by Chris Welch on Friday, 14 October 2011 at 10:54
Andre Oosthuizen
Here is our historical problem in Christianity, and therefore the theological challenge for our future!
Because of misreading Adam's story, we have misread Israel story, and Moses's story, and therefore misread Jesus' story !Having misread the incarnation story, we have inappropriately interpreted the story of the cross, which includes a misreading of Paul’s atonement theology, and designing much mistaken salvation theology!Our misreading of the the Last Adam's story has led to our failure to come to grips with the radical nature of Jesus Christ's story, as the Saviour of the WorldChristianity's story has not been wrong, we have just not been right enough!
Chris Welch
Chris Welch This fundamental wrong reading of God the Father's Heart has led to a portrayal of His plan that just absolutely doesnt impress the Jews at all either.In the long spectrum of history in the image Jesus taught individuals about how you get more faith, was the servants.The servants in the field sweating long and hard were like the Jews under the Old Covenant. The 2000 years of the church have been like the servants, now brought indoors, serving and waiting on the Master's table "Until He is satisfied." Every week in all the earth for 2000 years the prayer Thy Kingdom Come has been uttered. Well the Master is now satisfied, He has wiped His mouth,brushed Himself off, and is even now girding Himself in His servant's serve whoever will take up His invitation. Without reference to Law. Without reference to churchianity. He said "The sons of the Kingdom are not interested, so go out now into the highways and byways, the hedgerows and gutters AND COMPEL THEM TO COME IN."This is not based on Law. The Jews never listened. This is not based on church, this thing cannot be housed in a building. The Church never listened. "That every mouth be stopped". THIS is the Perfect STORM of ALL AGES. This is 24 hour 7 Day a week Pots and Pans Cry Holy to the Lord Kingdom of God.This is the Capstone being placed with shouts of Grace (for forgiveness) Grace (for the TOTALLY EXCHANGED LIFE) To It.This is what makes the older brothers jealous. When thefulness of the Gentiles is come in. Fulness did not just mean quantitive. Fulness meant the drunken paralytic bozo, and the wasted heroin torn prostitute suddenly experiencing a LIFE EXCHANGE and becoming Kings of the HILL! Now that just got the Jews and the rest of dead Christianity's attention. Or hatred, or a bit of both!
Here is our historical problem in Christianity, and therefore the theological challenge for our future!
Because of misreading Adam's story, we have misread Israel story, and Moses's story, and therefore misread Jesus' story !Having misread the incarnation story, we have inappropriately interpreted the story of the cross, which includes a misreading of Paul’s atonement theology, and designing much mistaken salvation theology!Our misreading of the the Last Adam's story has led to our failure to come to grips with the radical nature of Jesus Christ's story, as the Saviour of the WorldChristianity's story has not been wrong, we have just not been right enough!
Chris Welch
Chris Welch This fundamental wrong reading of God the Father's Heart has led to a portrayal of His plan that just absolutely doesnt impress the Jews at all either.In the long spectrum of history in the image Jesus taught individuals about how you get more faith, was the servants.The servants in the field sweating long and hard were like the Jews under the Old Covenant. The 2000 years of the church have been like the servants, now brought indoors, serving and waiting on the Master's table "Until He is satisfied." Every week in all the earth for 2000 years the prayer Thy Kingdom Come has been uttered. Well the Master is now satisfied, He has wiped His mouth,brushed Himself off, and is even now girding Himself in His servant's serve whoever will take up His invitation. Without reference to Law. Without reference to churchianity. He said "The sons of the Kingdom are not interested, so go out now into the highways and byways, the hedgerows and gutters AND COMPEL THEM TO COME IN."This is not based on Law. The Jews never listened. This is not based on church, this thing cannot be housed in a building. The Church never listened. "That every mouth be stopped". THIS is the Perfect STORM of ALL AGES. This is 24 hour 7 Day a week Pots and Pans Cry Holy to the Lord Kingdom of God.This is the Capstone being placed with shouts of Grace (for forgiveness) Grace (for the TOTALLY EXCHANGED LIFE) To It.This is what makes the older brothers jealous. When thefulness of the Gentiles is come in. Fulness did not just mean quantitive. Fulness meant the drunken paralytic bozo, and the wasted heroin torn prostitute suddenly experiencing a LIFE EXCHANGE and becoming Kings of the HILL! Now that just got the Jews and the rest of dead Christianity's attention. Or hatred, or a bit of both!
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Sheila Vertoli I'm waking up to this these truths! Praise God.
Yesterday at 11:40 · ·6 peopleLoading...
Shirley Unger Cunningham ha.. I keep falling back asleep. Have to keep getting a good dose of truth stimulant.
Yesterday at 13:38 · ·3 peopleLoading...
Cheryl Lowry As some would say, "Smashing"! Love it, Chris & (Andre)....and I might add you spoke with such simplicity even I understood. :-) thanks.
Yesterday at 14:12 · ·4 peopleLoading...
Rich Novek If you start out wrong, how can you end up right? But somehow this truth is hard to grasp, especially for the one who has given his life to the "churchianity" system of lifeless dead religion!
Yesterday at 18:27 · ·2 peopleLoading...
Rich Novek When I was a young kid I once got lost in the woods going to my deer stand. I could have swore I was headed north to my deer stand, but my compass was next to my gun barrel and giving me a wrong reading! This is modern day Christianity! They think they are headed toward the light, BUT..." If that light IN you is darkness, how great is that darkness?" (Mathew 6:23)
Yesterday at 18:35 · ·3 peopleLoading...
Chris WelchTo me one of the biggest telltales in the misreading of history exaggerated particularly in Luther and the Catholics...who are agreed on little their view of Jews. Such a huge thing was made of the Jews missing Jesus. Christians m...iss Jesus every Sunday, but i have never ever heard of anyone thinking of lining them up and using a machine gun! God KNEW the Jews would miss Jesus. He knew they would behave like wallies and ask God to have His blood upon them for centuries. He has had to be bound by their oath, because the Earth is given to men...BUT THERE IS STILL A WINK IN IT....because EVERY MOUTH IS STOPPED.....Everyone in the flesh behaves the same way.We are as BLIND as BAT while we are empowered by the devils spirit...(but Less directional).The Proverbs One scenario where WISDOM just stands and laughs at us....and we stand there with egg on our our "wake up moment". It's not God's wake up call. it's just the way sin and judgment, cause and effect, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil works. The whole system...the matrix if you what happens if we switch off from the ONLY LIFE in the Universe. The Jews rejecting Jesus Had to happen....and all God did was say "Right.....we'll use this rejection to get the rest of the planet in!!!!!!" You read Romans. It's all there. If their rejection is our inclusion, what will their acceptance be......BUT LIFE FROM THE DEAD. Have you ever seen an atomic explosion of Life going off? I've seen a small one in our school. Imagine a really BIG ONE.See more
Yesterday at 22:08 · ·1 personCliff Gableman likes this.
Barbara HughesTHIS is the Perfect STORM of ALL AGES. This is 24 hour 7 Day a week Pots and Pans Cry Holy to the Lord Kingdom of God.This is the Capstone being placed with shouts of Grace (for forgiveness) Grace (for the TOTALLY EXCHANGED LIFE) To It.This... is what makes the older brothers jealous. When thefulness of the Gentiles is come in. Fulness did not just mean quantitive. Fulness meant the drunken paralytic bozo, and the wasted heroin torn prostitute suddenly experiencing a LIFE EXCHANGE and becoming Kings of the HILL! Now that just got the Jews and the rest of dead Christianity's attention. Or hatred, or a bit of both! wow!!!!See more
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