1 Corinthians 13.
I felt like.St Paul writes.....while Francois is ripping up the earth with Andre sharing the amazing message of the Mirror Laver you can only applaud that and think it's wonderful that Jesus Name is being lifted up.
But boy, for me, already squashed in a box for 20 years and finally let out on the internet, it was just way too confusing hanging around them all, while God is trying to take the message further to something that St Paul and the other apostles are saying. I think Francois and Andre get the basic idea that there has been a switch, but they don't seem to preach yet on the effects of the switch.
Most of Watchman Nee gets this far but that isn't because Nee didn't know more, as we can hear from any of the tapes by Witness Lee, his associate.
The sad thing is the books were all from the early notes and messages before they had been road tested and road travelled in persecuted church, and later of course prison.
So in book form the deeper Bible messages as to how Christianity works are only to be found in people like Basilea Schlink and Ed Miller and messages of Sam Fife etc.
Here's the truth guys.... the community in Darmstadt were BEYOND ANYTHING BASILEA PUT IN BOOKS. She put the effects in books like Realities.... But the mystical processes not so much. Yet when I lived with them they were sharing more of the “how's” of the deeper walk.And this wasn't theory with them.....they lived that way......But still in quite a Lutheran way, which wasn't that accessible to modern Germans and English people.
Ed Miller and Jorge Nuria Pradas were way beyond anything they put in books. Unlike Francois and Andre Rabe who you go primarily to hear , these guys could preach, and they preached stuff that people are still catching up with today, but primarily you hung around them for the way they ran meetings in such a way that God could show up.
It was allowing God direct access to His Church and the Church building up the Church as in Ephesians 4.
You were participating in the very way God dismantles His people in the manner of the Lords Prayer ready for rebuilding them.for the final section of declaration.
All the work of.God is ultimately to take people right through the material in the psalms of.Ascent 120-134 but to.rebuild them from scratch and join them together as priests 133 ready for the final climax and showdown of declaration blessing over the whole earth 134.
Charismatic meetings do early prototypes.of this but they haven't been through the processes of Romans 6and 7 in the covered portions of the Tabernacle.....the Heavenly one.
Laying the foundations of Romans 3 to 5 on a Mediterranean cruise......While necessary......It doesn't actually get you to that place of authority that Christ is taking His Church to.
When you meet a thirdleveller you are projecting your hell onto them.
Nearly everything about them is offensive.
Read your gospels will you?
Watch. Every single small phrase. The ones you glide past.
Look at how the disciples treated Jesus when they returned from shopping in John 4. They really are the ugly sisters. Jesus is Cinderella. By speaking to one “ disallowed woman, a Samaritan” virtually her whole village had come to God. And the disciples are complaining about not helping with the Sainsbury’s shopping bags!!!!
Or others in history
“Children are taught the story where Alfred is on the run from the Vikings, taking refuge in the home of a peasant woman. She asks him to watch her cakes – small loaves of bread – baking by the fire, but distracted by his problems, he lets the cakes burn and is roundly scolded by the woman. Historic-Uk
This is all any English Child is taught about the incredible Christian king. But that’s how Catholic Jesuits rewrite our histories. Good job we have early records of the Bible, think what Jesuits would do with it.
Jesus healing birds at two or levitating bears or something. Yet what the New Testament actually says, no Catholic wants to know and obey!!!!!
USA - July 4th has no basis in actual truth
Some related posts of mine from Facebook this week
July 4th is Independence Day in the US.
It isn’t true at all.
They like us are simply a sub state of Vatican Crown rule.
Like us, they are allowed Protestant labels, but if any church is a registered church, and just about everybody has bought into the scheme just as Judas did, namely “ for money”, or contemporarily referred to as tax relief,they are in fact registered churches under the Black Pope and Jesuitry.
The Book of Daniel says we are in a “ feet version” of the image.
So it stretches from Babylon onwards like a Spacetime giant statue beginning with metals right down to our day of disguised metal rule. Iron mixed with clay.
Who was made of clay? Or mud?
Our whole race through Adam.
Flesh in the overarching sense not the sinful flesh sense.
Metal is essentially not human.
It has no give.
It is unyielding.
It has no personality.
It’s like an “idea fixe” in somebody’s leftbrain.
