Thursday 3 August 2017

Prayer, Healing and Body Fussing

Testimony through Facebook
Roger Webb
19 hrs ·
July 19, 2017

July 19, 2017 I ministered in Clermont, Florida and a dear woman and her husband drove over 2 hours to come to the miracle service. As I laid hands on her she was slain in the Spirit. After being there for a while shaking under the power of God she got up and I asked her how she felt and her response was "I feel wonderful and I feel like I can run" Then all of a sudden she took off running laps around the church which it is a big sanctuary seats 1,400. She returned to her doctors a couple days later to find all cancer had left her body. Here is her husbands own words in a testimony he sent me today Aug 2, 17

Here is Chris Shaheen own words...
Happy to report that my wife Bonnie Shaheen who was prayed for on June 19th at Roger's service in Clermont was totally healed of stage 4 colon cancer which had spread to her lung and her liver and was stage 4 in those areas as well. To this day she has been free of all symptoms which were present when we arrived at the service, severe coughing, lack of breath, inability to eat, lost 40lbs in 6 months, unable to walk more than 100 ft without resting. I witnessed these symptoms first hand over the 6 months from December 2016 through June 2017. I know that today, in her own words, she said that she is in the best physical shape she has been in since her twenties. Don't tell me cancer is a death sentence! It was just like every other trick and lie of the devil when it came face to face with God's truth - it had to flee! I am grateful that my son-in-law Nick Rimert was bold enough to share with us what the Lord spoke to him about how and when and where my wife would be healed. He had to obey what God told him and act on it. We then had to believe he had heard from God and act on what he shared. This is the body of Christ in action, and the devil still has not figured out how to deal with that!

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. #preacherinthewild

Chris Welch continues

Jesus said don't be like the Gentiles heaping up prayers.
Do you get that?
This is how outsiders pray.
This is how young born again people pray.
This is how charismatic people pray....
The one is a pattern of orphanhood jumping through hoops to make the universe run the way it thinks the universe should go. This is none the more subtle than in areas of the Tree of Good
like healing....Norman Grubb calls it body fussing
like debt
like bad relationships
like joblessness....
we think in separation
as alone people
somehow trying to get through to a distant God....
Satan USES the negative to leverage us into that thinking and stay there.....
HAH....see that cancer...God has abandoned you
HAH see that person in your family not talking to you what kindof a relation are you?
Hah see you never could hold down a job
And CHALLENGED in our that doubt....
we start heaping up things faster and faster to get out of it....
fasting, praying, giving to this giving to that
lighting candles
the charismatic equivalent : rattling off in tongues like motorbike
if i can just get enough prayer in
If i can just shoehorn enough into this creation maybe i can tip the balance
If i just rub Aladdin's Lamp enough.....

We had a cancer victim in Havant Church. By the Spirit I was led to do what I often do here....
Launched into this
" And so what if you do die?"
"Say the worst happens and you do in fact die?"
Now humanly this isn't what the London school of Diplomats would advise.....but they don't walk in Jesus Christ.
You see, right there, right there before we could even consider praying....sitting right over her eyelids, squatting right over her shoulders like a foul green Jabba the Hutt
was a son of Heth demon.
Heth or Hittites means terror.
How on earth you can pray sensibly about anything with jabba the Hutt pressing his slimy green fingers all over your ears????
So I addressed her worst fear and said in the same spirit that Jesus talked when he said
Don't fear the one who has power over your body (or Death) fear Him who is absolute Lord and has power over the second Death.
God has created this universe with a safe bubble...two deaths.
Satan only had one death in when he chose his own way he was flung out.
Our central respect preoccupation yes FEAR if you like, but in the clean Holy Spirit sense, has to be the LORD of LORDS.
"So if you die, the worst ever thing that will happen to you is that you will be with Jesus
and ever
and ever
and ever.....
and ever
and ever
and get the picture

Sadly the Jabba the Hutt over her ears twisted this whole thing to:
"You are condemning me to death."
I saw her 6 weeks later at a church barbecue and she accused me of cursing her life....
(Once the fear had gone, we could have reached her....but she chose Jabba the Hutt instead)
No matter all the prayer that went up at her bedside, and I firmly wasn't allowed near....
She died. And her husband still blames me.

We don't pray like Gentiles.
We go into our inner Room and get a glimpse from heaven's throne about what is next on earth. Then we try to get a fix on where our particular situation and need fits in or doesn't to the whole picture.
Then we COMMAND< speak into being as sons of God from that "seeing"
that "advance viewing" of which bit of heaven is to be exported to earth's Kingdom building site next.
Now en route there are all kinds of things....
Lets take cancers.....

Right now they are developing genetic manipulation and the use of our very own DNA to cure cancer.
Several decades ago the pharmaceutical companies already had the solutions to all or most cancers....but they weren't going to make them enough money, so the tremendous wait,the tremendous energy to raise money through cancer charities, has been all about developing expensive bespoke treatments that will save the phamaceutical companies from almost certain ruin if cancer is not there in their business model.

Naturopathy is simply natural solutions to boosting the bodies natural "policing " of rogue cells or immunity. And 80% goes on in our own guts if they are healthy.
Hence lacto fermentation which sensible communities unlike England have been practicing with yogurts and kombucha and kimchi for thousands of years. Bit it makes Big Pharma no money whatsoever.

Jesus ascended and gave gifts unto men.
Some are transient.
Some are like ministries
Some people in the Body of Christ just have a high rate of success with cancers or particular strains
As when Jesus was here, the Spirit does "waves of healing" in church and outside using His people.
Really this is the Holy Spirit going behind the scenes, behind creation where demon spirits are tweaking things, and he is pressing the reset button !!!!
This happens a lot when there are experiences of "Open Heaven" in a revival or over a geographical area.
But God is about whole of Life.

I may be walking in Galatians 2.20 believing....but I am still obviously I am missing the mark. Chima Tasie Freeman referred to that the other day.
Am I panicking. Am I going to feverishly do some fad diet by my "works"? Nope.....but God is increasing wisdom quite naturally about what to eat and how.
We don't heap things up anymore....
Our whole lifestyle and modus operandi is
what Buddhists call centering down....
well we center down not to an ALONE I in the Universe
Not to an impersonal force or power
we enter our inner room and find a lovely fusion of our heavenly Dad there and my life hidden in Him.
It's a whole different way of living and praying
And no....apart from that I can't give you a
10 steps to the perfect prayer life....
because we are nolonger in that Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil and "steps" to this and that....
we are connected through the death and resurrection of Jesus to God

Alarming statistic by Roger Webb on Facebook... ROCHESTER, Minn. — Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half take two, Mayo Clinic and Olmsted Medical Center researchers say. Antibiotics, antidepressants and painkilling opioids are most commonly prescribed, their study found.Jun 19, 2013.
Now see why many do not attend miracle services. I have found many like their drugs and monthly checks. They get healed (then)something has to change. #preacherinthewild

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