Can I explain about thirdlevel stuff? When a thirdlevel guy is looking down a gun barrel at you..... at least that's how it feels....
When R Edward Miller is looking straight through you
When Mother Basilea Schlink is coming for you....
When I appear to be looking at you violently....
When you or I feel queasy in such a situation....
Those thirdlevellers really are coming for you....
But they are coming for every hidden lingering Genesis 3 thinking orphan thinking shame thinking figleaf thinking lie thinking.... ( that God isn't pure goodness)
And you are wondering where in earth those feelings suddenly came from.
Basilea in her German English said when you feel like you are in a washing machine and you don't know which way is up!!!!! Which is a brilliant description....
All this weirdness is part of our hidden operating systems and the gift of grace upon ministry is to see it with the single eye....
Not the Satanic single eye of dominion terror and condemnation .... the New World Order.....
No the eye..... like Jesus .... two seconds after commending Peter for his revelation about who He was.... now addressing the lingering serpent in Peters thinking.... you don't have to die!!!!!
Get behind me Satan
Satan isn't you.... but he has been masquerading as you for so long to take you into destruction that it sure feels like you when a ministry is coming at you...
But it's not you they are after....
It's all that last " Satan as you" thinking of the independent self of Genesis 3.
Personally if I wanted to grow in Christ I'd realise that it's going to involve Spirit surgery either direct or in the Body walking in Light or having thirdlevellers round to visit who have already had a lot of their surgery....
Yuh... instead of shunning the thirdlevel and being like Israelites circling a mountain for 40 years....
I'd tend to book an appointment with the Melchizedek order right now.
Lord.... dynamite out workers into the harvest... into my harvest...
But by all means if you like circling mountains stay with Hillsongs or Bethel or Benny Hinn.
Jesus came to Bethesda and said to the guy waiting for the angel to move the waters.... do you want to still bother with this endless cycle....
Or do you want healing and deliverance today?
The lame man walked out of the Angel Healing Club that day.
The question is never God.
The question is you. What do you want? But be prepared for the washing machine and being turned upside down.
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