Saturday 2 March 2013


These are notes I wrote about the subject for a Facebook Thread.
I and II

One thing I DO FEEL is to share some more clarity in what God is doing.
Or what Norman calls the FREEFALL of faith.
It is a very different walk from the charismatic walk.
Here's how.
As good as my walk was
my intense seeking after the Lord
masses of praying privately, tons of meetings
the same to do with worship
serving the Body in tons of different ways as Bible House
as good as this was.............
the whole foundation of our walk needs to change.
It's what do I want to do.
What does this Jesus /I want to do.
It's not what SHOULD THIS separate I be doing to find favour with God.
That's death, ultimately.
God does bless it temporarily...but HIS ACTUAL BLESSING IS NOT ON IT.
He is more really blessing the "faith of His Son " in us, that is at this child or young man stage of development....
God can't bless that.
And if right now you don't feel like praying
or praising
or seeking Him
or doing anything spiritual
God actually prefers waiting until we've got hungry on our insides.
For that is Freefall
It's believing that we won't fall forever but God's own life will come from underneath and buoy us up....and start driving us.
Ultimately this is the panic and the manic quality we now hear and recognise in some of the charismatic stuff....the basic inability to believe that Jesus is actually our we'd better "do" something then.
No. Thankfully Jesus isn't that unreal. If He came into us, He came in as OUR LIFE. So it is....Chris....what do you WANT to DO?
Now there ARE insufficiencies to the tendency to always stick with what we know....and Jesus has these great ways of shaking our we as birds begin to fly in new areas!!
But basically we have everything pertaining to Life and godliness.
If anything we just have to familiarize ourselves with it.
For doesn't work in the leftbrain.
We Westerners have to reaccustom our senses to the working of miracles which happen with different parts of us.
We also as I shared with Rich, have to learn the protocols of the Melchizedek Order....because it's a whole different order from our own one. IT IS Psalm 123....staring at our Master like a servant...and waiting until He moves with His eye, or flicks His hand.
And none of it is seen with the natural eye. Up until now I've only sensed this stuff....I've not really "seen" this stuff with my inner eye. And that is what the Cuban ex nun was trying to teach some of us....and I got as far as being aware of angelic soldiers once.
The other difference about FREEFALL
is taking our life JUST AS IT IS RIGHT NOW.
Not trying to manipulate things to make them a bit better so that then we feel we can bring them to the Lord.
NOPE. It's saying that the disaster right now of all the things in our lives that are hard for us to face or even willing to face   ARE IN FACT MEANT, though they just seem so way beyond our more than that, we find it hard to accept this going on in our world....because GOD BEING GOD and this present in His world seem so incompatible that rather than try to reconcile the two, we enter into a kind of denial about them. (Many personal and family details have been removed from this international post)

You see if you read the Bible....the promises that were given weren't generally fulfilled in a STRAIGHT LINE.....but rather meandery.
And this is FREEFALL's kind of life as we never would have chosen....and life that you want to keep your posh friends in the pride of life, from knowing about....but God is in the background chuckling....still working His stuff out.
I think in the charismatic realm you never truly enter freefall because you designate to God how life is going to be....
but none of us as James says, knows what our life will be,
they designate what their idea of church looks like
how its run
where it shall be
the sort of people that shall be in it
All total rubbish
because ecclesia always .....E's...or goes outside e- clesia, called out from among others
and we never know the next shape or form
In fact I'm expecting what God has done here to wind up shortly
either through persecution or other pressures.
If we think about the last move
in the sixties individuals got Spirit filled
for a while they met in prayer groups and round peoples homes,
but it was less than 5 years or so before the new churches started
and the Bible weeks....
what I'm saying is the Word gives shape to the format.
That's freefall.
Those NOT with the cloud shape their Word TO THE FORMAT.
But God's parable of the wedding Feast continually applies
"the sons of the Kingdom don't want the wedding invitaions , so
go out into the highways and by ways and COMPEL them come in
so the Word is always going outside, and expanding in its new ramifications.


