Sunday 20 November 2011

Will the Real You please stand up ! Colin Lagerwell

by Colin Lagerwall on Saturday, 19 November 2011 at 17:50
Will the Real You please stand up !   (This is a rather lengthy note, I hope it blesses you as much as it blessed me writing it :) 

We often hear things like, “Die to self”......”More of You and less of me”....”I must decrease that He might increase”, and many other more subtle variations of the same theme....
I want to attempt to bring some clarity to this, because if we remain in ignorance, it can be very destructive to humanity as a whole.....and whilst I don't proclaim to have it all 'wrapped up' (because then there is no more Mystery to uncover :), I feel a need to draw our focus on some aspects of God, Man and the Gospel.

The picture of the tabernacle given to Moses in the desert is a very apt description of the human being, Body, Soul and Spirit

I do not want to get too technical on that, other than to bring some thoughts to mind.....God gave this pattern to Moses within the context of them being in the desert....

Outside of this tabernacle was barrenness, nothing to sustain Life existed.

The God-Life was within the tabernacle (Zoe in Greek)

The Real Life was hidden within the Veil (Note, it WAS there, and was not placed there by any man, God Himself placed Himself there)

The high priest could only enter within the veil once a year upon making an offering for sin on behalf of the people

(Entrance to Intimacy with Life was based upon removal of sin-consciousness)

When Jesus died, the veil was torn by God........

Note again, When Jesus died, the Presence was already within the temple (which we are)....Full ACCESS to the Life within was given to All, because our High Priest entered Once and For ALL, by destroying sin-consciousness forever !

(A side note: whilst we preach the sinfulness of man, we lie, and 'place' the veil over people's spiritual eyes within their minds, forbidding tangible access to the Life that is already within them....this causes men and women to feel distant from God, and it causes them to look for Life outside of them...

Delay and Distance is the theme of religion based on a lie, and this theme is based on not knowing the Life already within....true contentment is found within, and it is not by asking 'Jesus into your heart', it is experienced by finding Him within you....Paul was sent to the Nations, preaching Christ IN the Nations.... ....the Mystery HIDDEN from ages, now revealed....Christ WITHIN you, the Hope of Glory..... (remember, Jesus spoke to the Pharisees of the Kingdom WITHIN....)

Please note, the reference to 'kingdom' is not so much as to a 'place', but a PERSON....we relate to a Person, not a place....if emphasis is on a 'place', we will always look for a real fulfillment is found in a place, only in intimacy with a Person …Oh, that is soooo goooood …..No Distance, No Other Place !!!! Right here in MY heart, closer than anything anywhere !!

To preach Law, or any form of 'law' or guilt conscious inducing message, is to prevent one from 'entering' into what (Who) is already within, and this is where all the false doctrines enter into our theologies, where we are not satisfied with THIS MOMENT, and have to look for 'another event' in 'another time'.....How can we not be satisfied with Him NOW, when He, in ALL the fullness of His love, is closer than our next breath ?

You want know how we are not satisfied ?...we have listened to a lie of “You must and you should do.... to get closer and get more of Him”

This lie is based on sin-consciousness, and IT DESTROYS INTIMACY

This is why God Himself, without our permission, removed all sin-consciousness from us, so that He could enjoy sweet intimacy with us, and we could enjoy sweet intimacy with Him.....where ?.........INSIDE us, wherever we are !!

Now, here is the question, and it is based on Identity, because our Identity reference is crux to the quality of all our living........

Who are you ?.....Who is the REAL you ?

Man was made in the image and likeness of God, and it was not a 'shadow' of the image and likeness of Him, it was the true substance of Who He is, because within man is God Himself, the very breath of God lives within us.....

If we have no 'visual' recognition of who He is within us, and a place of knowing this intimacy with Him who IS love, we are left floundering for an identity, because He IS our true identity, He is our Father from whom we came, He is the One who gave us birth, the One who sustains our very existence....but if we cannot 'touch' Him within, we feel 'lost', and we look to something outside of us to define our existence, to give us an identity.......

We look to our natural parents, their lineage, their status in society, their culture, their thought patterns become ours, we base who we are on our natural birth (or we try and not become like them, thereby defining another kind of false identity)

Are you black or white, or any other color, is one better than the other, are you rich or poor, who has the most, who is educated better, where do you fit into society, are you a misfit, or do you make the grade, basing this grade on a million different criteria, and all of these grades bringing with them some form of identity which will exalt you or debase you, or give you a mixture of different statuses, from wherein you find your niche, and then perpetuate it to your children......

