Strong exhortational Word for this time through Richard Hogue .
Sunday, 12 January 2025
Saturday, 11 January 2025
Thursday, 9 January 2025
Amish Amoxycillin
These posts are information that I think is important .
Wednesday, 8 January 2025
A New Way For the New Year
TGIM! A NEW WAY for THE NEW YEAR NOW WHAT? “Don't cling to me,” Jesus said, “I haven't yet ascended to the Father. But go find my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and
your Father, to my God and your God.’” John 20:17 It is time to stop clinging to the past. But most importantly, stop clinging to the historical Christ. He has ascended, and you have ascended with Him. When He arose, you arose. When He ascended, you ascended too. You are now seated with Christ in the Heavenly realm. Therefore, embrace the living Christ! When you embrace the living Christ, you will be able to embrace the future, whatever it is. Christ is big enough and He can handle it! Because of Christ, God is also your God, and He is your Father too! HALLELUJAH! God has a new way. In fact, His way is called the “new and living way” (Hebrews 10:20). God’s way will allow you to walk in newness of life—His Life! Here are some suggestions for facing the challenges of the New Year.
Tuesday, 7 January 2025
Mark Zuckerberg's Present Policy
This is relevant to me because my post about Israel and Gaza and avoiding a build up to Armageddon , met with the claim that I was inciting hatred . Nothing is further from my aims . . YouTube has banned further uploading at present .
More Details ......
A Body with power. Jonathan Brenneman, Chris Welch
Chris Welch
There's something about pastor rabbi shaped synagogue style churches that is killing saints, killing evangelism, killing what Paul calls the King factor, the moving towards a spiritual authority in a location. Would that you were kings....notice...plural. Like OT Israel, like Jerusalem Church , there's a beautiful and mystical mix of authority through elders, people feeling relaxed to do what Jesus is doing through them spontaneously. In Acts we see what Jesus prophesied into being ....Now is Isaiah 61 fulfilled in your midst.....Now is the Kingdom of heaven at hand ....You are light on a hill ....a city on a hill. So we see Stephen and mercy ministries. We see Philip who I guess was just one of the evangelists. We see father level apostles going house to house. They were all doing outstanding miracles. There's 14 different ministries listed by Paul in 3 lists. Have your heart fixed on one ecclesia in one location as a demonstration of One Lord who can fix all sorts of personalities comfortably together if He is in our midst. Ezekiel 36 and Jeremiah 31 describe the tender heart the Holy Spirit creates, coupled with tremendous authority that isnt like the world's pyramid authority which is purely a might is right system. We are eunuchs. "Do not lord it over one another as you see the Gentiles do." Believe for real ecclesia that really lifts up Jesus as Lord and sees all men drawn in unto Him. Jesus Presence isnt mushy. It's authoritative, clean holy , rich , loving yet it has God the Father's fear. What's that ? He fears lest He ever once should act out of self for self. he has sworn that He shall never lie. Satan is the Father of lies. We join God in His own godly fear, and His Presence is spread abroad so wonderfully like perfume. Who is up for real church? Like Jacob's sons and the apostles, can we get through the 1 Corinthians 12;14 -26 barrier and operate together as a whole spectrum of Holy Spirit people , honoring each other, and manifesting Kingdom instead of ONE PASTORDOM? Our generation was spoilt . We tasted all this in Jesus Move, and we can read it in Acts. It's not fiction !!!!
Monday, 6 January 2025
Unthreading your prized woolly jumper
There is an opposite .....this verse has an opposite .
The Body is joined by that which each joint supplies when it is working properly .
I think there's a lie , this is a spoken word of destructive faith by the enemy , that unless stopped , is similar to a woollen thread in a jumper breaking .
We think " oh a thread has broken " forgetting that thread is one continuous thread in our jumper , with the risk of it unwinding .
So a Satanic lie doesn't just cause a hole , it carries on in its dismantling work , almost like it has a ' negative life of its own '.
David's son Absalom carried this destructive lie somehow in his being , and when he came of age he actually sought to pull David's kingdom from him .
David was the very opposite , given the very opportunity to kill Saul , he honoured the fact that God had called Saul and it was up to God to decide about Saul.
We are to speak the truth in love . We are not to hive off . And worse we are not to hive off in gossip .
An agent of Darkness can be overt like Paul before he converted . I was going to say Saul , but then Id have had to say , the other NT one .
