Monday 17 April 2017

For Tomb Dwellers - Stacie Schulz

This is written to those in the Tomb.

You have had almost every experience one can have in Christianity, from the moment you were introduced to the living Christ, you have done all you know to do to follow the Lord--flowing out of your heart of love for have attended church services, gone on retreats, enjoyed the fellowship of saints and at times been exasperated by them have worshiped out of joy...and also in've given your time, talents, attention, money--all that the Lord has asked of you & sometimes even have searched the have enjoyed times of

communing, talking, and hearing....the revelation given from these times of prayer has been sweet to the soul, and has also been as heavenly ozone to your're always seeking...desperate for more of His presence....never quite have felt there is still more to experience & know...and now you have come to a new place, unfamiliar, it's beyond dry, it's a place where there is no hearing, no seeing, no talking, the place of nothing. The place of no motion within.

The place of the tomb.

You have pondered much while in this place...wondered "what have I done?" "why can't I hear the Lord?" "why do I feel nothing, no desire, no emotion, I feel I am a stranger yet in a familiar land".
The answer now comes....this familiar land is the place of the tomb, the land where your Beloved has taken you to...the land of death to the old, where you no longer *do* anything...except wait.
You wait. You wait. You wait.
It is in this dark night of the soul where you are coming to know the Lord in a new are experiencing what it was like for Him while he was in the tomb, waiting in the silence, knowing in his own flesh He could do nothing. Waiting on the Father.
Waiting on the QUICKENING.
Waiting on RE-UNION.

It is time.
Time for the old-wineskin to be removed, and clothed with the NEW from ABOVE.
You will no longer have a head knowledge of "It is finished" will KNOW it is finished!

You too will have the STONE rolled away from the tomb of your old heavens...the heavens of old experiences will be rolled away as a scroll...and the soft light of a new DAY will come. The power of RESURRECTION will cause you to ARISE.
No more seeking His presence...because now you ARE HIS PRESENCE filling the earth! The NEW EARTH that you are! Bringing the NEW HEAVEN!


Freedom comes! 🦋👑

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