Sunday, 28 February 2016

The Bible is not for charismatics nor is it for evangelicals

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. proverbs 25.2

if you shall find Deuteronomy 4:29. But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. John 16.13

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1Peter 2.9

The overcomers of Revelation
To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God.’
He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death.’
To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.’
He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the [o]nations;  and he shall [p]rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father;  and I will give him the morning star.
He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments
He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name.
He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

The Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you grieve for Saul, when I have rejected him as king over Israel? [a]Fill your horn with oil and go; I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have chosen a king for Myself among his sons.”...................
Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David in the presence of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward. 1 Samuel 16

So Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat. He was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen, and he himself was driving the twelfth pair. Elijah went up to him and threw his cloak around him.He left the oxen and ran after Elijah and said, “Please let me kiss my father and my mother, then I will follow you.” And he said to him, “Go back again, for what have I done to you?”

(NOTE this interesting fact...David was the boy out the back with the sheep....Elisha was at the tail with the 12th pair of oxen.)

Ephesians 1 and 2

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love 5 He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself............

if Ephesians 1 is more about the position of Christ then there are two phrases that are incredibly important for what follows

verse 9
He ]made known to us the mystery of His will, according to Hiskind intention which He purposed in Him 10 with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth.

CHRIST: far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. 22 And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

Jesus had said pray these words

Our Father who is in heaven
Hallowed...most holy be your Name
Your Kingdom Come
Your Will be done

For this reason was the Son of God made manifest that He might destroy all the works of the Evil One 1 John 3.8

No man can enter into a strong man's house, and seize his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will plunder his house.
Mark 3.27

The Gates of hell shall not prevail against my congregation, my ekklesia, my gathered church

whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven ,whatsoever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven, Matt 18.18

remember the 4 phrases above at the top? a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession

What kind of King is Jesus?
He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 16 who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen. 1 Tim 6.15

What is the original mandate of man?
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the [ak]sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the [al]sky and over every living thing that [am]moves on the earth.”

The heavens -- the heavens are Jehovah's, And the earth He hath given to sons of men,Ps 115.16
ie....NOT to angels...nor specifically devils.
Again, the devil *took Him to a very high mountain and *showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; 9 and he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.” 10 Then Jesus *said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’”   Jesus did not pay any attention to the devil's usurped rulership through men "in the independent self spirit. As far as He was concerned Psalm 24.1 was still true....the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof.

What is the nature of our KINGING as a church and as ministries in church?
Luke 22:25 And He said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who have authority over them are called ‘Benefactors.’ 26 But it is not this way with you, but the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.
Notice Jesus summed up the all time ruse of worldly rulers perfectly....selling their control and rights over people's lives as benefits instead in the form of being BENEFACTORS of the people.

1 Peter 5:2shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; 3nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock. 4And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
1 Corinthians 4
Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2 In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy. 3 But to me it is a very small thing that I may be examined by you, or by any human court; in fact, I do not even examine myself. 4 For I am conscious of nothing against myself, yet I am not by this acquitted; but the one who examines me is the Lord. 5 Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men’s hearts; and then each man’s praise will come to him from God.

6 Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively applied to myself and Apollos for your sakes, so that in us you may learn not to exceed what is written, so that no one of you will become arrogant in behalf of one against the other. 7 For who regards you as superior? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?
I wish that you had become kings so that we also might reign with you.
8 You are already filled, you have already become rich, you have become kings without us; and indeed, I wish that you had become kings so that we also might reign with you. 9 For, I think, God has exhibited us apostles last of all, as men condemned to death; because we have become a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men. 10 We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are prudent in Christ; we are weak, but you are strong; you are distinguished, but we are without honor. 11 To this present hour we are both hungry and thirsty, and are poorly clothed, and are roughly treated, and are homeless; 12 and we toil, working with our own hands; when we are reviled, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure; 13 when we are slandered, we try to conciliate; we have become as the scum of the world, the dregs of all things, even until now.

14 I do not write these things to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children. 15 For if you were to have countless tutors in Christ, yet you would not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. 16 Therefore I exhort you, be imitators of me. 17 For this reason I have sent to you Timothy, who is my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, and he will remind you of my ways which are in Christ, just as I teach everywhere in every church. 18 Now some have become arrogant, as though I were not coming to you. 19 But I will come to you soon, if the Lord wills, and I shall find out, not the words of those who are arrogant but their power. 20 For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power. 21 What do you desire? Shall I come to you with a rod, or with love and a spirit of gentleness?

The whole of the chapter 4 is included here for there is much to meditate upon....
the attitude of the apostle
the kind of work we are about
the imparting of Christ, His Person, His Life, His gifts....well the proof is in God;s own commendation and in REAL POWER.

Earthly power is largely to do with pyramid structures and learning to operate within that pyramid, the pyramid itself being what quite often lends you the power.
Spiritual authority is RAW POWER, it is the very  power of God.

So to summarise
We have been trying to sell the Bible and the Bible's teaching to charismatics and evangelicals who are not themselves sorted on what the Kingdom means.

The Kingdom means accepting the Kingship and Lordship of God.
Much isn't very obvious, especially coming from all our different we are expected to learn to seek out the reign of God and revelation of its meaning.
The Kingdom is about the reign of God now.
The Father said Sit at my right hand and Reign until your enemies become your footstool.
Jesus isn't budging.
Instead, Ephesians 1:22  says
And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

Our Kingship and Priesthood is exercised in the realm of real power.
These signs shall follow after....said Jesus.
Jesus whole operation Hebrews 7 says, is not based on the power of some levitical priesthood...but setting that all aside, His own ministry comes out of the KINGLY tribe of Judah, of which nobody ever became a priest. No Jesus authority is based on His own indestructible Life that He also gives to us.
And this is clearer still, if another priest arises according to the likeness of Melchizedek, 16 who has become such not on the basis of a law of physical requirement, but according to the power of an indestructible life. 17 For it is attested of Him,

“You are a priest forever
According to the order of Melchizedek.”

We have been preaching to evangelicals and charismatics who always have their internal eye on a get out clause....Jesus coming back and doing it all. The Bible is not written to those, it is written to people ardent about learning how to co King....but not this time in the manner of gentile rulers, but in true spiritual authority that comes from an indestructible LIFE.

THIS difference in attitude and belief is one huge reason churches are not going anywhere, and certainly not extending the rule of the Son in their localities.