Rich wrote:
Freefall is when we realize our "life" is really none of our business, and knowing He is taking us to the place we just don't care anymore about the things the people care about who are still serving the "Two Master" lie. Only God only NOW is FREEFALL! “

Freefall is a BET.
Freefall is a risk.
Freefall is the external proof that we are "Trusting God with All our heart"
All of Jesus Life was "FreeFall"...but He entered into Freefall par excellence in the Garden of Gethsemane as Daniel Yordy has written.
Freefall in the life of a teen is represented by giving your life at a young age with total abandon. This is called FIRSTLOVE. For two reasons. Jesus becomes your firstlove out of all possible loves demanding your life. But He literally becomes your First Love. You have not lived long enough to have a proper Love yet...and here you are giving it to Jesus.

Truly this is young love.

Can you imagine how precious it is to the Lord that young people give Him their heart?

Can you see now what power and Kingdom leverage is made available by this kind of Firstlove. It's like giving your Virginity to Jesus. Ofcourse not physically. But in your soul and spirit you have not given yourself to any other yet.
The driving force of this kind of sacrifice is so immense it is in scripture:

the driving  force of this kind of sacrifice is so immense it is in scripture:
Psalm 110 (Young's Literal Translation)
1 The affirmation of Jehovah to my Lord: `Sit at My right hand, Till I make thine enemies thy footstool.'
The rod of thy strength doth Jehovah send from Zion, Rule in the midst of thine enemies.
Thy people [are] free-will gifts in the day of Thy strength, in the honours of holiness, From the womb, from the morning, Thou hast the dew of thy youth.” END

You look at any revival, and somewhere in the mix are sold out youngsters.
One of our roles as ministries of the Melchizedek Order, the order of First Love, is to garner God’s barns with fresh produce.
He delights in us preaching to young people. They above all are a demonstration to all that God’s Kingdom doesn’t rest on understanding....the young cannot hope to have huge’s unfair to even demand that they do, as ministers demanded of me when I was only 13  or 14.
NO.....above all the Kingdom burns on the FUEL of FIRSTLOVE
on the fuel of RAW DESIRE....

and the King returns it (Psalm 45)  with "the King desires your beauty....."

But there’s another type : SOLD OUT PEOPLE of any age
“THY PEOPLE are free-will gifts in the day of thy strength.”

Now Rich has just written this sentence :
Our Negative Need!

And He has said to me, "My Grace is sufficient for you, for (positive) power is perfected in (negative) weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell IN me. II Corinthians 12:9

We are His absolute negative, the empty vessels created by Him IN weakness, just as He is the only absolute positive.
And like Paul, we boast IN our weakness, so that His power can be manifested IN and through us. We are the negative, He is the positive (think of a battery) and when the negative-positive relationship is right...power is always released!
Mother Basilea Schlink said “ Go the Way of the Lamb it is a Way of Great Power.”
And Annalize has highlighted
”Behold it is said of me in the book. I come to do Thy Will. A Body thou hast prepared for Me.”

Remember I said that Third level living was first and foremost permission. Giving permission to God to do whatever. Then when Jesus said yes to the Father He was effectively put on a conveyor belt of circumstances fully beyond His or anyone else’s control.....which led straight through the Cross right out the other side 3 days later as He stepped out of the tomb into the daylight, as if nothing at all had happened!
The whole thing was a risk. He only had one Life here on earth. Here He was really at a stage of perfect humanity....33 years old. Fully grown male.  What a shame and a waste to send this specimen so young into the grave?

Yet in that total weak form....which by the way wasn’t that weak...if you consider all that he endured physically and psychologically AND STILL managed to carry His cross at least half way to Golgotha. Even that alone is pretty darned cool  superhero wise.
But He had allowed Himself to be made weak that God in Him might be shown STRONG for ALL TIME.

We only begin our arc downwards...well if you are like me...from a well to do family, educated in a good school, with many many gifts, slowly in freefall.

Jesus BEGAN IN HEAVEN, as the second Person of the Trinity, laying aside ALL POWER AND DIVINITY.

Nobody at any time has made the journey from the Highest heights down to the lowest lows of a death on a Cross. For this reason is Jesus preeminent.

But here is the real point of what I wanted to stress yesterday about Freefall.

What lends such power to Freefall?
It is Will....freely abandoned.
The two scriptures about the devil in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 are about his defiant  WILL.

