Saturday 27 September 2014

Timeline Posters

Sometimes a phrase will  sum up something in a unique way and I get to thinking , that could be a Timeline Poster on Facebook, now how would I go about illustrating that?
I use Xara Xtreme Pro  from and nab something off Google or draw it myself.
The racing car is layered to suggest a blurred image of movement.
The cliff face is done with their fill tool.

Phil Keaggy....just too good to pigeonhole!!

Kirsten Powers: We broke Iraq (USA Today)

5:18 p.m. EDT September 23, 2014
‘The Vicar of Baghdad’, on a recent trip to the U.S., bears witness to the present hell.
Colin Powell famously told President George W. Bush before the Iraq invasion, "If you break it, you own it." Well, it's safe to say we broke Iraq.

That's the story I heard last week from two people who live there. I met with the Rev. Canon Andrew White — "The Vicar of Baghdad" — who serves as the chaplain to St. George's Anglican Church in the heart of Baghdad. We were joined by Sarah Ahmed, a director at White's Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East. Ahmed was born and raised in Iraq. White has lived there for 15 years.

"I was in favor of the U.S. invasion," White told me. "But we are literally 5,000 times worse than before. If you look at it, you can see it was wrong. We have gained nothing. Literally nothing. We may have had an evil dictator, but now we have total terrorism. We used to have one Saddam. Now we have thousands."

Ahmed, who opposed the war, agreed but urged people to move past that debate. "When the war happened it was based on wrong decisions," she said. "The U.S. shouldn't have intervened. But that happened. But now it's a different situation."

Now, it's sheer desperation. Speaking to an Anglican church in Washington, D.C., last week, White told congregants, "There is very little hope. There is very little future. I used to say to (my people), 'I'm not going to leave you, so don't you leave me.' Now I can't say, 'Don't leave me.' Because I ... know if they stay, they might not be alive much longer."

In our meeting, White described Iraqis being persecuted, tortured and massacred. Ahmed talked of beheadings and people being sliced in half in front of relatives. She spoke of a slave market where kidnapped children are bought and sold. Boys are forced to become jihadis; girls become sex slaves.

Ahmed's Muslim family fled to Jordan, but she stayed behind because of her commitment to the future of Iraq. She said, "I'm a pacifist, but unless there is a very strong military action by the U.S., (the Islamic State) cannot be moved." She has reluctantly concluded that might have to include some U.S. ground troops returning to Iraq.

This view is shared by a who's who of U.S. military advisers, from Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to former Defense secretary Robert Gates. Arguments in favor of sending Americans back to Iraq are the last thing most Americans want to hear.

I opposed the Iraq War, so I can relate to this reticence. But taking the option off the table, as President Obama hasdonerepeatedly, seems premature considering the state of Iraq and America's hand in creating the current crisis.

That said, White is not sure that at this point there is much the U.S. can do to change the dynamics on the ground. He is less optimistic than Ahmed — or someAmericangenerals — that Iraq can be saved.

"I really say that the biggest thing responsible for the crisis now was American troops leaving. I could have told (President Obama) this would happen. I sat down with all my staff when the U.S. was withdrawing and I said, 'Give it three years and we will be in hell.' And we are."

Kirsten Powers writes weekly for USA TODAY.

In addition to its own editorials, USA TODAY publishes diverse opinions from outside writers, including our Board of Contributors. To read more columns like this, go to the opinion front page or follow us on twitter @USATopinion or Facebook.
Kirsten Powers

Friday 26 September 2014

The In Part is fading away - Phillip Owen Morris

The "in part" is fading away

When Maturity Comes The “In Part” Shall Be Done Away

At the time of the writing of the book of Revelation, the Church was experiencing the Holy Place dimension (Revelation 1:12 and 3:15-16). There comes a time when we have to sacrifice that realm and ministry and trust the Lord to resurrect it in his way and in his time. Paul called the “gift” realm an “in part” realm, not the fullness. Once Elisha kissed his former ministry good-bye, he sacrificed the oxen. We must take the ministry that we have been involved in that we have thought was the fullness, but was really the “in part” or the “gift” realm, or the Holy Place dimension, and sacrifice it as Elisha did. We must lay it down and allow God to raise it up in his way and in his time. Then it will be greater than just an “in part” manifestation. Paul said, “But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” The Greek word “perfect” in this scripture means “complete in growth, in mental and moral character; of full age.” This speaks of maturity. The word “perfect” in this scripture also means “man” and “perfect.” In Ephesians 4:13, Paul wrote, “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (emphasis added). We, the full grown, mature body of Christ = a perfect man which is Christ the Lord. This is not referring to separate, individual places of worship or to separate denominations or to any religion. It is referring to the body of Christ—every Church in every city, in every state, in every nation in which the Lord Jesus Christ is the Head. That is what the Lord is telling the Church in Revelation 3:15. If you stay in an “in part” realm when God wants you to move on, you become lukewarm. You lose that first love. If you won’t sacrifice the ministry and go into the place of Revelation 4:1, and come up to the Most Holy Place experience, there will be a lukewarmness that will settle over you. There was a time in my life when I thought I was in the ultimate ministry. I did not want to leave that ministry, but God was dealing with me. I did not want to lay it down, but I sensed within my spiritual life a lukewarmness, until I finally made the decision to lay it down and go into the ministry that proceeds out of the Most Holy Place. I did not know what God was doing at that time though. When God wants us to move from one realm to the next, but we are satisfied with just being stuck in the middle, we are saying that we are rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing. When God wants us to move on with him but we are satisfied right where we are, we are saying, “We have numbers, we have money, we have programs, and we have a ministry.” And God is saying, “Don’t you know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked?” Then in Revelation 3:18 the Lord tells them, “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.” Isaiah 55:1 says that we are to buy without money and without price—without works of the flesh. We buy with our hunger for him. And only because of his grace, do we receive his gold (divine nature), his raiment of righteousness, and his ability to see spiritual things. In Revelation 5, John was weeping because no man could open the book. No man can open the book, and no amount of “what we go through” can open the book. No works can open the book. Nothing we do can open the book within and cause the life of the Lamb and the rivers of living water to flow out of our innermost being. If we suffer with him we reign with him, and we suffered at the cross of Calvary. That is what he is saying when he says, “I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire.” Jesus experienced a fire, a judgment, a bitter cup, at the cross over 2000 years ago. At first, he didn’t even want to drink it. Then he said, “Not my will but thine, be done.” And that is when his fire began to become our fire. His suffering became our suffering. No man can open the book. No matter what we do, we cannot open the book. Only when you receive the Lamb that was slain can the book be opened. In Revelation 3:20, the Lord said that if we’d open the door, he would come in and sup. The biggest meal is at the end of the day. For over 2000 years we’ve been at the end of the age of the Mosaic Law, but blinded from that truth by the god of this world. God has given us a hand-written invitation to come to this super supper he has prepared. We’ve opened the door and we are beginning to partake. We have “come up hither.” Jesus is more than life itself. He is more than the necessary food that we eat. Jesus is more than anything! He’s everything! To have the book of life that is within us unsealed on the backside—crucified, died, buried—means that out of us, can flow the life of the Lamb—quickened, raised, and seated. That is why we were created in the first place. We were made to become a praise and a worship unto him. We were created to have him, the rivers of living waters, reproduced out of us. When we understand the book of Revelation there is going to be a great outflowing coming from all of us. There have been so many things that have come against the body of Christ that unless we can grab a hold of this spiritual understanding that it is not what we must suffer, but what we have already suffered, we will not begin to reign with him in the throne. I’m so convinced of this that I’m angry. The word tells us to be angry and sin not. Anger is just a sign that tells us that we need to move forward to confront those things that have come against us. Unless we grab a hold of this, Matthew 21:43 says that the kingdom will be given to another nation. It could be given to a people who are only experiencing the Holy Place at this time. A people who are hungry. A people who are desperate. A people who
know that there is more than the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there is more than the gift realm, and they are crying out from the Holy Place to find it. But there is a people here and now, that are walking in the kingdom. There is a people in the deeper life experience of the Most Holy Place that are experiencing throne realm dominion. The Lord has brought this word for that purpose. We are walking in the kingdom and experiencing the place that we are already seated in. We are no longer trying to get into a chair that we are already seated in. We’re living it more and more with each passing day! It is naturally supernaturally walking itself out, through the self-fulfilling power of his word (Isaiah 61:11 Amplified Bible)! Right now, we are coming out of the Most Holy Place to see how we got there. And as we do, we are filling our mind with the knowledge and the understanding of how we got there—which is the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are not eating the lamb in haste as the Israelites did when they came out of Egypt. We are enjoying the marriage supper of the Lamb with our feet underneath his table. In this kingdom age we will not go out with haste, nor by flight; for the Lord has gone before us, and the God of Israel is our rear guard (Isaiah 52:12). When we experienced initial salvation we ate the Lamb with haste in our first look at the cross. But as we take a second look we are savoring every detail of the finished work of Calvary.

Phillip Owen Morris

Thursday 25 September 2014

Luvvies speak out on Facebook

I share many mutual friends on Facebook.I don't think I believe quite the same things. Trying to chase them down rabbitholes doesn't help me much...nor it seems them. The Body of Christ is not in the unity of the faith yet, so until that time we maintain the Unity of the Spirit.
One of the most popular of my blogposts is Too Much Process  in which Derek Pronce at 80 discovers that His Heavenly Dad really does love him....and discovering that changes so many things....things that were a fulltime battle...just simply fall away.
You can't ignore all these people....though Stephanie Macentire has defriended me.....the amazing thing is, loads of the rest haven't. They ARE in love with God and each other. Whatever I believe, certainly at this stage in the proceedings, has little or no effect...which is humbling....and here they even if you tried to discount them....wouldn't make a scrap of difference....these are luvvies and below the name list is some open and laid bare sharing from last night on Facebook.

