Feast of Tabernacles - George H. Warnock 1951
- They teach about the power of Jesus' blood;
- they lift you to heights of praise as they expound the glories of the celestial, and the power of Christ's resurrection;
- they speak much of the miracles of Christ, and the power of the early Church;
- they will expound the doctrines of healing, and miracles, and the various gifts of the Holy Spirit. But "they say, and do not."
- And not only that: for they condemn and denounce the man who wishes to go in and explore the glories of resurrection life and the "powers of the age to come." They think it is all right to talk about resurrection and life and the heavenly realm--but when one suggests that this is the heritage of the saints here and now, there are loud protests from the Pharisees.
- Then the leaven begins its subtle influence, and an orthodox theology develops into malice and wickedness.
Facebook - Chris Welch
The denomination/church organisation you are with only has "perished"," hand me down Word". It always gets diverted to the left or the right...but God's Word is Living and goes straight through the centre.ie it is neither Armenian nor Calvinist but both simultaneously. There is no getting away with it, we want to have word separate from Him...but only He is the Word...and for this reason we walk in a permanent Feast of "Unleavened Bread".....bread that has NO LEAVEN whatever!!!! HE DOES HIS OWN RISING!!!! Hallelujah
Some say seeking after the spectacular is immature and quote "This unbelieving generation seeks a sign." Others quote Paul: earnestly seek the higher gifts especially that you may prophesy. Both sides of opinion are dead carcasses.Jesus walks right in the middle.
Leaven is NOT authentic. Like cancer , it is extra to the original life or structure. It is a hideous deformation. It is the "bewitching" of Galations where the church had bowed to the pressures of the "circumcision". Getting back to working for your salvation. Let's name leaven spiritually. It is a spirit. It is the spirit of error that we inherited in the Fall through choosing what we supposed was our own way. But there is no "own way". Spiritually we need to either be empowered by God's Life through Christ, or we default to a "Satan-I hookup". We need to be empowered by some deity. Either the TRUE Deity, God the Father, or a false one, Satan, masquerading as freedom. And only as we truly begin the reckoning process of reckoning ourselves dead to sin and alive to God, are we taken through the experience described in Romans 6 and 7. This leads to us finding out that at salvation, Christ really did a radical replacement of my "I", which was really Satan-I, pulling me hither and thither, and Christ came in joined to my spirit, as the new "I".
How leaven shows up in charismatic churches is extremely subtle. For there everyone is, going deep in praise; pressing through in regular prayer; feeding on many messages and sermons...
but the reality is the Satan-I remains absolutely unchallenged. The self for self drive that like the proverbial fly in the ointment, makes you drop the whole ointment cream and run like Heidi Venie off into the wilderness of Alaska.
If charismatic leadership was mature in Christ ,maybe a case could be made out for exonerating them in these twoissues....but then again...perhaps neither of these will ever be allowed.
Issue 1. Leaders circumvent the New Covenant and write a new commandment by which a man shall be saved. Tithing. And this tithe goes to the leaders. Not to the poor. Yes to buildings.But mostly to paying salaries. Levites may have lived from the tithe in the Old Covenant, but in the new they live from freewill offerings...and wherever possible, from the work of their own hands.
In other words, like George Mueller they live by faith in God who supplies their needs.
Today's leaders create a breeding ground for leaven. Symbiotic systems are mutually reliant systems. The fleshly leaven system is promoted by forcing people to give you a tithe so you are virtually a salaried employee of a club or corporation. The Kingdom symbiosis gets both sides reliant on the Cross, and the Presence of God. The leader, trusting in God for his or her finances
is totally free to "circumcise" the flesh life of their congregation with the Living Word that has no leaven.The hearers can choose to support their leaders and love them, or harden their heart...but one thing they wont do is hang around long if they are unwilling. In an atmosphere of very little anointing and loads of leaven, churches get clogged up with hearers who "think they are righteous" because they are tithing, but they are not even interested in the Living Word of God. And so it is that churches like Havant which began so well in the 80s get clogged up with people that are not actually in church purely for Christ and Him alone, but go to church for a whole host of other reasons....some of which are just a result of being bewitched by law."You shalt go to church".
Issue 2. Those who prophesy today have to check out their message first with leaders who are themselves filled with "leaven" between their ears. These leaders wouldn't necessarily recognise the "Now" Word of Christ, because they have now lived for about 30 years without it. They are living instead with a 1980s distortion of what was then the Living Word of Christ. Their version however has "independent self" stamped through it like lettering through rock. Those prophesying DO NOT HAVE TO CHECK their messages out first, because for a start they will only ever know a small gist of what the Spirit will speak through them by the energising power of that same Spirit. The scriptures say the Body, and those mature in the Spirit will then judge what has been said, and will guide a response as appropriate. If things go awry, then mature ones can guide things back on course. But wrong use never implies no use, or unscriptural use...it causes us to press through to right use. Certainly as things stand we have laid out an airport runway for leaven....because we have made an impediment to people delivering messages of the Lord in the Spirit...and instead we are encouraging people to tamper by means of their own minds.
Who has known the Mind of the Lord? I mean that, not just rhetorically. Who actually has known the mind of the Lord?
Imagine say a mature leader like Peter Stott weighing up a prophecy about the Virgin birth of Christ. And then another coming up and saying "Hmmmm....I'm getting something about a food trough in a stable out the back of a hotel...and it's very smelly." "I'm afraid we cannot accept that....go back and try again....that's just too far out!!!"
How dare we tamper with the very gifts of the Holy Spirit, the one who hovered on the waters when the earth was formless and void? Just who do we think we are?
The Unleavened Bread we have within us is Christ Himself. Galations 2:20-21 says
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 21 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
I have written on Facebook this week that faith implies risk. In that risk we are weak, thrown upon God. if we try to remove the risk of faith we are like David wheeling God's Presence around in the form of the Ark of the Covenant towards Jerusalem in a new cart. The defined method for transporting the Ark is upon the shoulders of committed ones; ones risking their lives in some designated way.
Making themselves vulnerable that if God doesn't show up they are stuffed.
"some of you will never experience that revival you are after,because inwardly you have already made another decision. You simply refuse to put your hands down by your sides and take them off My Body. Kingdom symbiotics are that the Levites or ones who live by ministry live by donation at My hand regardless of how popular the message.
Secondly, those prophesying do not ask man for permission (which has the effect of) filtering My Word. Those words are to be judges by the Body.
The Kingdom is the risk of faith....if I don't show up...you're stuffed!!! The Ark of the Testimony is carried on the shoulders of those risking their lives, not in the new carts of human organisation."