Friday 23 October 2009

David Hathaway's October Update

Dear Workers together in Christ
'Never in the whole history of the nation have so many people ever gathered to hear the Gospel!'
See what your giving has accomplished! I have just returnedfrom the Crusade in Vilnius, Lithuania, (population 3.6 million), a recent member of the European Union, a member of NATO, and the southernmost of the three Baltic states. Its capital city, Vilnius, is the European Capital of Culture this year and Lithuania also celebrates 1000 years since the Gospel first came to this nation.
We took and filled the largest indoor arena in the Baltics — more than 10,000 attended each night – no empty seats — at least 80%a being unbelievers, who responded in their thousands every night to the powerful preaching of the Gospel. Nationwide advm-tising -loads from
, brought in more than 140 bus-loads across the nation — the result — the whole nation was shaken, even Government members attended!
Preparation began one year ago, involving the whole nation and every denominational group, including the Catholics who chose the theme, 'Gospel Celebration', as the whole nation was celebrating 1000 years of Christianity. Representatives went into every town, every village, to tell the churches to bring unbelievers into the meetings. The secular media carried our advertising and wrote positively in anticipation even before the event. The campaign was combined with a great humanitarian aid programme to relieve the distress caused by the catastrophic financial situation in Lithuania, which now has a huge burden of financial debt to the European Union.
After we left, over 30 separate Alpha Courses were started in Vilnius alone to take care of the new believers! A local pastor told us, 'Never in the whole history of Lithuania have so many people ever gathered to hear the Gospel! We have been waiting and praying 20 years for this.'
Michael Wieteska (pastor of a large Church in Geneva), wrote:
'The three days of evangelism in Vilnius, Lithuania, which /attended, were 'a spectacular success'— the finest preparation and presentation combined with the greatest power of God, each night groups of top singers continued to the later hours, with thousands staying on to enjoy what was doubtlessly the greatest all-round Gospel event Continental Europe has ever witnessed. On Friday night the emphasis was on youth; Saturday night saw vibrant modern Gospel music, with a star performer backed by a truly great choir group; while on the final night the Gospel Musical performed by leading Lithuanian opera singers, was so powerful you did not need to understand Lithuanian to be moved to tears! It was as though we were in a top London or New York theatre, so great were the sets, so stupendous the lighting, so polished the
presentation. Oh yes, and let us not forget the hundreds of orphans bussed in on Sunday afternoon, for their own little Disneyland!
This crusade has set a groundbreaking new level of overall ministry: I have never witnessed anything like it. The team David put together to prepare it also deserve special commendation for this truly outstanding and seamless crusade – and / and my wife were highly privileged to be a very small part of it, If any evangelistic organisation in the world deserves support for its work in Russia and Europe, in terms of effectiveness and value for money, it is surely the Eurovision Crusade team of David Hathaway!
We must recognise that moving back into Europe with the major crusade in Tallinn last year was the breakthrough, but this event in Vilnius last week was far greater, confirming that God is now moving powerfully with the Holy Spirit into Western Europe. it confirms the vision God gave me 20 years ago – fulfilling the prophecy of Hudson Taylor.
Vilnius is clear evidence that, despite the sceptics, large scale evangelism is effective and must be the way to reach un-evangelised Europe. Chris's note : in all that God is saying about sowing the Word, letting it grow in local bodies,which grow strong,becoming hubs of outreach in their localities,where believers are encouraged to grow to full stature and become 100fold fruit all of this , DO NOT FORGET, Jesus Himself worked at many levels, and one level was speaking to crowds who assembled to hear Him. Mass seed sowing is not dead. In time to come, platforms will have more than one anointed man or woman though. In these days they are in short supply.But they are growing in number.

But we need individuals, pastors and churches to mobilise support. Vilnius only succeeded because every church, every denomination supported us. We recognise that we cannot do it alone. Yes we went over budget, overspent and have had to borrow money to pay the bills – but the result more than justified it. Now we are crying out to the Lord for more businessmen, pastors and churches to be willing to stand with us to meet the enormous financial costs involved. – And to see what God can do!
I know that you as our loyal supporters are giving sacrificially everything you can to help – but now this ministry must be recognised nationally and internationally for the results only God can give, because now we intend to continue moving as the Spirit leads us across into Europe. We are seeking God's plan and wisdom. In addition to East Europe, France and Spain are very much on my heart – especially France. We could even be in Britain in two/three years -- if the British churches would co-operate! Please join me in praying that nothing, neither lack of finance nor lack of interest on behalf of Christians will stop the ticlai wave – this tsunami of Holy Ghost power which has already been released! We still need E500,000 this year! – But our God is able! – David and the Trustees are holding a special day of prayer and fasting on Tuesday 27 October – if you are able, please join in prayer and faith that God will meet every financial need – and give the clear strategy for expanding the evangelism in 2010!
Thank you in Jesus' Name!

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