Tuesday 3 February 2015

On that Day

In that Day 
you shall know 
that I am in the Father and you in Me and I in You. john14.20
On what day?
On that 

On the Day you learn
 you have come from God
 and you are going to God.

On the Day 
your eyes are reopened
from being falsely opened.
"Then were their eyes opened and they knew they were naked...(shame)"7 Gen 3.7
On THIS day you receive eye salve 
that ,as in Revelation 3.18,
you see your own delusion of "self running empowering" for what it is...nakedness,
but you have instead
"bought" white garments.

I am the Way
the Truth 
and the Life...in real time.

This is YOUR personal 
redemption story. 

You cannot fabricate it,
cobble it together, 
copy it from another.

Every single Bible character has quite an individual unique story.
Noah is not Abraham . 
Joshua is not Moses. 
Elisha is not Elijah.

One saint's inner story becomes the outer engineering of another saint's inner story. 

One saint's woman with child becomes another saint's Manchild. Rev.12.1-5
One person's Acacia box of goodies with Shekinah glory dripping down the Robes exodus 25.10,20  Psalm133

is another person's 
Shew bread and Candlestick exodus 25.23, 31 
until their flat chestedness (Songs) of trust/faith and love are like strong towers and battlements too.song of solomon 8.8-9


Phillip Owen Morris said...

First fruits abiding in the vine of life. Photons made known by the manifestation of their Agape to -ward one and another always as Nowness.

Phillip Owen Morris said...

First fruits abiding in the vine of life. Photons made known by the manifestation of their Agape to -ward one and another always as Nowness.