Friday, 12 May 2017

If you stand with Palestinian injustice..... have Stacie and Kai Schulz in USA recently, here is the sort of thing that happens

Stacie Schulz
5 mins ·
OMG! I just got hit with a ton of comments from paid Israeli Hasbara trolls --I didn't know I've become such a threat to the State of IsraelπŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚
Seriously---if you're curious what Hasbara agents sound like...go on my wall & scroll down to the post that is about "my morning conversation with my children". For some reason that's the post they chose to comment on--got flooded with misogynistic & racist comments...even threats of death! I took screenshots.
Hasbara is the Israeli propaganda department --Israel pays $2,000/wk to college students to troll FB & Twitter to spread Zionist propaganda & target those they consider a threat to Zionist messaging.
Please note! Zionism is a political ideology of atheistic nationalistic racism --it is not Judaism.
There is a huge difference between Zionism & Judaism. There are many Jews that oppose Zionism.
These ugly wicked comments reveal the heart of Zionists....& these are the people Christian Zionists *stand with*.
Just think what it's like daily for Palestinians living under a Zionist occupation.

Morning conversations on the way to school are always interesting. There are times where I will drop a mother bomb of Kingdom truth into the hearts of my children out of the blue--usually arising from an event/situation we just heard or witnessed. Like this morning, when a popular Christian song came on the radio & before I knew it I was singing along "I run to Jesus no turning back, thank God Almighty I'll be free at last in Heaven...I'm going home where the streets are golden, every chain is broken, oh I wanna go home, where every fear is gone, I'm in your open arms, where I belong"....all the sudden the Holy Ghost rose up and turned off the radio said OUT LOUD "I AM HOME! Jesus and I are ONE...Heaven is NOW...Heaven is not somewhere I *go* to, Heaven is in me and I bring Heaven to earth! Heaven is my REALITY! Jesus is not outside of me...He LIVES IN ME, I don't run to him..I run WITH HIM IN HIM--we run as ONE!...I'm FREE NOW! Fear is gone!
Oh these type of songs are wearisome and honestly they are what keep the people of God stunted.
Let the inner songs of the Spirit bubble up...sing His songs...YOU are His song, you are the SONG OF THE LAMB!πŸ‘πŸŽΌπŸ‘‘❤️
Merri Trifiro And in the words from Harvest (Bashta) Parker's "Song of the Lamb" .." May the Lamb receive the reward of His suffering..starting with me...for the LAmb is worthy! " ..Yes, and Amen! 

9 May at 19:13
Lois Grider I agree Staci with your reaction to that song. I started singing it, and it is a good melody but the words are not TRUTH. We are free now. Same message that most churches teach. - one day, I will be free. Everything is pushed to the future.

9 May at 19:46
Shelly Wilkerson Lol sounds like something I would say/do. Love all that you shared!πŸ’•πŸ‘πŸ‘

10 May at 00:02
Bren Ward I has something similar back in the day during a worship service when we were singing 'Come Holy Spirit'. The Holy Spirit said... I am in you, I never left... around that time I received this experience too,, regarding entering into the City of Truth:

10 May at 04:42
Stephanie Jans I have the same thoughts but then instead of getting all frustrated by the "half truths" out there I have to intentionally pray for those that are stuck in that faulty/one sided system. Let the Spirit flow. As best as I know how if I have more symptoms. I know it's TRUTH though so I do my best to "go there." 

10 May at 14:14
Lynda Hicks While it is true that I'm free in Christ and we need to live like it this world is a fallen place with suffering on every side. So thankful I'm looking to a future heaven where there will be no more tears, no more pain, no more war and I will see my Lord face to face.

10 May at 17:22
Stacie Schulz Hi Steve Grant😊that video is put out by Israeli occupation forces--the very forces that arrest Palestinians without charges, giving them no trials, holding them indefinitely without allowing them to see their families--Barghouti's son hasn't seen his father in 10 years.

And you are PROUD to show this? Repent of your pride and callousness. It's a stench in the nostrils of God.

Reply7 hrs
Steve Grant How stupid can you be? This man is a murderer, who cares who can and cannot visit him. He murdered innocent people and of course you don't find Israelis as human, so cut your bs.

