Thursday 24 November 2011

The Negative Spiritual Power of Mixture Part Four - The NOW Antidote to Mixture

Sin only has it's ability to attach itself to a False Identity....if we want sin to perpetuate in this world with all it's ugliness of greed and separation, it's us and them mentality with all it's filthy stench of inferiority and superiority inducing attitudes, then we should carry on with identifying ourselves (who we perceive ourselves to be) with a lie.....
To place 'confidence in the flesh' is not so much about your natural abilities, it is primarily about identity......placing confidence in an identity formed by your natural existence will produce both arrogance and inferiority, and they both stink as filthy rags and will repel those around you....yet knowing your true being, which existed in love before your natural birth, has such a powerful confidence with absolutely no trace of arrogance, and the fragrance emanating from this 'knowing' carries a recognition and remembrance to those around you of their own true being which was Created in Love..... Colin Lagerwall

Real love also cannot centre itself in Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil stuff. or put another way , real love only works NOW. Our plans are for the future.Or our perceptions are about how the past was. But LOVE is NOW, and that operates f...rom a different place right within us. I've never seen that so forcefully here this morning:
With Love at the centre we are free to do all. Living in the control of our own perceptions it actually is impossible to experience NOW, we're too much in the future in worry, or too much in the past in regret or pride. Now it's one thing to teach this stuff, it's quite another to gather together and live there as ONE. So for this reason was the Holy Spirit given so that we would know how (in the Spirit) to maintain the unity of the Spirit until we arrive to the unity of the faith.The Holy Spirit builds the landing strip as more and more Kingdom comes into land.Here I speak of "outer enduring manifestation" or unity of faith, rather than what Jesus plunged us into which was unity of Spirit. Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit expresses the language by which this is accomplished. The language of the Spirit is the language of the Tabernacle and the Feasts, but not the Jewish outer forms, the inner corporate experience of the Book of Hebrews Melchizedek order. The reason Paul wrote : I cannot speak much of this now, was that it is on a "timing release". People in the Pentecostal revelation are having that stage revealed to them, subjects to do with the Holiest Place and Jesus living as us are at that time impossible to comprehend. But then the Body grows, and the Holy Spirit releases more according to His heavenly language. Chris Welch

"Jesus said to Martha: Your brother shall rise again. Martha replied: I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Jesus said to her: I AM Myself the Resurrection and the Life." So, we don't wait for "the last days" or "the final hour" to come, for the time HAS fully come. We are just exploring the promised land (Jesus) we are already IN.   Andrea Garzón

He is in this present moment, and has forever been “The “NOW” God! His name is I AM, it’s not I WAS, or I WILL BE! (Exodus 3:14) He is called THE EVER PRESENT HELP in time of trouble! (Psalm 46:1) He is the ETERNAL GOD! (Deuteronomy 33:27) He is Not the God who lives in the illusionary boundaries of TIME! There is NO TIME IN HIM! (II Peter 3:8)

As Linda and I were praying, God said to Linda, our looking up is a symbolism of looking for the “God up there”, for the God who is separated from us and who lives in the FUTURE!

"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here LOOKING INTO THE SKY? This SAME JESUS, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in THE SAME WAY you have seen Him go into heaven." (Acts 1:11)

How have we interpreted this passage in modern times? This SAME JESUS will come back again in the SAME WAY! This Jesus, who only does what He sees His Father doing, will ALWAYS manifest himself in the exact SAME WAY! Since He is the SAME Yesterday, Today, and Forever, and the ONE on whom we have our gaze FIXED, HE will ALWAYS show up THE SAME WAY, loving us without condition, and without guilt or condemnation! He will ALWAYS welcome us with open arms as His beloved! So let’s move onto maturity and SEE HIM AS HE IS! He will ALWAYS be the SAME, with NO variableness or shadow of turning! He will ALWAYS be blazing Glory, casting no shadow! And because He ALWAYS SEES ONLY THE FATHER IN ALL THINGS, He will NEVER have a reason to turn to the right or to the left! His gaze is fixed, so where is ours?