Fay Gillbanks Lagerwall
225 mutual friends
Cynthia Linox
350 mutual friends
Tabitha Hope
34 mutual friends
Kevin Hinkle
520 mutual friends
Hal Williamson
498 mutual friends
Christo Amsterdam
313 mutual friends
Brandon Lee
33 mutual friends
Myrlene Jack
6 mutual friends
Helene Markus
3 mutual friends
Elizabeth Imondi
172 mutual friends
Kristy P. Ashley
28 mutual friends
Christi Landers Ward
18 mutual friends
Linda Freethinker Thompson
84 mutual friends
Victor Henson
34 mutual friends
Donna Bentley Schrimsher
9 mutual friends
Cynthia Raytos
2 mutual friends
Jackie Walker
94 mutual friends
Debra Tillman Larson
2 mutual friends
Roxann Bass
35 mutual friends
Kim Wood
5 mutual friends
Sarah Jenkins Kawa
185 mutual friends
Stephanie McEntire Buker
318 mutual friends
LisaMarie Smith-LaRose
3 mutual friends
Amanda Bloomfield
39 mutual friends
Cherrie Brecht
57 mutual friends
Michelle Gomillion
10 mutual friends
Tanya Davila
8 mutual friends
Michele Kim Bahlmann
45 mutual friends
Beatriz Musick
174 mutual friends
Bola Muyis
78 mutual friends
Debbie Fulcher Belch
262 mutual friends
Mary Nonimous
36 mutual friends
Patricia Woodard
38 mutual friends
Hettie Beyer
18 mutual friends
Bridget Chapman
81 mutual friends
Beloved Richi
69 mutual friends
Chris Dugger
39 mutual friends
Debbie Brown
6 mutual friends
Chrissy Ward Hinkle
193 mutual friends
Brandalyn Ziemann
7 mutual friends
Sharon Cosby
144 mutual friends
Lilo Sanchez
14 mutual friends
Brigitte Pigram

Christo Amsterdam

23 hours ago · Edited

I need to post this...My biological father has not been there for me since birth...and I know the feeling of those children who has been mistreated that way..the hurt is unbearable...I have two kids today my eldest daughter is 16 and my son Immanuel 10...Loving my kids was a Huge problem because I couldn't relate to loving was a new challenge for me especailly the "huging and kissing part" it was really hard though...I was longing and yearning to be loved and to love but on my life journey God revealed to me that the Love I was searching an looking for was right there inside of me...that revelation opened up a new perspective to love and to be loved. now I can freely Love my wife kids and everybody around me. Wow!!! — with Hal Williamson and 22 others.

Hal Williamson, Christo Amsterdam, Joe Black and 47 others like this.

Andrea Lynn Praise the Lord!!!
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Sharon Cosby Christo Amsterdam I love your transparency bro. I was in the same situation with my dad as well. And it is amazing when the Spirit reveals truth about love...that we are love all's in us and are us...LOVE. I know your wife and kids got to love this love journey you are on because as your Facebook friends we are experiencing your love and friendship on a social network perspective. You are such a blessings...
23 hours ago · Like · 4

Christo Amsterdam Thank you Sharon Cosby!
23 hours ago · Like · 1

Christo Amsterdam Somebody needs to read this...I know they wil!
23 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram I relate to you bro..this year is the first time in my life I started telling the people I love that I love them..I know who I am now...I will never lack again..only love..I love you prince christo xoxo
23 hours ago · Like · 4

Brigitte Pigram Oh...its also the first time 2 months ago I ever said I love you to me..
23 hours ago · Like · 4

Christo Amsterdam Wow!!! Princess.B...this is a Good year for you Michael and kids
23 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram

Yep...the best!!
23 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram Ive always been able to say it to my kids...but only them..
23 hours ago · Like · 3

Beatriz Musick

Thanks. I love you back.
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Brigitte now you can say it to All of your Universal family.
23 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3

Linda Woods

This is so powerful. I can really relate. Thank you for sharing.
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Michelle Rivera-Torres I can relate. Thanks for sharing Christo Amsterdam
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Wow!!! its awesome to hear your hearts speaking...
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Cherrie Brecht I can totally relate.. I'm so happy for the revelation of love inside of you, praise God! We all love you very much and appreciate your journey of awareness!
23 hours ago · Like · 5

Chandre Epnaar Praise the Lord...God is good all the time....
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Beatriz Musick I thought only perfection deserved love. It took me a very long time to realize we unconditionally love because we are love.

But also, I need to thank my lovely husband Tommy Musick that loved me before I could even love myself.
22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 4

Christo Amsterdam Beatriz Musick and Tommy Musick your Love music playes in my ears!
23 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram I do bro...all the think everyones gonna get sick of me saying it soon but I cant help it...its bubbling out everyday..
23 hours ago · Like · 3

Amanda Bloomfield I can absoloutely relate christo.I hàd a similar journey to you.
I was taught that I was unloveable.
I was always working to obtain love,but never feeling worthy of receiving it.
I found hugging & kissing hard too.
But thankfully that's all changed & I know how to love those I cherish.
Thanks for sharing your story friend.xx
23 hours ago · Like · 3

Christo Amsterdam Princess.B I can relate.
23 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Amanda Bloomfield xoxoxo
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Julie Ferwerda What a GIFT for you and your family!
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Julie Ferwerda PS, I too had the same realization a few years ago, just before Love opened my eyes. I realized the problem in myself--in the world--is lovelessness, handed down to us by our parents, and their parents. People don't know how to love and can't love unless they have had the encounter than plants the seed of love in their hearts. It's both humbling and inspiring.
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Ghosty Love I was not with my bio parents either. I relate as well. Though I have a different concept of god I definitely know what you mean about the love and everything found inside is. Good stuff. My son is getting to experience that. though at times I catch myself being strict. My first child though so I'm learning. Lol
22 hours ago · Like · 4

Ghosty Love And I love yall too
22 hours ago · Like · 4

Brigitte Pigram I love you chris.xo
22 hours ago · Like · 4

Ghosty Love Love you to Bridget.
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Its brigitte
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Ghosty Love I know but my phone thinks it's smarter. I've learned not to argue with it. Lol
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Lazy is what you are!!!
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Lol
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Ghosty Love Lmao. You figured me out!
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram Hey can you believe we are all going to b able to see eachother everyday for ever????
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram I know!!
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram Ill be like...hey ghostly..come for a cuppa..and youll just blink and voila!!! Youll b in my kitchen..
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Im gonna b really majorly pissed if we die and thats it!!! Or I come back as a cockroach!!! Will not b happy at all!!!
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Beatriz Musick Haha. If you came back as a cockroach, you will love the cockroach too. Haha. Love is the trick.
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram Ill kill it with spray!!! Lol
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Christo Amsterdam This is how I feel right now...tears of Love and joy.

22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 9

Brigitte Pigram Wait a minute..I cant kill
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram I dont wanna b a cockroach!!!
22 hours ago · Like · 3

Brigitte Pigram If we dont spend eternity together ill be like Laaaawd WTF!!!!
22 hours ago · Like · 4

Christo Amsterdam Brigitte we wil see one another Papa wil make it possible right here on earth...and ill get that Hug.
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram I am head over heels deliriosly in love with my family!! Ive got a huuuuuuge crush on you all.xo
22 hours ago · Like · 4

Brigitte Pigram I know that brother 100% in my heart..hope we're not old tho!!
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram And my slow dance!!
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Hahahahaha nope Brigitte I'm 44 and I'm 25 in strengh and energy...I'm not leaving this earth any time soon!
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Oh yes you'll get that dance Lol! hehe
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram I cant wait
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Christo Amsterdam wheres my man Bola Muyis and Bridget Chapman?
22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Hes reading this
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram He should b popping in any minute..
22 hours ago · Like · 1

Bola Muyis
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Is that all Bola Muyis? you don't have anything to say to the Family?
22 hours ago · Like · 2

Bola Muyis Christo my brother you guys have said it all... really you have. I was fortunate to have my father in my life but I was afraid of that man for a long time. He was as strict as they come. As an adult we have and enjoy a much better relationship. The thing is his father was no walk in the park. When I had my first child I saw the same mean streak growing in myself and I was distraught. Am so glad Love opened my eyes, love opened my eyes with help of most of you my family right here on facebook to be honest.... my family has not been the same.
22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 8

Suzi Chambelán Christo I still can't give my kids a hug or tell them I love them. I get you. My youngest I'm Try'n hard to coz my other 2 haven't had me saying I love you or me hugging them.
22 hours ago · Like · 6

Bridget Chapman Wow wow wow. It's so refreshing to know & connect with you Christo and many of you that you have not only been down same road of rejection but have experienced & tasted true freedom and pure love from our our only Real Papa god. My dad died when I was 14, I never knew what a father figure was supposed to be so I searched for love thru drugs and sex for many years. Omg Our father is so Faithful to open our eyes of what love is by loving ourselves which is same thing as loving god.
21 hours ago · Like · 7

Bola Muyis Suzi, you are one of the most loving from what I've seen here on Facebook... just keep on walking... remember you're perfect.
21 hours ago · Like · 6

Bridget Chapman Bola and I thinking on same minds this morning. He has opened our eyes of our hearts plain n simple.
21 hours ago · Like · 5

Bridget Chapman Exactly what Bola said Suzi.
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Christo Amsterdam Bridget Chapman Brigitte and all you guys..I'm so blessed to call you Family!.
21 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3

Christo Amsterdam Suzi you are worthy of my hug and the hugs of your kids...Love you sister!
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Bola Muyis Growing up as a child I confess there were days I wished my Dad won't come back home. I don't think he hated me at all but God he said some truly awful things... words that really hurt. Am not better than he was... but truly love has made all the difference. Thanks for sharing this Christo some things are just too painful to bring back up. But my Dad really is a good guy... I guess he just needed to "wake up" to LOVE like many of us if not ALL.
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Ghosty Love Open the eyes of my heart lor.... bolaaaa. Ha ha ha
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Ghosty Love I felt guilty for a second when my dad died because I was relieved. Though it was relief I loved him and still do.
21 hours ago · Like · 5

Bridget Chapman Christo thanks for being so transparent and vulnerable, theirs so much glory on that.
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Bola Muyis Hahahahaha Ghosty Love I remember that well
21 hours ago · Like · 2

Ghosty Love Ha ha ha it just came to me from Bridget Chapman comment
21 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Suzi its gonna happen sis...sooner than later..but until it does..your kids know love better than anyone I know sis..I love you.xoxo
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Bridget Chapman Ghosty Love is another big testimony of how papa opened his eyes. Love you Chris.
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Ghosty Love I do think regardless of a perceived heaven were all the same and all together whatever form experienced.
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Ghosty Love Love you very much Bridget Chapman.
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Bola Muyis Suzi Chambelán I agree with Brigitte Pigram we love you regardless we are no better than you, we are in this together... ONE.
21 hours ago · Like · 5

Christo Amsterdam Where is Chris Dugger?
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Bola Muyis Chris Dugger where is you brother?
21 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3

Ghosty Love Teach me how to dugger.. Ha ha
21 hours ago · Like · 5

Christo Amsterdam as this thread continues we gonna have some great testimonies
21 hours ago · Like · 3

Cynthia Linox This is awesome Christo. Thank you for sharing.
My dad was an excellent provider. But I never heard him tell me he loved me. At 8yrs old he sent us to boarding school to a foreign country. I definitely did not hear it there. That was my "normal"
Knowing God has been my greatest blessing. I GOT IT FROM HIM! Now I'm free to indulge in the LVE exchange. And Thank God my husband reminds me every day.
21 hours ago · Like · 5