Let’s go sideways a moment.

People observed the Desert fathers in the first centuries of the church, looked at their circumstances externally, and were astounded at the power these guys operated in. “We want some of that”, they thought. So, working backwards they tried to emulate the surroundings, the solitariness, the beatings, the harshness.....

and you got into self-flagellation
absolute silence or solitariness
absolute simplicity of life.......

and you know what....maybe some revivals have been prayed in by such...but we don’t really know....and ANYWAY there is one vital ingredient missing.


Powerlessness, and Unknowingness.
Being Locked actually there is no way out UNLESS GOD.....

When Jesus died on the Cross....there was no safety failsafe. No trap doors.
God the Father either raised Jesus up, or He was stuffed.

Norman Grubb, if you think about it, went from Cambridge buff, to forming the prototype of all Christian Unions in Universities, to helping CT Studd to form and run WEC, set up InterVarsity Press, wrote one of the most read books last century : Rees Howells Intercessor, and allowed himself to enter into a FreeFall whereby he sunk and sunk and sunk. His own organistions disowned him.
But he let all this happen as an intercession, because he knew he was right. He knew he had discovered the third level....which actually had always been there throughout all scripture....but he allowed himself to be connected to a very small group called Zerubbabel, whose magazine Fred Pruitt set up. And he contented himself with that KNOWING that from this seed....somehow or other....God was going to grant him the reward of his final intercessionary stand, that people would know the Father level, and that this knowledge would go out through the whole Earth.

It’s a faith risk.
Allowing the whole of your life to be stripped bare to the point where there is just you and the Word God has given you means you feel so out of control. You are so “out of charge”....and with your eyes you have nothing to go on. It could all prove a total waste of that precious one off commodity that we all have....

So charismatics who seek to impress you with
the hours they pray
the worship sessions they do
the amount of money they give
the projects they do to help others
the amount of meetings their own children attend

ALL THIS doesn’t BEGIN to stack up against the THIRD LEVEL, because essentially
THEIR OWN WILL has never been tampered with.
Their reputation with other men and women is untarnished.
They are still one of the crowd.
Their good works receive many pats on the back.
They haven’t even begun to be a threat to the Kingdom of Darkness.
And they have probably never really experienced the true Melchizedek Order in their lives.
BUT MOST OF ALL....never at any point were they LOCKED INTO THE WILL OF GOD ON EARTH with no escape. They would never ever allow their precious will to be put in such a vulnerable position....


Isaiah 58 which is a very key thirdlevel chapter has a related Freefall verse right here in verse 7
And from thine own flesh hide not thyself?
Remember in my freefall notes I said about our family, and that from a Christian point of view my extended family is "an embarrassment".
But it's real.
Anybody who knows the rather stilted feel of a load of Christian families, knows they mostly haven't been allowed to be real. And the toughest pressures are on pastor's kids.
Unless we are real. Unless people are really in touch with what is their agenda, their heart, their goals in life....
God cannot really meet with them. They are hiding and pretending with Him and with all those around.
Stan Warren who used to lead the Bible House noted wryly that the "better the family", the longer it took the offspring to come through in God. they had to die to their goody goodyness.
From thine own flesh hide not thyself has two meanings.
We have to deal with our surroundings as they ARE not how we'd like them to be. And let's face often feels overwhelming. Certainly way past our own faith levels. Our environment seems planned this way to take us way beyond our depth, into God reality.
But this phrase also means facing our own mortal bodies full on.
Jesus says He has defeated Death, but that this is the Last Enemy.
So as Daniel urges us, we either believe what we see in the cells in our body, or we believe the Word.
That we have died at our spirit centre and that we are now exporting resurrected life out to the rest of us...our soul and body.
"He, the Spirit, who raised Christ from the dead shall surely give life to our mortal bodies."
But an aspect of freefall is REFUSING to put up our arms to defend us from what we are surrounded by....but to face things full on, in family,in our own bodies.....
Jesus does a small spoof on Pharisaism when He says
you say you are not available for your family, or to give support for your family, but say "This is Korban. This is reserved for God"
You can hear Him say it can't you?
Why is this so important?
Well ministry in the Melchizedek Order is based on RAW LIFE.Heb 7:16 who came not according to the law of a fleshly command, but according to the power of an endless life,an indestructible life
So our ministry IS LIFE
Consequently if we see some divorce going on between God going on daily family/home/work life......and charismatic or evangelical meetings
If we see "burdens" being saddled around people's necks by their church structures, rather than being RELEASED INTO Life in greater abundance.... we know something is wrong.
There's some illusion that "our church life is KORBAN"
Baloney. It's not Korban. It's GOD PLUS. It's religion.
Now I know the first bit of God invading our independent self lifestyles is really tough. And what typically has happened so far is self-satisfied leadership has looked on smugly at third level stuff and said...
"There, just as I thought. This is all you can expect from thirdlevel teaching. It's divisive. it breaks things up."
Funny that, they said that about the Holy Spirit coming into congregations.
But all that is happening is that the Holy Spirit XRay specs are being brought to bear on what were very unhealthy relationships, that were far from being GOD ONLY going on.
So yes...
the state of Freefall is to REFUSE all the normal "flesh" compliances we make through our day to "appease" people that shouldn't be appeased....
in order to keep things running, that should really have stopped or changed format years ago....
            and if it has rough consequences....well so be it....we are in freefall.

