The following excellent article (taken from the Creation Science Movement's information leaflet and written by Dr David Rosevear) hits the nail on the head!
"I can't believe that" said Alice
“Can't you ?”said the Queen in a long pitying tone, "Try again; draw along breath, and shut your eyes your eyes." Alice laughed. "There's no use trying", she said: "One can't believe impossible things."
"I dare say you haven't had much practice" said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Alice's Wonderland was frequently hilarious, but such willing suspension of common sense is continued today in the teaching of evolution theory. The consequences for society and the individual are sinister. It is amazing how many things the evolutionist, like the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll's 'Through The Looking Glass', must believe.
The evolutionist believes that the Universe exploded into being out of nothing (no less impossible when put fifteen billion years into the past): that clusters of galaxies formed under the influence of Cold Dark Matter which nobody has seen nor can detect: that in some warm pond, chemicals came together by chance to form the first living cell, far more complex than anything man-made.
The evolutionist also believes that the first life diversified, adding new genetic information to its DNA by chance mutations — another impossible thing. He believes that reptiles which have no fewer than six bones on either side of their lower jaws but only a single bone in each ear, evolved into mammals with a single bone each side of the lower jaw and three bones in each ear. It is impossible for 'intermediate forms ' to have bones migrating from jaw to ear, for how would they eat or hear?
The Darwinist believes that reptiles also evolved into birds. But this would involve the development of intricate flight feathers and the alteration of the internal structure of the bones for buoyance and, not least, a change from a cold to a warm blooded metabolism.
It takes a lot of blind faith in impossible things to be an evolutionist. Yet this is what is generally taught and accepted today. Our society has been brought up to believe that we got here by chance. Schools, Universities and TV teach evolution as proven fact. In such a survival-of-the-fittest worldview there are no moral constraints and the Gospel itself can seem, irrelevant.
Only 200 years ago Western thought accepted that the Lord God had created this world a few thousand years before Christ; but atheists embraced Darwin's idea and thus lost the basis of morality. Our great grandparents would be incredulous at what we regard as the norm — 500 abortions a day in the UK, school children given sex education stressing hygiene rather than morality, regular sex and violence on TV in our homes. The nation's conscience is being seared.
Ours is a depraved society: a society which urgently needs the washing of God's written Word starting with Genesis and Creation. This is a central issue and it is urgent.
The white rabbit put on his spectacles. "Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?" He asked. "Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely, "and go on till you come to the end; and then stop!"
And where can you begin? At the account of Creation in Genesis.
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"Thinking again?" The Duchess asked. "I've a right to think" said Alice sharply, for she was beginning to feel a little worried .
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In the remainder of this leaflet you will find presented clear rebuttals to the theory of evolution that show, purely from a scientific perspective, that evolution could not have taken place. Furthermore, you do not need to have a doctorate in the sciences to be able to understand these things.
Dr Vij Sodera was born in India and has lived in England since the age of 4 years. He attended St Clement Danes Grammar School in London, gaining major school prizes for academic achievement and art, and graduated from Sheffield University Medical School in 1975 with distinction in chemistry.
He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1981.
For 19 years he looked after a Minor Injuries Department in W. Sussex, and since 1987 he has run his own private Minor Surgery clinic.
He is the author of three acclaimed Surgical textbooks, with sales of over 15,000: Skin Surgery in General Practice: a diagnostic atlas, Minor Surgery in Practice, and Illustrated Handbook of Minor Surgery and Operative Technique, all of which are extensively illustrated with his own photographs and drawings. He also regularly publishes articles in national medical magazines on surgery in general practice and on minor injuries.
Although he was taught evolution at school and university, Vij Sodera has always been concerned that the idea is based on the most tenuous and unconvincing foundations, and the first edition of One Small Speck to Man ~ the evolution myth was the result of 14 years' rigorous exploration of the scientific evidence.
The updated and revised second edition of One Small Speck to Man ~ the evolution myth has now been published.
Having always had a special love of animals, Vij Sodera is an accomplished wildlife artist, and has exhibited and sold many of his paintings. A number of his paintings are featured in One Small Speck to Man and are also on view in his consulting rooms.
Vij Sodera’s natural history studies have taken him to East Africa, Canada, Florida and Iceland, where he has photographed diverse wildlife and geology. Along with the anatomical dissections and most of the photographs, all the artwork and diagrams in One Small Speck to Man are his own work.
He is currently working on two new textbooks on surgery and minor injuries, and is planning a television series based on One Small Speck to Man.
Vij Sodera’s other interests include music. He plays guitar and writes his own songs, and the CD of his first album will be released during 2010.
He and his wife live on the south coast of England. They have two daughters.

Chapter One
- Fossils can be formed in less than 12 months - All living and extinct organisms could have existed contemporaneously - The fossil record does not show a progression in complexity
Chapter Two
- The biological evidence suggests that earth may be far younger than commonly thought
Chapter Three
- The death of the unlucky does not explain how new creatures could be formed - Exploitation of new habitats results in variation, not new creatures - The supposed evolutionary sequence of horses is an artificial catalogue of animals which have no ancestor-descendant relationship - Mammals are not modified reptiles
Chapter Four
- Using examples such as polar bears, dogs, big cats, the peppered moth, giant tortoises, cichlid fishes. Hawaiian honey-creepers, the giraffe neck, the elephant trunk, blind cave fishes, flightless birds, and the axolotl salamander, it is demonstrated that variation gives no insight as to how the descendants of one creature could, in time, become a completely different creature
Chapter Five
Mutations are simply genetic errors and do not result in new creatures
Proteins lacking essential parts are of no use and could not have evolved from simple chemicals
~ Drug resistance does not produce new organisms
Chapter Six
Complex machines suchh as the cilium,bacterial flagellum, the muscle sarcomere
and the cell division spindle apparatus could not have evolved by a stepwise process
Chapter Seven
- The evidence from fossils, nostrils and blow-holes, teeth, flippers and limbs shows that whales are not modified terrestrial mammals
Chapter Eight
The evidence from fossils, feathers, beaks, heart and lungs shows that birds are not modified dinosaurs
Chapter Nine
The evidence from Comparative Anatomy, embryology and the visual process shows that the eye could not have evolved by a stepwise process
Chapter Ten
Australopithecines were apes that were different from living apes and were not human ancestors - Homo erectus and Neanderthals were fully human - Humans have not evolved from creatures that were, in some time past,
Chapter Eleven
The human foot is unique and could not have evolved from an ape-like foot with a grasping thumb
Chapter Twelve
The human foot is unique and could not have evolved from an ape-like foot with a grasping thumb
Chapter Twelve
- The chromosomes - do not show an evolutionary progression from worms to mammals - Human chromosomes are not modified chimpanzee chromosomes
Chapter ThirteenDifferent animals have different capabilities
~ Apes are intelligent, but humans are not highly intelligent apes
~ Intelligence is not related to brain size
~ Our ancestors were never, in the distant past, less intelligent than us
Chapter Fourteen
Your great great great.....great grandfather was not an ape
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