There's the other type of agent like James Kawalya, sent in specifically to break up covenanted prayer Intercession . He was successful but it was hidden what his intentions were. Before he could be honoured by whichever of the European Satanic brotherhoods it was , he was led to the Lord himself by a Christian sister in the Lord .
He was invited to be honoured by his former Brotherhood for his great powers in this success , but he later learned after conversion , they were going to eat him so they could have his power ....I guess , spirit transference .
So if the System invites you for a meal , define whose meal !!!
Witches only get promoted , (and not necessarily eaten) ,by breaking up Christian marriages and churches . The wickedness isn't just the breakup , it's like a continuous thread unravelling .
We speak the truth in love . It is not sufficient to be part of a ' judgment exercise ' but be sworn to secrecy . Oaths are a Satanic mechanism .
" He / she must never know " is witchcraft .
This happened to me 37 years ago in Emsworth
Take for example the Brethren practice of taking the basic idea of confronting a person face to face . Then as elders . Then as a church .
The weak satanic link in the Brethren way of doing this , is a pastor assumes a king -like role , when it isn't given to them . They first gather compliant elders to gang up against an individual . And once that's successful , they have a core backbone to assemble the whole church against an individual , but the actual case has never even been worked through .
This happened to me 37 years ago in Emsworth .
Then would have happened the second time in Havant Portsdown Church who did precisely the same backroom elders kind of shenanigans.
To be fair to both parties of elders , they weren't sensitive in the Spirit to know that God was telling me both times to do the Jesus thing , of remaining silent ,because He was up to bigger things , and I'm assuming this to be the bringing forth of the thirdlevel in the earth .
So many have been through these kind of Song of Solomon 5 events , and as far as I can learn , at least a part of the dynamic is to lose the fear of man .
But because of the verse " the Body is joined by that which each joint supplies when it is working properly " ......if the devil is working some frameup and lie ......we had better be sure we are not working on his behalf , because it seems the opposite isn't a one off event signals a fragmentation that grows and grows until stopped in its tracks , which means not just confronting effects , but the actual malicious spirit of Darkness conceiving and hatching this particular adders egg.
I knew that the Body is built by that which each joint supplies , but I didn't know the creative ( in a destructive meaning ) power of a lie , can continue in such a woolly jumper unthreading way .
Maybe once the Body has started its newfound self building potential , this is the strategic point Satan waits for ,to use the Body members in an exactly reverse dismantling process .
Certainly after Jesus false trial , which the Jews as a whole body of people never put right ,even though the first Church was entirely built of Jews who did turn round to God , but for the rest , their woolly jumper continues to unthread even to this very day .
The only nation with the highest number of the population taking the deadly MRNA technology was Israel . Their current disposition is the exact opposite of Proverbs 3: 5-6.
Down my road lives a daughter whose Hungarian Jewish mother is a world lecturer in chemistry . She took the vaccines with 'follow the science ' enthusiasm and has hardly been out of her door since. She can't get to her daughter to visit and can't continue her lecture tours.
We have to speak the truth in love .
We can't hive off .
We can't ,like Turkey, simply make a law to prevent citizens mentioning about their near total genocide of Armenians 110 years ago .
The woolly jumper continues .
All I did in the two churches was present truth in the same way as I try to relay stuff here . Facebook have banned me several times from posting .
YouTube won't currently upload my films .
I just do what I feel led to do as objectively as I can .
Jonah wasn't totally objective and God withered his tree to communicate to him his love for all humans .
It is not my doing that the people at the epicentre of both church judgements of me both lost their wives soon after , and the first his youngest son too .
I don't think God was behaving like Zeus from his parapet either , but I believe if we continue to perpetrate a lie , it carries on unwinding like a jumper . It's dangerous stuff .
Kathie Walters
The Body only works properly if each is reducing their instructions from the head.
Like your whole body. Arms, legs feet hand, shoulders move by the instructions from
The HEAD - from
Which every joint then supplies
Chris Welch
Very good point or else people could use that verse and think they can supply anything to build the Body with
Sunday, 5 January 2025
A testimony by Ray E Horton
During a community dinner among tenants this date in 2020, a fellow I hadn't met passed by me, so I said, "Hi, we haven't met. I'm Ray, what's your name?" He said his one-syllable name gruffly as he kept on going. I said, "I'm glad to meet you," using the name I thought I heard. He angrily shouted "No, that's not my name." I said "I'm sorry, I don't always hear well." He sneers back, "Sam, Sam, Sam, you got it" (name changed for this post).