Similar burden in my spoken Youtube

Friday, 26 February 2016

The City Gates and Divine Explosive

Come walk with me round the Gates of the City see what the king has been building so well
This is the generation of those who seek Him,
Who seek Your face—even Jacob. [e]Selah.
7 Lift up your heads, O gates,
And be lifted up, O [f]ancient doors,
That the King of glory may come in!
Blessed are the men whose strength is in Thee in whose hearts are the highways to Zion
They shall build up the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations.
“Set up for yourself roadmarks,
Place for yourself guideposts;
Direct your mind to the highway,
The way by which you went.
Return, O virgin of Israel,
Return to these your cities.
The 12 Gatesof Jerusalem
1. Sheep Gate (Luther and all pertaining to the Lamb for a household.) Discipleship. Juan Carlos Ortiz. Song of Solomon 1....where now may I go to learn?
2. Fish Gate. Early victories from the Sheep Gate proclaimed and in come the first wave.....the Fish
3. The Old Gate. Learn your spiritual family identity....designed in the Father's heart before Creation, thought about in Abraham, through the "prototype rollout that was Israel the nation," after the sands of the seashore" (Abraham's first promise.....then the stars without number....heavenly born family"
4.The Valley Gate. Entering the Narrow way....the eye of the needle....reveals all that is of the independent self and has to go......where
5. Jettisoned at the Dung Gate
6. The Crisis Encounter of the baptism in the Spirit at the Fountain Gate
7. Learning to live in Flow.....the freefall of faith....the Water Gate.
Begin by entering your inner room and shutting your door to all independent self trash....Going inside and meeting with Dad....and your genuine self in His heart.
8. The Horse Gate. Initial experience of WAR. Over your new identity as a spiritual young man 1 John 2....BUT FROM THE FOUNDATION of Victory and knowing YOU HAVE OVERCOME in the Cross. The Horse Gate is also the first experiences of taking spiritual territory as churches. From the moment you are made a functioning priest by baptism in the Spirit....even in the Holy enter into real Warfare.
9. The Eastern Gate.....has two meanings....eternally being rolled out according to Revelation22....FIRST, waves of Revival as tons of new unchurched come flooding in. Now there is Spirit infrastructure. The Fish Gate was a bit of a freefor all. (Compare the disciples two supernatural episodes fishing....the first was a bit of a mess and the nets broke) The second meaning is CHRIST being called back. So the Spirit and the Bride say water without price Isaiah 55/Revelation...then the Spirit and the Bride say to the Bridegroom Come. (When the fulness of the Gentiles has com in then shall the end come.....)
10. TOO BIG TO SAY....Gate of Miphkad. Judgment Gate has a new meaning according to Ephesians administration suitable to the summing up of the times....see my blog index
11. The Morris Cerullo Gate. The Gate of Ephraim. The double anointing of Elisha. Of Smith Wigglesworth. Of John G Lake.
Healing and deliverance and miracles....basically anything going!!!!
12. The Prison Gate
Pouring your self out as a libation.....filling out the sufferings lacking in Christ's affliction. Thirdlevel living.
Joining Christ in His walk
"Behold I come to do Thy is said of Me a Body thou hast prepared for me."
I'm grateful God made you available to fill in gaps. Thank you
THURS 23:38
we are all gap fillers
the Body building itself up by that which each joint supplies (when each part is working properly)
I was just thinking this to the Lord "It's funny, I seem to have to go around Christendom to find bits of the story that each denomination or ministry didn't give you, to find bits of the story that are missing in your head, for example I never knew the Christ lived in me as me from the denominational church. Then I was drawn to those who did know Christ living in them, through which I now know he does… Life in me as me, but that group never told me really about the authority to heal the sick and raise the dead. I have to find that from another source. Who are the John, Peter, Paul & Timothy today? Thank you you have shown a few who are healing the sick and raising the dead

When you have explosive, you often have two substances. For portability and also to get it past the enemy, you keep it in two inert forms, then when it comes to blow, you combine them.
In the Holy Place God stores His explosive in inert form.
Component 1
The Shewbread all neatly divided into 12 manageable bits
The Grain Offering
All pertaining to "working in the field" the parable of the servants working in the field
The Word
Teaching etc etc

Component 2
The Candle stick
The baptism in the Spirit
The Supernatural
The Power of God
The charismatic church.....perhaps better on "flow" not so good on knowledge and instruction
Then the FUSION CENTRE which is known as the altar of incense.....where your life, your identity as you knew it, Romans 6 and 7.....even all your spiritual stuff to this point.....
To become the new Holiest Place identity....
Which is a fusion in your own body
of Jesus Christ in your flesh as you
an acacia box....covered inside and out with God's gold!!!!!
containing Word in all three forms of fulness
with the Power of God's own Shekinah double anointing overhead.
The combinative effects of POWER and WORD are pure dynamite in the earth
The zenith....of Psalm 134
The Psalm of Ascents IKEA Build- Your Own Temple KIT...the finished version!!!!!!!
The parable of the servants in the field
ie COMBINED PROTOCOL KNOWHOW of service in the Field the grain offering.......combined with the service in the HOUSE serving the Master His Food.....knowing the heavenly protocols!!!!!
Jesus you remember had 30 years without Baptism in the Spirit, then 3 years in the Spirit's Power
The DYNAMITE Combination of FIELD and HOUSE results in the parable with JESUS GIRDING HIMSELF and waiting upon us!!!!
And as fully "passed out" apprentices hopefully we wont still be doing stupid BARNUM.....SHOWMAN.....type operations....
but actually rolling out the Father's own will in the earth!!!!!
Learning HOUSE and FIELD protocols taught us to
SEE what the Father is doing and do likewise. Psalm 123.
In order to squeeze it all past the devil......that which the devil has laughed at and as usual......actually the glory of God
As He rolls out the Spirit and Word church that Smith Wigglesworth and Tommy Hicks prophesied.
The two dynamite substances are snuck in behind enemy lines as inert substances which the devils just laugh at!!!!!!
THEN psalm 134, and psalm 149.....
"surely the glory of the latter house shall supersede the glory of the former house."

