Wednesday 14 October 2009

The Absolute Profundity of the Blood, Cross, and Resurrection of Christ: Part 2

The Absolute Profundity of the Blood, Cross, and Resurrection of Christ: Part 2
From: Daniel

The Cross

The cross is for the sinner. The blood is for the one sinned against, but the cross deals with the one who sinned.
There is no independent self. The great delusion of man is that he is independent of God. Paul told a group of pagans who never received Christ, "In Him you live and move and have your being." 'Self,' then, is a mental delusion.
Fred Pruitt, in his book, "The Axe Is Laid to the Root" lays out this understanding of the cross more clearly than I can. "Laid to the Root" is another way of saying "Absolute Profundity." I urge you to obtain a copy of that book and read it more than once over a period of time. Our understanding always grows by steps.
The idea that we are an independent self comes out of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It comes out of man's fall - it is man's fall.
The tree of knowledge says this: "Here I am, there God is. God speaks, I try to do what God says. I try, but sometimes I do good and sometimes I do evil. So here I am running back and forth between flesh and Christ, between sin and righteousness, between self and death to self. And so I am and remain until I die and go to heaven."
You can see that Christian theology is rooted entirely in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The resurrection is the tree of life. I will talk about life in the next section, but here I want to talk about death.
I am dead.
I am dead in three ways. I am dead to the tree of knowledge, that is to the life of 'self.' I am dead to Adam and to my ancestral connection from my natural father back to Adam. And I am dead to the world.
When I look at 'self,' I cannot see self, I can see only the cross.
When I look at my natural father not as a brother in the Lord, but as a connection back to Adam, I cannot see any part of natural humanity, I can see only the cross.
When I look at this world, and everything in this world, country, economy, associations, cults, flags, culture, the unending deception coming to us from the image of the beast (i.e. television news), I cannot see any part of the world, I can see only the cross.
Jesus said, "Whatever you ask, believe that you have received it, and you shall have it." This is the law of faith. This is the law by which God brings all reality into existence. God calls those things that 'be not' as though they are.
This is why we must be careful of an unguarded use of the Old Testament. David said, "Create in me a clean heart, Oh God." And we sing this over and over and pray it over and over. But it is all gross unbelief because we never allow ourselves to receive from God what we ask for. The Old Testament is God limited and confined by the tree of knowledge.
At what point, in asking God to create in you a clean heart, will you believe that you have already received what you ask for? Those who ask over and over actually consider that believing you have already received that clean heart to be blasphemy and defiance of God's judgment against sin.
What gives?
I have no connection to any sinful self. I ask God for the full knowledge of my full and absolute freedom from sin and that fallen human nature which sins, and I believe that I have received what I have asked.
I have no connection to Adam. I ask God for and I believe that I have received the full knowledge of my full and absolute severance from Adam and from all things connected to natural man upon this earth. I receive what I ask.
I have no connection to anything in this world. My heart is severed from any love for any element of this world. I can freely spurn the American flag. I can freely refuse to "honor the troops." I can freely walk separately from any entanglement to any element of this world.
(And do not think that I am speaking nonsense. Jesus is coming in full glory to expose and consume all lies and all evil in this world. Any attachment still in your heart to any part of this world will cause you to deny Him and to fight against Him before this thing is over. The idea that we have our freedom in America because we kill people is an incredibly sick and perverted lie that cannot be countenanced by anyone who knows Jesus.)
I ask for the full knowledge of my full separation from all hindrances or bonds or ties to anything in this fallen world. I believe that I have received that full knowledge.
By the cross I am crucified to the world and the world is crucified to me.
And I have what I ask for, now.
Whether my eyes see it fully or not, I believe that I have it - now.
And I open my eyes to believe and to see what I believe.
The cross is absolute. And it puts to death absolutely all things that come out of the Lie or that have any connection whatsoever to that Lie.
To believe that I am a sinner is to defy the cross.
To believe that I am bound to sin is to defy the cross and to disobey the express commandment of God.
To believe that I am a human in any way descendant from or tied to Adam or to countenance any connection to Adam or to a natural fathering or source is to defy the cross.
To believe that I have any part of this wicked world, or any part in any of the wicked nations of this world, and especially in this hour of blasphemy, the cult of the worship of human government, is to defy the cross. It is to rip it out of its foundation.
The cross is absolute. But I must know and see its absoluteness in every part of my existence.
God, open my eyes. I ask and I believe that I have received what I ask for. And all seeing of all present reality as it truly is in God right now is mine. I believe.
Look at me, God, I am Your servant. Let it be to me according to Your word.
(To be continued in Part 3, The Resurrection.)

1 comment:

Alan Hiu said...

Amen! Beautifully written... haha...Do not make Him a Liar!