Friday 18 January 2013

Collecting for a MOPED (a piki piki) for Elaine Waterfield

We are collecting money together....around £800 for Elaine to have a reliable piki piki / motorbike/ moped. This is vital for areas where there are no roads and would make it far more possible to penetrate new areas.


If you are in the UK send money to

Elaine Waterfield

sort code 20 49 11

acc no 73486850

* VIA CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES (UK registered charity 1028509)

If outside the UK and you have a Paypal Account (And if you haven't it's really easy to sign up)
1.Log In to Your Account
2.Press The Second Tab - Send Money email put
4.Put amount in your local money
5. Choose Personal Tab (it's NOT a Purchase) and click on GIFTS. This is a lower rate.

REDIM SPRING NEWS LETTER 2013 (REDIM is their organisation)

Since returning back to Kenya in November we have done quite a number of things.
1. We have a braille library C/O Torch Trust for the blind who have snet us a number of books, including the " Good Samaritan" which discusses HIV/AIDS. we have given a number of them out to the Blind in Migori Suba West Division and we plan to help with classrooms for the blind and teach them to use braille and the machine that make the braille literature. We also plan to have a rescource centre to extend the braille library and hope to get a grant from disability sector of Social Services in Kisumu.
2. Thanks to Kenyan airways who didnt chareg me excess bagggae on my suitcases I saved £200.  I gave 9000ks to Makongeni church for its new church building fund. 1000ks to a widow in ouir chruch who was building a semi perminnant home.
3. We have been to Migori Prison as REDIM CBO and Makongeni Church with a nunber of new converts Challis the drunkard who I found caned on the floor and led to the Lord over a few weeks. He was a drunk and murderer who killed a night runner and 30 people on a passenger boat but God changed him and redeemed him and now he is a great farmer and valued memeber of the community. His Salvation has brought many drunkards to the Lord. Nelson was a Drunk and an ex money launderer who walked bent with a stick until I led him to the Lord and he has now changed also very quickly and now walks upright and in a sucessful farmer. Cyprian was a Zunger Zunger leader, mob justice gang who captured cow thieves and tortured and beheaded them. He used to have demonic deams about what he'd done but Jesus rescued him from the pit and now he is  born again. So these men offered hope to the prisoners and they were also were empowered by speaking at the prison where they were prisoners themsleves.There were 360 prisoners who were mostly men but 26 women and 6 children who we gave out soap and biscuits to on the two occasions we went.
4.Whilst I was in the uk I bropught back with me football kit C/O faith and football run by Limvoy Primus an ex Pompey player ( Portsmouth) whose now retired but helps many people through his faith with charitable work. Last time I came back with a Leicester City football kit C/O Mick from Kingsway church whose a Ref for the young people, and this time the kit was Millwall leicester fans arch rival so I thoiught it was quite funny. So we are now having a Football tournment for girls from four Secondary schools, Malara, Raha, Massara and Machicha. the winners get a trophy and kit the runners up an England football  and small gifts for the other runners up. On the same day we are holding a Rugby match with Magongo and St Peter'sAbwao. Chief Constable Matt Baggott from N.Ireland PSNI gave us a gift and I used part of it to get the rugby balls. The runners up and the winners get a ball.
We are holding it at Kihoru school next to the REDIM office but we had to speak to the Catholic church so they would agree for us to the land they own where the school is. Thankfully the chaiorman is a teacher and knows that the new pitches will bring lots of tournments to Kihoru and put Chungni on the map and its an investment.

There are only a handful of secondary schools who are taking up Rugby as they have no idea how to play the game and so we are promoting rugby and even cricket, so we need coaches for the game and instrution on rules and how to play it if any rugby fans woulkd like to come to Kenya and help please let us know.