Jeanie Nauta beautiful in us ya
21 hours ago · Like · 4

Shelina Joy That is awesome!
21 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Cynthia Linox I salute all of you for sharing your amazing stories with me...Wow!!!
19 hours ago · Like · 1

Chris Dugger WOW christo i can so relate to not loving urself and trying to get it from others like ur parents and friends and that. but im finding out that there alot of ppl that dont understand what love really is so thats why its so important to love yourself cuz when u love urself ppls opinions and their conditional love wont affect u. im still working on loving myself cuz freaking religion says no its bad to love urself its vanity and all that shit and ur selfish ifu do well who the hell said selfish was a bad word lol. also this is so awesome ive never been talked about and loved from my family and friends like all of you guys and i appreciate and love every one of you guys Ghosty Love Christo Amsterdam Bola Muyis
17 hours ago · Edited · Like · 7

Ghosty Love Big O hugs.
12 hours ago · Like · 3

Christo Amsterdam Chris Dugger you are stil on time showing up hahaha i hope you were blessed by the testimonies of the family on this thread it is really awesome to know some can relate to us!
8 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1

Christo Amsterdam I'm not just enjoying you all as Family but also learning some valuable stuff! xoxoxo
11 hours ago · Like · 3

Christo Amsterdam where is Sarah Jenkins Kawa?
11 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram I think shes asleep
11 hours ago · Like · 1

LeRae McBroom
10 hours ago · Like · 2

Suzi Chambelán I love you verrrry much Christo. You're a great encourager & lover. You're amazing bro.
8 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam LeRae McBroom perhaps you have something to say to the family...I know whether you are blessing by this awesome testimonies?
8 hours ago · Like · 1

Christo Amsterdam Suzi Chambelán I love to include you in my tags now I know why I felt that way...Love you too very verry much!
8 hours ago · Like · 2

Christo Amsterdam Brigitte Pigram my Princess you Rock as Bola says...and now I sayi t to you! xoxoxo
5 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2

Debbie Fulcher Belch Christo Amsterdam!!! You are The Perfect Example of LOVE and I Adore YOU my Dear Loving Precious Dear ONE!!!!
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Debbie Fulcher Belch Yes... Brigitte Pigram ROCKS!!!!!
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram Christo I was missing my dad all day yesterday out of the blue until I realised last night the date was when he passed away 5 years ago..xo
4 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram No arguments there lol
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Debbie Fulcher Belch WOW!!! Brigitte, I have those bouts too.. my Daddy will never leave my HeART...he was my hero!!! Wow... we are so much ONE!!!
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Brigitte Pigram I know!!! Christo knew.he is my seperation.xo
3 hours ago · Like · 2

Debbie Fulcher Belch Wow wow wow!!!! We are ONE... No SEPARATION!!!! our Loved Ones gone from our sight...are waiting to unite with us...Never to Fright... Never to We were taught if they were not RIGHT...oh My...what a terrible thang to tell those in grieving...oh my!!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram Yep...what a lie..
3 hours ago · Like · 2

Brigitte Pigram We are connected from the beginning to the end...glory!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 2

Debbie Fulcher Belch GLOW~ry!!!!

Tuesday 23 September 2014

The EX-Exclusives speak out on Facebook

What are some of the telltale signs that something is off kilter? Well Jesus Himself gave quite a run down in both chapter 6 of Matthew and later in chapter 23.But any people anywhere that turn back from following the Holy Spirit closely will find all the same independent self traits filing back in like expelled demons, only when they return ,they return 7 times stronger than before.
I had never really met Plymouth Brethren until I met those expelled for reasons of baptism in the Spirit. Ian McCulloch and his brother David who were in Emsworth Christian Church were both "mish kids" out in Argentina of a family that were
with the Brethren. When Ian was baptised in the Spirit he lost his own missionary position so returned to England, which was a blessing for our lives....but one wonders what he wasn't able to accomplish in missionary work because they stopped it!!!
Apparently the new ruler in chief of the Exclusive Brethren clan is a man called Bruce Hales....see what you can glean from Ex Exclusives picking over the ashes....

I tune pianos for Brethren clients. Actually they are very conducive to tuning because the lounges are always sparsely furnished, easy on the eye and not distracting. The atmosphere can be a bit Stepford wives with nothing out of place, which makes me wonder how many of the brethren pyramid structures have themselves been infiltrated by other Rothschild layering. Scientology establishments can have the same Stepford wives sterility. So about four things give away a Brethren house 1. the wives are house wives yet peculiarly they survive very well on a single male income. 2. the rooms are immaculate and simply furnished. 3. there is no TV but they will probably likely have a piano. and 4. the bookcases will appear to be stacked out with the same coloured book, but these are in fact collections of sermons from the history of the Brethren movement.

Facebook Group Ex Exclusive Brethren  27 July 2013 · Edited

****NOTE:****** This is a public group, anyone can read, but must be a member to be able to post.
It has been a number of weeks since one of the Administrators left this group for good reasons. So far, this group has managed to fumble along for itself which would be good if it continues as such. It would save a lot of stress, complaints both publicly and privately and it would be a shame if this group had to close down. Beginning tomorrow, there will be no hesitation in immediately removing any offending remarks when possible, that may be seen as hurtful to others. Keep calm and think before you speak.
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News FeedJane Von Der Becke
16 September at 19:19

I have been pondering the irony of a group who are so anti Catholic/Pope themselves setting up an elect vessel through whom all decisions have to be made.It is unbelievable really.All the teaching in the Bible about there being 'one mediator' and the curtain to the holy of holies being torn in two to give us direct access. Why oh why do they all give such importance to such an unpleasant and power seeking man. I can understand giving respect and honour to someone humble,Christlike and godly but what on the earth do they respect about Bruce??
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15 people like this.

Graham Westie Nason it's not respect, it's "blind dogmatism"
16 September at 19:25 · Like · 1

Heather Mary Porter His immense girth ????
16 September at 19:35 · Like · 1

Chris Donald remember if anyone disagrees with bruce allmighty they would be joining our ranks within a hour or so....
16 September at 20:00 · Like · 4

Gordon Martin Fear of being blackmailed and cut off from family by the cult that has taken over every element of their lives. That's why we can call them a cult since 1959-60. More moderate at the beginning with some "no no's" but the individual's conscience was respected.. ... Now it's ruthless response to the so-called "Man of God" who has co-opted the individual's conscience.. Yes Jane, Brucie & gang have become much worse than the once disdained (by the Breth) Pope in the Vatican.
16 September at 20:19 · Like · 6

Heather Mary Porter The Pope is a lovely man and walks with the people ,doesn't ride in a blacked out windowed limo
16 September at 20:41 · Like · 3

Glenys Dent Exactly right Gordon
16 September at 22:22 · Like

Ann Kerr Jane in the 50's if you were asked about your minister by outsiders we would answer we don't have one. The connection for Australia (Sydney in particular) was when JT jnr's daughter married Bruce Hales snr. from that point it took off and the Hales were royalty. Prob there was a hot line to USA ! The type of man you describe as one you could respect etc was side-lined there were many mature in the faith Christians who could have led the brethren. The open brethren haven't had the same problem but their numbers have diminished over time. Mmmm still too strict, I like the fact God gave me a brain and a conscience!!
16 September at 22:33 · Like · 3

Gordon Martin Yes, it was very difficult for the then young me to know what to say to non-EB buddies about our non-religion religion!
16 September at 22:59 · Like · 1

Ken Wallis There are a number of differences between the Pope and the "elect vessel ". The pope is elected by a semi democratic process.... The ev is elected by his former ev. There is already joking for this position within the PBcc now. If it is possible to be worse it is looking favourable . The pope has a heart for the people the ev has only a heart for himself and his possition. It is the congregation that suffers and anyone that may ask a question not considered favourable to the ev.
17 September at 01:34 · Like · 3

Gordon Martin Agreed Ken! I find nothing "spiritual" in today's Brethren. They will make superficial changes because of the Charities Commission. As to the "flock" they're being well-fleeced and unable to respond for fear of losing family contacts, and also their income if they're tied into the "system". They may mumble their prayers and join in the hymns, but there is nothing but ritual in their meaning. Interesting how "business" especially in Oz and .."strilia" have become so prominent in their role. Clutched from NYC and the Taylors who had their kick at the can.
17 September at 01:46 · Like · 2

Derek Kelly Yup its a ritual
17 September at 02:52 · Like · 1

James Hamilton a day will come, if people want to keep following him - they are the silly ones
17 September at 06:36 · Like · 1

Jane Von Der Becke I still get the impression that the elderly brethren who still would not have tv/computers and who are well removed from what is going on centrally, would not necessarily fear him but not sure if they revere him or just try and carry on like he is not there. I have met some dear old brethren through my line of work who quite genuinely love the Lord but when I chat to them and 'fess up to who I am, they can't help themselves trying to get me back 'in'. Next time I will ask what they think of Hales and see what reaction I get. It really is SO weird when you follow a doctrine of non elected leadership. CRAZY.
17 September at 07:30 · Like · 3

Alistair Deayton I remember in the late sixties some old front row brother in Glasgow saying the J T Jr. that if we didn't do something or other, and I forget, what it was, he would be the Brethren Pope. Can't remember Mr Jim's reply though
17 September at 08:09 · Like · 2

Eleanor Wills I remember how quickly younger brothers especially got behind JTJnr. They couldn't get enough of the alcoholic. 2 Timothy 2 was quoted ad nauseam and self appointed spies popped up to ensure that the many contradictory rules were being followed. I wonder why the generations were so different. Perhaps the older gentler brethren were shaped by the hardships of the 1930s Depression and the Wars whereas the younger generation who here in Aust. had things pretty easy were bored with living a simple life and wanted to feel important.
17 September at 09:46 · Edited · Like · 2

Ann Kerr Eleanor my thoughts are that up until late 50's there were plenty of genuine Christians there. Young ones were spied on it has always been a very judgmental church. Once the senior Hales dictatorship took hold older very genuine brethren just had to go along with their orders. When alcohol was forced upon everyone, the older brethren found that difficult to accept as it was foreign territory to most. In my opinion that was the beginning of the downfall of the peebs. JT jnr is proof of the damage that was caused.
17 September at 11:14 · Like · 2

Ken Wallis Eleanor Wills, have you noticed that the part of 2 Timothy 2 quoted and forced on members, is not scripture? JND inserted it in brackets. ( In separating himself from them) Although Revelation tells us what becomes of someone adding to the word, I doubt JND intended it to be used as gospel, but who knows?You will not find these words in the originals or King James Version and I believe they are not part of Gods word. Little wonder this church has descended into a cult.
17 September at 11:39 · Like · 4