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

How Faith and Trust are different


Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
Without going crazy here about three stages of growing up in God....just be aware of the strange way this sentence is written.
Faith does not come by hearing the Word of God.
Hearing comes by access to the Word of God.
Once you have the hearing you can hear DIRECT what Christ is saying, then you have His own faith for doing the wacky things of God.
Basically the whoooooooole Jewish stage was the first bit......developing the Spirit hearing.
We may think Jews were hard of hearing.....but God chose Israel because they were the MOST LIKELY to be able to hear anything at all. Jews had already had over a thousand years of Word. So when the WORD on legs arrived....they at least had a head start, and indeed SOME heard.
Jesus said all the time....He who has an ear to hear......
Preachers get discouraged. It's easy to think that the Bible is just leftbrain information, and you have preached the instructions from the Bible so why aren't people doing it.
Well the Bible isn't leftbrain. On the surface some of it is.....but every page of that book is actually RUACH. Ruach is breath-based speech. Access to breath-based speech creates spiritual ears and spiritual hearing....but it is a process.
NOBODY'S DOING NUFFINK until their spiritual ears are created. Once they have "hearing" actually things progress quite quickly.
Basically all churches can be broken down into "congregations" which are still developing spiritual hearing......and those in which spiritual hearing is already operating and manifesting as wacky manifestations of God turning up!!!!!
The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. So one aspect of this RUACH based book is its testimony awakens the same spirit necessary to do the same wackinesses amongst us now.
If you read about healings and miracles they engender the "hearing" to see the same type of thing.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't rely on your insight
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.
So if faith is about "saying the done deal of God".....why....because you have actually heard it direct from Christ for you it's the most natural thing in the world and a done is something a bit different.
I say by faith what I heard God speak to me in 1988 in Emsworth in the midst of a lively secondlevel church, a charismatic church....
"Chris, there is a whole other level yet."
I am still surprised others don't see this.....but then they haven't heard God directly say that so it's understandable. They have probably heard tons of other things which I don't feel natural at all about....the faith comes once we have ability to hear....hearing Christ Himself saying something. If we haven't heard it.....just hearing somebody blabbing about it doesn't mean we have faith for has to be quickened.
So what's trust about?
Trust is slightly different. Trust is the gateway to this new WALK....the Freefall of faith that Norman Grubb writes about.
Trust means I begin dismantling myself from the awful Genesis 3 condition of always having to be in control!!!! (The reality is quite quite opposite by the way). Trust allows me to lay all that orphan hearted action down.....those actions that are coming from a feeling of desperation and separation.....
and at last honoring that God is LIFE
That LIFE has a flow....and that life's wellspring is in my heart not in my computer brain, nor my surface feelings.
Maturity indeed is described as
training my senses in to discern (the spirit of good from the spirit of evil).
Trust is letting God be God.
Trust is NOT filling the gaps that WE THINK have to be filled with
more prayers
more fasting
more giving
more witnessing
more working
more leisure....
and just entering into the freefall of faith that says
THIS Chris Welch version of Jesus Christ in the flesh (Galatians 2.20) is believing and acknowledging God to be real, and to show what is next!!!!!!
It's fuzzier than faith.....and that is a huge reason why charismatics despise those embarking on the thirdlevel.
They are immature and think in terms of doing, doing appease that less than good God and angry taskmaster in the Sky.
Here's the rub....
After months and years of "appearing to do nothing"....when in reality you are learning the Father's pace.....taking Jesus yoke upon you......Actually when you do enter a church.....or are presented with a situation....years of the Spirit growing this trust in you actually gives you immense authority.
Now Jesus own brothers never saw a thing......UNTIL LATER...presumably the Cross and afterwards....but in the gospels his own brothers did not believe in Him at all. The God of the Universe!!!!! How's that????
Well unfortunately the life of God is just like the Red Arrows shopping in Sainsburys or Wallmart.....
you would never know.
And until you see those same Red Arrows dashing and swooping in their are not going to know.
And this a lot of the THIRD LEVEL.....absolutely unseen.
BUT, says Paul.....there ARE days of visitation. And'd better have your seatbelts on!!!!! Because thirdlevellers under the anointing are something else.
On the good side, like Peter and John, they can brush past a man asking for alms....and he gets legs!!!!! (Old joke)
On the bad can be telling a lie to the Holy Spirit and you and your missus are wiped out instantly in the Presence of a holy God.
Faith is the protocol by which things manifest.
Trust is the protocol by which we glide into the Freefall of Faith to learn to be on location for God on planet earth!!!

Monday, 22 February 2016

Judge vs. Judge Not – Which Is It? - Frank Viola

Original Source article here    Extract courtesy of Frank Viola. All copying rights see his site.
The Living by the Indwelling Life of Christ course is now open. But registration closes February 29th. The course only opens three times a year. Click here to learn about the course and register.

Here in the USA we are in the midst of another run for the presidency where a small number of people have lost their minds. Scratch that. I mean, where a small number of people have decided to run for the highest office in the land.

Not a few of us are experiencing regular bouts of deja moo whenever we turn on the news and hear the politicians pontificate. (Deja moo = the acute feeling that you’ve heard this bull before.)

Anyways, amid the sharp elbowing, personal deriding, eye-popping broadsides, and gratuitous insults, this year’s bare-knuckled, cut-and-thrust campaign is marked by virtually all of the candidates judging one another.

In that regard, it’s not terribly dissimilar to the “Christian” community on social media where the knives come out on a daily basis causing no small blood-letting.

This year’s political knife-fight got me thinking about the issue of judging others.

Herein lies a thorny biblical paradox. On the one hand, the New Testament sternly warns us to “judge not.” At the same time, it happily exhorts us to “judge.”

So what’s the deal?

As I’ve argued elsewhere, whenever you see an apparent contradiction in the Bible, draw a distinction.

In this case, there are two types of judging.

Let’s begin with the first type. The one that Scripture condemns.

Type 1: Judging an individual’s heart-motives which is directly tied to condemning them.

This is the kind of judging that Jesus, Paul, and James sharply denounce. It’s the judgment of the heart. It’s where a mere mortal usurps God’s position, critically looks down on the failures of others (real or alleged) and imputes dark motives to their hearts. It also applies to the act of judging a person when you yourself are guilty of the same (or similar) practices.

(At the end of this article, I’ve listed the key texts that condemn this type of judging.)

I’ve met many judgmental Christians in my lifetime. Perhaps you have too. The self-righteous, highly-critical spirit that exudes from them is nauseating. Such people anoint themselves to be inquisitors, especially toward people they barely know. Their compass is set to think the worst of others, and they seem to relish condemning.

Tragically, these individuals aren’t in touch with the fact that Jesus Christ doesn’t stand with them. And in every case where I’ve seen this kind of judging take place, the person dishing out the judgments ends up being chastised by the Lord. Sometimes in pretty sober ways.

Jesus made clear that this kind of judging has a way of bouncing back on those who exercise it (Matthew 7:2).

Fact: highly judgmental “Christians” are almost always exposed to have corrupt characters. Usually the things such people condemn the most loudly in others end up being the very things they themselves practice — or struggle with — in secret.

As I’ve pointed out before, the piece of saw dust that the judgmental person detects in her brother’s eye has come from the telephone pole in her own. Consequently, the judgmental person is projecting what’s in her own heart onto others and condemning herself in the process (see Matthew 7:3-4).

Regrettably, this type of judging goes on constantly in Christian circles as professing followers of Jesus unsheathe their swords, impute bad motives to others, climb on God’s throne, and act like holy inquisitors.

With respect to this kind of......... (Read the rest of the article here and all the Bible passages )

Saturday, 20 February 2016

What is Christian Universalism for?


I am wondering if Christian universalism is the childish mindset belief that gets people lovers through the first bits of the gospel until they get the whole truth written in their beings with a knife at the New Covenant.

Or another way of saying the same thing is......
At around the time your life is passing between the two flaming cherubim swordsmen put in front of the Tree of Life how many still believe in Christian universalism in the same childish way any more????

Or a third way of.saying it.....Is Christian universalism and.also less.specifically the New Age really God's open plan invitation using the all and sundry and those in the highway and by way after the sons of the Kingdom, both Jew and Gentile basically couldn't care about relationship.....which the first and second commandments have already be the whole point. And like Jacob.....whatever his mad believing and actions.....the point in the end is can you stand an all night wrestling match with someone that all other characters in the Bible fall into an immediate dead faint with if they get anywhere close??????? In other words as a leftbrain belief system Christian universalism is as brotherism but it gets the last set of kids in to the Kingdom anyhoo.

