Thursday 13 October 2011

The Trinity and You.Words by John Crowder and Thomas F. Torrance Music by A.Christopher Welch and Mike Thom.

This is an excerpt of music from a track called the Door on CD2 of Early Harvest Double CD (Unreleased) by A. Christopher Welch

When Michael Thom and I were playing the keyboards we had the basic harmonic framework and the opening tune only, and recorded this simultaneously in one take. Both Joel 2 Desert scene and this track were recorded in the same way in one take.This is how 5 to 10 of us learned to play in meetings taking people into the Presence of God in Emsworth, as encouraged and taught by Ed Miller (Thy God Reigneth_ The Argentine Revival ) and Jorge Pradas "Congregados Para Darle Gloria".

( Yes,I do realise that 30 years on this,the "process of leading people into a felt Presence of God", is becoming almost a hindrance, just like Gideon's Ephod. And by the Holy Spirit we can pick our way through all this. God's Presence doesn't go anywhere. Actually the blockages to God's Presence are in us, and something like thin layers of cloud between the sunshine which is always there and Earth. These blockages which God removes with different sorts of tweezers literally are "apparent", since the Big Exchange happened 2000 years ago. They are described in Ezekiel 8 :10 as little bits of graffiti and animal scrawlings over the walls of your insides. Outside of where Christ dwells, but below the surface enough it takes Spirit in His many forms-direct revelation,church,Word,friends,work situations,family- to spot them and remove them. The Entrance of Thy Word gives light! Speculations, highminded thinking, that may not even ever properly register in your surface thoughts.)

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