Jane Von Der Becke I think the current PBCC version of the Bible has removed the if any PBCC are reading this and want the truth....get yourselves an old copy of JND's KJB and see for yourselves that (in separating himself from them) is inserted/added by JND in 2 Tim 2 v 21 and the whole basis of separation in PBCC is based on a thought by JND which is not in original texts of scripture. How the devil must be laughing! All that hurt/pain and family division caused by quoting a scripture that is not even real. No wonder there is a scripture warning severely against adding to the word on God....see the consequences it can have!
17 September at 12:13 · Like · 3

Glenys Dent A very good post Ken, we were forbidden from reading any other Bible translation, so we all grew up knowing nothing other than the JND version and the much mis-interpretation and twisting of scripture, that so often occurred in effort to justify the extreme ideologies that crept in particularly after JTJnr took over and this got worse and more rules were added to the list with each takeover that followed up to JSH.
Things have changed dramatically for the worse with the self-appointment of BDH. The HEBs have now become a full blown extremist CULT with no principles or Christian morals.
17 September at 12:37 · Like · 3

Eleanor Wills I was referring to 2 Timothy2.19. - 'Yet the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal,[The] Lord knows those that are his; and,Let everyone who names the name of [the] Lord withdraw from iniquity'. This was the Scripture that was quoted over and over to back the Separation Doctrine in 1959 and through the 1960s..
17 September at 13:23 · Like

Ken Wallis Yes Eleanor Wills that bit is scripture and stands, however the enfaces on separation was on the words that we're never scripture. " in separating himself from them"
17 September at 14:25 · Like · 2

Gordon Martin Who decided what was "iniquitous" ?
17 September at 14:50 · Like · 1

Deb Ghinn Who decided that one must busily separate from iniquity in others, rather than just in one's self?
17 September at 15:37 · Edited · Like · 3

Bevan Thomas it came about through applying the separation doctrine to their physical lives, it is only intended to apply to the spiritual life... in fact they seem to apply scripture entirely to their physical life when most of it is intended for a spiritual application. There is a qualifying verse that states no one can separate from sin physically, they would have to depart the earth.
17 September at 21:55 · Like · 2

Jill Moxham So true, Bevan. I've often reflected how impossible it is to live a 'spiritual' life in there because it's application is so distorted. They see what is regarded as 'spirit' - as having evil connotations. They believe in a 'holy spirit' which is anything but what they demonstrate. They are so removed from 'spirit' its not funny - their application of scriptural references being acted out literally, proves such.
17 September at 22:55 · Edited · Like · 1

Bevan Thomas I have a theory that this came about by their focussing on Paul's teachings and forgetting about the teachings of Jesus, who regularly explained to the disciples the spiritual meaning and application of His physical sounding messages. Paul being a lawyer appears very legalistic when taken on his own and that I believe is where the eb's seriously stuffed up.
17 September at 23:03 · Like

Gordon Martin Frankly I just think that it was corruption cloaked with nit-picking of scriptures. "Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely" as the saying goes.
17 September at 23:18 · Like · 3

Jill Moxham The 'Elect's' being the descended line of 'Paul's'.( So often I've heard that, that it flew over my head). Now it begins to makes more sense - I wondered why Jesus's teachings weren't followed more!.
17 September at 23:34 · Like · 3

Greg Morris "Power TENDS to corrupt" is thw actual quote. The point about physical / spiritual separation is important but I think that if we are united with Christ and dedicate ourselves to holding fast to him, we will be holy by connection to him as opposed to holy by separation from other Christians. This does not exclude physical separation which might at times be required in some circumstances.
18 September at 08:11 · Edited · Like · 1

Jane Von Der Becke hey Greg......wondered when you would turn up....where've you been?!
18 September at 08:32 · Like

Greg Morris The brackets in 2 Timothy are quite legitimate as far as I can see. It is intended to convey the idea that purifying oneself requires movement: the complexity of such action is shown in the other instance of this verb (cited by Darby in his note on 2 Tim) 1 Cor 5:7 where the purging out seems to be physical albeit with spiritual consequences. in my 1920s version there are no brackets at all which would indicate that this interpretation of JNDs is acceptable to Exclusive Brethren generally not just Taylorites. Which explains the readiness of all branches of EB to divide rather than unite.
18 September at 08:37 · Like

Jane Von Der Becke but is removing the brackets legitimate?
18 September at 08:38 · Like

Eleanor Wills My understanding of Scripture is that an interpretation (brackets or not) is dependent on its readers' connection with the written word. I'm not sure if the word legitimate is useful here. All religions have their Bible so it is tricky to label one Bible more legitimate than another.
18 September at 08:44 · Like

Alistair Deayton The Amplified Bible puts 2 Timothy 2:21 as
" So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean, who separates himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences] "
not physical separation
18 September at 08:49 · Like

Greg Morris Lol it depends if they were there in the first place. You will be shocked to hear, Janey, that I don't have a copy of the 1st edition. To some extent it is an editorial decision. The French version reads "Si donc quelqu'un se purifie de ceux-ci" no additional explanation is required as the reflexive nature of the verb indicates some sort of movement is required. Deb Ghinn's observation is very true: we are often very keen to purify others rather than turn the spotlight on ourselves.
18 September at 08:50 · Like

Greg Morris Darby's Translation is far from perfect. it was intended as a study bible to bring to believers the fruits of the latest textual criticism. Darby and other PBs were terribly excited at the discovery of Greek MSS which they believed would bring about a more stable Greek New Testament text based on better analysis to discern which were the most reliable texts. in that aim, JND was in the mainstream of 19th century scholarship. He went one step further. He provided detailed textual notes indicating how the versions divide up on a particular verse and what weight he gives to the ancient MSS and "modern" eg 16th century printed versions. So he is being quite open about showing how he arrives at his translation. He accepted that the AV was in desperate need of correction but does not suggest that his translation should be used in public readings of the Word. The 1881 hymnbook was bound with the AV not the "New Translation"
18 September at 09:07 · Like

Greg Morris The Amplified Bible given by Alistair seems to me to show that JND with or without brackets is quite orthodox in his translation. How his followers interpret the translation is another story!
18 September at 09:14 · Edited · Like

Bevan Thomas Greg, I prefer your point holy by connection than by personal action, 1 Cor 1:30 explains it perfectly that Christ is our righteousness, holiness and redemption which makes connection with Him the only option.
18 September at 12:12 · Like

Gordon Martin The behaviour of people to others seems to me to be more important than nit-picking over translations. The basic message of the New Testament is caring, forgiving and sacrificing for others.
18 September at 13:28 · Like · 5

Eleanor Wills I agree Gordon. The EB experience put me right off religion. I know that there are good people within the EB as there are anywhere but when one puts religion before humanity like many of our families have done then their so called Christianity is a farce. Who cares what a person believes in so long as that person behaves in a civilised way. When I left home I was amazed by the kindness and understanding that came from people outside. It was the first time that humanity was shown to me.
20 September at 12:46 · Like · 6

Bevan Thomas Yep I doubt anyone would disagree, that's what love is isn't it Gordon and Eleanor, people before anything? Perhaps it might be different for others but the REASON I like to nit-pick interpretations is to find where they went wrong so I can avoid anything like it again and maybe even turn the genuine ones from their ways. my motive is people first unconditionally. The interesting thing about religious authority is that the people under them demand it, feel secure under it and feel righteous when they obey it, they don't follow God they follow human authority manipulating God, the people insist on it. How can you fight that?
21 September at 01:41 · Like · 4

Greg Morris Spot on, Bevan. I would add that if nit-picking gives us a more reliable text of the Hebrew and Greek Bibles and other Versions, we will not be worse off but greatly enriched.
21 September at 08:47 · Like

Deb Ghinn Jane I think it is EB habit (certainly Taylorite EB) to just automatically tell themselves that their leader IS humble,Christlike and godly no matter what they get up to. Those three descriptors can be used to cover a multitude of sins and character traits and behaviours, when one is not using one's critical faculties properly (or never got to develop them in the first place).
21 September at 09:32 · Like · 3

Gordon Martin Each of us has a personal approach to understanding the Bible. Obviously some like the Breth can use it to support their disgusting behaviour. And then there are those who have never read or heard the Bible who can be kinder and more forgiving than those who poke their noses into the "Good Book" every day.
21 September at 11:59 · Like · 1

Jane Von Der Becke I guess in the days of the 'no internet / computers' ruling it must have been hard for UK EB to know much about what the MOG was up to but these days I hope a few of them have enough curiosity to read some of these posts and at least start to wonder whether he is quite as special as he would like them to believe!
21 September at 18:08 · Like · 4

Ken Wallis Jane, just read the spin by. Tony McCorkel in the nz press covering the mog visit to nz. They are using the very services' they banned and withdrew from people for using to keep the flock with the wool over their eyes. The only way they are" not that different" is the fact that so many, including Tony are morbidly obese. And even in that the percentage is way above average,but it's ok because the mog is.
21 September at 23:57 · Like · 2

Ash Ghinn I got into bible translation styles once, but I've seriously lapsed! There's a whole range of styles from "formal equivalence" (like Darby and KJV) where they try and translate word for word and keep the original form, right through to paraphrase (like Good News), where they forget original form and rephrase each sentence to be best understood in the reader's language.

So the formal equivalence method would translate the French phrase "que est-ce que ce est?" as "what is it that it is?", whereas the paraphrase method would translate it as "what is it?" or "what's that?".

People argue endlessly about the superiority of each translating method, with those preferring a more literal "formal equivalence" style usually bemoaning those awful paraphrase translators for taking liberties with the original text and putting their own fanciful interpretation on the words. So for Darby to provide a detailed description ("in separating himself from them") to the original writer's meaning of the word "ekkathairo" (to cleanse) he makes a big departure from the traditional formal equivalence principle, and must have been cock sure of himself to do so.
Yesterday at 04:14 · Like · 4

Greg Morris Darby doesn't strike me as a man lacking in confidence! Most translations of this word are translating as it were kathairo to purify or cleanse. I think Darby is trying to bring out the nuance of ekk which in classical authors seems to be understood as purging out thoroughly. Tyndale often drops the formal equivalence to excellent effect. Joseph was a "lucky fellow". On the other hand he recognises a good metaphor can be literally translated. "The eyelids of the dawn" is a similar literal metaphor used at Job 41:18. If you read that "before you stands an open door" the metaphor is powerful. You don't need to be patronised by a translator announcing that "there are plenty of opportunities ahead" Too much paraphrase is very tiring: it is a good seasoner but I think that used too much it leads to very flabby prose.
Yesterday at 08:54 · Like · 1

Glenys Dent Eleanor, I hear you, I experienced the same. I agree 100%

Thursday 18 September 2014

Fellowship Flow

My Facebook Timeline

What does in Genesis 15 format mean?
 Well after 2 years in a Thread I realised what was obvious to me wasn't obvious even to others believing the truth behind Galatians 2:20.
Hebrews 4 or the flaming pot of fire hovering between open carcasses is not everyone's idea of
"Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I AM is in your midst."