Or fourthly perhaps this is God's problem as opposed to Satan's problem.In discussing God's problem we can use the extreme cases of SRA....satanic ritual abuse....Or if that is meaningless use a person suffering rape or.extreme mugging. But Satan's actual problem is this....
He is a fallen Angel excluded from any right of rulership over earth since it is given to supposedly inferior balls of clay with a puff of God breath inside them. It's the breath that can help him have life support and especially the blood of these clayballs.And once the race is contaminated, its the blood of babes and children that is far the best. So having the aim of taking over and possessing the whole.race, ultimately using transhumanism.......cut out the middle man......he has to present it all in its best light.
1. Oh man you are insufficient. To be like God you have to do the very thing he told you not, take the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil.....and you will know the rights and wrongs and be judge in your own right.
Lie. Adam and Eve were God incarnate....God in human form growing into their consciousness as sons of the Living God. They were living from God's own spirit. They didn't need to Do anything to be anything.....they were it already.....but like all DNA.....growing into it as each day passed.
2. By making out God.was.against them having this "secret knowledge" of nothing.....the devil had spoken the major lie of all time. God is not Good. You can't trust Him. He is lying. Then the next obvious step is......has God really will die?????- Lie. You surely shall not die.
Except spiritually they did.....and 900 years later their bodies followed and so.did all.of.ours ever since. Satan used our gullibility for his rulership plan and he is doing exactly the same to this day with Psalm 2 and his new world order.roll out. The guys at the top know.exactly what they are doing and have paid a blood price to be at the top. It's all the rest of the earth that are gullible and swallow the secular myth.
God's plan is the opposite. How to explain to a fragmented trauma victim of all the straight up Spirit truths of heaven. Satan has to.disguise his intentions for his plan has always been not to into God's....but to rid us of our inheritance of God in the first place.....and to so take us over we are literally no.more than serfs and cyborgs.....the science of which we have paid for in all our taxes VAT inheritance taxes.....anything that isn't nailed.down taxes.....we.have dug our own grave rather than go with God.
God's problem is quite the opposite. To proclaim our glory inside of His Being without scaring the Living daylights out of us.....a. the sheer glory of it......and b. The processes He has to use to get us back there......the first involving our own spiritual death inside His Son.

Or fifthly
Is Christian Universalism what you tell squeamish people-lover types until they can catch the Spirit realities, so as to avoid what has happened for centuries when loads have been put off?
You know like the story you tell little Rudyard Fotherington Thomas aged 7, who loves playing with all the girls, and can't handle the truth, so you say babies come from storks. it's going to mess with his life to know the babies come out of these girls stomachs, so you don't tell him the truth.
Is this the idea with Christian Universalism?
Not ofcourse that Catholicism is any more real, because it's leftbrain depiction of hell isn't actually the awful Spirit reality of hell.....which is simply living by any other source that isn't THE SOURCE....and which means death.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Sun People nolonger Moon people

Chris Welch I don't mean this in some belligerent spirit , but rather as a thing to meditate on.
In fact the evangelical church and the charismatic churches are built on the glory of the moon, being a reflector of Christ.
But strictly, from John 3 onwards that isn't enough.
And by the time of Revelation 12 it is spelled out extremely strongly. This is where it says and the Woman is clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet.
Because these are things to meditate on , not things to hammer each other over the head with.....
why under the feet?
What else is promised to the woman to be under the feet?
Between you (serpent)and the woman,
And between your seed and her seed;
He shall [d]bruise you on the head,
And you shall bruise him on the heel.”

so there is some commonality between "moon life" and "serpent life"........that which we thought was such a glorious thing to reflect Jesus.....actually isn't quite close enough.

In John 6 Jesus says unless you eat my Body
unless you drink My blood
you shall not have life within you

God winked at former generations
Now the Holy Spirit teaches us the HOW of eating the Body and Blood.....

It's not , in this third level of revelation just enough to eat Mass once a day or Communion once a week or a month, but God shows us how to put off the Old....and LIVE OUT FROM the new seed he has birthed within us.

It has taken me decades to even begin to articulate what I have been doing.....but in the greenhouse of the kind of churches God will be raising....this will be speedily passed on.

Jesus who had lived this way for 30 years....without the hindrance of a faulty starting point, but had nevertheless stayed true against all odds of
Nazareth being a Red Light district on Two world Trade routes
and being called a bastard all His life.....
by 30 when He was actually baptised in the Spirit, he was able to pull 12 nobodies through by the scruff of the neck in only 3 and a half years......though at the end.....things didn't "look good".
Shall we say, unlike most theological teaching centres nobody passed out with flying colours!!!!!!

But in this crisis of brokenness they got to learn firsthand of Jesus life in them.....and they ceased to be moon people and became instead those RADIATING Jesus actual SUN LIFE.

Moon life has separation
Sun Life is ONE THING
It is not I who live but Christ who lives in me, the life i now live I live by the faith of the Son of God.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Fluoride and the Larger picture

Do I agree with everything Miles Johnstone says?
I believe his " reports on external things as he is coming across them".

But because I believe in the operation of the Kingdom Jesus announced, began, and gave the blueprint for in the Testaments, and particularly the full roll out in New Covenant form, I have to continually point Miles and all like him to Jesus'own comments regarding the church.

He said "during the night an enemy would come and sow rogue seed" in the Kingdom field and that is what we have in the West, actually in the whole world. But God has always had His Sons, and this leaven has continued to grow through all the centuries. God is bringing forth His mature Man in the earth. Ephesians 4. But it is not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord.

I firmly believe all references to other entities and ETs are spiritual or spiritual/ flesh hybrid. What it does introduce you to are more thinking individuals who are prepared to probe deeper into what is ludicrous.....
Fluoride like mercury is a poison. Mercury is NOT safe in filling or vaccines, and fluoride is never safe in water. This is an agenda right in fromt of our eyes, but nobody questions it, because of a pathological belief that people in authority never lie.

See also the recent post Depopulation

Texe Marrs on who Israel mostly consists of

References are made of Kissinger and what he instructed a newspaper to publish
Rothschild and Sabbatean Jews
Khazak Jews
and Kaballism of Madonna , Clinton etc.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Briars 21 :Depopulation

China, counterintuitively, are the most honest. they adopted the one child policy.
India has employed covert surgical sterilization.....oh you didn't know? But had suspected?
The West: has reverted to covert chemical sterilization through fluoridation. 4 min 12s
To catch other areas with insufficient infrastructure other methods are used.
Since 1980 and the increase in bottle water usage, and also with increased canned beverages, bpa is used in the plastic or the sprayed inside surface of the cans.
Chemtrails are a new method of population control using aluminium oxide in NATO Countries.
Africa's leaders have consistently fought against the poisoning of their youngsters through milk controls, So they have had to work at the back end of life instead.HIV was specifically created for the sub Saharan population, using both Russian and American.scientists in the employ of their military complexes, thus again making a laughing stock of the reality behind the Cold War. AIDS was introduced through the WHO the world health organisation's small pox immunisation programme in Haiti,Brazil and Africa. 70% of those dying of Aids do so in Africa and 1 million die there each year. Bio engineered flu vaccines condition people to receive the government flu vaccines.
But there are other techniques.
Through social infrastructure changes and increased pressures they have made it undesirable to have more than one child. The west have encouraged recreational drug use to target specifically the lower income earners, China is using mass tobacco promotion, and Russia is using the relative cheap vodka as drug of increased morbidity. Drug use in the West is now epidemic destroying countless families.Smoking deaths have tripled in 10 years in China.
 Zero tolerance laws target the poor and give state power the ability to override familes and destroy them . Hundreds of thousands of families are broken up annually by this means in the English speaking world.

Monday, 15 February 2016

The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschilds, the Vatican and the British Crown Rule The World

There are two operant Crowns in England, one being Queen Elizabeth II.

Although extremely wealthy, the Queen functions largely in a ceremonial capacity and serves to deflect attention away from the other Crown, who issues her marching orders through their control of the English Parliament.

