Monday 29 January 2018

Facebook friends this January. Jesus is alive.

Crazy night on the streets: this champion high on crystal meth up for two days with no sleep tried to headbutt me two times during deliverance. He was twisting and some what out of his mind. The demon was raging mad I had to have the Angels tie him up. We got him set free and he dropped to the ground and peace come over soul and body. When I first started the deliverance he was freaking out and ran out of the room but I half-hour later the Holy Spirit pulled him back out said he wanted prayer. God set him free. We delivered about eight guys at the drug rehab center at the victory outreach center. Demons were flying out of All of them and spoke in tongues at the end. Even the guy in charge the rehab center started throwing up demons flew out of him to. Another guy on crystal meth and witchcraft as me and big George were casting out his demons they paralyzed him for about 10 minutes from the waist down he could not move. Wild warfare and so Crazy. I want to tell you this but I was a little worried when this happened and it did not go away right away when i commanded it too.but I. pushed on and crushed that fear and doubt in me and casted it out. Then I got him set free and filled with the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues. This was Big Gorege first time that he personally took the lead and the demons did not like him. Crazy night but God is good love you champions. Two men got their shoulder pains healed. We grew out two legs and backs healed. Another pain in the leg got healed. All received Christ all God filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues and on fire fire fire and laughing with joy.
1Co2:4 We do not come with inducing words but with demonstration of power and the Holy Spirit.

I love sharing the stories from Stuart Morrison Pete Cabrera Jr Art MontgomeryTony Maden and so many others. Doesn't this describe though the tricky nature of a police enforcement officer in a world run by the Illuminati. I guess it was a bit like this with Jesus and the Centurion.

Santo Calarco
Police officer just pulled me over… God spoke to me about him…
Officer: could I see your license sir?
Me: officer I forgot my wallet at home I’m sorry
Officer: you are supposed to be Carrying your license with you at all times when you are driving. This carries a fine.
Me: this is a public holiday and double Demerit points apply today and this will mean I will lose my license. Can you please extend some grace to me as Jesus has to all of us?
Officer: you mentioned Jesus, are you a Christian?
Me: officer, am a pastor and if I lose my license this will hinder my work for Jesus.
Officer: how do I know that you are a pastor and that you are telling the truth?
Me: would you like me to quote bible passages to you from memory?
Officer: okay proceed.
Me: “I am the resurrection and the life anyone who believes in me though he die he will live” John 11: 25
(at this point the officer got teary eyed and Jesus revealed to me something very specific about him)
Me: Officer, you were scared about the scan you had last week regarding your liver… But it’s come out fine… You are going to have many years with your wife Sharon and two boys.
(he burst out into tears)
Officer: here is my phone number… Pastor please call me I want you to talk to my family. Now follow me as I escort you home to get your drivers license… And be more careful next time.
This afternoon I will go and visit and pray and I already know the outcome

Via Stuart Morrisson

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