I WAS is OK.
I WILL BE is OK...
but not I AM.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Matcha Green Tea and yet another compound to combat the Zombification of our pineal gland

L-Theanine is mentioned as a component of Green Tea
What do you know? helps concentrate the mind in meditation....among countless other benefits.

Drew Canole writes in his fitlife TV page
All across dieting magazines, blogs, TV shows and even popular Facebook pages, BURNING FAT is a HOT topic. It seems every week there is a new diet sweeping the media by storm and garnering the limelight. Without pointing the finger or playing favorites, we tend to suggest more of a focus on LIFESTYLE than DIET. By now, you also understand that Fitlifers are HUGE practitioners of the following concept: “A healthy outside starts on the inside.” Most dieticians, nutritionists and fitness experts recommend diet and exercise as the solution to weight loss. Whether you want to lose 40 pounds, or just BURN that last bit of belly fat, chances are you’ve heard this before: “Eat Less and Exercise More.” …On and on the media chants this message like a broken record. What if I told you that WHAT you eat, and moreover, what you CONSUME can make a world of difference in your results? What if I told you there were Superfoods and herbs that could nourish your body, make you feel great, and BURN fat naturally? Our quest for optimal health has lead us to an incredible super herb. High in chlorophyll and antioxidants, studies suggest Matcha Green Tea can help prevent cancer, boost your immune system, lower one’s LDL, reduce stress and as an added bonus… BURN FAT! Without increasing blood pressure or heart rate, Matcha Green Tea has the wild super power of increasing metabolism. A study in the late 90’s concluded that this amazing tea can increase thermogenesis in humans by up to 30%. Thermogenesis is a main component of your metabolism, and a 30% increase is HUGE! How would you like to burn 30% more calories each day? Imagine your arms, hips, and your tummy with 30% less fat. Remember, this isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle, and how hard is it to add some Matcha Green Tea to your lifestyle? Super easy.

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Blackberries have one of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits. Anthocyanins, which give blackberries their dark color, is an antioxidant well-known for lowering the risk of a number of cancers, are a huge bonus, but be aware the berries are best consumed in their natural state to get the full benefits.Research has also shown that the ellagic acid in blackberries may have anti-cancer properties. One cup of blackberries contains half of the daily recommendation of the antioxidant vitamin C, which protects the immune system and may lower the risk of developing certain types of cancer.
This herb has been used for thousands of years to treat nausea, headaches and even respiratory disorders. It’s also been shown to fight depression and increase brain function (even through smelling it!). Mint also has anti-cancer and anti-microbial effects. Mint contains a phytonutrient called perillyl alcohol. This phytonutrient has been shown to inhibit tumor growth and protect against the skin, colon and lung cancer.

Unsweetened almond milk can be used if you are attempting to lose weight. The mono-unsaturated fat contained in almonds satisfies appetite and prevents over-eating. The dietary fiber in almons also

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Spinach is a very nutrient-dense food. It has an extremely high nutritional value and is rich in antioxidants. It is a good source of vitamins A, B2, C and K, and also contains magnesium, manganese, folate, iron, calcium and potassium. When you consume this healthy food, you don’t need to worry about your weight-loss diet as you take in abundant, good-for-you nutrients. The flavonoids and antioxidants found in spinach, particularly the antioxidant beta-carotene, have been shown in multiple studies to help combat many cancers.

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Matcha Green Tea
Like we said, Matcha Green Tea is an Incredible super herb that boosts immunity, increases metabolism, fights disease, lowers stress and tastes great! It is also a powerhouse of antioxidants. Antioxidants are powerful and much needed. You get loads of antioxidants when you juice fresh organic vegetables and you can also get it with drinking tea. One cup of matcha tea provides more antioxidants and nutritional value than 10 cups of green tea. - See more at: 

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Wednesday 10 September 2014

Cut Out The Middle Man

"Rich Novek , 2 or 3 years back I said to Paul Anderson-Walsh I'd like to do a tour...possibly outside churches...maybe almost flashmob style gatherings in shopping malls as was kind of prophesied on my double CD 1990/91....actually way before most of the current big UK malls existed...
and I said I'd call it the "Cut Out the Middle Man Tour"....which is a double pun.
it means

a. cut out the middle man "selfpowered soul delusion" but also ofcourse
b. the New covenant of Jeremiah man will say to his brother "Know the Lord" for they shall all know me from the least to the greatest."

The gifts of the Ascended Christ are an interesting phenomenon. Apart from the Apostolic Movement of the 1920s,to 1950s, which was the initial rediscovery, we are the first generation to know the firstfruits of apostolic and prophetic ministry since the Church was founded. Nothing is simple however. Well it really is, but when it collides with our flesh isn't.
We now have a residue generation, some of which are burnt out with the whole idea, and the rest live in these rather fantasy apostolic pyramids. As usual with flesh stuff they are both wrong. Kind of like the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil version of church ministry gifting.

For about 30 years some of us have laid the whole subject down not knowing if we'd see it again. But as usual, the Holy Spirit is up to something. We have had to die to the Zeus Mentality of Apostolic gifting. That isn't what an apostle is.
But it doesn't mean there are no apostles!!! They have had to be put back in the refrigerator waiting for a generation purged enough to actually benefit from real ones.
Write this down: An apostle lays a foundation of Christ and Christ crucified. He comes into your midst and sniffs...."can I sense Christ and Christ crucified here in this gathering? Is there a gift of faith I can impart?"
He DOESN'T franchise a name like Salt and Light Ministries, or Pioneer Ministries, or New Frontiers Ministries.....thinking that will in any way make up for the fact that JESUS JUST ISN'T THERE WHEN HE LEAVES.    Facebook status 10th September 2014

Tuesday 9 September 2014

10 to the power of a 100...and that's just for starters!!!

Grant Jeffrey excerpt

There are 456 OLD TESTAMENT AND NEW TESTAMENT PROPHECIES about the Messiah that were fulfilled by the life of Jesus Christ. The reason why prophecy is an indication of the divine authorship of the Scriptures, and hence a testimony to the trustworthiness of the message of the Scriptures, is because of the minute probability of fulfillment. Anyone can make predictions, for that is simple. Having prophecies fulfilled is vastly different. In fact, the more statements made about the future, and the more the detail, then the less likely the precise fulfillment will be.

For example, what is the likelihood of a person predicting today the exact city in which the birth of a future leader would take place, well into the 21st century? This is indeed what the prophet Micah did 700 years before the Messiah. Further, what is the likelihood of predicting the precise manner of death that a new, unknown religious leader would experience, a thousand years from now - a manner of death presently unknown, and to remain unknown for hundreds of years? Yet, this is indeed what David did in 1000 B.C. Again, what is the likelihood of predicting the specific date of the appearance of some great future leader, hundreds of years in advance? Yet, this is indeed what Daniel did, 530 years before Christ. If one were to conceive 50 specific prophecies about a person in the future, who one would never meet, just what is the likelihood that this person will fulfill all 50 of the predictions? How much less would this likelihood be if 25 of these predictions were about what other people would do to him, and were completely beyond his control? For example, how does someone "arrange" to be born in a specific family? How does one "arrange" to be born in a specified city, in which their parents do not actually live?

Indeed, it may be possible for someone to fake one or two of the Messianic prophecies, but it would be impossible for any one person to arrange and fulfill all of these prophecies. David Greenglass was a World War II traitor. He gave atomic secrets to the Russians and then fled to Mexico after the war. His conspirators arranged to help him by planning a meeting with the secretary of the Russian ambassador in Mexico City. Proper identification for both parties became vital. Greenglass was to identify himself with six prearranged signs. These instructions had been given to both the secretary and Greenglass so there would be no possibility of making a mistake. They were : (1) once in Mexico City Greenglass was to write a note to the secretary, signing his name as "I. Jackson"; (2) after three days he was to go to the Plaza de Colon in Mexico City and (3) stand before the statue of Columbus, (4) with his middle finger placed in a guide book. In addition, (5) when he was approached, he was to say it was a magnificent statue and that he was from Oklahoma. (6) The secretary was to then give him a passport. The six prearranged signs worked. Why? With six identifying characteristics it was impossible for the secretary not to identify Greenglass as the proper contact. How true, then, it must be that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah if He had 456 identifying characteristics well in advance, and fulfilled them all!

In fact, what does the science of probability make of this? The science of probability attempts to determine the chance that a given event will occur. The value and accuracy of the science of probability has been well established beyond doubt - for example, insurance rates are fixed according to statistical probabilities. Professor Emeritus of Science at Westmont College, Peter Stoner, has calculated the probability of one man fulfilling the major prophecies made concerning the Messiah. The estimates were worked out by twelve different classes, representing some 600 college students. The students carefully weighed all the factors, discussed each prophecy at length, and examined the various circumstances which might indicate that men had conspired together to fulfill a particular prophecy. They made their estimates conservative enough so that there was finally unanimous agreement even among the most skeptical students. However, then Professor Stoner took their estimates and made them even more conservative. He also encouraged other skeptics or scientists to make their own estimates to see if his conclusions were more than fair. Finally, he submitted his figures for review to a Committee of the American Scientific Affiliation. Upon examination, they verified that his calculations were dependable and accurate in regard to the scientific material presented (Peter Stoner, Science Speaks, Chicago: Moody Press, 1969, 4).

After examining only eight different prophecies (Idem, 106), they conservatively estimated that the chance of one man fulfilling all eight prophecies was one in 10^17.

Suppose that we take 10^17 silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas. They will cover all of the state two feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state. Blindfold a man and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes, but he must pick up one silver dollar and say that this is the right one. What chance would he have of getting the right one? Just the same chance that the prophets would have had of writing these eight prophecies and having them all come true in any one man, from their day to the present time, providing they wrote them in their own wisdom (Idem, 106-107).

In financial terms, is there anyone who would not invest in a financial venture if the chance of failure were only one in 10^17? This is the kind of sure investment we are offered by God for belief in His Messiah. Professor Stoner, from these figures, draws the conclusion the fulfillment of these eight prophecies alone proves that God inspired the writing of the prophecies(Idem, 107) - the likelihood of mere chance is only one in 10^17! Another way of saying this is that any person who minimizes or ignores the significance of the Biblical identifying signs concerning the Messiah would be ignoring all mathematical and scientific logic and reasoning.. But, of course, there are many more than eight prophecies.

In another calculation, Stoner used 48 prophecies (Idem, 109) (even though he could have used Edersheim's 456) and arrived at the extremely conservative estimate that the probability of 48 prophecies being fulfilled in one person is the incredible number 10^157.

