Friday 30 January 2015
A Woman Clothed with the Sun - Oliver Bob Lagumen
Oliver Bob Reyes Lagumen Facebook (You can read Oliver Bob's earlier experience here)
Time check is 6:24 A.M. but at dawn today the Lord woke me up with a message. And the message is Revelation 12. He reminded me how that in my ASCENSION EXPERIENCE, i was one with the power of the Sun, I went to pray where I was laying down and finally went out of the house.
Before I went out the house, I was just meditating in my bed and he revealed to me everything that I needed to know at the time. He verified that in this experience, how that I was indeed one with the power of the Sun and the glory of the universe.
Now, this is what the Father has unveiled: Logos-consciousness has revealed to me that the book of Revelation is the book of identification. Indeed it is the book of manifestation, because it is the book of identification. The Spirit of The Word revealed to me that anyone who DO NOT WISH TO IDENTIFY himself with "THE WOMAN CLOTHED WITH THE SUN", can not be identified with THE MANCHILD ON THE THRONE!
Anyone who will not be identified with the weakness of that woman, can not be identified with her strength. Anyone who refuses her Son, the Sun of righteousness, can not be identified with the Healing in her wings, and anyone who will not embrace her as God's wife, can not be identified with the Holy City (her children).
The mind of God revealed to me that she is the MOTHER LOGOS, the soul of creation, even the mother of creation! She is your soul restored into glory. She is you. When God made man in his image after his likeness, she consulted her within himself and man came into being, in fact none in creation came out into existence without being begotten from within her womb!
I have experienced all of her wonders in my ASCENSION EXPERIENCE and behold she is coming down out of heaven from God and from the throne of Godship to INHABIT THE NEIGHBORHOOD in the glory of the Father!
So now, I am seeing myself in THE WHOLE EXPERIENCE OF REVELATION 12!
Time-check is 6:50 A.M.
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Chris Welch Now you understand why the devil wanted to rip that little Thread of ours apart, for without this firm belief and understanding we bring forth the wind. Instead the devil like a serpent waits anxiously at the birthplace to chase after the Manchild. He waited anxiously trying to kill Moses the first Deliverer. And all those babies died.
He waited upon the birth of the True Deliverer Jesus and tried to slaughter Him too. And all those babies in Ramah made it a place of weeping. And in every country on earth he is doing his best to kill babies in abortion and reduce the population lest we ever be strong numerically and spiritually and finish the job that was lacking in the afflictions of Christ and dispatch him off the face of the earth.
Chris Welch continues
The writing that OLB has just posted is SO KEY. It is our distinctive. Maybe some of you haven't got to this point. Well we are not saying these things to be special, we are saying these things to define where the power of our believing needs to be.
You can be a Union believer, believing in the Exchanged Life at the Cross, but there is something more here. This is how St Paul expressed it, and it is the distinct message that Daniel Yordy, now Oliver Bob Reyes Lagumen , Annalize Mouton, myself, Rich Novek and many others now believe. "so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places".
Many believe the word of Paul here but they don't believe the specificity of either our exchanged life, that is Christ our only Life, nor that there could ever be a church who lived that out corporately. Revelation 12 says quite clearly it is so. She is like the SUN because such a community now has Christ Consciousness by virtue of the Cross in HER SOUL. We are nolonger like the moon "reflecting the light of the sun", we are the Son in the Earth. "As He is so are we in the Earth."
We nolonger live in separation,ln a Genesis 3 world believing we have a separate life. No such separate life ever existed....truly it was always satan's own empowering in such a masquerading daily form none of us noticed...but it affected in some way everything we felt, everything we thought, how we acted and how we spoke!!!! So not much then?LOL
But this Revelation 12 SUN is not me. Is not you. It's US. It's a New thing in the Earth. It's a woman covering/ giving birth to a MANCHILD. This dual REALITY is the CHURCH in the earth.
Now some LOCAL PRACTICS.....that need to be spoken.
IN 1976 in a cowshed in the Dales, outside Harrogate a people specified before God that they were this MARY....THIS SUN...THIS WOMAN...and solemnly before God and the particular called apostle of God, Ern Baxter....that we may, like Mary not understand it, but we said yes to the Holy Spirit....BE IT UNTO ME ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD. And on that pure foundation many hundreds of fellowships and churches spawned. LOCALLY....we have two such churches.
The Apostle Jorge Pradas spoke the same "specificity" over a charismatic prayer meeting and said...What are you? A Fellowship or the Church of the Living God.
A fellowship can mean anything. Take it or leave it. You can be adulterous. In, out, like some kind of bigamous marriage....OR you can be the CHURCH of the Living God. The sad thing about Emsworth Church is they NEVER had defined teaching on WHO THEY WERE as individuals. And eventually, a bit like the church of Galatians they became more and more nebulous in the specificity of their believing, and then renamed themselves NEW LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, but not necessarily continuing in their inner believing as to what their identity was.
I then attended Havant Church for 12 years, but they too would not be pegged down according to who the Bible says they are.
Without BOTH specificities of believing Revelation CANNOT OCCUR. We give birth to the wind. Our sons and daughters leave. Like Israel we become just an empty shell, infrastructure and a name, but not having the POWER TO BRING FORTH.
Here is the magic that St Paul found.
A People who believe in their new identity in Christ.
A People who believe in their NEW IDENTITY...not as a human club...But the Revelation 12 Vison of the Church....the new thing...the woman covering a man or manchild....HAS the ability within Herself to bring Jesus forth. However i looks to the natural eyes. Jesus being born out the backside of a very busy inn, in a stable, in a cow trough didn't look any more promising than today's church of active believing saints....being born here and now on Facebook of all places and many other weird places on earth. (One such recent birthplace was a mafia style controller of pimps and prostitutes in Reykjavik Iceland suddenly waking for nights afraid for his own soul and then a church formed round him).....
The other things aren't really churches....they may even be baptised in the Spirit...but they are not believing what the Bible says about them, nor believing what the Bible is saying about how a true church they reap the wind. They may sell Cds, Conferences, may have healings like Aladdin rubbing their lamps, but they don't have SUN consciousness, they still have moon separation consciousness, and anyone living with them can see it. So they reap the wind. Their children leave them "for other nations".
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This is new light shed for me. Must be my time to receive the Revelation which has been such an impossible mystery to me. This has cracked open the door and I am hungry to KNOW all He IS in me. Thank you, Chris.
thanks for information
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