It’s like law without heart.
It could even be trans humanism run by computer.
The Rock hewn from the Mountain of God is able to smash the feet of iron and clay.
What’s the reference to the Mountain?
Well Moses came down the mountain with 10 unyielding tablets and a fading glory which he covered up.
So how do we get hewn like Rock from this same mountain?
We believe upon the Rock who came down from the mountain of God.... Jesus Christ.
We wait upon the Lord which in Hebrew means become entwined with like rope.
This is a prototype which most of you will also know from prayer times of your own.
But in 1983 or so God spoke to me to get up early and wait upon Him. This period was daily for weeks and months.
I wasn’t to speak, to pray, to request, to pray in tongues..... just be silent.
At 5am and not being a morning person it was up there with some of the most crazy stuff I have been directed to.
I didn’t receive anything I could pass on. Nothing outwardly was happening.
But slowly I was aware of a fire transfer in the middle of my being. A strong burning. At times quite difficult along the lines of the verse
Who can endure the fire of the Lord?
There was a fresh authority in prophecy. There was a notable occasion in a Welsh Conference calling the thing to attention.
This also was occurring with Stan Warren as he would seek God through the problems of 30 Living together with things emerging in lives
This also happened with Ian McCulloch most significantly as God called him to hive off in a caravan for I think a month.
His ministry changed after God began opening up the glory realm to him around this time..... the sort of messages we would hear for the next 30 years all round the world.
So this Mountain we are now hewn out from is real . It is the Rock of Revelation Jesus punned with Peter or Petra about.
It is the new creation
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, the new has come into being.
It is what Jesus Church is built on
And it is the material against which “the gates of hell cannot/ shall not prevail.”
2 Cor3.5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.
It doesn’t say “Gods sufficiency is big enough, “in the sense that He comes swooping down as a wonder God Marvel Creation....
It says “ our sufficiency” is of God.
If the Light that is within you is Darkness imagine full on Darkness....
Said Jesus
Then went on to prove it.
The law and order forces , Herod and Pilate
The religious forces , who were ostensibly all about morality and the worship of God
Killed Jesus.
The plans are always roughly the same:
Get into all forms of order and Light
The militia ,the police ,royalty , government, education and religion, then corrupt them
Then expose them
Create revulsion
And destroy them
Then bring in your own Luciferian alternative
If the light that is in you is Darkness how great is the Darkness?
(God however is not Lucifer and His plans are way above just law and order and peace, where peace only means cessation of war)
July 4th is Independence Day in the US.
It isn’t true at all.
They like us are simply a sub state of Vatican Crown rule.
Like us, they are allowed Protestant labels, but if any church is a registered church, and just about everybody has bought into the scheme just as Judas did, namely “ for money”, or contemporarily referred to as tax relief,they are in fact registered churches under the Black Pope and Jesuitry.
The Book of Daniel says we are in a “ feet version” of the image.
So it stretches from Babylon onwards like a Spacetime giant statue beginning with metals right down to our day of disguised metal rule. Iron mixed with clay.
Who was made of clay? Or mud?
Our whole race through Adam.
Flesh in the overarching sense not the sinful flesh sense.
Metal is essentially not human.
It has no give.
It is unyielding.
It has no personality.
It’s like an “idea fixe” in somebody’s leftbrain.
It’s like law without heart.
It could even be trans humanism run by computer.
The Rock hewn from the Mountain of God is able to smash the feet of iron and clay.
What’s the reference to the Mountain?
Well Moses came down the mountain with 10 unyielding tablets and a fading glory which he covered up.
So how do we get hewn like Rock from this same mountain?
We believe upon the Rock who came down from the mountain of God.... Jesus Christ.
We wait upon the Lord which in Hebrew means become entwined with like rope.
This is a prototype which most of you will also know from prayer times of your own.
But in 1983 or so God spoke to me to get up early and wait upon Him. This period was daily for weeks and months.
I wasn’t to speak, to pray, to request, to pray in tongues..... just be silent.
At 5am and not being a morning person it was up there with some of the most crazy stuff I have been directed to.
I didn’t receive anything I could pass on. Nothing outwardly was happening.
