Monday 24 July 2017

I'm Rubbish

I'd like to say I know what I know on good merits. every good Bible character I know what I know because I was so frigging useless and still am.
I was desperate as an atheist and God just met me where I was at 13. Seen the Graduate? Dustin Hoffman one? I did, So I saw the whole thing coming in slow motion...but I was emotionally entangled. In the end God sent a prophet Nathan style to our door to get us all straight.
So having been like David Bilbrough...some sort of person affected enormously by the Jesus Move followed by the London House church move....I was fished out of the whole English scene into what was a safe recuperating kind of "City of Refuge " for me in Emsworth. But of all things it was Argentinian!!!!!
Which meant learning the stuff that Ed Silvoso and Claudio Friedzon was bringing to the UK in the 90s and 2000 ,about 20 years too early.
Which then catapulted me into gross failure in Romans 6 and 7 style. In the end, broken, i only knew to fast. And it was over 20 days. The BBC call you dead after 3 days !!!!
What God did was NOT because of some 20 day fasting method....He heard my desperation. I could have probably got to the same thing by simply reading Norman Grubb's Yes I am. But this is how God brought me into what Norman had learnt back some time in 1926 or so and the rest of the Church (though he was actually head of Worldwide Evangelisation Crusade) never listened.
See sometimes it's good to sit down and actually listen to people however weird it sounds, instead of being like Benny Hinn and racing round the universe trying to do it all yourself.(Morris Cerullo included). If you have run a global missions organisation, studied at Cambridge so can write, and you are still there after 50 years....I would think that is a good reason to try and learn off Norman and save yourself a half century.
So I didn't have Norman's book because I was in Emsworth and we believed God to do an Ed Miller suicide dive into all this stuff direct. God kindly did that, then i read the book.
But what it means is this.
Unlike IHOP I know Norman's stuff
Unlike Norman's own crowd, I know the vision of the Church...not as vision....but as lived for over a decade. I know what Acts is about. I have lived it.
While I know about London House churches vision of "being supernaturally natural" I KNOW how to get there.
Unlike Ed Miller, because of Norman Grubb I can articulate better what these socalled "lost" things or "deeper " things are.
Paul Trulin was well on the way before he died, and was able to share about Christ in us to Morris Cerullos Schools of Ministry. Because of Norman, Fred Pruitt, Page Prewitt, Nancy Gilmore, we can be so much more accurate on how daily living works. Particularly Deedee Winter, the Buntings,Sylvia Pearce.....have, as Paul Anderson Walsh pointed out...been some of the women "first to the tomb " in these issues that will literally change our world.
But because of Emsworth and some of Sam Fife's other streams (The Move) I can tell you what Norman's stuff looks like in every day church life. In Emsworth Spain and Argentina we had Bible Houses or Casa Biblicas. They wouldn't call it this but really they were centres of Galatians 2.20 consciousness living, which every church should be naturally. At this stage we have to form greenhouses to force growth, like Jesus did with the 12 disciples.
The two things lacking in seminaries is
they don't teach consciousness living
and they don't teach everyday life.
These two things are what the apostles refer to church as being in essence:
the pillar and ground of truth.
They are what they preach or you don't get recognised and sent out.
Acts 2 is really the story of 12 complete failures crashing into the thirdlevel then being the foundational reproductive core for the whole of the rest of the Church.
Zechariah 4 "raise the top stone with cries of grace ,"grace to it"
There's the grace of blood covering of sin
then there's the grace of crashing into Jesus living His life as me.
Gospel ministry at the moment is a single grace package which may or may not contain being filled with the Spirit.
The one the apostles preached and that we must NOW preach is a two grace one grace of entry into the Family of God and being filled with the Spirit
the second grace of how Jesus exposes all our false inner seeing and so we walk nolonger as "independent selves", the original curse of Genesis 3 death.
and we can only impart what is true for us.

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