If others feel in any way moved to give, please check this site out .
Elaine moved on from Iraq because of earlier invites to Kenya.
Elaine moved on from Iraq because of earlier invites to Kenya.
Facebook Note by Elaine Waterfield on Wednesday, 21 September 2011 at 20:37
I sat sobbing today and I said " i hate it here in Kenya, I hate it I hate it and I want to go home,"
I wasnt sure why I was feeling like this and so I asked God what this was all about.
I live in the western world, i live in a house, have a car, can go here there and every where. I have a nice toliet TV Computor, bath, cooker, nice food, I can go round the corner to the doctor when i feel ill and go to the dentisit, if I have any problems not having a job I can go on the dole and get a council house and have benefits to live on.
Why when I viisited Suna I was very broken and the culture shock was phoniminal. As we drove along the dirt track loads of little children saw me and put their hands to their mouths being the first " MZUNGU," WHITE PERSON they had seen. The village had a strong smell of shit and stale sweat, made worse by the stench of theiir toilet,just a small mud hut with a hole at the bottom of the mud dung floor.
The Children wore mainly thread bare clothes and many had ring worm and distended bellies from tape worms and so so many were suffering with malaria.I was shocked to see quite a few yioung girls carrying a baby on their backs and they were either their own child or a siibbling. this country has many many orphans and widows and elderly who are for the most left to their own devices and abandoned.
The problem is that the orphaned girls had to sell themselves as prostitutes therfiore becoming not only pregnant but alos contracting HIV /AIDS.STI's Another problem is child abuse which has seen many very young girls pregnant and unable to carry on withn their education whilst poverty has caused them not be able to afford sanitary towels and instead use dirty rags which cause scabies.Often when the girls are doing PE the rags fall out and hence they are too ashamed to go back to school.
I recently discovered that the orphan boys and girls are trafficked for sex to men in towns and cities and are given three thousand shillings which normally ends up with the traffickers which is terrible and heart breaking..
I was able to make friends with the children when I gave them the 5 action" that really did make them lauigh as did my dancing at the services and shaking of the mirracker. I was just privalidged to find out that I was able to lead many of the children to Christ, it was a total honour even more so as I fiound this out.
the children who i fell uin love with
When I think about it why dont you FB friends send this village an item of unwanted clothing it would make such an impact on this community.
Just like the clinic all it has is a pair of very small delivery forceps and a few worming tablets and ant malaria pills.
The need somant simple things eg
blood pressure machine
delivering couch
contrceptive pills and Condoms
sanitray towels
weigh scales
cotton wool first aid kits
all types of drugs
and as I say very basic drugs and implemnts and also dentistry equipment.
sylvia and Joshua giving worming drugs to sara the cklinic's nurse
sanitary towels as really n eded to as the girls cant afford them
if you feel that God is tellling you to give in anyway please contact George whose wife Sara is the nurse in the clinic
I am not begging anyone todo anything but this is what is so needed to help these children.
In this place there are so many orphans widows and old people who people simply dont want ti know. They arent lazy or breed like rabbits the Government is corrupt and they lack education because of poverty related problems.
I dont know whether I love this place or hate this place all I do know is that its heart breaking to see the need of the children and local people who need help
urgently, help that means life or death and when you see the chilldren yiu really cant help falling in lovce with them. One service a little girl was found crying in desperation as she cuuldnt carry the chiild any more,,,,,, you heart just yearns to help in some way.. anyway is better than no way. You can offer Christ but Christ would help at the point of need not just the Gospel, mathew mark luke and john

a young girl carrying a child
I wasnt sure why I was feeling like this and so I asked God what this was all about.
I live in the western world, i live in a house, have a car, can go here there and every where. I have a nice toliet TV Computor, bath, cooker, nice food, I can go round the corner to the doctor when i feel ill and go to the dentisit, if I have any problems not having a job I can go on the dole and get a council house and have benefits to live on.
Why when I viisited Suna I was very broken and the culture shock was phoniminal. As we drove along the dirt track loads of little children saw me and put their hands to their mouths being the first " MZUNGU," WHITE PERSON they had seen. The village had a strong smell of shit and stale sweat, made worse by the stench of theiir toilet,just a small mud hut with a hole at the bottom of the mud dung floor.
The Children wore mainly thread bare clothes and many had ring worm and distended bellies from tape worms and so so many were suffering with malaria.I was shocked to see quite a few yioung girls carrying a baby on their backs and they were either their own child or a siibbling. this country has many many orphans and widows and elderly who are for the most left to their own devices and abandoned.
The problem is that the orphaned girls had to sell themselves as prostitutes therfiore becoming not only pregnant but alos contracting HIV /AIDS.STI's Another problem is child abuse which has seen many very young girls pregnant and unable to carry on withn their education whilst poverty has caused them not be able to afford sanitary towels and instead use dirty rags which cause scabies.Often when the girls are doing PE the rags fall out and hence they are too ashamed to go back to school.
I recently discovered that the orphan boys and girls are trafficked for sex to men in towns and cities and are given three thousand shillings which normally ends up with the traffickers which is terrible and heart breaking..
I was able to make friends with the children when I gave them the 5 action" that really did make them lauigh as did my dancing at the services and shaking of the mirracker. I was just privalidged to find out that I was able to lead many of the children to Christ, it was a total honour even more so as I fiound this out.

