But the important thought I had this morning was
and today differs little, just scaling.
The irritating thing about today's world is that unlike Goliath standing in the plain opposing the army of Israel, nobody can really see the current Goliath. Goliath is an entity , a body of a relative few, sometimes referred to as the Illuminati. Louis Theroux did one of the first open TV series trying to find out more. The series was around 2003 and called "Them".
Probably the most important programme was on the Bilderberg meetings, Important, because one of the members ,Denis Healey, gave Louis a specific interview. In it he openly stated their rationale.
That they , the elders, and actually many honestly believe themselves gods, with trillions of pounds at their disposal, but as Denis said, they need to guide the sheep, because the sheep, the multitude, do not know what is best for them.
After a lot of study and digging it is possible to have more of an idea of these people's very very disturbing intentions, namely to decimate population numbers to a manageable 500 million.
But even by doing all this digging, already I guess you are showing that you are not prepared to be one of the unknowing multitude, and therefore further underlining Dennis Healey's premise......the sheep do not want to know, they want to be led.
But this morning I was imagining this picture.
Sometimes a stream will get polluted and diseased, and you have to follow it back up and try to determine the root cause. It could be pollution from a factory, or it could be simply a dead animal which has fallen into a mountain stream which pollutes what is particularly immediately below.
Even if you remove the dead animal or pollution source, all you have is clean water. While water is vital, it doesnt of itself produce an adequate plan for the future. You just know that .now you are free to drink.
Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and we, could spend our lives analysing and tweaking the particular megalith. And notably there are continued references to the sun god, in Ur, in Egypt, in Rome, and today through House of Rothschild a Temple to Apollo in his back garden.
But God's calling isn't that.
It is to follow Him.
It is to follow Life.
To follow the Word of Promise.
For Abraham that he would see a Child of Promise
For Israel that they would see a baby that would be their Deliverer, Moses. Except when he did arrive they hardly recognised him, which didn't bode well for Jesus the True Deliverer later.
A Promise is Given
A Baby is born
What kind of answer is that to Megaliths and giant cities and infrastructures and ruling powers?
Well ask yourself where Ur is now?
Ask yourself if Egypt heads the world?
What about the former Roman empire?
God's answer is a Word. A Seed that multiplies.A Baby. A LIFE in God.
It doesn't satisfy the leftbrain , Tree of Knowledge concept of ""What we should do now"
It appears to bypass it.
But not really. Because what went wrong in the beginning was entering into the "Alone-I" false godhood state, which believes life is leftbrain. Life is in our hearts. We were given reasoning powers. But those powers are transformed by an exchange of Life on the inside.
So you see , it really doesnt bypass anything, it deals with the problem at source.....
which is about a return to consciously living out of God.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths"
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
8 It will be healing to your [c]body
And refreshment to your bones.
Instead of serving Rothschild and the sun god.....
9 Honor the Lord from your wealth
And from the first of all your produce;
10 So your barns will be filled with plenty
And your vats will overflow with new wine.
11 My son, do not reject the [d]discipline of the Lord
Or loathe His reproof,
12 For whom the Lord loves He reproves,
Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights. from Proverbs 3
These thoughts came after this Facebook Conversation if any are interested
Joshua Campbell ...?

LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 1 · 26 November at 12:25
Jeff Robinson
Jeff Robinson Whether Jesus is literally, physically “alive” anywhere (else) at the moment is beyond my ability to ascertain or verify. Anyone who claims otherwise likewise can offer no proof. I think it is possible, but also entirely beside the point (although most of Christianity considers the necessity of that reality to be the central point, and people like me, necessarily heretical).
To me, it’s not the particular human individual that is essential, but rather the particular and peculiar kind and quality of nature and character revealed in that life (and perhaps it is largely myth), that, when resurrected/followed/emulated in other human beings, offers humanity the only viable pathway to avoiding mass destruction, or complete self-annihilation. Whether Father, Son, or Spirit exist in real time somewhere or not is again somewhat irrelevant. Why? Because so many who claim that faith don’t understand it, or live it. They use it as fire insurance, and justification for rejection, condemnation, exclusion, retribution and violence. Hardly correspondent with the evidence, such as it is. The unfaithfulness of much of Christianity begins with its self-serving, empire favoring, power-OVER hermeneutic and interpretation. Rather than loving G_d for being Uncontrolling Love, they render G_d as being an vengeful, Violent Authoritarian, capricious and conditional.