According to Emile Borel, once one goes past one chance in 10^50, the probabilities are so small that it is impossible to think that they will ever occur. As Stoner concludes, "Any man who rejects Christ as the Son of God is rejecting a fact proved perhaps more absolutely than any other fact in the world (Stoner, op. cit., 112)." reference

A GOOGOL IS : 10^100 or 1 Followed by 100 Zeros

EXAMPLE: Some estimate our known universe to span 16 billion light years. If you counted the gas molecules in 118 Million Light Years Cubed, you would have slightly over a googol molecules.

The number 10^157 is only based on 48 of the 456 prophecies fulfilled by one individual. If you have ever had any doubt about Jesus Christ being who the Bible states He is, absolutely all doubt should be removed at this point.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Working Properly

Ephesians 4:7 But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. 8 Therefore [a]it says,

“When He ascended on high,
He led captive a host of captives,
And He gave gifts to men.”

9 (Now this expression, “He ascended,” what [b]does it mean except that He also [c]had descended into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He who descended is Himself also He who ascended far above all the heavens, so that He might fill all things.) 11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the [d]saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the [e]knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature [f]which belongs to the fullness of Christ. 14 [g]As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness [h]in deceitful scheming; 15 but [i]speaking the truth in love, [j]we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together [k]by what every joint supplies, according to the [l]proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.

I realise, as I review my blog, that Christ has been writing Ephesians 4 in my bloodstream. Like when a jigsaw is being pieced together it is not always apparent what the whole picture will be. But if you analyse many of the posts in this blog they are nothing less than a rewording of  Paul's apostolic message:
What Christ won for us
Where He has positioned us
What the Body of Christ is
and  in this context....
GROWING UP FULLY INTO HIM or the full 3 stages of growth of this blog and also 1 John 2
BUT IN CORPORATE CONTEXT here in Ephesians 4.

And this describes the unique gifts the ascended Christ gives unto men to be able to form this supernatural thing called the CHURCH...but that this itself is only an interim stage...because the BODY carries on
building itself .....being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.

So the strategy is this
We PREACH what is TRUE NOW of all of us in Christ
a bunch of individuals hears
then God rouses the churchbuilding gifts to move amongst these living stones
to mature them to a point where they know how to speak from the
other words to speak Christ to each other...that the whole church carries on building itself.

So if we come into an area, look for the Living Church we can tell what stage it has arrived at.
Jesus used the phrase a half built tower.
Well a half built tower would relate to 95% of all churches around today. they are still ONLY at the stage where one or two real ministries...or fake hireling ministries are speaking to a mass of stones....the stones themselves still relate as individual stones, and are not yet a Temple of the Living Lord, and there is no real sense yet that they are a Living Body yet, and moving as such.
Partly then, ministries who are themselves inadequately formed in God....
or partly through direct counterattack of the Enemy
or partly through the lack of hunger for righteousness and truth in the saints means that yet another half built tower is being laughed at by the world.

The purpose of this post is to examine the words "working properly". But first notice how Ephesians 4 continues in much the same vein as a lot of my blogposts....
17 So this I say, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind, 18 being darkened in their understanding,
As many readers will know I have been using the phrase..."locked in their leftbrain" or "leftbrain locked".
The tiny bit of our brain that does step by step thinking, that lists things, that guages things according to rules and parameters, and human mainly the left frontal vortex. We now have the use of information that comes to us direct through the Holy Spirit. This does not mean we deny the human information, but as in healing for example....our present condition is nolonger the final Word...because Isaiah 53 says all our sicknesses and disease was laid upon Him.
Twice in this chapter St Paul talks about speaking truth
verse 15....speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ
verse 25....Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. 26 Be angry, and yet do not sin;
So we have an important fulcrum here.
  1. We've got Chapters 1 to 3 which describe the building materials that are ours
  2. We've got the ministries whose gifting it is to KICKSTART the engine...
  3. And we've got the whole Body who corporately share the process of Building everything in that we need to become complete....(which ofcourse as you look out now on  the Body of Christ is incredibly INCOMPLETE)

BUT GUESS WHAT THE FULCRUM IS?  Our willingness to deal with truth.
I will repeat that.

As good as all the other components are they all mean zilch
if we are NOT PREPARED to speak the truth in love

I am growing in the Lord, people think.
No one is arguing that you are not.
But this is the actual phrase in the Bible:

In order to be the Church the Lord spoke about through Smith Wigglesworth we have to be a WORD and SPIRIT CHURCH.

Grow up in all aspects into Him.

God has quickened the subject of the 12 Gates of Jerusalem in Nehemiah and not surprisingly because we too are a church that is coming back out of Babylon. We are rebuilding the Gates and the last big door opening message on the gates that I heard anyone preach was Arthur Wallis to the Fountain Trust around 40 years ago. We can't ignore GATES. We are to be complete!!!

And we cannot be complete if we still have issues with speaking truth.


On Facebook God engineered that we had a thread of people all privately chatting in one continuous private message thread for 2 years. Unlike church even...all the members could see all the private messages. We know things about each other that maybe spouses do not even know.
Glorious glorious stuff was shared.

But you know what?
It began faltering when I started to speak the Truth.

It was simple truth.
it was things like...if we are in covenant (as all christians are with one another) how can we just up and leave
with ne'er a fairwell....or for no other good reason than what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12

If the foot says, “Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear says, “Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reason [l]any the less a part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired. 19 If they were all one member, where would the body be? 20 But now there are many members, but one body. 21 And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; or again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”

Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. 26 Be angry, and yet do not sin;

Now the addition of Be angry but sin already into territory that existing churches cannot handle. I thought it may be different among ourselves here...but no, it wasn't.

We are members of one another is a HUGE Statement.
We want everyone to be functioning right...not for moral reasons...but because in a real mystical sense we are ONE MACHINE  moving mightily in the heavenly if one of your cogs is clogged up....actually in the Spirit that affects me. But at this stage in the growth of the Body people still seem to think parts of them are still under wraps . Ofcourse we are still individuals.....Ofcourse I am not going back into the territory of Emsworth Christian Church in the 1980s where we were for a time practically socialist or communist, having to ask permission to blow our noses....well I exaggerate.....a little....
No I absolutely get that...
But when the Spirit is moving on His Body and people are holding back for example in Acts 2 Ananias and Sapphyra were lying....and they died. They were FREE to do what they wanted. Everybody is free to do what they's alwas the question of WHY you want to do what you want....and if it's not coming from the ONE LIFE in theUniverse....but it's something in addition to the life of God ...well yes...expect other participants in the same Life in the universe to question you.

This is the point that prompted the post.
As Western Christians we speed read through Ephesians 1 to 3 going "nah nah nah nah nah"...yup got that...
we haven't's just headknowledge...
then we come to something recognizable
in the English standard version it reads like this 4:16
from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.

"Aha", we go.
Our brain goes click click click
I understand "working"
I understand "properly".

So from top left, if we are in a British Anglican or Methodist Church we learn to "do our bit for the church" by shaking a tin for charity donations to some charity that we favour or that our church leaders favour.

Or perhaps we are in an evangelical church, and we read in our new instruction book something that makes us think we have to put a sandwich board on us and march up and down the streets proclaiming how short time is.....which, by the way, it is....Everyone is free to do what they feel the Holy Spirit is telling them to do.
Last week, by way of the same subject, I felt I heard God say something which was quite a shock to me.
"You do realise that not everyone who purports to be an evangelical and goes out on the streets with signs and loud unempathising preaching is not always what it says on the tin?"  By that God was referring to the different methods the sons of Darkness use. Jesuits are taught to take on the appearance of any organisation and to copy the mannerisms perfectly. Witches are even brought up with pleasant religious "front alters" or "front personalities" and then placed in all kinds of churches.
So at least some of the most obnoxious preachers of damnation aren't christians at all....they are perfectly aware of the damage to Christ's Name they are doing in the high streets.

Or bottom left, perhaps we feel to be "working properly" we must be preaching. How many preachers know how to preach in the Holy Spirit as God gives them utterance. And how many do lots of uttering whether god is giving it to them or not.

Or how about this even more subtle situation bottom right?
The words come from a current email request from a network apostolic church this week. The writer won't have a clue that there is anything wrong in the words he used.
In reply to his email, IF I WAS TO REPLY would be....
and this tight chemistry with this leadership team? How mature are they? Do they yet know they are Christ in their form according to galatians 2:20. Are they experienced in delivering people from Satan and demonic strongholds? Are they aware of how much danger we are all in as Satan prepares his last onslaught against Jews Christians and Muslims....anybody in any way related to Abrahamic forms of Monotheistic believing?
What kind of gospel is this leadership team into? Grace plus works? Do they preach any further than Romans 1 to 5?
And what about the later phrase "helping to foster a church planting movement"?
What you mean do you know how to start a club which you are calling a church in a school hall or community hall with a musican band and a twolevel gospel about forgiveness from sin and the baptism in the Holy Spirit?  And this you describe as "church planting".   We would call that beginning christian clubs that meet on Sundays and have musicians on podiums.

This all comes from the western carnal mind that speed reads Ephesians 1 to 3 then gets to the bit about working properly and thinks in terms of a day job....except here it's a similar activity but you may or may not be paid for it.

Nope 4:16 is entirely in context.
And the context is birthing Christ and who you are now according to those three chapters  INSIDE YOU AS CONSCIOUSNESS, Then out of that consciousness everything you authentically ARE begins to work properly. And whatever you naturally are being moved and prompted by Christ's life within you, by His going to feed and upbuild other Christ members.

What must we be doing to do the works of Christ asked the disciples?  Believe ON Him who God has sent. And what this now means for believers is we believe IN HIS LIFE in us. We believe in the all sufficiency of that life IN US.  Or as proverbs 3 puts it....we acknowledge HIM in all our ways....and He makes straight our paths.

A better way to think of us "supplying" and "working properly" is to think in terms of Genesis 1. Our Father approached the problem of Darkness with Word alone. He said, "Let there be Light"
We are His kids. "Working properly"....whether by speaking or by actions in faith means addressing Darkness. Addressing Darkness in the world. Addressing darkness in each other by SPEAKING we have utterance in the Spirit.

This whole post came out of an initial post that people responded well to last night on Facebook, made in conversation with Edie Chill and others....

Edie Chill
5 September at 14:59 ·

I know (in my intuitive knower, that place within where reason and logic are not allowed to go) that there is a "way" of living heretofore unknown to humanity. Could we possibly be the generation to taste it, or must I continue to be a dreaming fool?

Bill Fechtelkotter You're no fool. Yesterday, I started hearing a question and a phrase, "Are you ready to shine?" I answered, "Yes." And then, over and over, "It's time to shine." This unexpectedly brought tears to my eyes.