” I wanna be just like you when I grow up Dad, just like you....” said the song-writer as he depicts the continuation of the curse of humanity in The Cat's in the Cradle.......

It is from this 'identity' that we find the church hierarchical structures develop, who is bigger and better, knows more and is closer to God, who can we follow who knows best, and hence the subsequent abuse that follows, because anything we identify ourselves with OUTSIDE us is barren and death (remember the pattern of the tabernacle, it was a wilderness outside, all the Life was within)

Jesus said something, and this is where we can get confused and even hate His words if we are looking in the wrong place for interpretation.......
“You must deny yourself if you want to follow Me”....and......”Hate your parents, even your own life”.....seemingly harsh words, especially if we are looking at it in a literal sense. (hate your parents, deny who you are ??)

There are many such references throughout scripture that seem to say we must hate ourselves and deny ourselves, die to self, etc, where we see ourselves being the object of loathing in God's eyes and hence our own are as filthy rags, you are dirty, untouchable, shameful.......from this we develop a self loathing, and further, a loathing for others.....and true friendship and fellowship within humanity becomes something that is just a distant memory, seeming that belongs to an era of a lost paradise.....

We have developed a false understanding of God and Man, and of the beauty that is hidden in within scripture...hidden to be discovered...

Paul speaks of a law, a working of something within him that brings death …see where this fits in ? What is working within him, and where does it have it's attachment ?

Barrenness is death in the wilderness by placing an identity on something external....
See where Jesus' words in John 3:16 come in with reference to perishing !

A virus, the law of sin and death, attaches itself to a 'form of life' that is not of God, to an identity that is derived from external sources.....
This is not to say anything and everything external is not of God, EVERYTHING is of God and is VERY GOOD..........(In fact, it is in knowing our true Identity that ALL things are enjoyable......)

(This is key) Identity placed on anything external is destructive, because it has no relevant reference to Life, it brings comparisons and fightings, death and greed, poor and rich, and eventually wars amongst nations.

This virus is not “you”, and especially, neither is the Identity based on external reference, this False Identity is exactly is FAKE.....We can NEVER experience LIFE, which is intimacy with our God, by presenting a Fake ID document or passport
...(Thank you Fay for this insight)...
..Mankind's true reference is Christ (already) within, because we are Bone of His Bone, Substance of His Substance, Person of His Person......however......He becomes just a longing, or something distant if we are 'disconnected' from knowing and experiencing Him within us, and we either look for Him outside, or we long for Him to 'come again', or we wait for Him to 'take us away', or we invite Him to 'come in' or pray for God to 'do something more', then we look to the anointed pastor or apostle or prophet for a special word that will give us hope, and so the list goes on in it's variations on the same theme......Distance and Delay and someone elses new revelation of the next move of God to bring us to Him...

When Nicodemus spoke to Jesus, he asked a very valid question....
”HOW do I get back into my mother's womb to be born anew?”

He was definitely on the right track....unfortunately, we have made a cursed doctrine that says 'you must become born again' to enter heaven, once again placing the Distance and Delay theme into operation, also separation within humanity based on something we must do (External Identity - barrenness and death)....all out of ignorance of what was going down....

Jesus used the word 'anouthen' which means 'from above'............

Let's look at that.....How can we enter into that place before anything of this world has had an impact on us ? Before we have picked up any identity based on an external reference ? (even unborn babies pick up certain patterns of thinking based on transferred feelings from external influence).....How can we be brand spanking innocently New, without any Identity reference 'from below' ?

We began in God... in the mind of God we were born, and He 'breathed' us into being, entering our mother's womb at conception, a joint effort between father and mother (well, not necessarily an 'effort' :)) and our heavenly Father, the external part of us being 'dust', and the other part of the giver of Life from His own being

(remember the tabernacle, the construction was hand-made, but the Life within was not 'made', it was of Him ?

Man's true identity is that we are of Him, He defines us, we have 'Made in Love' stamped on and in us....(even a baby born of rape) that is who we are, perfect and complete, nothing missing, nothing broken......

But we don't know it, neither can we see it or experience it - without vision my people perish ! !

We are born into ignorance of who we are, and so begins a search that can only culminate in our return to the understanding that we are OF HIM, and that what He alone thinks of us defines us, NOT what anything external can give definition to and of us.

Here's a question …...