This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England (House of Rothschild). They rule the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state know as The City of London, or simply ‘The City.’

The City is not a part of England, just as Washington D.C., is not a part of the USA.

The City is referred to as the wealthiest square mile on earth and is presided over by a Lord Mayor who is appointed annually.

When the Queen wishes to conduct business within the City, she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple (Templar) Bar where she requests permission to enter this private, sovereign state. She then proceeds into the City walking several paces behind the Mayor.

Her entourage may not be clothed in anything other than service uniforms.

In the nineteenth century, 90% of the world’s trade was carried by British ships controlled by the Crown. The other 10% of ships had to pay commissions to the Crown simply for the privilege of using the world’s oceans.

The Crown reaped billions in profits while operating under the protection of the British armed forces. This was not British commerce or British wealth, but the Crown’s commerce and the Crown’s wealth.

As of 1850, author Frederic Morton estimated the Rothschild fortune to be in excess of $10 billion (today, the combined wealth of the banking dynasties is estimated at around $500 trillion).

Today, the bonded indebtedness of the world is held by the Crown.

The aforementioned Temple Bar is the juristic arm of the Crown and holds an exclusive monopoly on global legal fraud through their Bar Association franchises. The Temple Bar is comprised of four Inns of Court.

They are: the Middle Temple, Inner Temple, Lincoln’s Inn and Gray’s Inn. The entry point to these closed secret societies is only to be found when one is called to their Bar.

The Bar attorneys in the United States owe their allegiance and pledge their oaths to the Crown. All Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the International Bar Association located at the Inns of Court of the Crown Temple.

The Inner Temple holds the legal system franchise by license that bleeds Canada and Great Britain white, while the Middle Temple has license to steal from America.

To have the Declaration of Independence recognized internationally, Middle Templar King George III agreed in the Treaty of Paris of 1783 to establish the legal Crown entity of the incorporated United States, referred to internally as the Crown Temple States (Colonies). States spelled with a capital letter ‘S,’ denotes a legal entity of the Crown.

At least five Templar Bar Attorneys under solemn oath to the Crown, signed the American Declaration of Independence. This means that both parties were agents of the Crown.

For more read the original here

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Watched Todd White today on God Channel and thought.....

Wow....It's all over.   The thirdlevel is here.
Ofcourse I know the Kingdom is not lo here, nor lo there....and only remains in Todd White form while he is modelling Romans 6 in active I am NOT saying a humanly self powered being located under the name of Todd White is the Kingdom....I am saying he is modelling the overt confession which Jesus said DOES locate the Kingdom.....namely it is NIGH us if we want it to be even in our mouth....and THAT dear friends is THIRD LEVEL SPONTANEOUS FREEFALL OF FAITH LIVING.

This is what Kim Ilene wrote

Kim Ilene A little-known part of my testimony - I became a Christian in '91, but did not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit until '97 late at night after I finished reading "Chasing the Dragon" by Jackie Pullinger. Up until that point I had been afraid of speaking in tongues, but it came so naturally after I learned that there was nothing to be afraid of. I then asked God what He wanted me to do next and said I would go anywhere/do anything. I heard distinctly in my Spirit, "Go to Arizona, NOW." (gulp) Um. Where in Arizona? "Flagstaff." And I'll be darned if I didn't write a note to my dad, threw some stuff in my truck and took off that night, even though I calculated I only had enough money for a one-way trip. I also asked what I should take with me: "Some clothes for donation." OK, drop everything and drive from California to Arizona when I don't have enough money to donate some clothes that aren't worth anything to a charity, or a ministry that probably doesn't need them. Cool. It totally doesn't make sense so it must be of God, LOL! Cutting out some of the details, I ended up at a 4-square church that was having "revival" mainly among the young folks (pre-teens and teens) and they helped me find a roommate situation with one of their staff. (I did end up donating the clothing somewhere - can't remember where - I only remember some man saying, "You think God told you to drive to Arizona to donate some clothing?" very skeptically. Lol. Yeah cuz mysterious ways and all that jazz!) So I was there for about two months and attended a women's "Bible study" where they were actually studying the book "God's Generals." I'd never heard of any of those people, so it turned out to be a very valuable education for me that would have more relevance as I went along. (Smith Wigglesworth turned out to be my hands-down favorite, btw.) Shortly before I left Arizona permanently, the ladies said there was an evening meeting that I just had to go to, because they were having a very special guest speaker from out of town. Todd White. I'd never heard of him and it meant nothing to me, so I almost didn't go. But I did go and was extremely moved by his testimony, and especially because I had just spent the previous 8 years trying to fix my ex-(alcoholic/crackhead)-boyfriend and could testify that it was impossible to do via self effort and - if it had not been for the Jackie Pullinger book I had recently read - I would have declared it nigh unto impossible, even for God. But Jackie Pullinger was in Hong Kong and I had never seen a real-life example here, so it blew my socks off. Then came part two to the meeting - they said they were all going to go out on the streets and minister to people... Um. No. I was extremely shy, so Holy Spirit or no Holy Spirit, the idea of going out right then and there and ministering to total strangers was the last thing in the world I wanted to do, so I tried to sneak out. But the ladies weren't having it, so I got button-holed and dragged to the staging area. Everyone except Todd and two other ladies had left already, so it was down to us. They told him I was scared, so I feigned shaking to demonstrate the level of fear I was feeling and so he ended up sending the other two ladies off on their own (much to their disappointment) and took me under his wing so to speak. I was mortified, but what could I do? He prophesied over me a bit (something about doing art and ministering to young women, which totally didn't resonate with me at the time) and then he tried to get at the reason why I was so frightened to minister to my fellow man, made in the image of God? I didn't have an answer for him, so I shrugged and said that I liked praying for animals like that was my final answer. So we drove over to the mall and I kept thinking, "I'm hundreds of miles away from home - for a reason my poor father simply canNOT fathom - and so can someone please explain to me why I am alone in a big SUV with a large, muscular admitted ex-felon ex-drug-addict stranger with those weird things poking out all crazy all over his head [dreadlocks] going to God knows where to do God knows what?" (Reminder: it was 1997 and I had never before seen a white man with dreadlocks and so could not understand why someone would want to deliberately "ruin" their hair like that!) So we drove around to the back side of the mall - near the woods and it's getting dark! - and he parks and (with an evil grin) points and goes, "Look. A pet store! It's a sign from God!" Oh. My. God. So we go in this pet store and he immediately gravitates to a mom and her daughter and their Chow hound and gets down on his knees and starts ministering healing to the little girl and praying for her headaches. Meanwhile, I am quite frankly SO embarrassed that this insanity is going on, so I just hover nearby pretending to shop. To my surprise, the little girl gets healed and somehow I get coaxed over and, not knowing what else to do, I start petting the big Chow dog which Todd seems very leery of, but I think is wonderfully gorgeous. My memory is hazy after this point, but somehow I end up in another part of the store praying for a sick turtle with the laying on of hands. Goodness me. Zero to sixty in sixty seconds. I went from: No way can I do this in public to: Sure I'll pray for your sick turtle. OK now fast forward 18 years to 2015 and I'm in a motel room with nothing to do (because I don't watch TV) in a podunk town where I'd be attending the memorial service of a godly man that I had "adopted" as a surrogate grandfather. Keep in mind that my own biological father had also died the month before and maybe you'll understand why I felt emotionally crushed and in desperate need of some kind of spiritual "uplift." Also keep in mind that, after leaving Arizona, I completely forgot about that crazy white dreadlock guy - I mean I had COMPLETELY BLOCKED IT OUT of my memory. So anyway, I get on my computer and go to YouTube and watch a lot of healing testimonies - which makes me feel good and hopeful for the future again - and which eventually segues into watching "street healing" videos of this crazy white guy with dreadlocks... Todd White. Only the dreadlocks are now 2 feet longer and he's 18 years older and I still don't recognize him. Eventually I run out of street healing vids, but I still feel like I haven't had enough of this Todd White guy, so I start watching interviews, his testimony and sermons that have been snipped down into separate topics. (It was like a marathon Todd White retrospective!) OK great - I'm loving this! - and in one video he starts telling a story about this crazy woman who likes praying for animals but is terrified of people and he uses it as a sermon point to emphasize that: This Should Not Be. And it's not until he gets to almost the end of the story where we're all in the checkout line together with the mom and the little girl and the Chow dog in front of us and he reaches over and swipes his credit card and pays for the mom's stuff before she gets a chance to object that... THE MEMORY TRIGGERS. No, no, nooooo. Oh my God. That story is about ME! ROFL! I do NOT know how God managed to have Todd White play a major spiritual role, not once, but TWICE at 2 major turning points in my emotional life - one time in '97 after my mom died and one time in '15 after my dad died - but He did. This has to be 3rd level living. Always being in the right place at the right time through no fault or effort of my own. YAY GOD! \o/

