Wednesday 16 July 2014

Off -(the) Fence - ive

My life offends people. Some of it is genuine my own selfishness. Some of it is the Spirit moving in a hebrews 4 type slicng action through me. Some of it isn't me doing anything. I mean, having been utterly confused by Methodism for my 1st 12 years and assuming for a year 'there must be no God then!'.....when in our valley loads of kids my age joined me in becoming real Christians....I was still so confused as I read the Bible. 

So at 14 I kind of gave up and said to the Holy Spirit...
"Look I have absolutely no idea how to get to the things in the Bible, and I notice English Christians don't know lead me." And lead me He has.

I'm not quite where I want to be...but I offend people. Because I have let the Holy Spirit form my life. And most characters in the Bible my life looks a mess...but I have learned some of the tricks of letting Jesus live My life. He knows better than I do what He is after. I am not on my own. There may not be many in Havant or Waterlooville....but since 2008 I have discovered there are plenty doing this. I have met them online. For 25 years I couldn't really share anything, but to my delight nearly half a million pages have now (July 2014)been read on my blog.

A lot now know what I am talking about and write in exactly the same way. This was my experience in the 70s when church people discovered the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Now this is understood in every town up and down Britain and USA and in Africa and Latin America. So having been part of spearheading that 40 years ago, I have full Spirit confidence that people will soon understand the next stage in their thousands upon thousands. I have the same inner hunch about this that I had 40 years ago about the previous move.
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Betty Lorine Schwabedissen AMEN, BROTHER CHRIS!

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