Did Jesus die ? (Ok, now it's time to shoot me down :))
He came in the likeness of sinful flesh, and although Jesus did not fall into the trap of the false identity, He was not immune to and was certainly tempted by the Adamic mind in Him, to take on EVERY form of a false identity by all the impacting circumstances of life, since the time of His conception, even the threat of death immediately after His entrance into this world and it's ensuing rejection.

He literally FELT AND EXPERIENCED EVERY temptation of Mankind (think a bit on that....the rapist, the child molester, the abused wife, the orphan, the foster child etc.), yet overcame it all by knowing His Father's love and affirmation within Himself, Himself having no veil of sin-consciousness, and keeping it that way by not indulging in a false identity....

Throughout His life, from conception to death, He hears these words within Him :
“You Are My Much Loved Son In Whom I Am Well Pleased, and All That I Have Is Yours”............this defines to Him who He really is, the Truth that is the antidote to a False Identity
......Yes He did die, but He also did not...... mmmmm??

What died, was every Identity Reference to anything external, including His body and any form of 'separation inducing identity' based on Gender, Race, Size, Color, Creed, and with this death, the attachment of the 'virus' of the law of sin and death lost it's final debilitating grip on Mankind......
 At His death, having defeated Mankind's worst nightmare of the False Identity of feeling separate from God, He says “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.....” and with Him, so were we, being totally included in His death and the committal into the hands of the Father of Life as the veil of blindness to the Life within us was torn...... Once I was blind, but now I see !

The disciples were sorely disappointed in His death, and went on their way, a sorry bunch of 'losers'....until.......He rose again, no longer 'seemingly' defeated by the judgement of death that (our) sin brings......Peter cries out later in one of his letters.....WE HAVE BEEN BORN ANEW BY THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST......and in this statement he is overwhelmed by the truth of Mankind's inclusion in what God has done in Christ.......

Paul had a clear understanding of this when he so vividly describes : One Body and One Spirit, One Hope, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through ALL inclusive Oneness that has no Distance or Delay, but is an intimacy of such a magnitude in the heart of God that is can be described in no other way but ONE

Our consciences have been cleansed of all the guilt and shame inducing things we have done or not done, things that we are not or what we thought we were...
ALL references to any external False Identity have been destroyed forever, all the guilt and shame, the condemnation and the comparisons, the 'Us and Them' Identity which formed separating inducing thoughts and attitudes, have been destroyed in ONE act of righteousness where the veil of separation WITHIN us was torn......we have entered into the 'New'....yet ..Original.....Identity of Man....and NOW we experience the Life that has always been inside of us, but could not access before.....Life as Jesus said we would experience.....Knowing our Father and the Son (John 17:3)

To is my main thought......

Who are you ?
Who is the real you ?
By what do you define yourself ?

If we entertain thoughts of “I must die to self”....” I must decrease so He might increase”....”I must die in the wilderness”..... “I am in the wilderness”.....”I am going through a wilderness experience” …..” I must become the ultimate nothing”....and all other similar thoughts....what I am really saying is, I still define myself from an exterior perspective, which of course will bring death and separation...the problem with this is, it is a lie.....
I cannot define myself by a lie, because it is a FALSE Identity, and is NOT ME.....

Yes, we can still hang onto what is false, and often we do, and we do go through things that bring us to focus on these things that we hang onto, but if I own it as ME, I am in error, and stand a chance of living out a schizophrenic existence until I realize I am One person with only One identity, and that is defined by Christ in me.....

To continue in any form of …”You must do to become” is to speak poison into lives....We should never have preached the sinfulness of man since the cross. We need to understand that there is only One message, and that is the Righteousness of Man through the removal of all that is false by the death and resurrection of Jesus and our full inclusion in this work, and in this we would be declaring the Truth of who we (mankind) really are, and not a potential truth..

To speak or think anything other than “You Are My Much Loved Son and Daughter and All I Have Is Yours” to ANYONE is contrary to Mankind's redemption and perpetuates the False Identity which Jesus destroyed on the cross, and thereby perpetuates sin....

Sin only has it's ability to attach itself to a False Identity....if we want sin to perpetuate in this world with all it's ugliness of greed and separation, it's us and them mentality with all it's filthy stench of inferiority and superiority inducing attitudes, then we should carry on with identifying ourselves (who we perceive ourselves to be) with a lie.....
To place 'confidence in the flesh' is not so much about your natural abilities, it is primarily about identity......placing confidence in an identity formed by your natural existence will produce both arrogance and inferiority, and they both stink as filthy rags and will repel those around you....yet knowing your true being, which existed in love before your natural birth, has such a powerful confidence with absolutely no trace of arrogance, and the fragrance emanating from this 'knowing' carries a recognition and remembrance to those around you of their own true being which was Created in Love.....

