Thursday 2 November 2017

Networking by any other name

Everything has always been about networking......but networking with everybody supplying authenticity.
The truth of the individual saying the same thing.
Something huge happened when a redeemed people who had sufferered 400 years previously within a Pharoah pyramid infrastructure and been so marvellously delivered, nevertheless thrust Moses up a mountain while "playing down below".
Essentially we have barely moved on. Romans 12.2 says do not be conformed to this world, and this world, though now.way more.disguised than in Jesus Roman times, is still a Roman Vatican, Khazak Jew ,banker led,occult dynasty set pyramids.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs, third level Christianity, the Kingdom a networking order based on the right functioning of each individual part,in short, unlike a top down machine and instead an exact mirror of a human body, which is actually what is described in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4
- the Body being joined by that which each joint, when it is working properly,supplies.
The other Key is.....building itself up in love.
The second level of Christianity, the young man level of 1 John 2 was about establishing that pattern in meetings.....or in the centre of the "gathering" that was going on as a people learn what it is to meet and function within a New Name......The Lord.Jesus Christ.
The third level is about exporting that pattern into all of life. .
Selah which means.....enough for one status.

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