Things like that roll right off me, but I saw some people were quite upset and moved to another table. I quietly ministered to several people that we just need to pray for him. Leaving the room later, Sam was also just leaving, so I apologized again to him in the hallway and asked if he was okay.
"Bad day," he said, "like every day." Today, getting my mail, a few people were gathered in the hallway discussing the incident. They said he is "always hateful like that." They wanted to know how I could treat him so kindly and not be upset. I mentioned that "Jesus within helps one be forgiving and compassionate."
Saturday, 4 January 2025
The Importance of Full Nutrition
Farmers cannot afford vet bills for hundreds of animals so they ensure they have complete nutrition . Humans who have a correct balance of 96 minerals and vitamins don't get sick either , so governments have been banning and suppressing supplements , not to protect citizens , but to protect the billions spent to Big Pharma . Governments are at war with their citizens while smiling and looking friendly .
9 gifts and general contributions
More on a Kingdom through a Condom......
How Satan indeed blocks the efficacy of Word and our God given role here on OUR earth.
Friday, 3 January 2025
Sort of True except for the Visit
This one is different. It's me writing fiction but based around a few facts.
I joined an online library and as it was in the next state I thought I would visit it. It was a corner building in what was once a thriving mid American town. The library stood out because it was a brightly painted attractive pink colour with a big window of immaculately presented secondhand books.
I'd joined the library because they were boasting one or two hundred thousand online books for download and I got a special starter price of a few dollars per year for life.
There were bumper packs of books, free speed reading courses, publishiing tuition, forums with other members and other things I can't now recall.
So I came to the door and it had an old fashioned cute bell that rang just like in all the old shops . However, when I entered there was but one book case in the middle of the shop and one long wooden counter with an old fashioned cash register against the back wall. To the side was a door to the back of the shop, probably the living quarters, with a quaint white lace curtain in front of the glass. A lady came through the door, quite tall and pleasant looking, introducing herself as Laura-Anne, the daughter of the business founder, who now, she said, having lost most of the use of his legs, worked in the back office on the computer managing the online part of the business.
" Nice to meet you Laura-Anne. This one bookcase, is this all there is? There's a greater number of books in the window area? "
She seemed a bit sad. "We don't get many visitors, but we like to have a few hard copies."
" I was looking for a particular book that is from the 1990s. I assumed you might have a copy. It fell out of my pocket yesterday and have no idea where I might have dropped it. I told her the title and that it had not come up in my online search. Then I said as I had noticed the business address was only abut an hour away I thought I'd drive over. "Its a bit disappointing, because your online website seemed to be quite something".
"Im glad you like it . But I'm sad that you think your journey to the shop is less exciting". "Your father established this shop years ago, shouldn't there be many more books?" " My father worked in a rare specialist area to do with Antarctica and the last entry in the Encyclopaedia Britannica in 1958 about the Firmament". " Wow that is niche, " I said. "This used to be a bustling town , but I can't imagine your dad would survive just selling that type of material" " Well we didn't have many visitors and my Mum was around , and I was just growing up, so I didn't have a lot to do with the shop and that particular period of the business. I did wonder the same thing and my Dad said the type of military enquries were so specialised and so highly paid, he actually did very well". I noticed both the smell and form of a nice hot jug of freshly percolated coffee. She followed my eyes and said " Oh , forgive me, you have come a fair way and been disappointed. Let me offer you a mug of coffee. We don't have chairs I'm afraid ." " Yes , it's a bit bare , but the floor is fantastic. What on earth is that wood ? " "It's a type of South African tree that some military told my Father about , on a return trip from Antarctica in a naval boat. The rest went in one of the rooms of the White House."
I was disappointed by my visit, but it was so difficult being this matter of fact , when it was clear that both the father and the daughter would be pleased to have any visit here, in this very quiet Midwest town.
Once I was home, I cancelled my subscription and ordered my replacement book from Amazon . The 1990s hardback edition was even cheaper as a used book than the 6 dollar paperback. I ordered the 2 dollars 50 hardback , which arrived 3 days later.
_____ Kind of true, except for the visit.
Thursday, 2 January 2025
Before Killing me , the Killers decided.....