We have this One Moment we live in, it is the Moment of Oneness in Him, In us...Pure intimacy with Love, In Love...and in 'This Moment', one day is as a thousand years, yesterday is the same as today and tomorrow.......

In this Moment, we see Him inside us with unveiled eyes, and in His eyes we see ourselves mirrored as we recognize we are His grand view, and we hear Him say :

“ I AM soooo pleased with you, My love, you are not defined by any other, but by Me....Above all else, guard your heart from any other definition of who you are, for out of your heart, Life issues forth" ..Know this and live !
“You are always Mine, and always were, and all I Am and all I have is Yours” says the Voice inside us, and the fragrance of Love and Life gushes out from our innermost being, a sweet smelling Presence as the Earth soaks in the Rain

We drink it in and we are satisfied.....we look around us and with amazement we see another standing by us, it is a friend, and then another, and another, all equally represented in the New (yet Old as Forever), and brotherly affection is born as we see all our siblings and friends and enemies alike, not according to any barren external reference, but One in Him..........

Overwhelmingly loved and defined by The Father of Lights who has given us every good gift by giving us each other in Him.......Jesus said in John 17:22-23:

"I have GIVEN THIS TRUE Definition of 'Who you Really Are' in My love so that you ALL may be One"

Will the REAL YOU PLEASE stand up !

Francois and Lydia's back yard, with Fay, Mary-Anne and Lydia
    • Karen Butler I know I'm going to love this and I haven't even read it yet. the premier question to answer is....Who am I? if you get tht right everything else fallsinto place. ....coming back to read after i finish my training videos.....:)
      5 hours ago · · 1Loading...

    • Colin Lagerwall
      Do you know why Love awakens the heart...because we know it is true of and for us....when we understand the Gift of God, our right standing with Him, we know it is the best thing any Father would do for His children to discover the love He ...has always had....we are His treasure, and He wants us to really know it....
      I often hear things like "God loves us because that's the way He is, he can't help but love us despite ourselves", and whilst that has an inkling of truth, it is tainted with sin consciousness....He loves us because we are VALUABLE to Him, because He sees in us the same way but MUCH more profoundly what we see in our own children, we are to Him what He would gladly give His life for (and He did)....His treasure, His wealth ! (maybe we just should not think differently to Him
      See more

      4 hours ago · · 3Loading...

    • Jeff Pate Beautiful! I always delight in the spirit of love and truth from your heart, Colin. Setting the captives free...
      2 hours ago · · 1Loading...

    • Kerrie Lee Anderson
      Can I say how refreshing it is to read through these truthful and beautifully freeing insights Colin.. It is rare to see such comprehensive, well researched thinking which is bang in the centre of christian thinking.. Well done.. I love thi...s. I had just about given up reading writings from the church... sigh of relief and precious for me to wake up and find this sitting here.. Havent had brekky yet, however I feel full to the brim :)) ThankyouSee more

      2 hours ago · · 1Loading...

    • Colin Lagerwall Pleasure, Kerrie :).....he has so much to show us of Himself, and the thing is, we say "Show us your glory", and He shows us each other :))))
      We are His glory, His trophy, His pride and joy, His view which leaves Him breathless !

      2 hours ago · · 2Loading...

    • Jeff Pate I feel the same way... I always have a "full" feeling after hearing the Lord's voice through Colin.
      2 hours ago ·

    • Colin Lagerwall So good to share with one another til we have eaten our fill and still there is more..(tnx Jeff)
      2 hours ago ·

    • Su Larkins thanx for this Colin....x
      about an hour ago ·

    • Kerrie Lee Anderson
      Absolutely agree with this. The whole false ego/identity perspective.. He has revealed very similar threads of gold along this line to me over the years, throughout my studies (social culture, identity, psychosocial development, attachment,..., christian worldveiw etc). It is such a beautiful revelation.. This is so freeing.. It has changed my world (inner), my whole thinking.. The veil has lifted off and I am no longer blind.. ha! I met him 30 years ago. Social culture exists in all groups, including the church. For me, I needed to leave that as the "false prophets" were so noisy I couldn't hear a thing..! - led along unknown pathways.. Wow..amazing journey. I would be very interested to read any bits you made have related to spiritual abuse for my work in the fieldSee more

      about an hour ago ·

    • Colin Lagerwall Kerrie, I have a few notes, you are welcome to browse through them..I re-shared a few this morning as someone was wanting to look at them with similar thoughts....perhaps we can friend each other then you are more than welcome to use what you like
      about an hour ago ·

    • Kerrie Lee Anderson I'm already feasting on them :))
      about an hour ago · · 1Loading...

