he writes
We are on the edge of a whole new chapter and there is an urgency like I’ve never sensed before. Nations are all in flux right now and a fresh word is needed. We need a new clarity on how the kingdom comes. We are answering calls now to Singapore, Jakarta, China and Ethiopia. We are working hard to expand our influence in all of the 7 mountains and expand our impact in nations. And we do all this while spying out our new kingdom work in Washington D.C. and touching 120 nations from Jerusalem each year during the Feast of Tabernacles.
This is my letter of reply. As you know from this blog, periodically I feel strongly to reply to a major personnage, and I have done this since the eighties with people like John Wimber. The advantage now is that my replies can be logged here and peer reviewed as to how I am thinking.
Lance, although at the level you are seeing, you may think you have something to repent of, I can assure you that just building a 7 mountain resistance force to the Freemasons's plan really is only at one level of seeing.
Peter was trying to do the same, allbeit worse, because he used a sword on somebody's ear.
I can assure you the PLAN is a lot deeper than yours, but it isn't high or out of reach either.
If Jesus had followed your plan in the Gethsemane week, none of us would have been saved.
Yet in the space of just one week and mostly 6 hours he stripped the power of every single one of your mountains....
by what?
DOING PRECISELY NOTHING.....but being God the Father in His form.
"A body thou hast prepared for me"
" and God was in Christ (doing nothing) reconciling the world to Him"
You are missing completely the third level in Christ, the one John talked about in 1 John 2.
This is the level Rees Howells moved on to despoil 3 world dictators.(read Norman Grubb)
This is the level Mother Basilea Schlink moved on to paralyse Chairman Mao's European attack that he had scrimped saved and starved millions for in China....
This is the level we read about of the "generation " in Psalm 24, and psalm 110.
This is the "declaration" levelof Psalm 134 and psalm 149
Whether God is somehow using you to soften things up....I don't know.
Certainly when Bob and Rose Weiner got fired up to mobilise all the university students to form what was then the Republican right of the 90s....I am sure they never foresaw the devil using it to create the War on Terror through mythical tricks. For me, it was an Ishmael work. I pray that yours isn't.
But I seriously believe you only see the first and secondlevels...evangelical and charismatic, and have no idea there is a thirdlevel....the one Jesus moved in and the one the apostles in Acts moved in.
To me you are still playing toy soldiers, and if you are not careful the Illuminati may already be recruiting you to play their two sided fronts. (Rick Joyner has already been recruited as member of the Order of Malta)
Jesus said the sons of this world are much more shrewd than the sons of the Kingdom. Be assured of this, all the secret societies operate in the equivalent of the third level, but in Darkness....so they play all of the Christians and God Channel round their little fingers.

Chris Welch
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