4. School fees are a real problem in a rural area thats poverty stricken through  illiterecy and ignorance,polygamy and many children. To pay for school fees ourselves would be impossible and you cant sustain this so we have taken to fundraising to get the family to pull together and pay for the child. It breaks the dependancy syndrome that the west has caused through aid and also the missionaries of yesturyear.
5. we have finished the plastering of the labour ward and are now finishing the cooking house, fencing of the compound as last december I had my house broken into and my money,ATM card, driving liscence and camera stolen. I was so upset because I used the camera to take photos for Facebook and the hassle of gettinganother atm card was terrible, but the biggest worry was the fact that if caught the thief would be stoned to death. I couldnt have lived with that. But thankfully unbeknown to me I was given anothet gift from Matt.
I love Matt Baggott and his secretary Suzanne they are very kind to me. It was Matt who instructed the acting Leicestershire Chief Constable to get a Police car to lead the cortage for my late husband Nigels funeral and send a wonderful tribute that Nigel was one of Matts heros.Nigel despite having Muscular Dystrophy Nigel gave himself to the Lord to serve others despite only having 25% of his heart working
6. on two ocassions we went to Lake Victoria. The first time a member of the community went to a place very near to Ugander to have a crusade with members of Makongeni church. The lake is a bad place to live with drunkards and prostitutes aswell as thieves. We really preached the Gospel and a drunkard came to the Lord whilst we deleivered some lady from demons. Eweno gave two elderly widows blankets and food as he was really touched to see very old ladies having to fish in the lake to survive.
another time we went to Kedim to see Challis's and Johns sister whose husband was a bishop. we did fall off bikies due to rain and lots of mud, but we got Challis and John to preach in their old Chanag house and also church. The two brothers also counclled a couple in domestic violence and preached in the church. It was here in kedim that Challis and I got two puppy dogs from his brother in law, they were full of fleas but nothing that spray wouldnt slove. They also expereinced what George and I go through because of my skin colour that Mzungu has money.
7. George has been really working on the farm growing cassava, Maize and beans and I have been helping weeding but after using a jemby for three lines I am very tired. Plus brick making for the orphange another project, thank ghod fopr the gift of the motor bike last year which carries water from the river top make the bricks which will be used for my new house and the orphanage. I too am looking for a motor bike to have my own means of transport but we also really need a car anything Lord anything Lord.
8. because there are so many orphans Geroge is building sme classrooms to teach orphans and thje blind and ordinary children. It helps as this way these orphans are looked after properly else if you giove them money it goes on the adults and not on the orphans.
9. We are fund raising for the new church to be built, we want a working church where we have activities and teaching every day, a food and clothrs bank and mums and toddlers, 12 step programme, youth groups, mens and womens groups and councelling rooms and prayer rooms etc so please rember us in prayer and against the poverty spirit.
10. Please pray that Joey daniels will get money to visit us with Trevor and Big Mick so we can learn new skills and the addicts will get discipled and they will get to know about new crops. We really want people to come and teach this community new skills and give them new revelation with theior faith. We went and climbed the mountain over new year only this year we had me and George and Pastor Joshua and nelson but God saw our hearts and that we wanted to give this year to God. Before I  left for the Uk in September God told me up thje mountain to have six groups and go dooor to doot preaching the Gospel and to claim Suna back for God.
We have been continuing to preach to the Changa men and women and sadly after preaching that if you arent born gaian you could die tonight and end up in an eternity in hell and Julius died that very night, thankfully I got to pray for him just after his death and pray for his salvation into his soul. We went to his funeral and really preached.
PLease pray for Sarah as she works very hard in the clinic even through the night sometimes with pregnant ladies and people and children with pneumonia and malaria etc. One boy Sonn fell inbto the fire coughing when he was sick and burned the left side of his face Sarah treated hinm at first but the fanily wanted him to be treated by herbs and it made the boy sick and his face is unbareble to look at please pray for the little boy.
We need donors for school fees and help with all the things we do as what we do comes from the heart and from FB friends and friends of REDIM without you we cant do anything. We apprceiate all you do and how you help us so much.
Here is a lost of our spending since 1st Novemeber 2012
14000 ks prison ( transport for 7 people food and gifts )
20000kshurch foundation and building
24000ks Bovin and Veros school fees for a term
30000 ks food for our family Sarah,George,me,Brian,Frank Trevor, Niaomi,
                         Lavander, Faith
10000 ks Football trophies
10000ks fuel for motor bike
6000 ks Sarahs drugs
2000 ks patricks hospital fees
5000 ks iropn sheets for the cooking house#
2500 ks tree for the fencing of the compound for safety
2500 ks school fees for Lukas
2000 ks school fees for Hilda
1500ks school fees Faith
5000ks Vero and Bovins items like soap polish etc
1300 ks faiths uniform
2000ks Challis help with plough and seeds
2500ks renewing PO BOx facility
7000 ks bricks for buidling work
1000ks stones for my new house
1700 ks kettle
3000 curtains
4000ks finish ward plaster and labour
4500ks georges childrens school fees
2000 ks Georges childrens school uniform#
3500 new modem
3000ks letters to uk
2000ks electric bill
1500 ks electric wire repair#
1000ks help for Margerets house#
5500 ks new kitchen
1000ks Hellens school fees
1800 ks help with widows house
1150 ks Sanitray towels
7000ks two crusades to Lake Victoria
3000 ks trip to Kisumu for the blind
1300 ks platic sheet to cover bricks
3000 ks motor bike repairs
2000 ks Wiring
4000 ks internet
3000ks shelving for braille books
some of the expences that we have occured since November. to carry on this work we still need your support and any donations please send money to Elaine Waterfield Barclays bank 73486850 account number 20-49-11 sort code.We have a REDIM account but to send money to africa is a total nightmare and takes months. We appreciate all the peoploe who have helped us as without you we copuldnt do anything as I have my small pension which I use every moneth and George gave up his job to concenmtrate on REDIM CBO. please pray for Sarah who is sick and also Frank trevor he almost died in December from maleria so he needs prayer.pray for challis nelson morris cyprian janes and all those who gave theor lives to the Lord pray for Joey and trevor and big  mick top come in April /May pray for our football tournemnet and the clinic. We need medical equipment and beds fopr the ward. alo we need help with our orphange as it will help so many vulentable children. Love Elaine George and Sarah and Frank Trevor davies, Chris and christine welch, martin and Ruth Hughes, Joan Reilly, Matt Baggott. Frank Parker and the halo club  thje lovely cou0ple in the phillipnes who donated HIV kit and Mick and kingsway Leicester, Emily Northern Ireand ,christain rEGENERATION cENTRE Leicester and all the people who have helped love you so much you are saving lives amen  and the biggest praise goesto God who is the aurhor and finisher of the race and without Dad we wouild be well and truely stuffed. He is ever faithfull and shows up when we have nothing else but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords amen  Thanks top George AND sdARAH FOR BEING MY HOSTS as without you I wouyldnt even be here and thanks to my church makongeni and pastor joshua mama margeret janes cyprian and domincus pastor peter and all my frienbd shere in chugni


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