    • Colin Lagerwall If we keep 'identity' as the focus in most (all ?) scripture, it brings a whole new dimension to what is really being said..the thing is, if we then can determine what is a false identity, then how can I refer to it as "who I am"....I need to recognize that it is NOT me, and get to know the real me, and speak from that point of view (and of course see others in that same light as well)
      about an hour ago ·

    • Kerrie Lee Anderson Yes..noticing, contemplating, unlearning and shedding.. "I will lift my voice to Him, and show Him my face" Song of songs. (My true face/identity, ?)
      about an hour ago ·

    • Colin Lagerwall masks necessary, because He loves YOU, adores YOU.....Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves (a figment of themselves), and in our psyche, this to say : in our shame we place defenses and walls up to prevent further hurt a...nd dishonor, and we are left with a shell of ourselves, protecting the vulnerable interior (it's a natural response), but we are not designed to stay that way, and in KNOWING His love and honor for us (individually), these defenses are able to be dropped as we learn to trust Love again (maybe for the first time), and the real YOU emerges in all your beauty and display of His creation...A hard heart is only hard because it is being protected, but it also cannot respond to and in love (it can force a kind of love, but it lacks reality)....Love received 'breaks' open this hardness, and oh what a treat to see the person inside respond in the purest of love and real compassion !See more

      about an hour ago ·

    • Kerrie Lee Anderson Shedding of our own self loathing, shame, (coverings/mask etc)..courage to be vulnerable/build trust (another huge factor here).. Practicing being truthful in our relationships,..unlearning the directions/labels from the "noisey loud voices (both real and percieved)".. unlearning.. Coming as a child.. creative and innocent... so many precious thoughts..
      about an hour ago · · 1Loading...

    • Kerrie Lee Anderson Haha..told you I was having the same thinking.. :)) Bless
      about an hour ago · · 1Loading...

    • Jean Morrison I ♥ this Colin. :D
      about an hour ago · · 1Loading...

    • Colin Lagerwall
      ‎"You Are My Much Loved Daughter/Son In Whom I Am Well Pleased"...this is the Voice Jesus thrived on during all His revilement Earth, and at the height of the hatred against Him, stripped naked and totally vulnerable, He is able to respond ...with genuine compassion - "forgive them....."

      It can be no different with us....we need to know that same Voice consistently and constantly whispering (shouting ?) inside of us, saying the same words, and the wonderful truth is, this is exactly what our Father is saying to us all the time, in so many different ways...

      ...if we expect condemnation, we close our ears, we shut down, and the hardness persists and the pretenses remain, and we 'lose our soul' to a false identity.....How we so need to let ALL people know what Love is saying all the what happens to this world when we get to hear that Voice !!!

      This is why I cannot keep quiet, even if it flies in the face of all our current 'christian' theologies (which it doesn't, it just redefines what was really meant :))))
      See more

    • Chris Welch Sin only has its ability to attach itself to a False Identity....if we want sin to perpetuate in this world with all it's ugliness of greed and separation, it's us and them mentality with all it's filthy stench of inferiority and superiority inducing attitudes, then we should carry on with identifying ourselves (who we perceive ourselves to be) with a lie..... Yesterday I was beginning to share fresh insight on Genesis 3. This insight has come from learning a bit more about how "control" and "manipulation " work. This can be gleaned from the truths, half truths and complete lies on the internet about the way those who follow Satan behave, and then by relating this back to how the father operates in transparency, Love, openness, a drawing and a wooing by His beauty and Personhood, as opposed to a forcing, a raping, a manipulation that are the devil's last hope that anyone would ever want to associate with him. "Sin only has its ability to attach itself to a False Identity...." is probably one of the most serious heavy weight sentences I've read all month. The FIRST thing Genesis 3 was about was how the devil "set up" a false identity in the minds of Adam and Eve. And as long as people cling to this, the devil is pretty much free to do with us what he pleases.It is the last thing to go.All through evangelicalism and charismatic Christianity this "false identity" continues untouched.
      2 minutes ago ·

