Thursday 2 June 2016

Immigration Control

Chris Welch on Facebook
The difference between Buddhist New Age thinking and Spirit thinking is immigration control.
 Buddhist meditation says blank your mind and let some deceitful wise sounding Grand Master who never reveals his true Jabba the Hutt identity from the second heavens fill your thinking. The Holy Spirit says take every thought captive. Hose it down Guantanamo Bay style, check its identity and where it is.from......take every thought captive for Christ.

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John Fina Livingstone
John Fina Livingstone All or nothing - check all thoughts or none of them. There is no grey zone.
Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 04:33
Joan Reilly
Joan Reilly But if we have put on Christ and we are As Him how can we even be deceived by an imposter. I mean if He Lives and moves and has His being in us as The branch of His Vine don't we just automatically recognize His voice?
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 06:02 · Edited
John Fina Livingstone
John Fina Livingstone Not often consciously at first. Instinctively, we do. But, that is from our spirit. In order for the Truth to register in our souls (our will, mind, and intellect), the Holy Spirit has to clean out our minds. The mind is particularly sought-after ground by the enemy. That's why there are so many verses about keeping a pure mind. So, "take captive every thought and make it known to Christ" has a far deeper meaning. The Lord once described it to me thus: the Holy Spirit stands with us and helps us to recognize each one of our thoughts and helps us to decide whether to accept that thought if it's from the Lord or to throw it out if it's from the enemy. Also, the Bible says, "May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ," indicating that we have three parts that the Lord works to keep pure. Now, once the Lord's work of the cross (cutting away of all living spiritual tissue that has been damaged by our sin nature) is complete in us, the Lord no longer has to do drastic surgery but instead does maintenance work - working with us every day to cut out any tiny sliver in our spirit that is from our sin nature and trying to take us over again (as it always will until we physically die - "for the last enemy to be destroyed is death"). At that point in their walk with Christ, usually, people can sense the Lord speaking to them very clearly in their spirits, of which their mind is consciously aware. Before the Lord did His work of the cross, the person's own sin-nature controlled mind would mentally block the person from consciously recognizing that God was trying to communicate with them. When the Lord talks about the Israelites' hearts being "dull, fat, and hard of hearing," this perfectly illustrates what He does. He trims the fat, burns the dross, out of and off of each of us so that we can be sharp, fit, and have extremely strong discernment. Of course, God could enable us to automatically recognize His voice, BUT He wants us to "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling," much like how your muscles tremble during an intense workout. This is because He charges us to "guard the good deposit that was entrusted to us," namely, our love for Jesus. The Holy Spirit guards that with us. God knows that the value of something is determined by the price that is paid for it. So, He put us all (the whole human race) temporarily in danger from the enemy while on earth so that we would have to guard that good deposit. And, even though it can be arduously difficult, He is worth it. Suffering in this way for Him helps us each to recognize how much we love Him. You see, if we automatically recognized God's voice, we would be tempted to start taking it for granted, a bit at a time, until we became stone-cold deaf to it.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 06:27
Chris Welch

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Joan Reilly
Joan Reilly I'm wondering if taking every thought captive means not thinking. All of my thoughts seem to be opposite of His higher thoughts. When I can close my eyes and shut up my thoughts, by His Faith alone He speaks to me everything that ends up being confirmed in the word and for the first time in my life, He flows. In my mind and spirit it can't be anyone but my Father
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 06:10
John Fina Livingstone
John Fina Livingstone It means the opposite. What you are describing is passive meditation (blanking out your mind), which means that you let thoughts flow in unhindered. That's a lot of thoughts you just let in without taking them captive and making them known to Christ! You must never accept a single thought unless you have declared it to Jesus first. Through the Holy Spirit, He will help you to discern immediately from whom the thought came. Taking every thought captive is actively considering every thought in your head, declaring it to Jesus so that He can tell you what to do with it. The place where Jesus died is called Golgotha, which means "the place of the skull" because Jesus died to set us free from captivity, the majority of which occurs in our MINDS.
Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 06:34 · Edited
Joan Reilly
Joan Reilly Well I understand what you are saying John. I've been where you are and I found it to be exhausting. When I came to understand it is He willing and doing of His good pleasure and bringing his work in me to completion at the day of Jesus Christ I can rest. That Day has come and it is now no longer I who live but Christ and I live that life by the Faith of the Son of God.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 06:50
John Fina Livingstone
John Fina Livingstone Well, that makes sense. It is extremely exhausting at first. BUT, if you stick with it, it is liberating because you are walking unhindered in freedom with Christ. You are exactly right when you say "it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me." This is how we take back our minds, in the name of Jesus, and give our minds completely to Jesus for His exclusive use. So exciting and miraculous😃 Truly, "We can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us!"
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 06:55
Joan Reilly
Joan Reilly It sounds perfect and you and I have our mind, the same mind which was in Christ. It's a glorious Life. You always bless me John. You are a blessing. I'm heading for bed. Have a good night.😊
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 07:01
John Fina Livingstone
John Fina Livingstone Awww, thank you☺️ Good night🌌❤️
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 07:02
Joan Reilly
Joan Reilly xx
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 07:02
Chris Welch