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 26 November at 12:44
Joshua Campbell replied · 11 Replies
Dan Beverley
Dan Beverley I don't even know exactly where *I* am ;-)
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 1 · 26 November at 15:23
Joshua Campbell
Joshua Campbell That sounds good, Dan. But it is also the number one way to avoid actually answering difficult questions... Esoteric obfuscation.
Like · Reply · 26 November at 15:31
Dan Beverley
Dan Beverley meh. I know there are some things that are hard to get ahold of in words.
But I am fundamentally opposed to esoteria ;-)
Like · Reply · 26 November at 15:36
Dan Beverley
Dan Beverley Also, where is modus ponens? Where is "if p, then q"?
It's everywhere and nowhere in particular....See more
Like · Reply · 1 · 26 November at 15:40
Joshua Campbell
Joshua Campbell Dan Beverley What you say is true.
Changing direction a little: Let's say a man walks into a store to get a thing, it is a particular thing, and he knows it is a particular thing, but he doesn't know what type of particular thing it is and he cannot learn what kind of thing it is at the store. Can we agree that would be as one might call "foolish"?
Like · Reply · 9 hrs
Joshua Campbell
Joshua Campbell Well, presuming we can.. we have to realize it is no different than a man choosing a group or label from the world to identify himself by, but failing to first form an subjective definition of himself... He is going through this life looking for himself in a label or something in the world, but he hasn't reached a subjective conclusion upon his objective state of existence. That makes it impossible to rightly recognize what is fitting for him, and he goes through life with wrong lenses and standards.
That is kind of what you are doing, bud. All Christians, really. Shopping for identity within the World's existing constructs. But, then, you claim the "nothing is anything" defense to answering questions about your belief system meaning to you. You might not be wrong, in either sense, individually. The believe system or the claim that nothing is anything. But for you to claim a "something is something" label, like "Christianity," and also use a defense of that particular claim the "nothing is anything," I have to call incoherence, friend. The two cannot be true together, because they have no rational connection to one another. '
Now, for your own subjective definition of YOU, it is imperative that YOU define it FOR YOU. What is "IT" that must be defined? That's also for you to define. However, before one defines himself by anything in particular... which I believe
Like · Reply · 9 hrs
Chris Welch
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Steven Gilmore
Steven Gilmore I don’t imagine God anywhere. I think I just kinda talk to the Universe. Put my thoughts and concerns into the world, and hope the energy returns.
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 1 · 26 November at 15:31
Burton Rathburn
Burton Rathburn In the woods where Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit because I believe we will be judged on how we lived are lives
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 26 November at 18:25
Burton Rathburn
Burton Rathburn An the was the first place he had judged humans
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 26 November at 18:26
Joshua Campbell
Joshua Campbell Perhaps so, but what is the standard by which it is judged?
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 26 November at 18:27
Steven Gilmore
Steven Gilmore Your preferred brand of shoes.
Like · Reply · 1 · 26 November at 18:28
Chris Welch
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Ryan D. Luelf
Ryan D. Luelf Following
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 1 · 26 November at 20:10
Mary Ann Bock
Mary Ann Bock
Image may contain: text
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 1 · 26 November at 20:31
Michael Kaminski
Michael Kaminski Just like a fart in the wind dude.....
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 00:15
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Don’t you think we are in dire straits. We have been fed in the West layer after layer after layer of lies. We are not raised in worship settings. We only really think in the leftbrain . Our hearts are now hard.
And into this setting dances New Age offering us the rest of our body.... which we could have had anyway if we weren’t raised in Rothschild schooling. The processes that should be safe in the Holy Soirit, are now offered with mind expanding drugs , or in the context of demons and false gods.... so now we not only have screwed up leftbrains our right brains and rest of our beings are being demonised too.