People say a lot of things about Peter, but at least Peter got out of the boat! He fixed His gaze on Christ, and for a moment he experienced “AS HE IS SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD!” (I John 4:17) But then Peter began to FEEL the wind stirring up the lapping waves, and he TURNED to the right, and then he TURNED to the left, and He started sinking! And then Jesus looked at him with total disgust and let him drown, right? No, Jesus saved him, as HE will ALWAYS save those who call on HIM! There is no shadow of turning “IN” HIM! (Mathew 14:28-31)

The lamb was cut and the blood was poured into a basin at the foot of the doorway. The hyssop was taken from the basin on the threshold (looking down) of the doorway, dipped in the lambs blood and applied to the top of the doorway (looking up) and then both sides (the turning to the right and the left!) of the doorway!

This Passover is not only about the blood that protects from the death angel, as we have been taught, but is also a pointing to of the POWER OF THE BLOOD OF CHRIST (His one time sacrifice for all mankind) which makes this “FIXED” life not only possible, but “NOW” fully expected! This is where we see ONLY GOD, ONLY NOW! The blood has washed away the past and the future, and any inclination we might have for looking to the right or the left! There is no past or future “IN” Him! And if there is no past or future “IN” Him, then why would there be any need for us to turn? Christ is OUR ALL! He is our PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE!

We “NOW” enter in the entry way by THE NEW AND LIVING WAY! (Hebrews 10:20) The same way that we once believed to be a set of rules, or a philosophy, or traditions of men! The way that had us bound in chains to a past that doesn’t even exist “IN” Him, has “NOW” become the ONLY NEW AND LIVING WAY! And the NEW AND LIVING WAY ONLY EXISTS IN THE “Now” of the NEW AND LIVING "TODAY!" (Hebrews 4:7)

Christ has become our food and drink, the DAILY Manna which we have not known, nor have our fathers! (Deuteronomy 8:3) He is the “Mystery” hidden from ages and past generations. (Colossians 1:26) The lamb’s blood which at one time only covered, is ”NOW” THE BLOOD that thoroughly cleanses! Cleanses from ALL SIN! And by SIN, I don’t mean the individual acts we commit by certain so called UN-Christian behaviors we may exhibit. Behaviors we focus on that cause us to be obsessed with trying to change our UN-Christian Behavior into Christian behavior! So we can TRY to become Christ Like! There is ONLY ONE WHO IS CHRIST LIKE, that is CHRIST Himself! God is not a behaviorist, He is in fact a Love-ist! And we no longer pray to a separated God “up there” or “down the road!” But for some reason, many in the modern day church can’t seem to move past the false belief of a God that exists separate from them! The God “up there”, “down the road”, or the one they have to keep looking to their right or their left to try and find!

The ONLY TRUE SIN FOR THE BELIEVER IS IN SEEING MORE THAN GOD! It’s what James called being double minded, Paul called a wicked unbelieving heart, and Jesus himself called evil!

“Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. It is NOT UP in heaven, so that you have to ask, "Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?" NOR IS IT BEYOND the sea, so that you have to ask, "Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?" NO! THE (LIVING) WORD IS VERY NEAR YOU, IT (HE) IS “IN” (present tense) YOUR MOUTH AND “IN” (present tense) YOUR HEART SO YOU MAY OBEY IT (HIM)! (Deuteronomy 30:11-14) Rich Novek (FB note 6th Aug 2010_The Now God)

