is our exchanging of life.
our recognition that we neither need or require anymore any sense of "our life", because that was at our spirit centre so enmeshed with Satan's empowering in the Fall, Jesus had to deal with it all at the Cross...
So if the grain offering speaks of a transfer from "just me power" which was really Satan me power, to seeing in Christ the only spirit life I will ever need, which then filters through the lampshade of my soul and body.
If this Grain Offering is, as the writers all over the net are suggesting,
our recognition that we neither need or require anymore any sense of "our life", because that was at our spirit centre so enmeshed with Satan's empowering in the Fall, Jesus had to deal with it all at the Cross...
So if the grain offering speaks of a transfer from "just me power" which was really Satan me power, to seeing in Christ the only spirit life I will ever need, which then filters through the lampshade of my soul and body.
If this Grain Offering is, as the writers all over the net are suggesting,
its very own complete power for getting me from where I am now to a position of manifest fulness of Christ Life here on the Earth.
That is by believing on this Life living in me as me, I can trust Jesus to form my days with what I need in my life, and when I need it, to continually add to my faith what is needed to bring me forth fully as a Son.
So the grain is its own perfect DNA with all that is needed within it to produce a great baked product.
Then the Oil Offering

or oven in another image.
Or temporary, flexible wineskins in another image.
The outer forms of "ecclesia" which we grow in, move forward in, then form round our Christ Life for others to be nourished in.They are Spirit forms, Spirit moulds,which have outer form but really only one temporary inner purpose. Even if the outer forms remain afterwards, they are nolonger Spirit forms but empty egg shells which have now burst open and cease to have any real purpose. Our landscapes are littered with previous Spirit forms,that people have no idea that the Holy Spirit has long since vacated. From temporary steps of obedience, like no lipstick ( for the girls!), through to whole buildings.
We make Jesus Lord. He is Lord anyway. Our lives will obey the laws of cause and effect of this current universe regardless of our choice. But if we make Jesus our Lord, by "seeing Him" increasingly as such, He moves us beyond natural cause and effect.
His Life transplant can, according to the disciples take as little as 3 years, or looking at contemporary believing situations take the best part of 70 years.
Perfect Life? The Life is perfect, because it is the Perfect Life of Jesus that we share. But as we know from later conflicts in Acts, Peter was not moving perfectly in this perfect Life, and had to be reprimanded by someone who hadn't even lived those 3 years with Jesus Himself. So mature, is not perfect, but "able and grounded" in our believing in the Life of Christ to be able to freely impart it and share about it to others.
So the Grain is the Life itself, which Satan in the beginning whispered to Adam, just wasn't sufficient, he needed more, and funnily enough Satan could advise him perfectly what to do to "Get more". Every single one of those statements from Satan are a lie. God's life,just ordinary life, is sufficient of itself in faith connection with the Lover of our souls. We do not "do anything" to add to this life. And there definitely is no question of some independent mid posture where we can behave like gods in our own right. And this mid-posture is a delusion , because we actually find ourselves enmeshed with Satan's own delusion of being separate, and empowered by him instead. Which is a self-for self existence to the core, as we have all found. If we haven't seen how we are that yet, you will probably have found someone around you that knows that about you.
But to this Grain flour offering are added the Oil Offering.Holy Spirit gifts,empowerings both to us and flowing through us. Holy Spirit raised up temporary booths for us to meet God profoundly in.Further booths for us to impart both aspects of this life to others.
Jesus never ministered His grain Life for 30 years. He experienced no Oil offering for 30 years. With the oil, came the Holy Spirit empowerment to share first His grain offering with 12 people, complete with limited anointing. But after the Cross, acceleration could really occur. He shared not only Word, but like God the Father breathing into an inert Adam spread across the ground, Jesus breathed upon the 12 in the Upper Room after being resurrected.
Then in Acts 2 they were inundated with oil for the most incredible acceleration of the distribution of both GRAIN LIFE and OIL ANOINTING upon 3000 persons in one day.
We enter into the "with God nothing is impossible " Life, which is far above what we can even imagine or think.
Do we make the wineskins ourselves?
My testimony: When Stuart Reid had answered so lukewarmly about the Ern Baxter Thy Kingdom Come Message, it was like one of those Elijah Elisha moments...."What have I done to you ?". We just knew he was not (at that time anyway) the man to be our pastor.He was lukewarm. Having no recognition of what had happened in the Kansas City message. It is linked on this blog.
So we left Old Town Baptist Church, Amersham and sought God. I'd like to say it was all good. It wasn't. But God still hears our hearts. The next thing I know I am in another booth entirely in Emsworth receiving Spirit impartation about the third level from Ed Miller, and from Jorge Pradas the vision and practice of how the Holy Spirit runs a church to push people through in God in months not decades.
So whilst taking practical steps, we pray openheartedly to God that He form stuff, that He send the right people in. It seems ludicrously naive, but this is how He runs church in the Melchizedek Order. When the fields are white unto harvest , God puts the "work of God " at one dont dash out as independent -me's to try and solve pray the Father, the Lord of the Harvest, and He will "thrust out" workers.....(think of mature seed popping out of its shell with some kind of popping sound, as it moves like a pellet from out of a catapult....that kind of thrust out)
It's not that He doesnt trust us, but in order to keep His work free from leaven he removes managerial control from people, even Terry Virgo.
He runs church entirely at His own command.
And messes with human Greek organisation by getting everyone to share a gift as by the Holy Spirit's direction, and then only as led,one, two, three, major Words from more mature believers, but even they dont get a lot of say. None of this:" Joel Osteen on a podium each week. "That's not God, even if the message is God, it's not God's workings.Which is why some of his congregation have sat there for decades similar to Madame Tussauds.But Joel encourages this by covenanting with this human form of church and not with the Bible. Yonghi Cho in South Korea too. Both represent the partial light of the 20th Century before the message about who we are, and the message of the Vision of the Church really got rekindled.
The Bible declares where the real blessing is :
Psalm133 :Behold how good as pleasant it is ,when brothers dwell together in unity....
It is like the oil upon the head
Upon the head of Aaron (the High Priest and type of Christ running the show)
The Bible declares where the real blessing is :
Psalm133 :Behold how good as pleasant it is ,when brothers dwell together in unity....
It is like the oil upon the head
Upon the head of Aaron (the High Priest and type of Christ running the show)
This is the generation that insists upon the oil and the grain.
The Word and the Spirit.Even the teaching I have brought from Norman Grubb has this major flaw among all those who have ever had to do with Norman. He didn't know oil.
He didnt know what you do with it.
He didnt know how to run meetings with it, as his very time companions of Ed Miller, Jorge Pradas,Jean Darnall and Ruth Heflin and so many of his generation were rediscovering.
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