Saturday 1 November 2014

Tell 'em that I just Don't Know - Natural unexpected Jam session

I love Happenings......most people do

..........more on music in the church which I've been writing this week on Facebook

My wife had a prophecy from Spanish people that she was like a flower opening at her own pace and time. God's purposes are different with each. Tonight I was thinking about toothpaste. Imagine having to create that lovely smoothe cylindrical wedge of toothpaste yourself with your fingers? Sticky or what? But if you squeeze the tube it comes out that way all fully formed.
This present creation and all its endtime groaning sure isn't pleasant. But boy....the new generation of sweetspirited broken people are producing a kind of instant super Christian...who understand thirdlevel stuff straight away. Some of my favorites have come out of House of Rothschild....or satanic ritual abuse and mindcontrol....and they know what's what immediately. You don't have to spend years drip feeding here a verse there a principle....they know it immediately because they have done the horrific mirror version in Satan's Kingdom.
Here's to SQUEEZES....and preformed toothpaste!!!!

What i was really wanting to say was God makes some pioneers. Many of the worshipleaders who ooze Christ's presence best have had RUSH jobs. God has squeezed them through a lot of trauma and they have this infectious hope and joy and praise. Some of Morris Cerullo's musicministries have been like this. Phil Driscoll is a bit like this too. Humanly you can't produce this's done by the Holy Spirit.'s the kicker.
Yes congregations have been baptised in the Spirit....but NO...largely congregations up until now are still quite immature by Hebrews 6 description.
So, fasten your seatbelts. Imagine whole congregations of Ron Kenoly's and Phil Driscolls and all the most Spirit anointed.
Praise has a sound. It comes out of the amount people know Galatians 2:20 as consciousness on their insides. If you know you are Jesus Christ in your" John 15 Vine branch form"
then Hebrews starts to be really really true
2:11 For both He who sanctifies and those who are [l]sanctified are all from one Father; for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, 12 saying,
“I will proclaim Your name to My brethren,
In the midst of the congregation I will sing Your praise.”
There's a Lion's roar in Judah. There's a song of sweet pure praise. There's pure mediated holiness in audible sound.
There's strong strong prophecies into the earth sung verbally across the Body...imagine psalm 134....the servants of the Lord this ever darkening Illuminati night.....declaring..."The Lord Bless you Earth out of Zion!!"
A congregation of people who have eaten the Body and the Blood and they know it sing like no other people in history. Awesome...doesn't even begin to cover it.
"Terrible as an army with banners......leaning on their beloved as they come up from the wilderness etc" Song of Songs

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