Wednesday 16 May 2012

A Little Girl's Umbrella as told by Daniel Kolenda

Daniel works alongside Rheinhard Bonnke in
Wherever you are in life, and regardless of what you are going through or what you've done, God wants to answer your prayers!
Sometimes the space of time between the "Amen" of your prayers and the - "There it is" - becomes a season of WAITING.
When Jesus ascended from the Mount of Olives to His throne in glory, He left His church in an attitude of expectancy. In the last moments of His earthly ministry, He gave them the final command, "WAIT!" (Acts 1:3-14)
The secret to WAITING is EXPECTANCY. When you believe God will do what He says, you will not give up waiting for His timing. The world's time limits are not God's time limits.
SPIRITUALLY SPEAKING, I call it a "Bring Your Umbrella" attitude of EXPECTANCY and I get that from the following TRUE story:
Many years ago, a region of the American Midwest had been stricken by drought. There was a small town there that was totally dependent upon farming, and the crops were dying in the fields because of the lack of rain. A day of prayer and fasting was declared in which all the townspeople would come in from their surrounding farms and spend the day in prayer, asking God to send rain.
That morning a five-year-old girl came along with her parents to their church to pray. Some people were amused as this little girl was carrying an umbrella. They asked her why. She replied that she thought they had come there that day to pray for rain, and she didn't want to get wet going home.
Suddenly conviction gripped their hearts. The people realized that they had come to pray, but no one but this little girl actually believed anything was going to change! In tears, they repented of their unbelief; and these same townspeople began to pray that day as though they really believed their prayers were going to change things.
About four o'clock that afternoon, clouds began to form on the western sky. By evening, a slow, soaking rain had begun to fall across the region. The heavens had literally opened for these people. This slow rain lasted for three days and nights. Their crops were saved, and they eventually had one of the biggest harvests that they had ever seen! Everyone remembered that it was the little girl with her umbrella who had come to pray and had changed their hearts from a place of religious duty bound with unbelief to a place of expectancy that God would in fact hear and act.

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