This Facebook Thread and Meetings in General
I was saying to Annalize the other day that Jorge Pradas always used to say to us....."Don't get too steamed up about Truth. Truth is like a self-righting buoy, or like one of those Weeble toys. It doesn't matter how you submerge them or knock them over, the genuine Truth always pops right back up again."
In that way you can tell an authoritative person. They don't get easily phased because they are absolutely convinced about this.
For us here, this is really important, especially as we get those aching yearnings deep within. Holy Spirit groanings too deep for words. It means the Holy Spirit is about to move on. Now for us here, if you think about it...
WE HAVE NEVER EVER BEEN IN AN ENVIRONMENT where we weren't the lone voice the lone prophet.
AT ALL PREVIOUS TIMES IN OUR CHRISTIAN LIFE when we were groaning, wanting more, sure there was more, sure we'd hardly even started yet.....there was only us...or maybe one or two others of a similar spirit.....
Here is quite weird.
You can communicate almost immediately what you have received. In any other environment it was
wait 20 years
say nothing
or introduce tidbits cautiously.
But even so, when we are right at the fringes of what God is currently saying.....perhaps as Daniel or Rich or Annalize have been sharing...
I know one part has been trying to click into each other's lingo.
And it is GOOD that we have different lingo. Because most of the church moves they all speak
it's actually nice that Frances writes weird things about 3 months ahead of them becoming relevant. i actually remember reading it now. But i'd forgotten all about it.
But Back to Freefall...
you see it's NOT ENTIRELY just looks that way to human eyes. The Truth is we are gradually accustoming all our eyes to the Melchizedek Order, to that realm of the servant looking at the Master in Psalm 123.
That's WHY I have confidence that there is NO ONE LEADER here humanly. There doesn't really need to be if our eyes are fixed on this REALITY which is the Melchizedek Order.
So ..........
1. we don't need to fight each other about truth
for example look at this
on one day Daniel writes a piece saying if God says something and his heart can't go along with it, that God is big enough to not FORCE him to do something his heart is not in........
and the very same day I am writing a section on what Lordship means, and that when He comes as Lord, in that atmosphere it frankly isn't up to how we feel about it........
Now formerly that would have split entire church networks
And DID actually
The Lordship one was Bradford and Bryn Jones
and feely wheeelies were Pioneer and Gerald Coates and they split for 15 years or so, before starting to meet up again.....
But you see these polar tensions are A. the difference between our "surface issues" and our "true innerheart position"
and B. just different tribe positions somewhere in the 12 tribes of Truth that is Israel.....or the mass of humankind!!!

2. So ifTruth is real, the Melchizedek order certainly we just enter into our inner room together or singly
shut the Door on all the other traffic in our lives
and meet with the Father in secret
to be able to get a stronger fix again on the Melchizedek order signal
and as we have seen here
people are then given stuff to share
and we are "joined by that (Christ substance) that each joint supplies"

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