Tuesday 11 December 2012

Daniel Yordy's Fifth Book On Amazon

You can Buy All Daniel's Books Here

The Fifth Book of Daniel's is now available on Amazon entitled Our Path Home.

Our Path Home

After writing The Jesus Secret in the fall of 2006 and after beginning to speak Christ my life, changing my mind to agree with what God says about the good things of Christ inside of me, I wanted to share the word God had planted in my heart over many years through this new way of seeing and knowing the Lord Jesus. From that desire, in the spring of 2007, I recorded three series of messages, with 9 half-hour messages per series. Those three series, The Goal of the Believer, What Is Man, and Transformed Into His Image form the basis of these three volumes of Our Path Home.

As I recorded, I spoke spontaneously and from the heart, making the messages a bit rough. Thus I re-worked them over time. But through those three series, I sought to understand what God's purpose for us really is. The track I followed was to expand on four amazing statements God makes at the heart of the New Testament, phrases that, if we consider them deeply, if we believe them to be absolute, must change everything we think about God and about ourselves.

Those statements are these.

God predestined us to be conformed to the image of His Son.

That you might be filled with all the fullness of God.

Out of their belly/heart will flow rivers of living water.

And they overcame the accuser.

What do these things mean? If they are true, then how has Christianity become so side-tracked from these incredible assertions of God?

Then, in the spring of 2008, as I was worshiping the Lord in a service, something happened that I had never known before. I was considering Christ when suddenly, in my consciousness, "I" disappeared, and the Lord Jesus was all there was inside of me.

Another incredible claim God makes in the New Testament came alive in me in that moment.

In that day you shall know that I am in the Father and you in Me and I in you.

Since the fall of 2006, I have been speaking to myself in the night watches, in the hard places, when I am feeling my worst: "Christ is my life; I have no other life. Christ is all there is in me."

After a year-and-a-half, suddenly, in a moment of the sweet revelation of the Holy Spirit, what I had been speaking in obedience to the command of the New Testament, I now, for the first time could believe. And out of that believing, I see Christ alone.

Finally, in the fall of 2008, I began to share an occasional e-letter with a growing list of subscribers titled Christ Our Life. The early letters were an exploration of what our union with Christ is, what it means, and how we know the full extent of how Jesus carries us inside Himself.

What I have done in these three volumes is to merge the earlier Christ Our Life letters, along with some articles I wrote in response to particular questions people asked me, into the flow of the original three series of teaching.

Who am I? I'm just a brother who loves Jesus and who wants to be with Him as He stands in His glory more than life itself, nothing more. Yet I would share with you all that He has taught me.

God makes the claim through both Paul and John, that we will be just like Jesus. What does that mean? How does it happen for us?

If we are to be like Jesus, then what are we? Who are we?

And if that is our end state-of-being, why, then, do we hear so little about the fulfillment of this vision in present-day Christianity?

The answer to that last question may surprise you. It will require a change of all your thinking about God, about the Bible, and about our walk upon this earth.

Journey's End - Volume I

Everyone claims that the gospel teaches that "heaven is our home." Everyone claims that the goal of the believer is to "go to" heaven after we die.

Does God ever say that?

Or does the New Testament present a totally different reality as the goal of the Christian life? And has Christianity blocked the real goal of the believer out of the gospel because it is too impossible for us to believe?

God makes some incredible claims about us in the New Testament, claims that few ever teach about. The things God says about us are just too much for most Christians, but, since everyone dies, and since believers are found only in heaven after they lose their physical bodies, then, surely, God means those impossible things are for "heaven only."

And, of course, since no one can prove otherwise, what an easy thing it is to place all the ridiculoulsy impossible claims God makes into "heaven."

God is too much.

"Filled with all the fullness of God?"

"Rivers of living water flowing out of our bellies?"

"Casting the accuser out of the heavens - overcoming him?"

"Just like Jesus?"

God is too much.

But what if, what if, God is telling us the truth? What would the Christian faith be if God were actually telling us the truth? How would we teach our children if we took God seriously?