It’s getting as bad as the original culture of blood sacrifice and passing your very own kids into fire that Terah left all behindwith his family in the first place..... and having to completely go through from Abraham through Isaac and Jacob again just cos we are not hearing properly just kind of seems terribly terribly sad.
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · Yesterday at 07:31 · Edited
Chris Welch
Chris Welch So many arguments are based on there being no thirdlevellers and thirdlevel communities.
“ I can’t believe there is a father Son and Spirit because the believers that say they believe in this stuff live so terribly”
To which God says “ fair dos” sends His Son who raised 12 who start a mature version of Church in Acts 2.
I guess it’s got all the logic of not believing in cucumbers until you have been in a cucumber greenhouse or seeing a completed one in a shop
LikeShow More Reactions · Reply · Yesterday at 07:37 · Edited
Joshua Campbell
Joshua Campbell Chris, I am not sure I follow what you are saying. I do not feel that mind-expanding "Drugs," as you call them are properly labeled. I find it distasteful and disingenuous, for example, that DMT, which is produced naturally in the brain, is scheduled 1, with "no potential medical benefit." "Wait, my brain produces that. Oh, I get it, you think I'm retarded :p."
I find a drug usefully defined as "a thing that a human uses to manipulate his internal state of expheelientialism (that is experience + feeling = existence in the moment, aka, Being OK)." The things used to do so abound, as ANYthing can be used in such a way, but the two very worst that are worthy of attention and eradication are 1. Money, (the love of it, but the love IS it), and 2. Religious hypocrisy. These two are by far the very worst offenders and HAVE NO BENEFICIAL PLACE in the world. Every other substance has been found to have its place. Greedy motives and religious hypocrisy have yet to prove any value whatever, except to the detriment of life for all humans.
The other points you raise, I don't have any strong feelings on. I generally sense you need somewhere to place your discontent with the world other than upon the things you personally believe and live that contribute to the way the world is. That is a fancy way of saying, "Your pretty normal." The world is a mess because people believe that living in a way that makes you feel like shit is required--find, have and hoard money. Look like you have it when you don't. Structure and stricture your whole entire time on earth in this body around its acquisition and hoarding, to the dismay and emptiness of your hearts and souls.
Because we hold this desperate pursuit of money so close to the instinct of survival, we naturally (almost supernaturally, in the blindness) accept it without question. We don't even want to consider it as The Problem.
So, ooking around the world, we find... OTHER things, whatever we can, something to blame and scapegoat for how we feel that isn't our beloved money, the balm of our fears, the guarantor of our survival, at the cost of our very life.
We need something else to have caused us to feel so badly except for that one thing that we couldn't bring ourselves to change even if we acknowledged. See, a person can never acknowledge a problem he isn't ready to resolve. Being infinite.., we know all of the answers. The problem is formulating the questions. And, ultimately, the problem with that is whether or not we are willing to implement the solutions. We have to be 100 percent willing to throw away 100 percent of our thinking at any moment when confronted with Truth. Then, we ate able to see everything clearly, as we were intended to be.
I am speaking as one who has achieved this state. Questions find answers, and answers find questions. My my is like an open window and things go both ways. The first thing I noticed about myself when this began was an absence of the need to label and dismiss any particular group based upon a judgmental thought of their particular mission or conduct. I accept that there are things I don't understand. If it is important enough for me to feel some kind of way about and sticks to my mind for any amount of time, I will go see what it's all about and resolve whatever it is that is calling my attention./
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Joshua Campbell
Joshua Campbell /
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Chris Welch
Chris Welch Like I said you want to see it working
Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Fair dos. It’s time.
Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Do you feel better now?
· Reply · 4 hrs
Joshua Campbell
Joshua Campbell Chris Welch ? I haven't felt un-better... I express my piece and move on.
Like · Reply · 2 hrs
Chris Welch
Chris Welch Acts 2 was the presentation of something different and asked do you want it too, and 3000 men said yes not counting their wives and families.But how does such a community continue? After 2000 years hunting, we believe we have the same answer as St Paul but now better articulated, having just passed through the world of the last few hundred years.
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