Everyone connected to the Head primarily and the rollout of the actual New Covenant in Jeremiah 31.
Everybody knowing that the Presence and Protocols of heaven are gathering in the One Name, and entering into His Courts through praise and thanksgiving and then following the Holy Spirit direct in the Melchizedek Order until He is done. To facilitate, elders who are forerunners teach how to be sensitive to this heavenly order and help pickup the flow if it gets lost....but soon through training our senses according to righteousness everybody learns this.
Everybody is baptised into the Body Death and resurrection of Jesus the Son and experiences through total water immersion the actual experience of this death.
Everybody is instructed in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and His anointing.
Everybody is instructed in Grace and Presence, and learns it is not through works, but works are now fruit of internal process.
Everybody is instructed in the complete Blood covering of every past present and future sin but they are also instructed
In how they are a brand new creation....there is no old and new man. At our spirit -centre the old man was kicked out and never truly existed anyway....
It was Satan -I. It was me thinking I could be independent, but no man is ever independent....we are either powered by one spirit or another....God or the devil.
Everyone enters into the tussle of faith from Romans 6 and 7, until they have trained their senses in operating fully as Christ in their forms....Galatians 2.20
Everyone learns en route not to live in the futility of their minds as the Gentiles do
- to nolonger base their lives on their insight....but as proverbs 3 says to trust in the Lord with all their heart and acknowledge HIM in all their ways...
Everybody develops Christ consciousness internally which couples with Holy Spirit anointing outwardly
(the image of this is the MERCY SEAT....packed out with the three forms of WORD inwardly and having the Shekinah glory overhead.....
Everybody is equally at home knowing they are seated with Christ in heavenly places as they are cleaning sewers and helping with foul smelling wounds on people's bodies.
Everybody has now passed through the Revelation stages of Ephesians 1 and 2 and carried it through work, church and family life as in chapters 3 to 5, and now has the necessary inner and outer authority to move into corporate commissioning
in Ephesians 6. They are not so much putting on armour as actually BEING THE ARMOUR as Christ in them the hope of glory.
People everywhere are STANDING...in their homes....in their business....in their localities....in their nations....
Having walked through and experienced Psalm 24 and the Psalms of Ascents 130-133.......they are at last ready for what Ern Baxter ran through as a prototype in a cattle shed in Harrogate in 1976
ADDRESSING Ancient DOORS in the Spirit....and speaking THE GLOBAL BLESSING as in Psalm 134.....that the KING OF GLORY MAY COME IN
We have come to the point where most people think Revelation is the Spirit and the Bride say Come ....to their Bridegroom....but that's not what it says...READ IT
The Mature Bride in the Earth says with the Spirit to all the nations of the Earth in terms of MIGHTY INGATHERING.....Revelation 22.17
17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost. What is that like? What Isaiah saw in ch 55
“Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters;
And you who have no [a]money come, buy and eat.
Come, buy wine and milk
Without money and without cost.
2 “Why do you [b]spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And delight yourself in abundance.
3 “Incline your ear and come to Me.
Listen, that [c]you may live;
And I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
According to the faithful mercies [d]shown to David.
4 “Behold, I have made him a witness to the peoples,
A leader and commander for the peoples.
5 “Behold, you will call a nation you do not know,
And a nation which knows you not will run to you,
Because of the Lord your God, even the Holy One of Israel;
For He has glorified you.”
This is the thirdlevel church God is raising in every nation under heaven, and with martyrs blood, and intense sufferings. She herself is labouring together with the groans of the Earth for sons....
Sing barren woman sing.....for she who has not born shall give birth to many sons.
WE PREACH....and we LABOUR.....and we also say COME AND SEE
Why? Because we are living Galatians 2:20
This is the story of God in the Earth.

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