But slowly I was aware of a fire transfer in the middle of my being. A strong burning. At times quite difficult along the lines of the verse
Who can endure the fire of the Lord?
There was a fresh authority in prophecy. There was a notable occasion in a Welsh Conference calling the thing to attention.
This also was occurring with Stan Warren as he would seek God through the problems of 30 Living together with things emerging in lives
This also happened with Ian McCulloch most significantly as God called him to hive off in a caravan for I think a month.
His ministry changed after God began opening up the glory realm to him around this time..... the sort of messages we would hear for the next 30 years all round the world.
So this Mountain we are now hewn out from is real . It is the Rock of Revelation Jesus punned with Peter or Petra about.
It is the new creation
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, the new has come into being.
It is what Jesus Church is built on
And it is the material against which “the gates of hell cannot/ shall not prevail.”
2 Cor3.5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.
It doesn’t say “Gods sufficiency is big enough, “in the sense that He comes swooping down as a wonder God Marvel Creation....
It says “ our sufficiency” is of God.
It really does help seeing the script. Once you see the One World script
A. It tells you things aren’t quite as random as they are made out to be
B. You have a script base to deliberately do the opposite
First you need to look at how we got here. Read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion... but don’t think Semites.... think obscure Kabbalist Takeover merchants
Google the Frankfurt School or read my blogpost
Read Vatican Assassins
Read Juri Lina’s Architects of Deception
Read or watch Dr John COLEMAN on the Council of 300, the top echelon who control all the biggest infrastructures
Read my latest post on a closed lecture by an insider in 1969
Why do these things?
Well it’s a bit like young DAvid rounding the corner and seeing what his brothers in Sauls armies were doing. The big difference was that that Goliath was obvious. But what wasn’t obvious to David’s brothers was the phrase DAvid used
Who does this uncircumcised Philistine think he is? DAvid considered Gods power, the army just looked at their own.
The same for us.
You get idiots who say focus entirely on God.
What they mean is sing la la la la with your hands in your ears while Satan takes over the planet.
Or you get idiots who are overawed by all intricacies of the hugeness of the world plan and that the bankers own upwards of 500 trillion pounds.
That’s just paralysing. And idiotic.
A. It tells you things aren’t quite as random as they are made out to be
B. You have a script base to deliberately do the opposite
First you need to look at how we got here. Read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion... but don’t think Semites.... think obscure Kabbalist Takeover merchants
Google the Frankfurt School or read my blogpost
Read Vatican Assassins
Read Juri Lina’s Architects of Deception
Read or watch Dr John COLEMAN on the Council of 300, the top echelon who control all the biggest infrastructures
Read my latest post on a closed lecture by an insider in 1969
Why do these things?
Well it’s a bit like young DAvid rounding the corner and seeing what his brothers in Sauls armies were doing. The big difference was that that Goliath was obvious. But what wasn’t obvious to David’s brothers was the phrase DAvid used
Who does this uncircumcised Philistine think he is? DAvid considered Gods power, the army just looked at their own.
The same for us.
You get idiots who say focus entirely on God.
What they mean is sing la la la la with your hands in your ears while Satan takes over the planet.
Or you get idiots who are overawed by all intricacies of the hugeness of the world plan and that the bankers own upwards of 500 trillion pounds.
That’s just paralysing. And idiotic.
What isn’t idiotic is to realise that God put us here on earth now rather than in heaven with our forbears to do what DAvid did, and consider God as far superior and to be like Jesus also who was incensed that the devil even try to get Jesus to worship him as ruler of the earth.
The devil only rules his own. The Earth is still the Lords and the fullness thereof. See psalm 24.1
The devil only rules his own. The Earth is still the Lords and the fullness thereof. See psalm 24.1
Said Jesus
Then went on to prove it.
The law and order forces , Herod and Pilate
The religious forces , who were ostensibly all about morality and the worship of God
Killed Jesus.
The plans are always roughly the same:
Get into all forms of order and Light
The militia ,the police ,royalty , government, education and religion, then corrupt them
Then expose them
Create revulsion
And destroy them
Then bring in your own Luciferian alternative
If the light that is in you is Darkness how great is the Darkness?
(God however is not Lucifer and His plans are way above just law and order and peace, where peace only means cessation of war)
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