Farmers cannot afford vet bills for hundreds of animals so they ensure they have complete nutrition .
Humans who have a correct balance of 96 minerals and vitamins don't get sick either , so governments have been banning and suppressing supplements , not to protect citizens , but to protect the billions spent to Big Pharma . Governments are at war with their citizens while smiling and looking friendly .
Cambridge Diet had this spinoff , in order to ensure health while bringing bodies into a permanent state of 405/day calory ketosis ( any lower is fasting mode where the body goes into a self preservation shutdown crisis ) , the Diet was created with complete nutrition .
Some counsellors used the diet when not dieting , because the nutrition was so absolute .
OK .....spiritual , huh?
All churches in the earth rely on humans or some like Bethel Redding , allow God out on a leash for 40 minutes to an hour . I refer to the solo leader synagogues we have .
The full vitamins and nutrients in the Spirit are referred to as the Crown of 12 stars ( Revelation 12.1)
Wise solo pastors use their elder mix and also invite other guests preachers in , to get a mix .
But this is still kingdom through a condom .
Kingdom demands open access to each saint , not a filter funnel called Bill Johnson or Mr and Mrs Bullock or Rick Joyner .
Ecclesia is quite a deliberate word .
Full nutrition is in the hands of the Holy Spirit and these are the important features :
Tabernacles is the flexible wineskin meme provided by the Old Testament . Being made of 4 Wood type fronds , its roof has holes in ....which isn't so good for weather in Britain !!!!! But it refers to, yes , the fact a roof exists , but it's not a pyramid , it's not closed , and it's not one person .
Paul's lists contain 14 different ministries ....some are duplicated. He left out worship leaders , prayer commander intercessors , Jewish matchmakers , and Christian podcasters like Mike Winger .
1 Corinthians 12 has 3 classes of Holy Spirit operation .....
9 gifts and general contributions
Ministries plura
Sovereign operations
Ephesians 4 says the Body is joined by that which each joint , when it is working properly , supplies .
Ultimately ....that's the Holy Spirit saying " you're on Now !!!".....but generally the supernatural gifts ARE supernatural to demonstrate that Mrs Carlton Philips of East Street who just got born again and baptised in the Spirit today really is healing Miguel Estragon of lifelong lameness. And there's little we can do to argue with God that it's too early !!!
Generally however , " working properly " is a saint that psalm 84 says , is revealed before God in Zion for a particular anointed function , and has most likely gone into the ground as a grain , and walked right through Romans 3 to 7 and is now exploding out the other side into chapter 8.
This way the Body gets full nutrition and City on a hill of Incredible Crown of 12 stars breadth ,gets formed properly across each City and area .
Or we can remain like Africans who have followed Bonnke's solo ministry so enthusiastically they shoot or poison their ministry wives who are more popular on their tithe coercion pyramid they are building .
Our choice really . The gun toting American model or The Bible model .
More on a Kingdom through a Condom......
How Satan indeed blocks the efficacy of Word and our God given role here on OUR earth.
Word is the most exciting , intimate , honouring thing ever . Because it's God speaking from outside all creation to little old claypot us . It's heart stopping .
The condom idea I just wrote is important .
Genesis 3 is a condom . It's the devil trying to harvest the Word spoken only to Man concerning our mission on our earth , and hijacking it to build himself a Throne here .
The Catholic Church is a condom , an antichrist of real ecclesia .
The Cathars, or Khazars or that section that were nicknamed " Name stealers " , were highwaymen that killed their prey then stole everything , their identity , their property , their history .
How much is that true of the aristocratic history of England in centuries past ?
Jews in Israel are only 10% Semite . There's a prophecy about foreigners holding onto each arm and coat tails of Jews to get some of their blessing .
Maritime Law is a Condom . Leviathan now rules on land through the clever birth canal contracts that Jessie Czebotar reveals in her affidavits on Charles Timothy Holmseth's website .
The Scofield Bible ruse pulled off by Rockefeller and Rothschild worked perfectly upon the American Christian . It's a condom to prevent the American Christian coming out from his or her lattice . They announce their Evangelical and Charismatic Late Great Planet Earth look to the skies .
" Beam me up Scotty . I have washed and I'm ready for bed ,just don't ask me outside again ".
Song of Solomon even includes it in the love poem .
All scripture is about overcomers .
Earlier scriptures can't peel the curtains back but Paul does in Galatians 2.20 a little . Christ in us as us .
That's why the glory upon the latter house is greater .
That's why there's a mature man and the very first Church was absolutely brilliant ! Karl Marx was content with trying to copy that one but without God.