Sunday 22 June 2014

David Hathaway April and May 2014

Chris writes: I post these two latest updates from  David Hathaway.
I recognise the call upon his life in much the same vein as I do Morris Cerullo and Rheinhard Bonnke and Benny Hinn.
But I don't like the way all of them seem unaware of God's secret army that are being thrust out right now, people like Michael Kaminski who was in Kenya last week or so. Jesus DOES have things in hand. But not in some easy way, or some gentle handover kind of way. This 50s generation seem the last to observe what God is actually doing, which makes them prone to terrible Ishmaels if they don't listen very acutely to the Holy Spirit, out of the manic burden they feel for the lost. It is NOT our generation's fault we don't show up on their radar screens. All we've been doing is trying to grasp the blueprint in much finer detail then just blitzing places Cerullo style with a basic gospel of forgiveness and blessing followed by a zap me do encounter with the Holy Spirit. If that was my first night, I would spend the next 4 nights on explaining more about how the Kingdom operates. This older generation have become dull of hearing concerning the "HOW" of God....their writings do not resemble the Holy Spirit clarity upon St Paul and the other apostles. This troubled me way back in my 14th year just after being baptised in the Spirit. I spent the first summer holidays in particular reading and rereading the new testament letters, but I could not yet put my finger on what my pastor and Tim la Haye, and Dennis Bennett were NOT saying. This whole blog is about what David is NOT saying. He is particularly frustrating because in himself, the Holy Spirit HAS worked many thirdlevel attributes, but this is smething the Holy Spirit has done almost direct and David is sometimes a bit like St Peter speaking under the anointing in Acts 2. Peter spoke so clearly that the Promise was to ALL men...those far and those near....but by the time he had his trance at  his time of prayer and saw the sheet coming down from heaven, he had completely forgotten. David is very bad at explaining the doctrines of what the Holy Spirit has worked in's like an operation which the Spirit undertook in Communist jails...but perhaps David was under Holy Ghost anaesthetic the whole time, because he certainly cannot explain it in terms to help other people. You almost feel like flying to China and getting them to lock you up  in jail so you can get the same testimony.

The second thing relates to David's ideas about Israel and Europe. David ignores that Ezekiel talks of a nation ruled from Sidon area (Tel Aviv)...complete rebels....and naively ministers in Israel as if this is the same nation described later by Ezekiel ruled from Jerusalem. He also ignores what Grant Jeffrey told us , namely that Israel is building a New Temple for "their |Messiah". Europe , like America...are stepping stone powers....but the aim of Antichrist is to instal himself at Jerusalem under the name of Apollos or Lightbringer, or Lucifer, or Prometheus, or Ra or Isis. Indeed the Roman empire NEVER just changed its spots becoming the "Holy (UNHOLY) Roman empire"....but the figure seen in different stages and manifestations by Daniel, has been more or less the same image of CONTROL in the secondheavens, where the principalities and powers have operated, in one unbroken chain since the time of Daniel until now.

This to our generation is extremely obvious...but John Hagee and Morris Cerullo have completely missed the secret realities that are now ever more widely exposed on the internt and much much more in keeping with true history and the passages in the Bible. But that said....all these ministries are bold....and are seizing opportunities to invade with the gospel. David Hathaway writes below:


30 April 2014
Dear Friends
Several of you asked whether we received the £300,000 we asked you to pray for in March, I did say
that we actually received £200,000 from those of you who were able to help, but the real miracle
was that God gives 'exceeding abundantly, above what we ask'; including a one-off gift, the actual
amount we received was  £l million!! Praise the Lord!
As you know, our main evangelistic outreach this year is to reach the whole of Poland. With your
help we are covering the ongoing costs in instalments of approximately £85,000 per month.
However, while the budget remains exactly as forecast a year ago, this did not include the cost of the
buses which will be needed to bring the thousands from all parts of Poland. So far, six months in
advance, we have a total of 603 (yes, you read it correctly), six hundred and three buses already
booked! The final total may exceed a thousand buses, plus all those travelling by train, by car and
even on foot! The extra we need to cover this is over £600,000 on top of the original budget!
it is difficult for us here in Britain actually to visualise what God is about to do in Poland. Nothing like
this has been seen in Europe before. In 2012 we actually counted over 80,000 who attended the
meetings, not in a stadium, but on an airfield in Krakow. This year in Katowice we are holding the
meetings in the largest open air recreational park in Europe and – by prayer and the power of the
Holy Spirit –we could see well over 100,000 attend!!!

