Crowley writes spell books. So you think you are reading them at the surface level of meaning , but other hooks are happening .
Witches use a whole host of "means ". Animated writing . Writing that others can't see .
Do you see that while there is a power of God to do freaky things , the sheer power of God that the devil tries to emulate , is that every natural thing is a prophecy in plain sight ?
I will repeat that .
Every thing in our life is a direct prophecy of something .
God going on is this CENTRAL SOURCE LIFE .
To even have existence building his own separate throne , everything the devil does must be to the left or right of God's life .
If he stays too far , then it must be done in extreme shadows , hence the word occult . Why ? Because we , whoever we are , are repulsed by the devil's extremes , having come from God ourselves . We haven't come from God as Jesus who is the Second Person of God , came from God . But nevertheless we are creatures of His design , and are repulsed were Satan to reveal who he is and the depths of his works and thoughts .
So he has to hang around pretty close to where the action is . That's what Revelation 12 is saying .
He hangs around seeing what's next .
He hangs around waiting for the Next Manchild . The next thing conceived and brought forth from God .
What I'm trying to get over is the " work " of our generation . It's been exceedingly subtle .
God said to us " set up a way in the wilderness for multitudes to walk upon "
The parable of the servants in the field says that one portion of things , is very visible , external service . Then there's the service at the Master's table until He is satisfied .
Jesus Himself , as a Man did things in this order .
First 30 years , very outward service , including local carpenter
Then He entered into ministry " serving the Master " at table . When the Father was satisfied . The work of the Cross . The " it is finished " at the Cross. The willingness to go ahead in Gethsemane . " Nevertheless , not My will but Thine be done ....etc
God the Father raised Jesus , to make Him Lord and Christ and put on servants garb to serve His Son , as Jesus , now Name above all Names , is given as Head to the Church .
Jesus is doing two things .
To the 7 billion in the world , people of faith and no faith , He is doing a mega , massive version of hiding His Face like Joseph did , and getting the brothers to do an operation WHEREBY THEY UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY DID TO HIM .
We across the earth have to see what Genesis 3 is .
What a crock Satan's lie is .
That there's nothing that truly exists outside of God .
So that all learn life on this planet .
We have to see that .
Each and everybody personally , intrinsic to us .
As we are going into the kitchen , we have to learn if it's God doing it .
If we are with friends we have to learn love ....if it is God doing it .
If we are bringing up kids , if it is God doing it .
If we are selling , when it is manipulation , and when it is God wanting the person to have an item .
If we are addressing an item of politics .....basic administration .....whether God is in that policy .
People have to see if for themselves .
This TOO is the meaning of " Surely as truly as I live all the world will be filled with the knowledge of My glory as the waters cover the sea".
So there's the Romans 1 in creation aspect of glory .The sunsets and the oceans and the high glorious mountains etc
There's the hidden away at the Master's table aspect of glory , serving Him in praise until He is satisfied . I spent , along with many charismatics , my teens , and twenties doing that , leading in worship and writing songs , and learning to extemporise on flute , classical guitar and then a bit on keyboards before the Throne in worship gatherings . Dave Tomlinson did his apostling of early house church groups across the North of England as a late teen and into his twenties , but then he knew there was something we were missing .
Norman Grubb and his wife Pauline came to the same conclusion a whole generation prior as they served as missionaries .
David learned about the four stages humans pass through from M Scott Peck . Norman learned about the last three stages mentioned as 1 John 2 in the Bible .
So a whole generation of us have been learning Galatians 2.20 in whole of life for the last 35 years or so . Its like an extended meeting where the same Holy Spirit directs us to do things's just a much longer meeting .
If we get too caught up with finding Jesus as an emotion , as a felt Presence .....we miss jumping in with both feet holding our nose .....and believing that the same God who directs meetings , is well able to direct the whole of life .
This is something of the " cut off " that the Fisherfolk made from the early charismatic part of their lives and serving the new movement in Britain from Yeldall Manor in Britain , to when , if any of you recall , they disappeared off to a Scottish Island to find themselves further as an all of life community .
Betty Pulkingham wrote the Book " Celebrate the Whole of it ". It's very significant that she wrote this book because she was the trained musician . And like me jacking in the role of just being a musician she was making a whole of life statement .
This was the point I was making in the sentence that I included Adam Michael Kranichfield .
The devil never made the transition .And if you've ever led in worship and tasted the collective power of leading worship as I have , you sort of understand the choice the devil was faced with .
And he chose the wrong choice .
There's a whole generation of charismatics who have got bored with the charismatic scene , or sensed it's missing something , and they have left the arena !!!!
Now is the danger moment . Will they find the Truth ?
Or will they go and find the squiggly animated writing ? Will they be like Solomon , led into the seduction of the deepest darkest rituals of black magic and controlling 72 demons or whatever , which has now become the central lore of Freemasonry , and Kabbalism and Crowley , and trying to create transhumanism and being a part of the Beast system .
Jesus was inserted right there , Into that very lineage of evil some 2000 years early . He was inserted into the Beast system , the one Nebuchadnezzar tasted for 7 years then confessed that God was the glorious Potentate , and not him at all . Jesus was born in a beast feeding trough in the House of Bread .
The whole Feast system is built around Bread .
The Feast of Tabernacles is built around the Feadt of the outpouring of the Water .
And its built round the Feast of Ingathering .
And the framework or Infrastructure is flimsy 4 Wood tabernacles with a roof with holes in .
It's a safe infrastructure to bring people into .....But it's NOT THE THING . ITS NOT A STONE TEMPLE .
Because THE THING is flesh and blood Jesus in you and me .
So , yes there's gifts of the Spirit , and extraordinary things . Yes ,there's going to be the Presence of God like you won't believe ....
But the carrying Acacia box base is buying the field of mud , to get the treasure .
That's the point I was trying to make .
We are in the middle of something way higher than trying to get high , or some Crowleyan spell like writings ,or witches animated writings on stones in the mountains , where like Mount Hermon there is a portal and Jessie Czebotar says there are many under the earth waiting to be raised .
Lift up your heads o ye Gates etc
We aren't in a charismatic middling realm .
Pentecost isn't the final destination, it's the eating of Bread . It's letting Jesus form Himself in me .
When I was in adultery , my desperate mum contacted her previous reverend who was our minister in Berkhamsted Methodist Church .
Maurice Cartledge was always born again but now he was part of the new move getting baptised in the Spirit. He knew David Tomlinson , so he contacted him . Dave contacted Alan Vincent ( father of Rachel Hickson by the way) and Alan came and investigated us . At the time we were walking correctly .
But one day a few months later , we fell just once more . Once more and the very next day like the prophet on King David's doorstep , Alan , who was from about 15 or 20 miles away , was at the door asking us point blank ......
Or me , more precisely ....because that was the chain of people set in motion by my Mum .....
Did you commit adultery ?
And so it is , 46 years later I am here on the South Coast and not in the Herts and Bucks area , where Alan and Eileen drove me , where God could re establish my life .
There's something better than the charismatic / Pentecostal message and it's Romans 12.1-2, whole of life worship , and placement , and