Marwan Hasib Ibrahim Barghouti (also transliterated al-Barghuthi; Arabic: Ω…Ψ±ΩˆΨ§Ω† حسيب Ψ§Ψ¨Ψ±Ψ§Ω‡ΩŠΩ……

7 hrs
Steve Grant By the way, I'm Jewish and part Israeli so cut the repent crap. I'm not a Christian. I'll defend israel forever.i have nothing to repent for! Maybe, get educated about the people you're defending

7 hrsEdited
Stacie Schulz Then all the more for you to repent (you need your Messiah, Jesus)--stop rejecting Him. He alone can give you a new heart.
He is the deliverer of ALL.
He loves the little Palestinian child as much as the little Israeli child.
...See more

Reply6 hrs
Steve Grant You're a psycho lady! Where are you getting your information about slaughtering kids. You're truly a religious psychopath! Innocent Palestinians! Do you know anything about Hamas and Gaza! What church do you go to? The Church of psycho bitches from hel...See more

5 hrs
Jeff Deuparo gotta go with Steve here 100% i could care less about a murderer and IM A CHRISTIAN!

Reply4 hrs
Jeff Deuparo stacie you make christians look terrible!

4 hrs
Roo Stewart Deluded woman, you will burn in hell stupid, god has no time for wombats like you!

Reply4 hrs
Stacie Schulz You reveal yourself to be a person that doesn't follow Torah---you should know there is no burning hellπŸ˜‚
You also reveal yourself to be a misogynistic bully--racist--and someone that needs need a NEW HEART.
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Reply2 hrsEdited
Stacie Schulz Steve Grant --OPEN YOUR EYES.

4 hrs

4 hrs
Steve Grant Ha ha ha, reposting the same photos

Reply4 hrs
Steve Grant Misogynist, how so! You do know what a Jew is, right! Jews came before Christians and you know we don't follow Jesus, a Jew. You have no education at all. You're a nazi and it shows

Reply3 hrs
Stacie Schulz Exactly! You don't follow Jesus YOUR MESSIAH---YOU REJECT HIM!
He doesn't reject you though.
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Reply3 hrs
Stacie Schulz Did you not read your own link?πŸ˜‚
From Wikipedia --Marwan Barghouti refused to present a defense to the charges brought against him, maintaining throughout that the trial was illegal and illegitimate. The Inter-Parliamentary Union reviewed the case and said that Barghouti had been denied a fair trial.

Reply5 mins
Jeff Deuparo you support this stacie?

Reply4 hrs
Stacie Schulz How disgusting you accuse the occupied for fighting their occupiers? So---with your logic the Nazi's had a right to keep Jews in the Warsaw ghetto, terrorize them & kill them for wanting to be free from their occupiers?


Reply56 minsEdited
Roo Stewart You do know the leader of the hunger strike was caught on film eating candy and waffles don't you! Silly silly woman! Simply showing yourself up.

Reply4 hrs
Stacie Schulz You mean the propaganda hit piece of old footage the Israeli military put out there??πŸ˜‚

Sad that you profess Christ & justify the brutal treatment of Israeli prisoners---often tortured...arrested with no charges, no trials, held indefinitely.
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Reply4 hrs
Stacie Schulz WOW!!! Look at all the HASBARA TROLLS come out like coackroaches---when the LIGHT EXPOSES THE DARKNESS!

My Christian friends--all the comments above are from paid Hasbara agents (Israeli propaganda agency).
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Reply4 hrs
Jeff Deuparo Paid? where are my shekels then?

Reply4 hrs
Jeff Deuparo your assumption only further proves how insane you are.

Reply4 hrs
Steve Grant Ha ha ha.. you're a fool grandma! I have a big Christian supper and they seem to think otherwise. Big supporters of israel in every way. They'll even go fight along side Israeli soldiers if needed. They are true friends. You're a Muslim with a fake Christian picture

4 hrs
Stacie Schulz πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
You above said your Jewish & what is it, Christian or Jew??? Make up your mind, geniusπŸ€“

Reply4 hrs
Steve Grant You must be a German Nazi

3 hrs
Stacie Schulz Just had the Hasbara Israeli Troll brigade drop by and spew Zionist propaganda---all paid for by the Israeli Govt!
Didn't know I was such a threat!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ž
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Reply3 hrs
Cheryl Conway Christians follow a Zionist Jew

Reply3 hrs
Stacie Schulz No---followers of Jesus follow JESUS.
Jesus is SALVATION .
His very name means Yahweh is Salvation.
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Reply2 hrs
Stacie Schulz To my friends! Here is a tweet from an Israeli posting photos of Israeli Hasbara training! 
Hasbara is the propaganda agency of Israel.
What y'all witnessed on this thread were Hasbara agents.
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Reply3 hrs
Cheryl Conway Hasbara training?
Finally fighting your lies

Reply3 hrs
Stacie Schulz So YOU ADMIT IT!

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Reply2 hrs
Stacie Schulz Israel pays $2,000πŸ’°to college students to spread Zionist propaganda on FB & Twitter.

...See more

Israel's national students union has launched a program to pay Israeli university students $2,000 to spread pro-Israel propaganda online for 5 hours per week from the "comfort of home."