Chris Welch Kim....this is amazing.

This is what the Holy Spirit is saying amidst the excitement.
Walking into restaurants and speaking to street people MAY be Jesus sort of things to do....but the thirdlevel is the whole package
what Jesus described as the servants in the field and in the House followed by Him waiting upon us......

Jesus spent 30 years NOT walking into restaurants paying for things
NOT walking the streets and healing people
NOT setting up orphanages in India and Africa (said for my facebook friends)

we are just told

He grew in wisdom and grace
He asked very deep questions of Jerusalem rabbis at 12 years old
and He downed tools as the Spirit demanded at 30 and started where He knew to start.....checking out his cousin

Not a lot to go on. kickstart the POURED OUT LIFE in 12 others he took them around with Him while learning ministry Himself....

Oh yes.....He knew nothing
He said a sentence in His own synagogue over and above a reading, He got involved with a wedding because His mum was leaning on Him....then after Jordan and the 40 day fast....

He knew He had the anointing and again started with the next thing he felt to do....hung around the shoreline of Galilee....
Why? Because the Holy Spirit was making the link in His mind.....How do you catch fish???? Dunno....let's watch the natural world for a while, and see how they do it?

Presidents,Onisiris/Apollyon,Masons, and Human Hybrids

Monday, 8 February 2016

Gaga at Superbowl

Before you read or glance over this, I want to show you something else......There are 12 different sorts of folk typified by the disciples and the 12 tribes who ofcourse all stemmed from the 12 brothers by two mothers. Did you never wonder incidentally about why there are rattling bones in Ezekiel 37?
Why there are 12 neatly sliced bits of shewbread in the Holy Place? Why there are even shewbread as well as the candlestick signifying Spirit and there is a massive division right there between those who respond to chewing bread slowly and those who respond to gazing at the candlestick in meditation?
Why is the world filled with nations,peoples,cultures?
Why is the world filled with different faiths and different Christian denominations?


Now don't get me wrong....Jesus DID say I am the Way the Truth and the Life and none comes through to the Father but by Me.    But here's the clue.....YOU or ME apprehending that sentence like leftbrain robots doesn't make it true.

THE WHOLE OF LIFE makes it true.
IF HUMANS DON'T SING THEN ANOTHER BUNCH OF STONES CRY OUT AND MAKE IT TRUE.....(remember we are but clay and clay is but stone powdered!!!!!!!dust to dust ashes to ashes)

SO NO ONE VOICE HERE IS 100% CORRECT....IT IS THE BLEND THAT MAKE IT CORRECT. Even the person being completely human and seeing no further than their eyeballs.....seeing a performance of a lady who can sing....because whatever else is true...Gaga is a God creation with a voice whatever she does with it......

But this talking post is a brilliant survey of how all the tribe members think, everyone seeing slightly different angles.  I haven't looked, but if you go on Youtube you will doubtless find Mark Dice making a comment. But a few weeks ago I found that he like Alex Jones is a CIA even the exposers are still the Illuminati !!!!!!
It's just awe inspiring how they cover all bases.
Jesus said if the Light within you is great must the Darkness be.
Now Jesus said that!!!!
And He is now Lord of every lord that thinks they lord....on earth or in the heavenlies (the socalled Grand Masters and principalities and powers and fallen angels).

Frank Telford
8 hrs
Having Lady Gaga sing the national anthem at the Super Bowl after she has blasphemed God and promoted everything contrary to His will is symbolic of how far our country has fallen.
Brandon Adams agree
LikeReply28 hrs
LikeReply38 hrs
Brandon Adams so Demonic its sick
LikeReply38 hrs
Julie Ann Morgan 2 Timothy 3:1-13
LikeReply8 hrs
Chris Welch
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Sharon Hammons Glaze This is horrible. I had not seen this before
LikeReply28 hrs
Stacy Smith-cblc Neither had I!!
LikeReply8 hrs
Chris Welch
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LikeReply8 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds PREACH!!!!
LikeReply18 hrs
Shawn Mullen And she says... "God bless you America". Smh.
LikeReply18 hrs
Frank Telford Different god.
LikeReply108 hrs
Shawn Mullen Exactly what i said.
LikeReply28 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds Exactly what I said too.
LikeReply28 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds She was appropriately dressed in red....down to her eyelids......has sold her soul to satan a long time ago.
LikeReply88 hrs
Honeylet Hope Robin Cristino What happen to america ryt now? Worst!
LikeReply18 hrs
Honeylet Hope Robin Cristino Fallen America...So sad
LikeReply58 hrs
Janice Sharp It is amazing to me to see who I thought were very awake people posting about how wonderful a job Gaga did. Must be the patriotism kicking in.
LikeReply58 hrs
Brenda Dando GROSS
LikeReply18 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds I know.......I was shocked by those who claim to be christians on my page and posted what a good job she did! ........smh!
LikeReply48 hrs
Cynthia DiGiorgi Williams Me too! Unreal! Although I don't actively watch the Superbowl I do always pay attention to the way the Illuminati always seem to show up via their puppets! Smh!
LikeReply16 hrs
Chris Welch
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Elvis Blade Agreed!
LikeReply18 hrs
Valerie Gatto The world is so dead
LikeReply68 hrs
Christy Lee Heiney-Freie It's a signal for something, that is FOR SURE!
LikeReply38 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds This half time show is NOTHING but a 'celebration to summon satan'..........
LikeReply78 hrs
Valerie Gatto Her bloody eyes!!!
LikeReply48 hrs
George LaMarca Revelation 13:4-8 King James Version (KJV)

4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?...See More
LikeReply118 hrs
LikeReply48 hrs
Christy Lee Heiney-Freie Yeah!! Me too!! All my friends on Facebook are loving her!