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Andrew Nwauzu
Andrew Nwauzu Very interesting contributions! Our Lord commanded that we should take no thought of we shall say in situations of trials or emergencies whilst assuring us that the Holy Spirit would act through us, in any event. I perceive that this commandment is mainly for THIRD LEVEL saints in the course of HIS SERVICE. However, for first generation saints, such latitude may be limited by the need to obey the "parents in the Lord" and be "subject to higher authorities"; in which case, the horizontal thoughts of the others have to be examined, and not blanked out or accepted as Holy Spirit utterances or acts. At the meditation level, I personally would not blank out my mind or remain in the volatile but silent limbo of Buddhism.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 07:15
John Fina Livingstone
John Fina Livingstone EXACTLY, Andrew.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 09:56
Chris Welch
Chris Welch I think there's some points where JFL and Joan are being lost in language. The shutting your door Jesus and Madame Guyon talk of is surface leftbrain chatter. That side of the process Jesus and a Buddhist would agree on. It's the dry mechanics of kickstarting spirits that have been repeatedly been ignored and underused for generations since the Fall, living purely like robot automatons according to leftbrain data read out to them by the 5 senses of outer appearances. Where Jesus and Buddha wouldn't agree is that we have to focus on pure God the Father Word. They get the creation bit......say focussing on an outside natural object. There is plenty of this in their writings. My observation earlier that we call flowers flowers.....not stalks or corms is probably somewhere in their teachings. But that they rip God the Father from existence is the ultimate swipe in the face of all time and the reason Buddhism at root is such a foul devilish spirit once you have peeled away the love and smiles and peace. The Word of the Universe is Quadrune relationship.....the Trinity of God wrapped up in me and you and us all in them. The Buddhist spits in their face grabbing all else and spitting out God reality as does their father the devil. So in meditation we live out of not a Book in itself....but out of a Quadrune relationship and the pages of a book that describe this reality to us. Once we are.rooted in this reality and have yanked the neck of our leftbrain in from its false self-exaltation.....and spelled out that our spirit is in it!!!! Then in the fear and love and respect of God we can start gingerly using our leftbrain to express what is coming to our spirits. But we have defined which spirit we are living from. We have dialled up the correct frequency on our Psalm 19 radio dial. Christ as Me in my form. All things have passed away the new has come.
Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 12:02
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Sort of thing.
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 12:02
Chris Welch
Chris Welch BTW I think chatting these things over is very much real that none of us want to spout mere opinions and philosophies but testimonies how the Word works in our lives. There's plenty of weird.and.wonderful halftruth opinions on Facebook which gets exhausting because you are having to weed out the strychnine all the time from the bits that are useful.
Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 12:09
Andrew Nwauzu
Andrew Nwauzu Like the WISE WOMAN of Proverbs 14:1 we will build our MANSIONS with the LORD. Mysticism of some sort is like the FOOLISH SPOUSE who said : "I have got everything I ever longed for from this union, now let the union perish!" How can one ever bear fruit from such wicked detachment from, and indifference of, THE ONLY ONE who loved us and paid our dowry with HIS BLOOD and NAME?
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 12:24
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Mysticism now has this crazy dual meaning largely because we have been raised by Rothschild. This is why I am very specific in my Box 3 and Box 4 descriptions . Both are mystical but one has Christ living His life through our soul.and body and The other is possession by demons. Box 3 is the state of Union in John 15 16 and 17 , the laying down of our bodies as living sacrifices in Romans 12.1.......the other realm is upwards of.level 33 Freemasonry when we have literally chosen the secret of.Freemasonry......that the god we are choosing to be inhabited by is Jahbulon....or the devil. Really from the first prayer to.a God we cannot see we have left Richard Dawkins far behind and entered into a mystical experience with someone who.relates to us entirely in Spirit.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 18:18 · Edited
Mike Cara
Mike Cara Hahahaha...nice
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 18:16
Chris Welch
Chris Welch You don't have to.explain to Orthodox Jews who understand Presence and likewise Greek or eastern orthodox Christians who understand that God is reproducing Himself mystically in us. We only have to explain these things in the west.....and especially to Americans.
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 18:23

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