When I think about it why dont you FB friends send this village an item of unwanted clothing it would make such an impact on this community.
Just like the clinic all it has is a pair of very small delivery forceps and a few worming tablets and ant malaria pills.
The need somant simple things eg
blood pressure machine
delivering couch
contrceptive pills and Condoms
sanitray towels
weigh scales
cotton wool first aid kits
all types of drugs
and as I say very basic drugs and implemnts and also dentistry equipment.

sanitary towels as really n eded to as the girls cant afford them
if you feel that God is tellling you to give in anyway please contact George whose wife Sara is the nurse in the clinic
I am not begging anyone todo anything but this is what is so needed to help these children.
In this place there are so many orphans widows and old people who people simply dont want ti know. They arent lazy or breed like rabbits the Government is corrupt and they lack education because of poverty related problems.
I dont know whether I love this place or hate this place all I do know is that its heart breaking to see the need of the children and local people who need help
urgently, help that means life or death and when you see the chilldren yiu really cant help falling in lovce with them. One service a little girl was found crying in desperation as she cuuldnt carry the chiild any more,,,,,, you heart just yearns to help in some way.. anyway is better than no way. You can offer Christ but Christ would help at the point of need not just the Gospel, mathew mark luke and john

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Frederic Fergus-Aldric Delor That's where reality really hurts Laineloo...We don't really SEE what's happening where you are, and the media let us see what THEY want. TO BE THERE AND LIVE IT THE HARD WAY IS THE ONLY WAY FOR US WESTERNERS TO REALLY UNDERSTAND THEIR WORLD AND HELP THEM THE WAY WE CAN. gOD BLESS YOU lAIELOO AND YOUR TEAM.;0)
Yesterday at 20:46 ·
Elaine Waterfield thankyou my bessie Mate love to Gareth, Dave, wayne, paul and martin and george hows his face?
23 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...
Chemosi Christian Arap I raised an issue like this and Elaine in her own innocence,accused me of seeking money from friends and termed me corrupt but her eyes and ears have at last seen the light,i thank God for this for the very stone the builders rejected has become a corner stone,this led me to resign at Walwise Orpganage home and am now jobless
20 hours ago ·
Frederic Fergus-Aldric Delor This feels like bad news to which we could all learn something from Mr Chemosi, truly .:-)
19 hours ago ·
Chemosi Christian Arap Seeing is believing the Thomas way sometimes.
19 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...
Canon Andrew White Come back to Iraq where you now belong we want you we need you.
8 hours ago · · 2 peopleLoading...
Frederic Fergus-Aldric Delor She is calling upon you Mr Chemosi. Act in the Spirit :-D
8 hours ago ·
James Lornie My darling we are living in a world of greed,and until our Lord comes back once more and burn the Evil out of this world, nothing will change , yes burn no floods the bowels of the earth will spew out fire and brimestone and molten Lava, we have to be strong and the best we can do is kept trusting in our Lords return, or the rapture which ever comes first. love you in the name of JESUS. xx
6 hours ago ·
Elaine Waterfield the thing is i havent targeted individuals for money i have just asked for help and left it up to people if they think they have vanything that could help.
5 hours ago ·
Samuel Edison For I was hungry and you gave me food;I was thirsty and you gave me drink;I was a stranger and you took me in;I was naked and you clothed me;I was sick sick and you visited me;I was in prison and you came to me.' This is the GOSPEL! Mission is the Heartbeat of God.
2 hours ago ·
Samuel Edison For I was hungry and you gave me food;I was thirsty and you gave me drink;I was a stranger and you took me in;I was naked and you clothed me;I was sick sick and you visited me;I was in prison and you came to me.' This is the GOSPEL! Mission is the Heartbeat of God.
2 hours ago ·
Chris Welch Pastor Pastpat Bwayo who is doing the same work in Uganda and I were looking into the use of Paypal. You see friends in the States or UK that need help, we can send a little money as we can, but it all mounts up. Do you know that Paypal let Ugandans PAY money but NOT receive money. You Africans need to rise up, maybe on Face book and press for Paypal to change their policy.....or at least FIND OUT WHY Africa is being treated as the poor cousin. People like Justine Samba, Elaine here, and Pat Bwayo could be so easily helped. If people have to send by bamk exchange, the overhead costs eat a major part of small offerings, whereas Paypal is only a tiny percentage, even smaller when it is a charity!!!! It's time to take action, or else we will forever be just doodling around, salving people's consciences...thinking they've done their little bit for the poor. We are NOT looking to salve consciences, Jesus already did that....we are looking to clothe our brothers and sisters...so that the Body and by extension other humans can be more evenly equipped from nation to nation.-----------------------------------If others feel in any way moved to give, please check this site out .
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