I know that God is meek and lowly of heart. I know that He is gentle and tender and kind. He is also extravagant and filled with faith. And so, out of the gentleness of the Lord Jesus, I want to explore through this Volume, Journey's End, what the New Testament actually presents to the church as the goal of the believer in Jesus Christ.

Who Are We? - Volume II

I have been a Christian since age seven, 48 years now. All of my life, Christianity has put in front of me a very definite definition of the human. Most Christian circles, evangelical, Charismatic, and deeper truth, are all in agreement on this definition of the human.

The problem I have grappled with is that verse after verse in the New Testament does not agree with that definition.

What if we allowed the most powerful things God says about us in the New Testament to guide our understanding as we seek to know who we really are and why God created us in the first place? Would our view of ourselves change fundamentally from what we have always thought?

God says that He created us in His image and after His likeness. What does that mean? He further says that He is determined to conform us to the image of Jesus Christ.

What does that mean?

What does it mean to be born a second time?

And if we see Jesus as He really is, will we discover that we are, after all, just like Him?

Paul tells us that we groan, through the Holy Spirit, for the resurrection of our physical bodies. When was the last time the Holy Spirit moved in your own heart in that very ministry? What is the resurrection and how does it apply to us?

Through this Volume, Who Are We?, I explore some of these issues, seeking to understand them through the Holy Spirit, and through specific verses in the New Testament, things that most seem to skip right over.

Does God speak the truth? When God commands us, over and over in the New Testament, that we are to be just like Him, is He just joking? Can we believe Him?

Sadly most Christians do not believe that He is speaking the truth, not when He commands us to be just like Himself and to do what He alone can do.

Let's find out what the Christian faith would be like if we did take God seriously, if we honored Him, as Mary honored Him:

"Look at me, God; I belong to You. Let it be to me according to everything that You say."

Into His Image - Volume III

God says that He is determined to conform us to the image of His Son. He says that we will be just like Jesus as we see Him as He is.

How does God do this? What is the path that takes us to being just like Jesus?

Or does that happen without any involvement from us? Is this something God just does to us whether we are interested or not?

In this series, I take the position that God is indeed conforming us to the image of His dear Son, right now, through the many things He brings our way in this life. And I am convinced, from the New Testament, that God never forces Christ on anyone, that this Life is by invitation only.

We are most certainly active participants with God in our transformation.

Yet, it is most certainly not something we can do. I, separate from Christ, can do nothing.

But if I am not separate from Christ, what is Christ in me, as me, and through me becoming?

Paul said that Christ is being formed in us. What does that mean?

Through this series, I explore some things the New Testament teaches about this process God is taking us through - conforming us to the image of His Son. There are definite ingredients God adds to the mix, and we are most certainly involved with Him.

Everything I teach, I base utterly upon the reality of the Blood, the Cross, and the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Everything I explore is grounded in Jesus Himself, living in us, carrying us entirely inside Himself, and revealing Himself through every particle of our humanity.

But God is doing much more with us than conforming us to the image of His Son. When He has completed that work, we are now at the starting point of His intention. What is our mission? For what great purpose is God preparing us?

You may well be astonished at what the New Testament actually teaches concerning God's intention for us - to set all creation free into the glorious liberty we have found.

Our Path Home


The Unveiling is the core articles of the series, The Unveiling of Jesus Christ, merged together with the core articles from the series, Our Union with Christ.

The Unveiling

-- As the Daystar arises in our hearts.


We are at the end of the limitation of God.

They rejected Jesus BECAUSE He was a man living in mortal flesh. They killed Him because they could.

God reveals Himself in weakness, in a babe lying in a manger, in a man hanging naked upon a cross, laying down His life for His friends.

This is God: know Him.

He comes as the Daystar arising in our hearts. And He is as real in us as He was in Jesus.

That the life of Jesus also may be revealed - unveiled - in your mortal flesh.

The unveiling of Jesus Christ is upon us. He is here; Jesus has walked this earth since the Day of Pentecost, June 5, AD 29. He has walked this earth hidden and unseen as those who belong to Him, filling their hearts with His Person.

Yet the time of His waiting is at an end. the cover is coming off.

We are just like Him, for we see Him as He is.