LikeReply58 hrs
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Christy Lee Heiney-Freie I'm not watching any of it.
My family decided there was no point for us to.

I rely on those spirit filled people being led to watch it and the write about it exposing it. That's what I'm interested in
LikeReply48 hrs
Frank Telford That was part of the plan!
LikeReply18 hrs
Richard Gentry You don't agree that she sang it very well?
LikeReply4 hrs
Chris Welch
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Kathy Newsome Lemonds You will KNOW them by their FRUITS!!!!!!!!!!
LikeReply98 hrs
Brandon Muchmore My thoughts exactly
LikeReply28 hrs
Christy Lee Heiney-Freie There's symbolism towards a specific agenda when they choose SPECIFIC people to do SPECIFIC performances.
LikeReply88 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds We are in a time of separating the 'goats' from the true 'sheep'........not everyone saying Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom!
LikeReply128 hrs
Esther Lewis Perfect picture of a TARE/Lady Gaga looking like a WHEAT!!!
LikeReply78 hrs
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Chris Welch
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LikeReply78 hrs
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Kathy Newsome Lemonds Yes, they choose those who have sold out to satan........that's why they are popular and have fame and $$$$$. Satans pay for their soul!!
LikeReply68 hrs
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June Bug Windham Pale horse is actually green
LikeReply18 hrs
Chris Welch
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Marsha Pilipow I use to like her music and listen to it before and I remember watching her videos and thinking how my new life style change was coming on.Which was a bar life and a boyfriend when still not legally divorced yet.And I remember listening to her in conce...See More
LikeReply48 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds Thank the Lord he rescued you from darkness!!! heart emoticon
LikeReply18 hrs
Marsha Pilipow I know and I was in a New testament conservative Church of Christ for 16 years when I was saved before that and the Gospel was backwards in it I got free of that first then lived the world 5 years and I noticed that about a couple of months before comi...See More
LikeReply8 hrs
Chris Welch
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Arthie Lee Perez I had no idea that was her. When did she stop wearing those odd costumes. She looked nice. I pray she repents before it is too late.
LikeReply48 hrs
Becs Edmund We are aware here in Africa that Gaga is (D)evil... Never listened to her song.. She's strange!!
LikeReply88 hrs
Nadia Moore I agree with you Frank Telford 100%
LikeReply28 hrs
LikeReply28 hrs
Leslie Olenych wait till you see her satanic ritual at the grammy's
LikeReply58 hrs
Marcos Dutra yes, exactly
LikeReply18 hrs
Leslie Olenych I think they put her there to sing the national anthem to allow the public to "love her" and then love the grammy ritual. so insane; God laughs smile emoticon we know the end. heart emoticon
LikeReply28 hrs
Chris Welch
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John Uriarte Don't be stuck on negative! We have the spirit of God to pray! Remember the believer is tested...
LikeReply8 hrsEdited
Silvana Petruso She should drop dead
LikeReply8 hrs
Frank Telford No pray for her love never looses hope.
LikeReply58 hrs
Iris Nazario Yes love never loses hope
LikeReply28 hrs
Chris Welch
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Esther Lewis A MUST WATCH NOW!!! A WARNING DREAM FROM ANTHONY PATCH about the Super Bowl half time...The Globalist LUCIFERIANS are keeping up with their pact with the devil WARNING THE MASSES of THEIR PLANS BEFORE THEY DO THEM!!!
LikeReply58 hrsEdited
Sharon Denise Williams Zehr I, like most of America did not know she did that.
LikeReply18 hrs
Frank Telford Look into it it's worse than you think.
LikeReply38 hrs
Sharon Denise Williams Zehr Frank Telford I am not a fan of hers, do not listen to her music. The times we live in... Urggh!
LikeReply8 hrs
Chris Welch
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Alexis Wilkins They have no idea what is coming . Vengence is mine sayeth the LORD .
LikeReply58 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds They have NO IDEA!!!!! of what is coming!!!!!!!!!!
LikeReply28 hrsEdited
Kathy Newsome Lemonds Babylon is going to fall in an hour...........Revelation 18:10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
LikeReply38 hrsEdited
Chris Welch
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Marsha Pilipow She is of the evil one she has costumes that are demons she probably had to calm down some maybe .But she has been on interview and talked about the voices that tell her what to do .
LikeReply28 hrs
Marcos Dutra She will play Lucifer/Sofia at the Grammys.
LikeReply38 hrs
LikeReply68 hrs
Christy Lee Heiney-Freie Straight up truth
LikeReply7 hrs
Chris Welch
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Kathy Newsome Lemonds As for those who claim to be "christians' who are calling these performances 'good'...Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
LikeReply107 hrs
Nanci Rhodes I missed it, l just wanted to watch a football game, this is out of control and over the top.
LikeReply7 hrs
Marcos Dutra is that a picture from her performance?
LikeReply17 hrs
Marsha Pilipow From some performance she dresses like demons
LikeReply7 hrs
Marsha Pilipow I know she did I don't know no more I don't watch her any more
LikeReply17 hrs
Chris Welch
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Marsha Pilipow I didn't see it I don't watch TV no more hardly
LikeReply17 hrs
Marcos Dutra Meanwhile in Brazil we have demonic feast of Carnival...dont know which is worse
LikeReply27 hrs
Marsha Pilipow Wow that's scary
LikeReply7 hrs
Marcos Dutra it is huge...tons of money in it...idolatry of sex, nudity, drunkeness, craziness , lots of crime, accidents, adultery, name it. A huge bacchanalia, a drunken revelry.
LikeReply17 hrs
Chris Welch
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Michael Mccomas You are a good watchman my brother Frank Telford smile emoticonGod bless smile emoticon
LikeReply47 hrs
Denise Johnson God is a God of second chances
LikeReply37 hrs
Paula Howard I've watched the whole thing so far from her singing until this very minute. I watch it to see all of the evil Illuminati stuff going on. Her singing honestly wasn't bad. Now before you all go and start saying how wrong I am, hear me out. She sang the ...See More
LikeReply117 hrs
Cynthia Hiatt McGee Amen so true
LikeReply17 hrs
Evan Monaghan Another jesus....
LikeReply7 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds Sad thing Jesus was tempted by satan to bow down and worship him and he would give Jesus the world.......these people were offered the same deal........and they sold their soul. Most are assassinated before they are saved, sadly.......
LikeReply37 hrsEdited
Paula Howard To add to what I said, I watch it so I know how to respond to others who think there is nothing wrong with it
LikeReply27 hrs
Marsha Pilipow Her songs all sound great she has a beautiful voice .And Satan was a head of the music in heaven also
LikeReply27 hrs
Paula Howard I feel like that is how Satan gets to a lot of people. It's through music. It's almost hypnotic too. What better way to entice people than through something he is very familiar!
LikeReply47 hrs
Marsha Pilipow I agree 100% I find my mind changing towards rebellious when I hear circular music
LikeReply37 hrs
Chris Welch
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Carol Pepe Gymnaos LOOK UP LOOK UP KEEP LOOKING UP!!!!!!
LikeReply37 hrs
Michael Mccomas Adonai, God, our Father, tells us in scripture that flattery comes from hasatan, satan, the evil one. Compliments come from God our Father. I give you compliment my brother Frank Telford. Shalom smile emoticon
LikeReply37 hrs
Corinne Eichner Between SNL last night & Super Bowl today there was enough symbolism to last till the end, wow !!!!!!
LikeReply37 hrs
Marsha Pilipow Really I haven't seen SNL in a long time
LikeReply17 hrs
Corinne Eichner Me either. I recently moved in wth my 30 yr old son who is being prodigal for now. I watched with him cuz Bernie Sanders was on. There was a skit of men watching football, the mom was advertising Totinos. She looked & noticed the guys were cheering & t...See More
LikeReply37 hrs
Chris Welch
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LikeReply27 hrs
Brett Lacheney We all need to pray for her salvation.
LikeReply97 hrs
Julie Ann Morgan Agree!!!!!!
LikeReply6 hrs
Julie Ann Morgan You're tender hearted for the Lost.....I too trust almost anyone as God gives me the Boldness and courage to approach anyone. I know God sends his angels to take Charge over me and keep me in His ways. Boldness to SPEAK THE LIVING BREATHING WORD!

