Tuesday 22 March 2016


From John's blogpost which he then posted in Church of Brotherly Love , a group on Facebook particularly for recovering addicts:

The words I write are not words that are made up to encourage thinking. I wish them to be words that pick a person up and hurl that person into the spiritual realm. That person is me and that person is you. I see God as being my friend. I see Him as someone who visits with me. He is in my heart as a son is in the heart of a father and a father is in the heart of his son. God shows up in my life. And it is in the strangest ways. He is not on my time clock either. He shows up when He wants to. Through the laughter and joy of others. Through nature. Through my need. I often wonder "Why are things the way they are?" And then I think "Why wouldn't life be the way that it is?" Within the craziness of this world I do believe in God and I know that He is love. It is a privilege just to wait on Him. To wait upon His presence. I need to learn more of waiting on Him
My life experiences have been both good and bad. I can relate to the illnesses of others ad I can relate to their highest achievements as well. Through the years I have slept on the doorsteps of death and life. God has engulfed me on both ends. And I have thanked Him on both fronts. I have been given the opportunity to call on Him and have I learned the true joy that comes through Him. I long for His sweetness. I wait for the opening of my eyes to the glimpses of His glory. It is the meaningful moments I live for. The moments that God hands His goodness over to me so that I may share it with others.

A radical change has happened in the heart of the man that has accepted God. We have a change in perspective because we have been born again. We are a “new man”. This new man is nothing like the "old man" that we have become so acquainted with. I have grown to understand the fact that many aspects of dysfunction end on God's terms. Dysfunction has lost its power when squared up against His truth. We have been gifted with the knowledge of who we are in God as a member of His family.
I am sharing my discoveries with you in the words I write. They are not merely words. You would share yours with me if given a chance as well. When we share with one another God moves through us. When good energy is passed back and forth it is of God. God is moving among us. We will find ourselves sharing and growing with one another. My suggestion is that you keep your mind wide open for things that sound different and even ridiculous to the natural mind. To love mankind by way of the Jesus Christ and His cross is different because it focuses on the truth of what really changes a person. And we are human BEings . Accepting the death and resurrection of Christ is our baseline. It breaks the power of our own thinking and gives us the love of God.
I believe that we are always on the verge of new and great awakenings. We are awakened by the touch of God. But we fall into deep sleep at times. And we are in need of another touch. Like a gentle mother, He rubs our cheeks awaiting opening eyes and a smile. God is bringing us to the place of eternal expression where the moments of life all blend into forever, where we are surrounded by our family, and where the deepest pain in our hearts is soothed by His unspeakable love.

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