We can hold on to what we thought true before, but it might not have abundant Life flowing from the eternal River within you spirit. Thoughts are the centre of deception unless they are rooted in Truth in you, the deeper Source, Christ within. There is only One Christ and our becoming conscious of this deeper Life is the only discovery with eternal value. What you did yesterday does not matter when you discover your true identity in Him, what you know now is the power that either gets you living in Him or that keeps you living in the dimension of thoughts that might be inferior and not based on Truth at all. The systems in the world keep us busy with stuff that makes us feel inferior and inadequate and insecure. We mostly feel guilty, we worry about almost everything and we are scared to death of not finding God’s approval and maybe not making it into heaven one day.
 Living in yesterday and fearing tomorrow make us miss today! We miss living in His awesome moment NOW. Our minds are deceived about the truth of our identity, so we strive to become someone better today, than we were yesterday and somehow never feel that we got it right. This trying to become keeps us just short of making it, so we stay in guilt and shame and striving to do better tomorrow. All the power of healing is in the moment, in a moment you can forgive, you can love, you can set free and care.  Our gift is revealed in the moment, His Life you can share with all and this is Life is the moment, Now!
 We are His moment, we are His appointment, we are His Life on earth as it is in heaven. We are His address, we are His dwelling place, see His presence now is within man. We either wake up to knowing His Presence now, or we stay neutralized by the lie of trying to get to Him somewhere, someplace, sometime in a future happening. Our striving to go to heaven one day might keep you from discovering His fullness in your spirit today, NOW! Do not miss out on finding your true identity in Him by believing in one day, rather lift up your eyes to His presence within you and feast with Him today! Now is the time, today the Day of the Lord!
Dafre Troskie Now the Wow Moment

Unity NOW - GOD Left nothing out already!!!   Chris Welch
Hebrews 2 :8-9
In putting everything under them(mankind/sons of men),[d] God left nothing that is not subject to them.[e] Yet at present we do not see everything subject to them.[f] 9 But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.
Ephesians 4:7“When he ascended on high,
   he took many captives
   and gave gifts to his people.”

 Ephesians 4:15 speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Ephesians 4 :3
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
 Often we strive for things and wonder why they are unattainable, one of these is unity.
But we are looking in the wrong place. We are looking with our eyes for something perceivable with which to work with, which we can manipulate. This is the whole basis of the most extreme example : the Ecumenical Movement. But really all of us are like it.

Let's take a step backwards : the gift of salvation.
We are sinners. We see the Bible. We see the high standards. We start going to church. We are convicted by the high moral standards coming from the pulpit. But we know we are powerless to change. Then we hear of Jesus sacrifice. Wow , by believing on this sacrifice, that is none of ourselves, we learn we can be reconnected to God. It's been done already. We gratefully accept, and experience in our own being the glory of being instantly reconnected with God.
Well, how strange it is....but every thing in God is this. Unity too. This is the antidote to the negative spiritual power of mixture and disunity........"to stand still and see the salvation of our God". It's already here.You're too late to go and fetch any of it. It's already arrived!
 In the tabernacle picture are three places that are kind of like the corporate equivalents to the individually experienced three stages of growth :children ,young men,fathers. Outer courts,holyplace,holiest place.

Now because of our weakness, not because of fact......inside the middle area there is a table of shewbread.Take this as Christ Food which we must, eat all the while referring to the candlestick which speaks of the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit in preparing us for maturity.

Because of our weakness, and not because it is fact, those pieces of bread are neatly portioned up into twelve
notional portions.  It is ofcourse notional, because Christ is not in fact divided. But children and young men in Christ (both sexes in the Spirit) cannot handle the WHOLE OF HIM. Obviously there are heights and depths to knowing the love of God in every portion of our being, and one by one the Holy Spirit invades every part with His light. What does He find there.....neutral ground? No, there is no neutral ground. Every part that is not filled with His light is still filled with darkness. While these processes are going on we forebear one another in love. We maintain the keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

When the Holy Spirit pours Himself out on believers He doesn't come and promise one day when people are good enough He will bring unity. He brings the FACTS of heaven NOW.

The NOW fact of heaven is : God left NOTHING that is not subject to mankind.  He completed the job.
We do not see the job completed with our eyes, but in each Spirit-filled meeting that is genuine, the Holy Spirit broadcasts  heaven's finished frequency!   He creates that Spirit model among the believers. Then says walk in it!

I love God's way of doing things. Man's perception of God is that He would stand afar off, and we would use spiritual gifts in some way to make ourselves more approachable to Him.
Our real God is not like that. Instead, knowing our weakness to be able to produce anything at all, HE exports all of heaven NOW for us by the Spirit in the meeting....or in other ways. We are not trying to attain Him, He repeatedly splashes us from His River with heaven now. And this takes root in our beings, transforming us from darkness to Light. But it is RECEIVED from His finished work, not us trying to use spiritual building blocks to somehow get to  it.

