Saturday 27 April 2019

Well, Can Christians have demons?

Are you aware that Pete Cabrera Jr has been challenging folk on Facebook to give a scriptural basis for deliverance of born again Christians, which has provoked much talk on the subject. I shared what Josh Adkins wrote last night in reply. This is me coming from a Norman Grubb type of angle.

The teaching of Norman Grubb based on scripture is that the big deliverance is us moving from Darkness to Light.
Have you not pondered on Jewish history?
If humans were constructing it as Tavistock Institute regularly states ( it’s thought up by committee).....errrr NOT

If humans were constructing it, as in the Muslim faith or the Mormon faith ....
there would be no long “ lead time” from Abraham to Moses.
Also , if humanly designed , why bother with three progenitor patriarchs? And to this day even eminent theologians like NT Wright don’t really “ get” why there’s Abraham Isaac and Jacob and why there’s a 1 John 2.

So that’s why I am saying , if so few get what God is doing , now , after thousands of years, there’s absolutely no way a committee of men designed the history of the Jews. If you are atheist , sit down quietly with the Bible itself, and try to open your heart to the Holy Spirit enlightened scriptures themselves, without prejudice, and like many of us you will be more and more overwhelmed by the reality, the detail and the truth.

I digress.
There is a long lead time , which also is accurately prophesied through Abraham.
This new people.
Who have taken the Name of God through their progenitors....
spend 400 years or so in Egypt, before their deliverance even happens.

This is so for many Christians. We kind of decide for Jesus, maybe at an altar rail. Maybe it’s kind of intellectual.
It’s a bit like Terah deciding to move his family out of Ur. But the guy is never mentioned again as important. Covenant begins with the faith of Abraham , Terahs son.

Likewise , as a people, from the forefathers on they have taken the Name of Jehovah to themselves, but they haven’t a clue really of how much they need the Lord and need his deliverance.

But when Moses finally delivered the people through God’s miraculous power, and in particular crossed the Red Sea on dry land, their enemies , the Egyptians , never came back.

As God confirms our salvation to us individually, in the manner unique to us and our personal need of deliverance,
we are talking about our spirit moving from Darkness to Light. To a deep repentance which is a gift of God. To an experience of being born again inwardly at the Cross.

I mean , flipping eck, how long was John Wesley a missionary with the Anglican Church out in America before he even got born again, through meeting genuine Moravian believers and having the “ divine warming” experience in Oxford, which if not his actual rebirth was his baptism in the Spirit and fire.

Well the Jews were “ baptised through the Red Sea, but it says , under the Cloud....
so they had a Cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night which they followed.

But Exodus, Deuteronomy Leviticus and Numbers is about further deliverances and miracles as their former manner of life as a people was challenged with no distractions, in the wilderness.

In what way could we say they are being delivered? The main deliverance happened the Night of Passover and their flight through the Red Sea.
No , these practices, and changes were happening in their souls , as Josh Adkins relays.

When we are born again , our former slavery operator, our former fusion with Satan at spirit level is broken forever. We experience the entrance of our new created being at spirit level in Jesus Christ.

But thereafter our pattern of inward seeing, our attitudes, our soul thoughts and feelings need to be conformed to the New Person in our spirit, JESUS CHRIST.

But, John says in his letter, we can encourage ourselves with this. Because our new Lord and Owner who came inside us is an agape, unconditional love type of Lover, we find immediately we have new love for people that just wasn’t there before. It’s spontaneous and not forced.
This the apostle says is great encouragement to us while the rest is going on.

So do we need to cast out demons? Well not from the spirits of born again Christians, but whatever you call the confrontations with the Light of the Holy Spirit “ judging “ and “ casting out” darknesses from our
high speculations against God
our “ beliefs in Darkness” which we usually call fear and terror.... but that’s what it is , whether intellectually or in our hearts still in our souls, these are beliefs in the devil being stronger than God.
our unruly pulls of the flesh, to lust for things,people , money
cycles of behaviour and bursts of anger which may be in our generational lines for literally yes, generations
inaction/passivity regarding confronting evil, or regarding loving and helping our own families

These deliverances are real however we get them.
Gods norm in Acts is for a new born church to be living with each other and sharing regularly in the context of everybody’s life together.
Walking in the Light.

There’s scarcely a normal church on earth.
We have clubs with chairmen who are called pastors, priests or vicars.

But we are the Church of the Living God.
We are the priests.
We are the kings
We are the new international nation of these things.

United Nations , Freemasonry, the Great Work, the thousand points of Light, the Enlightenment is all a ripoff of the genuine article. An attempt at self deliverance without a deliverer.

We have Jesus Christ who is the only one able and worthy of being a Deliverer, because He as a man, faced down the spirits of Darkness and rule of this planet and absolutely won hands down, and proved it by marching back in after his own death for heavens sake, three days later .
He has abolished death, and the need for death at source....
Because of His words







At the moment in this secondlevel to thirdlevel transition period you could almost have a conference with Pete Cabrera Jr
and Norman Grubb people stating the spirit truth , that the big deliverance occurs when we get born again , because contrary to the rest of the church believing there is an old man and a new man fighting it out.... apostolic doctrine says we are a new creation, the old is passed away.
But at this transition stage you also need the second conference speaker to be Daniel Aaron
stating these things he has written

The Christian and his many demons ...

The Christian churches are lying to you when they say a Christian can’t be possessed by devils. how can I know this for a fact because I meet people every day who say they are Christians and I believe they believe they are and yet I can see with my eyes the devils in them and around them.

There is a line that comes forth from the lips of pastors and preachers who teach that a born-again Christian cannot have a demon because the Holy Spirit and the devil cannot exist in the same place and that is true however christians can and DO have demons and it is possible to have the Holy Spirit dwelling in your spirit and a devil living in your flesh at the same time for we are more than a body. We are body soul and spirit. The church doesn’t want to tell you that you are possessed by demons because they want not to offend you and keep you in the congregation so they can get your money but I have no congregation and nothing to fear or lose and so I will tell you the truth you can be saved and yet still be full of devils.
This is what Jesus meant in - Romans 8:5

5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

Haven’t you done both? Perhaps one right after the other? I would go to church and walk out and light up a cigarette one minute later! I know for a fact I’m not alone in this.

Many people who profess to be Christians but yet are going after things of the flesh is an example of this. It is possible to be born again and yet to continue walking after the lust of the flesh as was the example with me and it would cause me much doubt until I finally was able to be set free. I used to think deliverance ministry was not really necessary but now I see it serves a purpose. I have confronted one today who told me he was one with the father and that the demons I saw around him was because he had mirrors around him and that I was seeing myself so when I responded to him with a question he could not answer it and he blocked me, he wasn’t willing to hear but Blessed is he who hears and understands and sets before him a path to seek out the Lord, he will be set free! But woe unto them who take offense to good works and right speech for even his very thoughts are defiled. If you are such a Christian who struggles with sin of the flesh please comment and ask and I will ask my Father who hears me and I hear him, to do a good work unto you for the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing.

Matthew 26:41

41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.


Two related posts from Facebook on my timeline this week

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