John 3 :14 As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; 15 so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.

OK leftbrains of the with this
It's all in the Bible (and the reason we have to cross the line of Spirit)
Universal reconcilitation UR.....Christ's sacrifice paid for all
demanding response R but all who received Him He gave power to become sons of God
UR God does not wish any to be condemned.... He leaves the 99 and searches for the one that none should be lost
R God KNOWS all who are His
The way is broad that leads to destruction, the way is narrow that leads to eternal life
Either side of the Tree of Life there were two cherubim guarding the way to it
R The sign of His people is in the Old Testament circumcision of the male
The sign of the new covenant people is circumcision of male and female hearts
UR Jesus upbraided the authorities. You stand in the door and don't allow people to come in
R In the Tabernacle /Temple OT we enter with thanksgiving in our heart knowing we are allowed to come in by way of a sacrifice looking forward to THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB
In the New...the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (UR and R)
UR Jesus announced about the Temple and the One he would build
The Temple is to be a house of prayer for all nations
Revelation : from every tribe and tongue a multitude that no man could number
R The earth has been given to the sons of men and devil's have always sought to gatecrash the party. To extend their rule and authority over the earth,and do it by hybridizing and masquerading as human they invent the doctrine of no devil, no demons, then universal reconcilitation of man in his flesh lifestyle in order to overrun the temple. (And the Holy Place was overrun for - so many days? time time and half a time?)
Unitarian belief in America is the church most associated with Freemasonry and witchcraft and universal reconcilation
UR And God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself
R/UR All those were recorded in the Lamb's book of Life....How BiG IS THE BOOK????
R/UR Jesus describing the leaven of the Kingdom....and the leaven leavens the whole lump
R There is no reincarnation....this life is it....It is appointed for man once to die and then comes judgment
Jesus said Go into all the world and preach the gospel for the forgiveness/ remission of sins
Repent be baptised and be filled with the Holy Spirit
where am I? ...if God says it i believe it.
Psalm 123 says we are like a servant looking to the hand and eye of the master. Jesus lived this way....He saw what the father was doing and got in on it. "I am working still because I see My Father working"
And when Jesus "perceived" that the Lord's Presence was there to heal he prayed for all who were sick.
God is Lord of the Harvest. pray to Him that He may thrust out workers.
Go in the Name of Jesus.
There are two FIRES in the Universe. One is set on fire by hell. We have to choose which fire we live by.
One thing is for sure....there will only be the FIRE of LOVE in heaven.
Whatever forms they take...the primary nature of these FIRES is spirit.
The Fire of Self for self
The fire of Self for others. Love with a Cross through its heart.
Just an added thought for linear thinkers...
I refused some time ago to carry "a position"....I carry Word and the Word to a carnal mind looks like a bunch of opposite lies....but Spirit is Spirit and won't be contracted to human whim or understanding. Our own conflict is this....God has set eternity into the hearts of as fixed as we would like to be in doctrine our hearts are searching grander mysteries continually. Eccles3.11
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