It's NOW Edie. The long wait is over. Our time as a caterpillar has expired, our wings have arrived! Haha

Edie Chill "This is bigger than "self-improvement," and whatever you're going to find in the "self-help" aisle. We are going to have to get past me-myself-and-I, and the idea that this is all about individual enhancement. The transformation we want is more than tidying up a messed up world. For the Spirit to work we have to be talking to one another. What is there to say? Turn within to the spirit of the depths. What is opening up through your deep feelings? What is that intuitive knowing and tacit understandings revealing to you? We have to talk to one another from that place! We must express it as naturally as we can in our own words. You have to become a little child to really do it - it's as simple as that, and as difficult as that.

Is this the same as reading another book about God and spirituality? No.
Is this the same as following our favorite spiritual teacher? No.
Is this the same as attending another conference or workshop? No.
Is this the same as embracing more progressive beliefs in your mind? No.
Is this the same as acquiring more knowledge? No.

It's not necessary to do any of the above in order to practice what I'm suggesting. And unless you practice what I'm suggesting, all of the above are meaningless.

Turn within to the spirit and source within you. We have to start talking to one another about what we experience there... not in a bunch of empty religious phraseology, but in our own words. Nothing is going to change unless we start doing this." Jim Palmer

Katie Woodside I am beginning to see the value in non resistance. There is a flow to this life and for me, it is time to relax! My "daily bread" for today (something that rises up within me) says to relax and enjoy the moment! Keep calm and enjoy the day!

Darryl Dement I know that 2nd Adam does not till the Ground, not sure how yet LOL, for now I tell myself that because I love maters so much it's a joy instead of a labor. That day of reaping where I have not sown may be a little way in the future Ha. But I can certainly grasp that concept.
5 September at 20:07 · Like

Tunji Ayoade Getting the hang of immortality is like toilet training
5 September at 21:32 · Like · 2

Chris Welch Nobody I have ever spoken to so far "has" the vision of the Body is joined by that which every joint parenthesises...Paul adds "errr supplies when they are working properly."Before I get to that consider this.
Before the industrial revolution no one could imagine breaking down all aspects of the production of one item into a loop round a building or factory. Before that everybody built everything from start to finish.

Before corporation culture really got its act together nobody could have dreamed that one bunch of it 50,100,1000....all streamlined so that every one of their functions worked seamlessly to the end of a set of products or services....could be SO MUCH GREATER then the sum of all its parts. When you are dealing with a corporation and brand you are dealing with something with a force and momentum about it that can be both alarming and a real's way beyond just a bunch of humans having coffee in a room!!!

Now anyone who knows me knows I will most often use the more negative effects of the industrialised world. But i want you to catch something. before these things really got up and running nobody could really imagine or dream that such things could happen.

Before this there was a smithy in a village with perhaps one or two master smiths and one or two apprentices for most things in an area that required making. To sit in a smithy and try to even imagine what we have now is virtually impossible.

So muse on that, then we'll move onto 1 Corinthians 12.
Up until now everybody thinks of this chapter in terms of Spiritfilled meetings....
But actually it's about "the administration God is raising up...suitable to the fulness of the times"......that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known NOW through the church to the principalities and powers.

See.....everything we have now....which is pretty darned impressive...ofcourse apart from the fact that everything has been co opted by the devil and freemasonry into a web or basket shape of interwoven "control" under the auspices of the hidden council of 300...using front organisation after front organisation to disguse the fact that Macdonalds and BASF are equally managed up top by the same few individuals,,,,,

but on the positive side....everything we have now is built using people who "aren't working properly"....well according to Paul's definition.

To work properly
each individual has to be experiencing being born again,
out of the shame dogging everybody since Genesis 3
rooted and grounded in the grace of Christ
each one knowing the veil is rent and that we all have a completely clear relationship with our Father through Jesus Christ our Brother
that we have all moved way beyond leftbrain locked systems of the world
into the whole of our being now switched back on again in Christ by the Spirit....
both our authentic natural giftings, and those more freaky supernatural ones God chooses to ping out of us......

Nobody anywhere has any real clue of what the Body living in this state 24 hours a day ....sharing the living Christ in all forms at all levels would be like....
But try this...
The blessings of business are shared. Even those weak among us are strong in Christ. People are always giving. There's no reserve about popping in and out of houses...nobody has anything to hide....and if they still have stuff....someone somewhere will feel to impart something.
people with big houses wont be like at present...
vast vacant lots of grass and courtyards...with 2 or 3 people rattling around all this space....big rooms will be filled with loads of people happy to see one another...and actually....mostly laughing.

A lot of us have had downpayments of this stuff....

But do you realise that at present if Christ gets shared...only about 2 or 3 minutes of one leader's preaching may really carry any anointing that does anything in the Spirit. So people have driven all that way to be together....and very little actual Christ stuff has happened.
But a gathering of "properlyworking" Christ conscious ones, all giving as the Spirit shows.....well we can't really imagine it...
~Cos if we think of brickies building a house...there's usually only one two or three building a layer all round....

The Christ building....each brick that gets put in place starts building other's all hugely exponential.
But your average vicar/pastor/priest....actually blocks Jesus Christ...
so what should be a house building itself...
resembles the speed of a slowly dripping tap in one tiny corner of the kitchen.

Can you see how different our existence on earth should be...we are like in that smithy at the moment.....nobody can imagine what an Earth of "properly working joints" would even look like!
5 September at 22:55 · Edited · Like · 5

Tim Kraft Powerful post Chris Welch!
Yesterday at 10:57 · Like

Edie Chill I agree Tim. Til we ALL come to the measure of the stature of Christ. In the beginning we were without form and void, now Christ is being formed IN US and all the parts are being fitly joined together.
Yesterday at 14:36 · Like · 3

Chris Welch One of the reasons "we don't work" very well....and here I talk of many on Facebook....and I refer to being sidelined in the greater field of precisely because "we are starting to work properly".

You see, yes, many Christians believe in Christ, but as Darren Hufford points their daily lives they are practical atheists....and they dovetail perfectly into the world system of shame based relating....and pyramids of fear and control....much disguised ofcourse as I said earlier.
But if we are of Christ Himself we come up from underneath.
Jesus used to formalise this by saying....don't go straight to the high case you get put on one of the lower tables....let yourself be discovered and you will rise to where you really should be...but it will be based on reality and not on the world's odd systems of family caste and false hype.
In the end you have to make a covenant with reality and not with sham and figleaves. This has enormous implications in how we live all of life.
23 hrs · Edited · Like · 2

Edie Chill Chris, What I hear you saying is......................Rest..............&..............Allow

Kim Black Chris Welch, That is beautiful.

No matter what we see, Christ has already won. Yes, make a covenant with reality now. As you say, doing so will have enormous implications in how you live all of life beginning right now.
3 hrs · Unlike · 1

Chris Welch Kim it's a funny old game this Body building lark.
You see there SIMPLY IS NO COPYRIIGHT ON Deep calls to DEEP
or Psalm 19.....their words go out but none is heard audibly....etc
Day to day pours forth speech....

Now as it happens generally speaking the things revealed DO BELONG to the People of God....

and God does nothing without first telling the prophets...

But hey....if the prophets aren't listening as Rick Joyner doesn't seem to be....certainly as far as thirdlevel Christianity goes anyway....or the covert plans of the enemy....

well there's no copyright...
so God just speaks to the next ragamuffin bunch who are listening.

That's why we must never be like the disciples and say...hey....such and such are not with us and they are saying God's stuff....go right in there Jesus and stop them....

But ofcourse He says the one who is not against Me will not be for Me....

So that shows you how nebulous the building is organisationally...
The Body is literally jouned by that which every joint where that joint is currently may not be orthodox.

We see God's heart when He announces to the angels
"Hey the sons of the Kingdom aren't interested in the wedding feast invitations....go out therefore into the highways byways fields and gutters or underpasses....AND COMPEL THEM TO COME IN

so all of a sudden Fred the dropout is feeling compelling messages from the Sky via Psalm 19.....the day is dripping with speech....and it can't be the alcohol because he finished the bottle ages ago!!!!
3 hrs · Like · 2

Chris Welch By the way Kim...thx for asking
3 hrs · Like · 1

Kim Black Chris Welch, Ragamuffin bunch. Lol. I'm feelin' that.
3 hrs · Like

Edie Chill Chris......................You have a great way to express truth!
2 hrs · Like

So finally to get a better context for "working properly" read these three chapters at one sitting, then if you like them download the Mirror version of the letters of the new testament done by Francois DuToit and now available as a book or on Kindle on Amazon.