So far, six months in
advance, we have a total of 603 buses 

But we do very much need urgent prayer over the situation in all the countries bordering Russia. Our
main European office is in Estonia, our support workers in Latvia and Lithuania; they need prayer to
protect them from Russia 'defending Russian-speaking people outside Russia'. These countries have
requested NATO troops, and I see that NATO troops have already been sent to Poland for protection.
When God called me to Europe, He both revealed the prophetic significance and the timeline. Over
the years, many have questioned why I have said that God has always been specific in telling me
where to go and when. Yet looking back the timing was always right – and the truth of prophetic
revelation is not merely to prophesy a future – but to see in retrospect that it actually happened as
God warned me.
For example, after 25 years of working in communist countries God told me to hold the now famous
'East/West Conferences' in Karlsruhe because the Iron Curtain would open; within 3 years it did. In
1993 after Russia opened, He told me to take 400 people to Siberia for 3 months. This we did in
1994. Even one year later what we achieved would have been impossible. God warned me that
Russia would not remain open for evangelism, and in 2005 told me to move into the Baltics. In Russia
it is now impossible to rent any public hall or stadium for religious purposes, although they still issue
me with a multiple entry religious visa! Now time is running out in the Baltics and even Poland is
under threat – but my next move is into Western Europe, the EU. My call from God was clear exactly
50 years ago this year – Europe! But God also said that I would end my ministry in Israel!!!

For example, after 25 years of working in communist countries God told me to hold the now famous 'East/West Conferences' in Karlsruhe because the Iron Curtain would open; within 3 years it did.

The call of God is on my life – the vision remains clear and unclouded – Europe, then Israel, then
Christ returns. Exactly as Hudson Taylor prophesied in 1889. That is why I need your support in
prayer and in finance because Jesus said, 'The fields are ready for harvest but there are too few
workers.' In 1941 in Kilsyth, Scotland, as a boy aged 8 years I heard the voice of God saying, 'Who will
go and work for Me today, who will win for Me the lost and dying, who will bring them to the narrow
way?', and I answered Him saying, 'Speak my Lord. Speak to me, speak and I will answer, Lord send
me.' Seven years later in Brighton aged 15 He told me the price I must pay to serve Him. He said,
'David you must give Me everything.' Again I said yes. Down through the years I have not changed
nor has God. Both question and answer remain the same! That is why I ask you not only to support,
but encourage others to support this call. I know this is why I was born and, like Moses, Elijah and
David of old — God had a plan for my life.
We are living in difficult times — Egypt, Syria, Nigeria, Ukraine and the latest news from Israel etc, are
evidence of a growing unrest. I believe that we are living in the last days when there is a satanic
power taking control even in our major nations like America, China, Russia, the EU and the Middle
East. I believe that we are living in the last days during which we will still be able to evangelise. Thank
God that even as recently as 2012 1 was able to evangelise very powerfully in two of the Ukrainian
towns which are now the centre of the 'Russian Protest', Slavyansk and Kramatorsk.
I believe that the EU is the restoration of the Roman Empire, as I have shown in both my book
'Babylon in Europe' and DVD 'The Rape of Europe'. Before the Return of Christ, the antichrist must
appear and according to the Bible, there will be a period of spiritual darkness when, as Jesus said, 'no
man can work', John 9:4. For this reason and the urgent need to evangelise Europe before the end
comes, I feel strongly led to return to the subject of Bible Prophecy, as I believe that God does reveal
what is about to happen to His prophets. As a result Eurovision has an agreement with an evangelical
group in Britain who have researched 'The EU and the antichrist', and have produced a report which I
have read. I recommend it and, although some of it may be controversial, it is the best researched
report I have seen on the relationship between what I have already written on the EU and the
identity of the antichrist. If you enter the following link on your computer you will see the preview
free and can then download the whole document for a fee, If you have no computer — you will need
to talk to someone who has, as this and other reports we shall offer you are only available online:
David Hathaway