    • Chris Welch I wrote to John Wimber in the eighties that we as the Body of Christ were going to experience more than the release of spiritual gifts....which is akin to Holy Place Christianity. There's this beautiful altar of incense right by the veil. Now we know all this occurred 2000 years ago....but as the "Body of Christ", certainly in the 80s, we didn't know this. We were still walking around with our original "false identity". So the veil wasn't real for us. It was as though it had never been torn. Apparently, I learned only this month,the revelation I had about the Two to take care of sin, one to take care of our false identity....this all comes into play at the Feast of Tabernacles during the Day of Atonement. This is when the veil being rent becomes "consciousness" for every believer. Last century was about Pentecostalism and the Holy Place. This one is about the THIRD ROOM of the TabernacleIt could have been so the minute we got to know Jesus....but mostly it doesn't. But in order for the consciousness of Jesus Christ to become a permanent reality for us, it is at this point the False Identity MUST leave, Must be exposed. I will be writing more about false identities.This is how the devil works in everything he does. Understand I am not talking about the Jewish Feasts.I am talking about how the Holy Spirit who Jesus promised would lead us into all truth, has been trekking the people of God through their own "consciousness" of the experiences of the Tabernacle.

      Chris Welch
      to Bonnie Morris on her status re Genesis 3:Nevertheless, if we never moved from this one conversation for a year, that would be small fry since all of us have been duped for literally thousands of years. We have taken the blame for what wa...s not ours...and taken none of the responsibility for what was ours to take. Watch carefully how it works. Genesis 3. The devil sells us all something which is not true at all....that there is such a thing as being a god in our own right. Doesn't exist. We either serve one master or another. When we serve any other master apart from the ONE, we click into an alien spirit...which we do not control, it controls us.Then we feel so bad....which is the whole idea ofcourse....that we cover our shame with the most futile covering....figleaves. Now figleaves are ridiculous....and they have holes in. Absolutely useless. Yet because they are useless we feel we cannot go to God and accept responsiblity for that part of the equation that was ours.
      1We talked to strange serpents.
      2We picked up lies about the goodness of God.
      3And our heart was infected with a total delusion....that we could rise and be gods in our own right, able to choose good from evil. Which is to choose to lock ourselves into founding our lives on "what we think", on what our left-brains are saying, instead of listening to our insides....which are now shot....because of excessive overpowering shame.
      The chapter specifically describes how God targets all these obstacles with His truth that sets us free....and is a perfect mirror of what Jesus was also doing with Peter on the shore of Galilee, asking him persistently whether Peter loved Him.
      See more

      10 hours ago ·
      Chris Welch
      Bonnie this is outstanding stuff and it shows the importance of Francois and Andre's message, which is speaking the plain truth about the Father's original plan. Now what religion is, is this figleaves business. It clothes us in the wrong s...hame, but NEVER addresses our real part in it all. In my recent reading about how Illuminati people operate, coupled with a mentalist here called Derren Brown, I've been relating this back to Light, and starting to glimpse more of how the EZekiel 8:10 scrawlings work. Illuminati people destroy foundation in children and slaves through calculatedly breaking the Ephesians link "the Father from whom every family on earth receives its name/character/foundation.

      Colin Lagerwall and Chris, real love (the genuine no hidden agenda stuff), can only operate from our true identity, the other is just as fake as the figleaves
      5 hours ago ·
      Chris Welch Real love also cannot centre itself in Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil stuff. or put another way , real love only works NOW. Our plans are for the future.Or our perceptions are about how the past was. But LOVE is NOW, and that operates from a different place right within us. I've never seen that so forcefully here this morning:
      With Love at the centre we are free to do all. Living in the control of our own perceptions it actually is impossible to experience NOW, we're too much in the future in worry, or too much in the past in regret or pride. Now it's one thing to teach this stuff, it's quite another to gather together and live there as ONE. So for this reason was the Holy Spirit given so that we would know how (in the Spirit) to maintain the unity of the Spirit until we arrive to the unity of the faith.The Holy Spirit builds the landing strip as more and more Kingdom comes into land.Here I speak of "outer enduring manifestation" or unity of faith, rather than what Jesus plunged us into which was unity of Spirit. Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit expresses the language by which this is accomplished. The language of the Spirit is the language of the Tabernacle and the Feasts, but not the Jewish outer forms, the inner corporate experience of the Book of Hebrews Melchizedek order. The reason Paul wrote : I cannot speak much of this now, was that it is on a "timing release". People in the Pentecostal revelation are having that stage revealed to them, subjects to do with the Holiest Place and Jesus living as us are at that time impossible to comprehend. But then the Body grows, and the Holy Spirit releases more according to His heavenly language.
      Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked ...down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, “Master, save me!” – Matthew the disciple.See more

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