Thursday 31 August 2017

And Now we come to Ephesians 6

Ephesians 6 - But it is the same use of faith as previously
As we come to this stage of our calling on earth people need.reminding.
How.did you receive salvation?
You heard the Word, it registered. You believed in your heart. You confessed.
Did you see anything first?

When you were.baptised in the Spirit, how did it happen? Did you see anything outwardly first?
You believed God's Word. Perhaps you were praising a God you cannot see or directly perceive
In your outward five senses.

In your outer world.of business,family, church. The testing ground of Ephesians before you
got to Ephesians 6, did you start to see victories because you saw things first, or because you believed in your God? Who made straight your paths? You? Or did you experience a straightening outside of yourself which you could never manage? Like power steering, yes you had a hand in something, but it of itself seemed to unlock things you could never of yourself have unlocked. Yes like Jericho you walked round that thing.....But no way were you responsible when those walls tumbled.

When in Ephesians 5 you awoke O sleeper. Did you awake by your own power, or.did you see your own death inside Jesus in Romans 6? In other words did this happen to you because you saw the outer first or because you saw it in God's Word and believed?

Sit and reign until all your enemies become your footstool.....
So that'll be some of my enemies Dad?
You heard me the first time Son
Ok Dad, Ill do it from here.

Based on all your experiences of faith so far, you begin to enter the big one. The one you were called for before the earth began. Ephesians 6.
How do you operate? Because, as Preterists you see all things already sorted with your senses and all over since 70AD? Or the same as ever before. With your senses you see nothing but trouble:
           A world in hoc to a few, who.seem impregnable. They have you on satellites. CCTV. They are about to chip you. If you are not in their secret organisational.structures it is hard to get a job. You have to advance their agendas, which are Bilderberg agendas.....more.military spending, more.conflicts, more terrorism, which means more "security" more Sercs, moreLGBT, more unisex, more transhumanism.....
But you have seen it before in your life now. Things never began with what you perceive. They began to change with the Word. The Ephesians 6 armour is you. Is.Christ as you according to Galatians 2.20.
As.He is so.are you in the world. This is your time to change the history of generations.
To say no to the same ever expanding cycles.
The Rock that smashes the feet of iron and clay
Is the same Rock on which the Keys.of the Kingdom opened the door
The Rock that Peter saw
God, in a man, incarnate
Now coming in you.

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