Reply3 hrs
Cheryl Conway I wish

Reply3 hrs
Ed Rosen Electronicintifada, huh?

Thanks for disproving EVERYTHING you post by revealing your source!

Reply3 hrs
Stacie Schulz Oops....they didn't pay you?πŸ˜‚

Reply3 hrs
Stacie Schulz and believe Israeli Zionist propaganda???? LOLπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Reply3 hrs
Cheryl Conway No
I'm a carer I'm on minimum wage
I could do with extra money

Reply2 hrs
Stacie Schulz Show them this post...go collect your money, you've earned itπŸ’°πŸ˜‚

2 hrs
Cheryl Conway Jesus wouldn't be allowed to live in Bethlehem

Reply3 hrs
Cheryl Conway May Jesus forgive you

Reply3 hrs
Stacie Schulz Christian Palestinians are persecuted BY ISRAEL.
Both Muslim & Christian Palestinians are persecuted by Israel.

Jesus forgive you for defending apartheid & genocide.
God have mercy on you.

The Lord always sends me Jews to minister to. I'm not one to coddle them--the Lord told me many years ago not to respond to the "pride of life" (not to respond to earthy identity i.e., pride in Judaism, pride of gender, pride of position etc.,). The pride of life is none other than Old Adam wanting to usurp the Second Adam, The Lord from Heaven, Christ Jesus!
Through the years I've seen many Christians coddle Jews (completely responding to the pride of life) treating them with such deference as if they are inferior to them?
What did the Apostle Paul say? "I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy." (Rom.11:11).
And provoke to jealousy I do.πŸ˜‰
I do not bow down to the false doctrine that "Jews are the chosen people of God". The chosen people of God are ALL HUMANITY!
Jesus is the Savior of ALL, the Deliverer of all mankind!
I always point Jews immediately to their Messiah...and depending on their heart attitude (if it's soft & meek OR hard & prideful) the Holy Spirit will then move in me to respond individually to that specific person...either gently or with sharp truth cutting to the quick, piercing to the core of the soulish lie of "pride of life".
I do find it interesting how the Lord continually sends me Jews from all various backgrounds...and the message He consistently gives me is to proclaim Jesus the Messiah!
I encourage all my Christian friends to never feel inferior or ashamed or less than....minister in the freedom & royalty of Christ...knowing He has called you to minister reconciliation to all!πŸ‘‘☀️

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Tina Tillman So so VERY thankful Stacie Schulz for your boldness, God uses you not to only minister to THOSE who believe they are the CHOSEN but in your expressed understanding of obedience AND further that you bring further TRUTH to Christians. Who have fallen asleep, deceived in a false man made doctrine. MAY BLESSINGS PEACE LOVE AND LIGHT BE UPON YOU MY SISTER IN Jesus's name Amen

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5 hrs
Lynn Basler Grassmeyer This is very interesting Stacie Schulz. I have lived a long time and attended many institutions and met many leaders that would do well to read your words and ponder the meaning here.

There is an idol worship of Israel through christian broadcasting, 
magazines and preachers/"prophets" that's quite frankly stunning-asking for and getting millions each year for Israel too.

(Folks that see it and call it out are almost as heretics or blasphemers.)

Dear Heavens, when will the Church get it together?
We're running out of time.

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3 hrsEdited
Stacie Schulz You are so right, Lynn Basler Grassmeyer--Israel has become an idol to many in Christendom --the Christian airwaves are saturated with putting Israel in an ever greater position of prominence than Christ Jesus our Lord!πŸ™

You are echoing my heartcry...
...See more

4 hrsEdited
Lynn Basler Grassmeyer We've become a stumbling block to other ppls.

4 hrs
Stacie Schulz We sure haveπŸ˜”

4 hrs
Kai Schulz Hear Hear

Stacie Schulz writes
Christian Zionists support with their $, time, political support, tourist dollars the State of Israel.
Christian Zionists now make up around 70 million Americans.
The false doctrine that earthy Israel is the same one as the one in the OT --& mixture of dispensationalism --teaching that future prophecy includes Israel & how Americans must *stand* with Israel & bless Israeli in order to be blessed by God.
This evil doctrine has literally caused millions of deaths of in the Middle East due to Christian Zionist voting in politicians that write laws to financially support (38 billion dollars to Israel in the next 10 years)--Arabs, Muslims & Christian Palestinians all suffer from the Carte Blanche support America gives to Israel & this keeps the Israeli occupation going.πŸ˜”
For an excellent understanding of Christian Zionism.,.here is a short video on it. It is so well done.

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11 minutes ago
Stacie Schulz WOW!!! You hit the jackpot! Thanks so much for sharing this with me!πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸΌ
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6 minutes ago
Martin Revans My pleasure, Stacie
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5 minutes ago

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