Saturday 24 December 2016

Our Apostleship.....

So, history has done this. When Abraham saw the sand particles and the stars he definitely believed for a son, now, to kick it all off. How much he understood the stars thing? How much we do? Certainly spiritually I take it to mean sons by rebirth, or heavenly birth, totally out of the realm of blood connection. By the time Jesus came the Jews had forgotten the stars bit. They were so for the here and now, that many were the liberators attempting to wrest Israel out of the control of.Rome and Peter was still hardwired for this, just before Jesus was taken up to heaven. He asked ,"when shall dominion be returned to Israel?"
The Roman Church began with earthly dominion in mind and through the order of Malta, the knights of the Templars, the real meaning of the Crown, the American security forces which are all Catholic, the logo above 10 Downing Street, the European Commission itself, began and tabled by a Jesuit in this day Catholicism is, in its own mind, about the dominion of Jesus Christ over the globe. At the top layers, the true meanings of.IHS logo on everything is understood as the solar cult.
Protestantism became.somehow a political resistance force. But true evangelicalism eschewed politics completely except for things concerning justice like.slavery, or social.welfare like Methodists and Salvation army.

Like a computer can't finish a level until you have done all the tasks.

Over the last month some of you know I have launched a twin salvo against Lance Wallnau's 7 mountains of influence, because it is purely a reaction to the Freemasons clever plan but in reverse. We don't preach mountains of influence we preach Christ crucified and taking up the Cross to experience Galatians 2.20 consciousness NOW and out of the spontaneous life flow in our hearts, we trust the Keeper of the Testaments within,Jesus, to provide the fulfilling of His Word in real time. But my other salvo has been at the Union Crowd. Now most of you have never heard of the Union crowd, so for you they are an irrelevance anyway. But for discovering the secret of how Christianity really works to bring everyone to Fatherhood level in Christ 1 John 2, I would tend to agree. But they are paralysed by their American millennium belief system which has been largely orchestrated by Jesuits to paralyze the independent churches. Please understand I am not saying Jesus isn't coming again nor that there isn't a millennium, but instead of a tool and leverage for launching you, Satan has crept in to shut you all down. In the Old Testament various "good things of God" from Rhema or" Now" obedience lessons.....were later used as idols. Gideon's ephod. The golden snake raised in the wilderness.
Like a computer can't finish a level until you have done all the tasks.
Jesus is to sit at the right hand of God until His enemies are made His footstool. He as the Head is given with full authority over all things To the Church. My role apostolically is to share that with you and continue the work of Ern Baxter and Bob Mumford, but to clarify that the first Ishmael generation did not adequately hear God, so like Catholics to this day, and indeed visionary groups.....Talmudic Jews.....Islamic jihadists......they began putting into motion their pyramid plans, this time with their apostles as the Head pulling the strings of the churches. This is NOT the nature of our apostleship.
We instead attempt something altogether more fun, more unbelievable and more supernatural. We teach Christ the Head to every believer according to the Jeremiah 31 , and for each believer as a member of His Body to do what Christ is doing by them. We teach the Church initially in meetings, but then as they mature,outside, to function in the Melchisedek Order according to the mystery of Christ in us the hope of glory. What Protestants taught as a bit of a nebulous concept, that we are indeed ALL PRIESTS AND KINGS.....We teach and show in the Holy Spirit. If Christ the Head is not operating His Body, we don't rally the troops, we adopt the Psalm 123 position of a servant glued to the eyes and hand of the Master. We don't do anything He is not doing. But instead of practicing this ourselves as ministries, as we always have, we teach and instruct the Body in this protocol.
For 40 years the Levites had learned to function one way in their desert training. They raised the Ark to their shoulders and walked six paces then, rested and sacrificed.
But when all the people came to Jericho this time everything was different. This time they walked round silently FIRST....They were in rest first.
This time the "work of shouting and walking" happened in the seventh time.round.
The "work", the believing, the obedience is by now inextricably mingled.....who really knows.which bit where. So it is with the Galatians 2.20 walk. I do not pull strings as a leader lording it over the Body as is the manner of the gentiles, instead I preach Christ the Head, and if Jesus is who He says He is, and He is, then the Body are individually connected to Him, and connected to each other by the Spirit. The Spirit is like the wind which blows this way and that. Those that follow the Spirit these are the sons of God. This is the victory.....even our faith. Our faith that Jesus is God come in the flesh, and now by the Spirit God is coming in my flesh, our flesh. It's not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord. If I don't write these things with the apostolic authority given me, then no matter, the Head has already written all these things down in His Word for some other to find and preach, or other person to sovereignly raise up and instruct as God did with Saul of Tarsus. I do not preach myself.....I preach your hope of glory.....Jesus Christ.

...........pulling the strings of the churches.
This is NOT the nature of our apostleship.
We instead attempt something altogether more fun, more unbelievable and more supernatural. We teach Christ the Head to every believer according to Jeremiah 31 , and for each believer as a member of His Body to do what Christ is doing by them.

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