1:1 Paul, employed by the delightful resolve of God and commissioned to represent Jesus
Christ to the saints in Ephesus; also to every believer in Christ Jesus.
1:2 I greet you with the grace and peace that proceed from God the Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ.
1:3 Let’s celebrate God! He has lavished every blessing heaven has upon us in Christ!
1:4 He associated us in Christ before the fall of the world! Jesus is God's mind made up
about us! He always knew in his love that he would present us again face to face before him
in blameless innocence. (The implications of the fall are completely cancelled out, katabalo -
“to fall away, to put in a lower place,” instead of themelios - “foundation” see 2:20 - Thus
translated “the fall of the world” instead of “the foundation of the world.” God found us in
Christ before he lost us in Adam!)
1:5 He is the architect of our design; his heart dream realized our coming of age in Christ.
(Adoption here is not what it means in our Western society, it is a coming of age, like the
typical Jewish Barmitsva. See Gal.4:1-6 “…and to seal our sonship the spirit of his son echoes
Abba Father in our hearts.”. Greek, huiothesia).
1:6 His grace-plan is to be celebrated: he greatly endeared us and highly favored us in
Christ; his love for his Son is his love for us.
1:7 Since we are (fully represented) in him, his blood is the ransom that secures our
redemption. His forgiving us our sins measures the wealth of his grace.
1:8 This grace shown towards us communicates a wisdom and discernment of our worth
that completely surpasses any definition.
1:9 The secret is out! His cherished love-dream now unfolds in front of our very eyes.
1:10 In the economy (oikonomia) of the fullness of time, everything culminates in Christ; all
that is in heaven and all that is on earth is reconciled in him. (Phillips, “All human history
shall be consummated in Christ, everything that exists in heaven or earth shall find its
perfection and fulfillment in him.” Knox, “All that is in heaven, all that is on earth, summed
up in him!”)
- 114 -
1:11 This is how we fit into God's picture, Christ is the measure of our portion, we are in
him; invented and defined in him. God's blueprint intention is on exhibition in us, everything
he accomplishes is inspired by the energy and intent of his affection. (See Romans 8:29 “He
engineered us from the start to fit the mould of sonship and likeness according to the exact
blueprint of his design. We see the original and intended shape of our lives preserved in his
Son; he is the firstborn from the same womb that reveals our genesis. He confirms that we
are the invention of God.”)
1:12 It was our initial privilege (as Jews) to cherish the Messianic hope; our lives in Christ
were destined to promote the celebration of his glorious plan with man (doxa, intention,
1:13 Now you (Gentiles) also have discovered yourselves to be equally included in him
having witnessed the unveiled logic of God. (The Word of truth, alethea, from a + lanthano,
not hidden) What exciting news! Your salvation is publicly announced. Consistent with the
promise of God, the Holy Spirit gives guarantee to the fact of your faith, like the stamp of a
signet ring that certifies a document. You are in him!
1:14 The Holy Spirit is our tangible link (title deed) to the inheritance that was ransomed
and preserved for us. God's glorious plan for man is the theme of our celebration.
(Guarantee, or earnest, arabon a Hebrew word, to braid, two parties intertwine by giving
something as surety and pledge. The pledge represents the full transaction. The legal
document or title deed represents the complete value of the transaction. Like a wedding ring
represents the marriage.)
1:15 I am sure you can appreciate how the news of your faith and love greatly inspires me.
1:16 I am so happy for you; my thoughts and prayers are full of you.
1:17 I desire that you will draw directly from the source; that the God of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Father of glory ignites the spirit of wisdom and of revelation in you in the
unveiling of his Master Plan (his intent, doxa glory.) I desire that you know by revelation
what he has known about you all along!
1:18 I pray that your thoughts will be flooded with light and inspired insight; that you will
clearly picture his intent in identifying you in him so that you may know how precious you
are to him. The saints are his treasure and the glorious trophy of his portion! (We are God's
assets and the measure of his wealth!)
1:19 I pray that you will understand beyond all comparison the magnitude of his mighty
power towards us who believe. Faith reveals how enormously advantaged we are in Christ.
- 115 -
1:20 It is the same dynamic energy that he unleashed in Christ when he raised him from
the dead and forever established him in the power of his own right hand in the realm of the
1:21 Infinitely above all the combined forces of rule, authority, dominion or governments;
he is ranked superior to any name that could ever be given to anyone of this age or any age
still to come in the eternal future.
1:22 I want you to see this: he subjected all these powers under his feet. He towers head
and shoulders above everything. He is the head,
1:23 the church (his redeemed image and likeness in man) is his body. The completeness of
his being that fills all in all resides in us! God cannot make himself more visible or exhibit
himself more accurately.
2:1 Picture where God found us, we were in a death trap of an inferior lifestyle, constantly
living below the blueprint measure of our lives. (Sin, hamartia, ha + meros, without our
allotted portion)
2:2 We were all part of a common pattern, swept along under a powerful invisible
influence; a spirit- energy that adopted us as sons to its dictate through unbelief.
2:3 Throughout that time everyone of us were warped and corrupted in our conduct
snared in a jumble of forbidden lusts; driven by the desires of the senses, totally engaged in
an expression of life ruled by mind games; it was as if a twisted passion parented a universal
breed of people.
2:4 None of this could distract from the extravagant love of God; he continued to love us
with the exact same intensity.
2:5 This is how grace rescued us: sin left us dead towards God, like spiritual corpses; then
comes the resurrection of Christ; in that moment, he simultaneously co-quickened us
together with Christ. (Exactly as Hosea prophesied it 800 BC) While sin proved how dead we
then were, grace reveals how alive we now are. Even when we were dead in our trespasses,
he made us alive together with him, and raised us up together with him. (God saw us in
Christ in his death and resurrection before we saw ourselves there! Hosea 6:2 declares our
co-resurrection with Christ before anyone but God believed it!)
2:6 (As much as we were co-included in his death,) we are co-included in his resurrection.
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We are also elevated in his ascension to be equally welcome in the throne room of the
heavenly realm where we are seated together with him in his executive authority. We are
fully represented in Christ Jesus.
2:7 (In a single triumphant act of righteousness God saved us from the guttermost to the
uttermost. Here we are now, revealed in Christ in the highest possible position of bliss! If
man's sad history could not distract from the extravagant love of God,) imagine how God is
now able for timeless perpetuity (the eternal future) to exhibit the trophy of the wealth of
his grace demonstrated in his kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. Grace exhibits excessive
evidence of the success of the cross.
2:8 Your salvation is not a reward for good behaviour! It was a grace thing from start to
finish; you had no hand in it. Even the gift to believe simply reflects his faith! (You did not
invent faith; it was God's faith to begin with! It is from faith to faith, Rom 1:17 He is both the
source and conclusion of faith, Heb 12:2)
2:9 If this could be accomplished through any action of yours then there would be ground
for boasting.
2:10 We are engineered by his design; he moulded and manufactured us in Christ. We are
his workmanship, his poetry. (God finds inspired expression of Christ in us. Greek, poeima,)
We are fully fit to do good, equipped to give attractive evidence of his likeness in us in
everything we do. (God has done everything possible to find spontaneous and effortless
expression of his character in us in our everyday lifestyle. Greek, proetoimatso, God has
prepared a highway for us to lead us out like kings, just like it was in Oriental custom, where
people would go before a king to level the roads to make it possible for the king to journey
with ease and comfort. Isa 40:3-5)
2:11 Remember where you came from; (not only were you spiritually dead but) it wasn't
long ago when you were still classified as non-Jewish, judging on the surface you had
nothing that linked you to them. They sneered at you because you didn’t share their
distinguishing mark of circumcision, which was their claim to fame!
2:12 During that time you were distanced from the Messianic hope; you had nothing in
common with Israel; you felt foreign to the covenants of prophetic promise, living a life with
nothing to look forward to in a world where God seemed absent.
2:13 But now, wow! Everything has changed; you have discovered yourselves to be located
in Christ. What once seemed so distant is now so near; his blood reveals your redeemed
innocence and authentic value.
2:14 It is in him that we are one and at peace with everyone; he dissolved every definition
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of division.
2:15 In his incarnation, he rendered the entire Jewish system of ceremonial laws and
regulations useless as a measure to justify human life and conduct. In that he died
humanity’s death all ground for tension and hostility was entirely removed. The peace he
proclaims reveals one new human race, created and defined in Christ, instead of two groups
of people separated by their ethnic identity and differences.
2:16 Both parties are fully represented and reconciled to God in one human body through
the cross. He reinstated the former harmony; all opposing elements were thus utterly
2:17 On that basis he made his public appearance, proclaiming the good news of peace to
universal mankind; both those who felt left out in the cold, (as far as the promises and
covenants were concerned,) as well as to those who were near all along, (because of their
Jewish identity.)
2:18 Because of Christ both Jew and Gentile now enjoy equal access to the Father in one
2:19 The conclusion is clear, you are no longer frowned upon as a foreigner; you are where
you belong and part of an intimate family where no-one is suspicious or inferior.
2:20 Your lives now give visible definition to the spiritual structure, having been built into it
by God upon the foundation that the prophets and apostles proclaimed. The first evidence
of this building was Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. (He is the first visible
testimony to the restored image and likeness of God in human form.)
2:21 In him everyone of us are like living Lego blocks fitted together of the same fabric
(conversation), giving ever increasing articulation to a mobile sanctuary intertwined in the
2:22 In him you are co-constructed together as God's permanent spiritual residence. You
are God’s address!
3:1 My ministry is not measured by the size of my cell, I am confined by his grace; Christ
Jesus is the prison keeper; you are why I am here. (Grace measures my ministry; this cell
cannot hide my message from you!)
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3:2 (I may be hidden away in a prison, but my ministry is not.) It is common knowledge that
I have been entrusted with a message that reveals how included you Gentiles are in the
grace gift of God.
3:3 You must have heard how this mystery was revealed to me, in a dramatic disclosure
that broke the silence of a long kept secret. I have previously written briefly about this.
3:4 In reading these words you will perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ. (Insight,
understanding, sunesis, a joining together like two streams)
3:5 In no previous generation has there been a more comprehensive and detailed
understanding (of the full consequence of grace) as it has now been uncovered in the Spirit
to his ambassadors who brought the prophetic promise into full view! Mankind (the sons of
men) may now realise that the prophetic word is fulfilled in them! Everything the prophets
saw is now declared! Both the prophets (who saw this in advance) and the apostles (who
now proclaim this) are sanctioned in Christ.
3:6 The essence of what I see reveals the fact that the multitude of humanity are joint
participants in the same inheritance (together with Israel), we are all part of one and the
same body in Christ. The Good news is that God's promise is equally relevant and applicable
to all.
3:7 This Gospel defines my ministry; I am supercharged by the gift of his grace!
3:8 I am the lowest ranked saint by far. (My claim to fame emphasizes the fact that grace is
a gift and certainly not a reward for good behavior.) His grace alone qualifies me to declare
this unexplored treasure of Christ in the nations.
3:9 The mandate of my message is to make all men see. The unveiling of this eternal secret
is to bring into public view an association that has always been hidden in God; Jesus Christ is
the blueprint of creation.
3:10 Every invisible authority and government in the arena of the heavenlies is now
confronted with the display of the wisdom of God. The church acts like a prism that
disperses the varied magnitude of God in human form.
3:11 Jesus Christ our Boss and Owner gives definition to God’s timeless pre-determined
thought ( pro-thesis ).
3:12 His faith in us gives our lives integrity. We echo and articulate the original
conversation publicly. (In him we express ourselves freely and openly) He is our platform to a
global audience.
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3:13 You have no reason to feel embarrassed or responsible because of what I am
suffering; rather feel honoured!
3:14 Overwhelmed by what grace communicates, I bow my knees in awe before the Father.
3:15 Every family in heaven and on earth originate in him; he remains the authentic and
original identity of every nation.
3:16 I desire for you to realise what the Father has given you from his own limitless
resources, so that you may be dynamically reinforced in your inner being by the Spirit of
3:17 This will impact your faith with capacity to fully grasp the reality of the indwelling
Christ. You are rooted and founded in Love. Love is your invisible inner source just like the
root system of a tree and the foundation of a building. (The dimension of your inner person
exceeds any other measure that could possibly define you. “The Holy Spirit becomes to me
what he was to Jesus, the very life of my personality” - Andrew Murray).
3:18 This is your reservoir of super human strength which causes you as saints to
collectively grasp (come to terms with, make one’s own, empowered to comprehend) the
limitless extent of his love in breadth, in length, in height (rank), and the extremities of its
depths. (See John 1:12)
3:19 I desire for you to become intimately acquainted with the love of Christ on the
deepest possible level; far beyond the reach of a mere academic, intellectual grasp. Within
the scope of this equation God finds the ultimate expression of himself in you (so that you
may be filled with all the fullness of God).
3:20 We celebrate him who super charges us powerfully from within. Our biggest request
or most amazing dream cannot match the extravagant proportion of his thoughts towards
3:21 He owns the applause displayed in the church (his redeemed image and likeness),
confirmed in Christ Jesus. The encore continues throughout every generation, not only of
this age but also of the countless ages to come. Amen!