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The Breakthrough Spirit
At the moment we seem quite meandery with Galatians 2;20, nevertheless many by now have experienced men and women being a literal avatar for God on earth. Some of the key messages we ever heard will be like that. But not only IN MEETINGS...suddenly outside someone will turn, say or do something that is just pure God. If we at that moment say "Blessed are you who come in the Name of the Lord" our whole life will be different. It is a brief PORTAL in time through a KINGDOM DOOR. Quite often they are meetings and possibly ones where everything tried to conspire against us getting there. But quite often, as I say quite unexpected daily God encounter types....and quite often the people are not even Christians...but are simply being natural GODDERS in that moment.
The Israelites MISSED Joshua and Caleb's realistic but faith filled report and listened to the other 10. They MISSED God. Every single one died before the next generation entered the Land.
Perez Uzzah is a negative breakthrough moment 2 Samuel 6:6-8 It was when Uzzah put his hand on the Ark of God because they were using a jumped up wheel barrow instead of the heavenly blueprint for priests.
We DO want breakthrough though. The Kingdom is established on earth by breakthroughs of God on fleshlife, on demons, on sicknesses, on crazyloop situations that bind us....usually LAWS that have suddenly GONE CIRCULAR on us and we are imprisoned by them. Satan means resister (of God) and he's an expert. Every meeting should be a gathering in the Name of Jesus under an Open heaven. Quite often when an apostolic person with a " door opening type of gift" to the Body of Christ passes through a whole load of hitherto stupid situations immediately unlock.
Chains of house sales. Planning permissions.Sicknesses and diseases.Family squabbles or worse cease. We once had a couple remarry after 20 years divorce and they both got baptised in Emsworth seawater here.
Jesus once said..".from the time of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force"
Jesus once said..".from the time of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force" Spirit determination.. An attitude which takes the bull by the horns and determines...THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN.
Here's are some natural and Bible examples of breakthrough moments.
When you were conceived your father's male sperm was the only one out of thousands to break through the surface of the mother's egg. You are a natural victor. A breakthrough merchant!!!!
When you were born that breakthrough event was quite bloody and messy.
If a woman is a virgin the first act of lovemaking may involve a trace of breakthrough!!!
Problems have their breakthrough moments. Or their AHA moments....sudden breakthrough ideas.
Getting married is a bit of a dance. It's a lifetime commitment as opposed to suck it and see....so both individuals are eyeing the other one closely, and quite often the lady is being stand offish. How much do you want me dear? The engagement can be quite a breakthrough moment!!!!
There's several characters in the Bible that LEGALLY....as in God's promises....SHOULD NEVER BE WHERE THEY WERE!!!! And they are there because they had this BREAKTHROUGH FEISTY SPIRIT.
they, like the disciples of old block half the world from ever knowing Jesus.
Rahab.....a prostitute...but courageously risked her own life with the Jericho spies.She was literally saved by her faith.
Abigail totally ignored her husband who was a pretty useless good for nothing, and pressed on regardless to help David and his men. No wonder she caught his eye and when her husband died David took her in marriage.
Ruth was a Moabitess and as such in theory BANNED from Israel for at least 10 generations. But she had a fixed heart towards Naomi....."Where you go I will go". Charismatic churches would have called her rebellious because she was breaking the laws.
That's one of the reasons thirdlevellers don't pay the slightest bit of attention to secondlevellers....they, like the disciples of old block half the world from ever knowing Jesus. God looks to the hearts!!!!
The Canaanite woman's HEART was TOO BUSTING WITH FAITH for God to ignore her. Blow being a Canaanite if I just touch the hem of His garment!!!! Surely the dogs under the table can get little scraps!!!! WOW...that just BLEW Jesus out of the water!!!! That's what I came to earth for!!!!! thought Jesus with His eyes welling up.
If we want Jesus we will be like Elaine Waterfield and ignore all British protocols. We will gather because we cannot keep apart.
This very morning Havant Church have allowed people to hold gatherings on certain days so people may feel free to go to each other's houses. Now humanly that's quite a good idea because it resists the tendency of English people to stay in their own English castles. But a few months ago I sent an email to all the Hayling Island People inviting us all to gather together informally just to be together....more or less the same thing.
BUT Nothing would happen because of all the secondlevel obstacles...
it wasn't official,
it was coming from my heart,
it wasn't sanctioned by leadership,
and I had frightened people off with some of my attitudes and teachings (which are ofcourse just Spirit things to do with BREAKTHROUGH...to do with Christ living our life according to Galatians 2:20...NOTHING DIFFERENT from what you poor Facebook people have been putting up with for years.)
Now as a result of this morning's meeting that I wasn't at, people will be holding gatherings in people's houses....but it won't be like Elaine who bursts through regardless...it won't be people like me who at 16 dive across the continent because I have this hunch that Basilea Schlink has something for me that Gerald Coates or Bryn Jones didn't quite have yet....
When you were conceived your father's male sperm was the only one out of thousands to break through the surface of the mother's egg. You are a natural victor. A breakthrough merchant!!!!
There are PORTALS...TIMED EVENTS...we look for them....we go through them...we ignore what others think....This is God and ME.....God is like that with everyone...He is JEALOUS over all of us.....First thing is the relationship God has with me and I with Him....Network covering smothering apostles can wait outside on the toilet....this is me meeting with God....and others BREAKING THROUGH because they are really desperate for God. Havant Church wouldn't know desperate unless the two leaders John and Wendy Wilbraham wrote a guiding manual....
1. First place your nose upon the floor and cry out loud at precisely 68.5 decibells
for a total of 22 and a half minutes, then increase by 30 seconds daily.
The Word of God truly upon Havant Church is to be a "Turn round Church". Possibly the first truly thirdlevel church in the world. But as you can see from my description we are talking miracle of God here.....at the moment they all have to be told it's OK to enter each other's houses. All this passivity could be related to fluoride in the water killing their pineal glands, so if any continentals would like to send over some of their non fluoridated water, we could yet have revival!!!!
Network covering smothering apostles can wait outside on the toilet....this is me meeting with God
Saints we are in an era of turnaround . The biggest one in history as people start to get revelation on Genesis 3 and the whole RIPOFF....
Already a huge miracle has taken place around 1993 that is just about a first, certainly while I have known the Lord.
A whole cult.....the Plain Truth Cult under Armstrong has turned to the Lord and accepted evangelical truth. Wow. Wow. Usually it's just ones and twos or localised revivals. What an extraordinary thing to happen in our days? This proves that MASS TURNAROUND even scattered across nations is possible!!!!
Even some of the core ruling dynasties on earth, members of the thousands of year old Satanic dynasty bloodlines are finding the Lord. Eric Clapton's "Layla" was about one of them.
God is on the move and He is more powerful even than sleepy old bedridden Havant!!!!
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