Wednesday 29 November 2017

Have you Upgraded your operating system yet? Covenant 2.0 available now.

Put simply, if you are trying to run the product "Christ's New Creation Life" in operating system Covenant 1.0 the two systems are highly incompatible.
If you havent yet downloaded Covenant 2.0 operating system from central authority then hardly any of the new features will work for you.
This new system works entirely within the Blood of Christ
"This is the New Covenant in My Blood", and it does not work in the old Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil operating system.
One of the main new systems is the Cross. The Cross which is a quantum operation outside all time but fixed on earth 2000 years ago, is the hinge on which the whole new operating system works.
You were always spirit, inside a body clothed with soul, but a complete death had to occur because the original God breathed power source was contaminated by Satan's spirit.
Rather than try and unravel it and improve it, the decision was taken in the Trinity, just to kill it, and recreate a completely new spirit identity, this time totally hidden and therefore impenetrable in God Himself.
Your life is hidden (Greek interwoven , enmeshed) with Christ in God.Colossians 3.3
Because of the way I AM operates outside all time, actually this was still so in a kind of way in the Old Testament.
So ity is that the Hebrew for wait upon God to rise like eagles...
wait here also means exactly the same kinds of image as "hidden /interwoven " with Christ.
In the Radiochemical industry there is a protocol for handling radioactive substances, with lead rubber arms and special suits.
As Jesus stated, the protocol for dealing with these Extremely Holy New Covenantal features without falling dead instantly,
is by using the Blood of Jesus as a barrier, and by developing your usage of a completely new suit as described in Ephesians 6. Jesus way of describing the process was to lay down all forms of Covenant 1.0 system praying,
no more heaping up of words and liturgies to somehow "win God over".....
to leave all that "orphan " existence behind
and draw near through the Blood of Jesus.
You now go inside where your new created spirit and new operating system 2.0 is and meet freely with your Father in secret,
all the while shutting out all remnants of the previous system
The old ways of praying
The old Law of sin and judgment
of sin and death
and now engaging through the completely ripped veil.

Covenant 2.0 operating system is available through baptism in the Holy Spirit based entirely on the merits of the work and Person of Jesus Christ, who came and installed the new operating system Himself on the earth.
After the beta master copy was rolled out and roadtested for 33 years, the Father confirmed it was reliable twice once in Jordan and once at a special Operating system 2,0 Open exhibition on the Mount of Transfiguration. This is when three disciples and two Old Operating system saints got to inspect it "under the hood", and they were all very excited about its new potential.
Finally in the Upper Room, all the testing procedures were finished and it was declared Satan Proof, and then the new mass reproduction system spun into action, involving the death of the beta version on the Cross.

Three days later the full beta tested copy was rolled out in new packaging and tested on material walls, which it was able to easily pass through.

Initially the first instalment of the new operating system has been distributed to all who desire by the Holy Spirit on and after the Day of Pentecost.

The equivalent of a kind of electrical power supply was turned on by the Father to mark the new High Priestly role of Jesus Christ, the first Man in heaven. The new operating system is based entirely on the Person of Jesus Christ being made resident inside all individuals everywhere.

For the last hundred years , after the best part of two thousand years of neglect, the first aspects of this New Covenant system has been distributed with renewed fervour from the early 1900s.

I was involved heavily with other distribution agents in rolling out the first part of this new operating system 2.0 as new download centres called local churches in 1973 onwards.
We hadn't received all the instruction manual in its new updated form, so the new download centres were highly beta in nature, containing lots of the new, but a whole lot of Covenant 1.0 as well.

It is hoped after an extended training course lasting several years on the internet, that a new generation of more skilled distibution agents will better form download centres all over the globe , just as we did from 1973 onwards.

The main updates include, but are not exhaustive:
*Fresh understanding of how all inclusive Covenant 2.0 is
That it really can be operated by small and great , simple and clever, old and young, male and female and Jew and Gentile

* Fresh Power

* A whole lot better basis on which to relate and deal with problems

* that the system really doesnt have anything to do with human might and armies, nor clever clever intellectual colleges but that it is entirely managed first and foremost "by My Spirit " says the Lord

* That the system comes with its own Systems Development engineer, the Holy Spirit. He provides each and everyone with the necessary tools

* That the system comes with its own Cloud based Melchizedek Order and Psalm 123 Viewing area

* Covenant 2.0 works equally well in the download centres as well as in all aspects of life.

The new system has as its product guarantee and everlasting warranty
"His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness."

If there is any problem in making the product work, the System Writer promises to write it upon our very it functions automatically...

if there is still a problem
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness

Although our spirits are instantly made right in the first download, "setting our mind on the Spirit" and this new operating system guarantees that all our previous code still in existence is completely rewritten.
You can read about its existence here in Ezekiel 8.10
And in the Parable of the Sower and the Seed, and the pure soil.

We are hoping to install new download centres all over the earth.

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