Forwarded through Jimbob Herring On Facebook and
Nwanyi Imo
Kajungu Boaz Kyarimpa |
Before killing me, the killers decided that I should dig my own grave. As I was digging, I was also praying. “Lord, I believe you can deliver me. You can protect me from being killed by these people. I’ve preached about Daniel in the lion’s den, and about how you delivered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace. Are you still the same God? You can show me now. Please give me that faith.”
I was hoping that God would give me wings to fly away, or that He would send fire from heaven. But God answered in a much different way from what I could have imagined.
As I was digging the grave, one of the killers picked up my Bible and was looking at it. Noticing the many markings in it he asked, “What do all these colors mean?”
“Those are my favorite verses,” I said.
Interested, the man started reading the many highlighted verses. “Are you sure you’ve read all of these?” he asked incredulously.
“Yes,” I responded. I could see that the man had some pity for me.
Turning to his fellow killers he said, “Friends, I know we’re going to kill this man, but please let me help him dig!”
The leader nodded and the man jumped into the hole with me and started digging. “Lord, I prayed, “this grave is going to be finished quickly now. What are You going to do?”
God had a plan, but sometimes we want to try and force God to answer our prayers in the way that we think is best, rather than just trusting Him.
To my surprise, as soon as we were finished digging, the grave digging killer said to his colleagues, “Why should we use the grave for this man we don’t even know? Let him go and dig another grave near the highway. This is our field; why should we bury him here?”
The group agreed, and decided to use the grave for another man they had just killed. Then ironically, one of the killers said, “Before we bury that man, why don’t we pray for him.”
I watched as the group gathered around the body of the person they had just killed before coming after me. “Mary, mother of Jesus, receive him,” they said before rolling the corpse into the grave that had been meant for me.
All of a sudden my entire outlook changed. “Lord!” I gasped, “Don’t allow me to be separated from these people before I tell them who You are! These are people who have never heard about You. They think they can pray for someone they have killed. And we are partly responsible. We never came and taught them the truth about You.”
Right after they buried that man, we moved closer to the highway. I was about to start digging another grave when the man who had my Bible asked if he could keep it. I said, “yes,” but the other killers told him “No! It’s ours—you’ll have to pay for it!”
I could see that the Holy Spirit had already touched this man’s heart, so I begged him, “Please, can I have that Bible and say something before I dig another grave?”
The man was excited and said, “Go ahead!” but another one shouted, “No! He’s our enemy. He has nothing to tell us.”
Then the arguing became very sharp, with some of the group insisting that I should be given the opportunity to speak, while others insisted that I had nothing to say. Just when it appeared that the killers were going to fight each other, one who appeared older than the others asked, “Why are you going to fight over someone you don’t even know? Those who want to listen, sit and listen; others, sit and shut your ears. When he’s done, we’ll kill him.”
So they all sat down and I started to preach.
First, I thanked them. “Thank you for praying for somebody that you have killed. However, you need to understand what the Bible says about death—the only chance you have to be saved is during your lifetime—not after you are dead. ‘For the living know that they will die,’ I quoted from Eccl. 9:5, ‘but the dead know nothing.’ I’m not going to plead for you to let me go, I continued, because I know that even if you kill me a time is coming when I will be resurrected.
“Among the people you are killing are another tribe—they are not Hutu or Tutsis. They are God’s children. You think that you’re fighting a tribal war, but you’re mistaken. This is a war between Christ and Satan. You think that the people you’re killing are Tutsis, but they belong to a totally different tribe because they have given their hearts to Jesus and they are His children.”
Then I read 1 Peter 2:9-10 to them: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”
As I preached, I could see some of the killers were crying, and I knew that the Holy Spirit was working on their hearts. After preaching for 15 to 20 minutes I told the group, “Now I’m going to say a final prayer, and after that I will dig another grave.”
As soon as I finished praying, someone shouted, “If anyone kills this person, his blood be upon them!”
“No, we can’t kill him!” the others said. “Let him go! We can’t kill him.”
Then the leader spoke up. “I was the one who suggested that we kill this man in a very bad way. But now, we’re not going to kill him.”
I knew it was only by God’s grace that my life was spared. Who am I? I didn’t have any power. God was just kind.
During the approximately 100-day genocide from April 7 to mid-July, 1994, approximately 1 million people were killed, including my entire family. But even though I came face to face with death numerous times, the Lord always saw fit to spare my life.
Written by Kajungu Boaz Kyarimpa