28 May 2014

Dear Friends
Thank you for your prayers and support, this is very important to me. To evangelise is an enormous battle these days, public opinion is against any form of religious 'proselytization' as they call it. They never see evangelism as it really is, a battle to rescue souls from a lost eternity and offer them a new life with Christ and deliverance from the power of the devil! That is the reason why the devil hates us and fights tooth and claw to hinder us!
But praise God we are on the winning side — victory is ours through Christ. That is why despite all the problems, we are succeeding both in Europe and Israel. I have recently returned from evangelism in Finland — small, yes, but opening a door which may lead to a real move of God in that nation. We must not be afraid to start small — if God is in it, then we shall see a tsunami of God's power!
Just this week as I write this, I have returned from a fruitful visit to Israel. The first thing was to meet with the leaders of the Russian Messianic group of 40 congregations with whom we are working. They tell me that the door is very wide open, we must increase our work while there is opportunity. The problem is not lack of opportunity, but limitation because we need the finance. However we will hold a small mission in Israel this year in November, after Poland, but the major emphasis will be May next year — to hold the largest evangelistic mission in Israel since the days of the Apostle Paul! It will change the face of the nation. I will be meeting up to 50 converted Rabbis in Israel shortly. I also had a very significant meeting in the Knesset.
God is moving by His Power in Poland, and now our major need is for more powerful prayer and a lot more finance! We believe that it is important for us to concentrate in this area of Katowice this year. Because of the location, many buses will be coming from the surrounding countries including Slovakia and possibly Ukraine and even Belarus — with the possibility that we may evangelise Slovakia next year, God is giving us a strong strategy for the future! Unless God shows otherwise, this may be our last major mission in Poland and, because the Catholic Church is experiencing a major upheaval, it is vital that we show the message of Jesus, that salvation is not through works, church membership or infant baptism, but that we are only saved by confession of our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus,
As you know the situation in Ukraine is still volatile. We need to pray that the newly elected President can defeat the troublemakers now that Putin has withdrawn his support for them. We are in direct contact with Believers in Donetsk and the suggestion is that someone is paying unemployed drug addicts money to throw bombs or attack people with guns; if you have a lot of alcoholics and drug addicts on the streets, they will do crazy things for money to pay for the next fix. I have had to cancel my evangelistic mission scheduled for the first week in June in the troubled city of Donetsk!

But by faith I am invited to a major conference of Ukrainian pastors in Donetsk in September 19-21, and have accepted the dates, believing that God will miraculously intervene.
If you want to come with US to be part of the Katowice Mission, which is September 5-6-7, there are direct flights from the UK and we can organise a tour of Auschwitz (which is only 40 minutes from Katowice) for you. There is a hotel in Katowice we can recommend if you let us know quickly, most hotels are filling rapidly – this one would be approximately E55 per night shared or £110 single, or you can arrange your own accommodation. We do ask you to continue with special prayer for this mission, the devil will always try to stop us and we desperately need finance. But with Christ we already have the victory and this should be the largest outreach ever held in Europe! You can see the size of the Mission if you look on the web link
This month I am speaking in Tubingen, Germany, followed by Denmark. So you see that the work continues in addition to the larger outreaches – Europe is a vast mission field and still the least evangelised continent in the world! So much of prophecy is being fulfilled in Europe and I shall be dealing with this both in these newsletters and the next magazine. Many of the major events leading up to the return of Christ will be in Europe, and if you have not seen my film, 'The Rape of Europe', you should buy it because when we released it 12 years ago people did not believe it – but now it is being literally fulfilled daily, and I intend to show you the next steps in prophecy – which will be fulfilled in our lifetimes! We have a new website if you want to download more on the EU in prophecy
David Hathaway

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