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee....See More
LikeReply16 hrs
Chris Welch
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Toni Alexander Totally agree
LikeReply17 hrs
Karen Wible She is amazing Artist, God koves her God loves her heart ahe helps so many people anazing women, she will be in heaven watch and see, you people will be shocked, who is going to heaven your all ao so heatful God loves thus women, you dont know her heart, it is Golden
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Karen Wible Nope not all you think so, Gods got them just like he got you ....
LikeReply6 hrs
Chris Welch
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Karen Wible I work with alot of celebrities
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Karen Wible They love God like you do....
LikeReply7 hrs
Jason Reynolds If they Loved Jesus like we do then they would Repent and turn from their sins like we do.....
LikeReply36 hrs
Karen Wible They will.....there life is not over God is big
LikeReply6 hrs
Chris Welch
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Heather Maddox I agree with you 100%!!!
LikeReply7 hrs
Trevor Lee Knox That half time show was full of gay pride and beyonce flaunting subliminal allegiance to the black panthers and of course satan himself...
LikeReply67 hrs
Victoria Austin Lady gag me! Evil!
LikeReply37 hrs
Gina Hawthorn Satanic imagery is NOT honoring God ... The exact opposite of love and honor ... Of THE ALMIGHTY GOD! ... But ga ga like many others who honor satan find their way to JESUS ... YES many satanist DO FIND JESUS ... And they HATE what they used to be!!! I pray for ga ga. Because Jesus loves her and DIED for her ..,
LikeReply87 hrs
Ciara Escobar A true believer in Christ yes this is true Love the love of Jesus !amen sister Glory to the Lord !!
LikeReply26 hrs
Chris Welch
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Corinne Eichner And all the commercials !!!!! Wow, this year will be amazing ! Watch & pray. I do pray that celebrities that God will open there eyes & save them.
LikeReply37 hrs
John G Messick God's wrath will be just and swift on the NWO.
LikeReply37 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds The Bible says it will be such trouble (Tribulation) that the world has never before seen anything like it...........
LikeReply17 hrs
John G Messick you are starting to see it now.
LikeReply17 hrs
Chris Welch
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Kathy Newsome Lemonds Karen, you are deceived sister...The Word of God clearly tells us that we will know them by their fruits. Yes, GOD loves her......He loves those people who are in hell......but they chose to worship satan......therefore, satan is her god. Being an amaz...See More
LikeReply77 hrs
Trevor Lee Knox I agree... I wanted to tell her the same.
LikeReply47 hrs
Achieng Nyakwar Obare Karen needs prayers too
LikeReply26 hrs
Chris Welch
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Darlene Thompson Troxler I am constantly amazed at how people believe one can live 'like' the devil & 'for' the devil and believes that all is well and that 'one' is going to be with a HOLY SAVIOUR one day. I'm not only praying for the lost soul this post is about but also for those that believe that lost soul is going to heaven because she has a good heart. WOW~
LikeReply57 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds Amen Darlene.
LikeReply17 hrs
Chris Welch
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Lisa Akins Kelly I didnt know this
LikeReply7 hrs
Jason Reynolds She and most all of Hollywood have sold their souls to the Devil....
LikeReply66 hrs
Darlene Thompson Troxler For lack of a better way of agreeing with you Jason Reynolds I clicked the 'like' button...but I sure don't like that folks have sold their souls to Satan. Sad.
LikeReply16 hrs
Dianne Cox Sad but true,?only GOD knows🤗🙆
LikeReply16 hrs
Chris Welch
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LikeReply46 hrs
Manuel Moreno Yet its the same Christians that skip church to watch the supers bowl think about that for a minute
LikeReply46 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds That's why they are 'amazing artists'....and have fame and money.....all from satan. BUT it costs them THEIR VERY SOUL!!!!!
LikeReply96 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds referring to the "Stars" that the world follows and worships........
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Kathy Newsome Lemonds I personally don't find them amazing.........but the world does.
LikeReply16 hrs
Chris Welch
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Rob Leavy Smh
LikeReply16 hrs
Julie Ann Morgan Father God Almighty. Send your Angels to take charge of us so that we will always keep your ways. Write the WORD ON OUR HEARTS. May we Boldly Speak your Word with all confidence. Touch each person that has posted here tonight. Help us to see the Lost t...See More
LikeReply76 hrs
Susan Marie Taylor She is a ham in the Kosher sense of the word.
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Brek Martin At this rate she'll be blaspheming Mickey Mouse and Santa Clause. You go girl!!! Growing up faster than your country!
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Rachael Kartika Eka I rejected in Jesus name
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Deirdre Capurso Kolbly They all belong to the same Satan !
LikeReply86 hrs
Gideon Thamsanqa Mabogoane The Beast system
LikeReply25 hrs
Monica Kowalsky GagGagi s a Mind controlled "TOOL"
LikeReply15 hrs
JR Daniel All I can say is Isaiah 5:20 that says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
LikeReply65 hrs
Ryan Liberty Yup. And continues to fall farther away into reprobation
LikeReply45 hrs
Maria Valdez That's one reason I didn't watch! I don't really watch much TV. Most of it is worthless, and If you are not careful, television will steal your time.
LikeReply55 hrs
Kathy Newsome Lemonds Be sure to watch this that Esther Lewis posted: A MUST WATCH NOW!!! A WARNING DREAM FROM ANTHONY PATCH about the Super Bowl half time...The Globalist LUCIFERIANS are keeping up with their pact with the devil WARNING THE MASSES of THEIR PLANS BEFORE THEY DO THEM!!!
LikeReply24 hrs
Mary Charles Bentley Makes one wonder who is crazier, Lady Gaga, or Pope Francis! Or the whole NWO ilk. You'd think they would be me they are evil and stupidity gone to seed! Who can out think or win over YAHUAH? No one, but they'll find out soon, and it will be too late for them...
Hell enlarges itself every day! 
LikeReply3 hrs
Darlene Gates Lovely, eh?
LikeReply3 hrs
Antwan Habersham Bro, I said the same thing to my wife when she told me who was singing the national anthem. Wow.
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Sara Robinson Pure evil !!!!!
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