What are His tools?
  • Well tool one, the most important, is that He has done it all already on the Cross. He has broken down the "dividing wall of hostility". The Temple veil has been once for all rent in two.From the word go we enter beyond the veil right where Jesus is in the Holy of Holies.
We are part of a generation that are now seeing this as a way of life, not just meetings.We do not see everything in subjection with our outer eyes. With our outer eyes we see mixture. We see disunity. but with our inner eyes we gaze upon Mark One Prototype of an innumerable host of like brethren. The fact that the One made it through and has now poured out His same life by the Spirit, means it is a dead cert that we, in the same way by faith, are going the same way.
  • But Tool Two He poured out in huge abundance - He gave gifts to men. Spiritual gifts. Supernatural gifts. Natural abilities also, that we receive back by resurrection as we plunge into the Galations 2:20 reality of nolonger I that live, but Christ I, received back from the dead, hidden, interwoven, interleaved with Him in the heavenly places of Ephesians 1 and 2.  You'd better believe in the spiritual giftings and ministries too.
Here's a secret
Each corporate church era had its own type of gifted ministries. We have not fully seen the sort of thing God has in store for this third level of Church building. Charismatics have settled down quite nicely to their versions of what apostles and prophets look like. But Christ uses new tools, or new looking tools for whatever stage is necessary at the time.  Can't tell you anymore than that...just be open.
  • Tool Three is as powerful as Genesis 1 when the Father spoke "Let there be Light".We are to be co-speakers, co-declarers of this NOW word of the Kingdom of heaven being at hand. We are to "speak the truth in love". It is quite easy to speak truth among those whose hearts are softened. But it is quite disruptive, though we still speak in love, for those still entrenched in "mixture", in "God and."
God didn't raise up the Word of Faith movement for Cadillacs. He raised up this whole area of "speaking  things into being" so we might accustom ourselves to the Power unleashed as "we speak the truth in love", to build up the Body of Christ faster than we could ever have imagined possible. Why?
  • Tool Four. The missing Tool, never used for any length of time  EVER. Tool Four has been cleverly blocked by the devil at every juncture. Tool Four isn't a tool as such, it is a restoration of the truth that new supernaturally given ministries have the power to "equip His people for works of service" quicker than anyone could have ever imagined. I know people hate Morris Cerullo, but he proved that you could take a bunch of ordinary Christians, and over a period of 3-5 days, so blitz them with Truth from anointed ministries, coupled with the "experience" of God acting and working among His people in meetings, that many would leave totally transformed and change their geographical areas for God.
So tool four is Ephesians 4 :16, in the Youngs Literal Translation from whom the whole body, being fitly joined together and united, through the supply of every joint, according to the working in the measure of each single part, the increase of the body doth make for the building up of itself in love. 

NIV has a nasty literal phrase which is absent in the original 
joined and held together by every supporting ligament,
The original text (Youngs)comes from the Holy Spirit, the NIV translation  comes out of the mind of man, based upon their experiences of church history.  Terry Virgo might be called a "supporting ligament".This is total religious baloney .The original makes it clear that we are joined NOW, by the NOW supply of every joint.A HUGE DIFFERENCE.

"according to the working in the measure of each single part"    Wow, can you imagine the speed at which the Body, set free so that every single part is working to its faith capacity, can reproduce and grow?


Joan Reilly said...

Fabulous. All the pieces are falling into place. It's wonderful to see the big picture of God and His Plan for us all along. Being in the Now with every Gift and Tool delivered first hand By Christ, In Christ and Through Christ both individually and corporately. Very deep stuff for a "C" student but oh how I'm being blessed. Thank you so much. Joan Reilly

Chris Welch - 07000INTUNE said...

Thanks for commenting Joan. Thankfully we are all "A" students in Christ, ploughing the "Highway of Holiness" through the wilderness as it says in Isaiah.....making a motorway for gazillions to follow.