Are you available for His purpose? Is being with Him as He reveals Himself once again upon this planet, in tenderness and meekness, in truth and purity, in kindness and joy, in power and great glory, the only thing you desire?

To be just like Him - Jesus - our Savior and our Friend.

The Unveiling


The Great Story of God

God is Story. God's Story calls to the deepest recesses of our hearts. God says that we know Him only through the Story of a Man laying down His life for His friends.

There, in that act of Love at the heart of His Story, God shows Himself as He is - God ripped wide open for all to see.

In every story the hero leaves comfort behind and goes on a far journey. On that journey the hero gathers friends and companions; he battles enemies along the way and enjoys places of rest.

Finally the hero returns to fight for his people and his kingdom, to deliver them from the oppressor. His companions give their all out of the bond of love.

The hero faces the enemy at the point of the lie and defeats him. He restores the kingdom and brings joy and life to all.

God reveals His heart through the power and pathos of story. But story, to be real, must capture our own hearts. For, though this is God's story, it is also, very much, ours.

At the heart of our story and God's are these words, spoken by the Hero who lives in our hearts.

Greater love has no man than this,

that a man lay down His life for His friends.

The Great Story of God

(Remember, if you live outside the US, you may find it cheaper and quicker to order my books through Amazon.uk or other European Amazons.)


The Kingdom Rising

-- It is time for the weak, the lowly, the incapable to shake the counsels of the mighty, to bring down kingdoms, and to overturn the ages.


The age of human folly is at an end. There is a knowing in the air that something must give, something must change, humanity on this earth cannot hold the present course. Certain ruin lies dead ahead.

Kingdoms of darkness are shattering and falling. Evil shows itself openly upon the earth because it's on its way out. The time of the accuser is finished.

Look to the cause. Another Kingdom is rising on this planet.

The wise do not know it; the capable cannot see it; the strong fall before it.

Look down. The Kingdom is beneath your feet.

The Kingdom comes, but it is coming where everyone least expects it.

No one looks for a weak Christ, a human Christ, a Christ of flesh. No one considers the crippled or the blind. No one looks to the autistic or the down syndrome. No one follows a little child without pretense or strength.

The Kingdom is rising upon this earth and none can stop it or slow it down. No one will see it until it changes everything because all mankind have their eyes in the wrong place.

This is intended. If Christians, if non-Christians, knew where the Kingdom really is, they would kill it before it is born. But they do not see it and they do not know it, and thus it arises from beneath them and swallows them up:

In Love.

The Kingdom Rising


The Jesus Secret: Who I Am

What do you want?

There comes into one's life, very infrequently, a key that opens the door to the future. This book is one of those keys.

I have often, through the years, lain on my bed awake in the middle of the night, tears streaming down my face, with a deep, deep desire for God - to know more of Him, for His perfect will in my life. Many times I have said to Him, "God, if You're doing anything in Your people that I am not part of, take me there; if it be possible, do it in me."

But I have known a lot of failure in my life. I am very weak. If this were up to me, I would have no hope.

Why, then, am I filled with indescribable joy?

It is the Jesus Secret. The Jesus Secret, the Mystery of Christ, has caused me to know the Lord Jesus Christ like never before.

If you want to know Him more than anything in the universe, it will reveal Him to you as well.

What do I want?

To be with Him. To stand by His side as He comes in His glory. To know that, in His triumph, He is counting on me; to hear Him say, "Well done, Friend, faithful and true."

All over the world, something phenomenal is happening in the lives of believers who want God more than anything. Hearts are being filled with glory; rivers of living water are flowing; darkness is shattering and falling.

What is happening? It is

The Jesus Secret


Now, I would really like some of you, as you are willing, to write a "Customer Review" for the Amazon marketplace. It would be nice if you had a copy of the book, of course, but if you have read most of the series, you can still make comments by referring to the articles on the website.

My desire always is to see people connect more closely with the Lord Jesus inside of them then they have ever known before. If Jesus can use my little bit of writing to that end, I am more than rewarded.

May the Lord bless you and keep you through the time of your transformation,
Daniel Yordy

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