As you received Christ as Lord so walk in Him.How did you receive Christ as Lord?
You gave up. You got desperate. Your innards cried out...Help!
So how do you think your Christian life will go on then?
All a missionary Lainee Waterfield will tell someone who gets put in lots more desperate situations of being rendered helpless unless God move.

We believe ON Jesus when everything else in the life raft has inconveniently slipped off the raft into the water. Only Jesus left.
So how does prosperity, or blessing work? We see, read or hear the Word direct or preached...we take it inwardly saying YES...then very often the opposite happens. Then comes the "fun". Do we continue, looking like madmen, confessing and hanging in there with nothing but Word...or do we harden our hearts?
Faith gives God permission to construct a story...His Story out of our lives.
In heaven Jesus said YES to the Father.
Here's how it looked on earth. This is His prosperity and favour gospel in action.
There was no room for Him to be born. As King there were none but shepherds to welcome Him. Any well to do magi that did turn up weren't even from Israel.
His own King arranged to murder Him. His parents fled in the nick of time to Egypt.
Eventually He grew up in a plain old town called Nazareth nowhere near a palace.
His Father did speak Words over him, and He did get baptised in the Spirit...but then so do we today!! He tries preaching in the official religious places . Most if not all will not allow it for long. His own townspeople tried to push Him off a cliff. Loads of ordinary people followed Him until John 6 when He wanted to preach on some of His own "inner tricks" to living. Just about all went off, leaving His dedicated 12.
But at His death all 12 bar one, John, DID DESERT HIM. Apart from about 3, as He died, He had nothing left. But then ofcourse He rose.
But what I am saying the natural world of appearances He didn't have a lot to go on. People remember the miracles and think in charismatic Benny Hinn terms...but Jesus life just wasn't like that. Bits were. But Benny Hinn isn't how the christian life works either. Psalms 60-65 give you the sort of arc of David's life in the wilderness. OUTWARDLY to begin with the "prosperity/favour message" looks and appears quite different to what is actually going on in the Spirit.
Only those who see in the Spirit...AND NOT ALL OF THEM EITHER...will ever understand what is happening to you. All others see blackness. Get worried about you. Or worse. In Emsworth things got so bad the only thing I could think of doing is fasting for some 23 days or so. God broke through. I later learned to articulate the breakthrough by reading Norman Grubb. But nobody in Emsworth could see the breakthrough. Then God met me on a hill in a car above Llanfairfechan. But in Emsworth things got worse as I "appeared" to go off the wall. In the Spirit I was just following the Holy Spirit...and then I got chucked out. In the land of "appearances" all others assumed it was all the same sin problems. Nope. Not at all.
One leaders wife called Sally saw it in a dream. So as the other leaders were counselled together against me (Song of Solomon 5 type stuff) she saw that all that was happening was I had stepped out of the charismatic swimming pool and was beginning to walk around, which is an accurate picture of the difference between secondlevel and thirdlevel Christianity. David Swan also describes all the differences in his book "Holy of Holies."
All the things Jesus WALKED on earth in the invisible REALM...we shall see manifest. But His personal story is a bigger arc. He shall be seen to be KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS. He will be manifest as the ALL IN ALL....But there is one HUGE development nobody has accounted for...either Jew, Anglican, Muslim or Catholic.
What way?
The Isaiah 53 WAY
Indeed, who would ever believe it?
Who would possibly accept what we’ve been told?[a]
Who has witnessed the awesome power and plan of the Eternal in action?[b]
2 Out of emptiness he came, like a tender shoot from rock-hard ground.
He didn’t look like anything or anyone of consequence—
he had no physical beauty to attract our attention.
3 So he was despised and forsaken by men,
this man of suffering, grief’s patient friend.
As if he was a person to avoid, we looked the other way;
he was despised, forsaken, and we took no notice of him. (VOICE)
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Betty Lorine Schwabedissen WOW! My first time reading this and it really hit my Spirit..."GOD IS BRINGING FORTH A KINGDOM OF PRIESTS AND KINGS LIKE UNTO HIMSELF...and this means going the same way as HIM..." Then read the ISAIAH 53 WAY...MAKES YOU PONDER!! \O/
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Chris Welch Betty...Likeisssimo!
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