Sunday 23 October 2016

Message to Adobe regarding their new Stock Photo Services

Chris Welch on Facebook
Message for Adobe trying to reach out to new consumers in their.Adobe stock plan.
Your.advert reaches only those who are already inside the secret esoteric club known as artist and photographer.
Most of us Google.for.low.res. images.
We.'re not in the illustrator club.
We don't really know wwho Adobe is apart from the low end of Photoshop or Elements, and many of us.are.still on weedy clip art. I myself use Xara because I date from the time when Adobe lost me as a consumer because.of their £400 or.nothing days, so I got into Xara which was always infinitely faster and superior in certain ways......certainly enough for me to survive as a layman outside the cultural planet known as Adobe.
Your ad wants me to sign in in order to properly see the advert and to see.what you are offering. So I was.going to give this feedback to your contact us page......but I can't because.apparently I have to sign in to even speak to you. Maybe you have earned the right for this behaviour among the esoteric club of artist, in the same.way that Steve Job did with his Macs. But I am an artist - type......less visual and more.musical......who never had the money to be able to talk to you, so you lost me to Xara,and now that you dare reach out to a wider audience with the Stock Art Programme you are doing it again. To even read your ad properly and learn anything about the way you esoteric illustrators behave .....basically this whole.foreign cultural world.....which many don't know if they want anything to do.with may be way too are expecting us to sign in first.
This s like showroom manager locking his doors to all who haven't given their email, but they won't give their email if they're not sure enough that the cars he or she sells are even what they are interested in.
Now I would have put this quietly in your inbox.....but you wouldn't even let that, so I put it here. Adobe is for professional geeks only and "stuff reaching anybody else!!!!!"
But I thought that was the point of the Facebook Ad drive? Somebody outside the car showroom needs to gesticulate madly through the empty showroom windows, beside the locked entrance door.

3 Qaiser Bhatti, Aristarchus Gaius and Kim Ilene
Kim Ilene
Kim Ilene I gave up on Photoshop when I discovered Pixlr & how I could do in one click what Photoshop would take me 10 to 30 minutes plus futzing & jiggling... I'm not a professional digital artist, of course, but as a visual artist even I find the eliteism annoying. It's like old computer programming languages that nobody uses anymore but the good old boys club grinds on not realizing that the commercial world has left them behind...

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