Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Trigger Warning . NOT FOR MINORS . Just another Satanic Christmas Day

There were approximately 5 child prizes. Shortly after, each minion would return with the prizes but now, each child was on a large skewer........

Written December 2023

Written by
Jeanette Archer
Survivor of SRA


EXPOSING SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE Just another Satanic Christmas Day! 

Jeanette Archer I can’t remember the year but, it doesn’t matter anyway. Every year was filled with unimaginable horrors and it all merged into my pile of memories that went on to be stored deep within my unconscious mind. This particular Christmas was no different but for some reason, it’s the one I’ve woken up remembering this morning. The one that I’m about to relive so, I can share with you and hopefully bring myself some healing. It was a “normal” Christmas Day at home. Presents 🎁 and Christmas dinner. My birth mother pretending that she’s a wonderful mum and not someone that handed me over to a satanic cult from birth. So, the day passes in the usual manner and then of course the night time arrives. As soon as it gets dark I can feel the terror flow through my veins. I know exactly what this means. Even though, all of us children were sent to bed, I knew that it was just a matter of time before I would be taken from my bed and transported to the Christmas night satanic ritual on some elite country estate. 

 Next thing I knew, I was sat around a small fire. The “elites” were celebrating with cheers and chants while their minions were gathering up all of us children in our white gowns. We were being separated into smaller groups. My head was spinning in absolute terror. It made everything a blur of nightmares that never ended. I suddenly became aware which group I had been put into. The RAPE group. 

We were the children that would be laid out on the concrete slabs and raped over and over again without rest. Then later on after the sacrifices and their Christmas dinner of roasted babies and children, and drinking adrenochrome, we’d be the children that would be used in the mass orgies. A minion gave us the drugs and water in a plastic cup. Ordering us to swallow quickly. My next memory was when I was on the very cold concrete slab AKA the altar. 

 The first satanist to approach me was looking excited and happy. He’d got to go first. This meant that he was being rewarded!! What followed was the brutality of the worst evils. He commanded 2 minions to hold my legs apart as wide as they could. He kept saying “wider, wider” I felt a burning sensation as if I was being torn apart and the rape hadn’t even started yet. Then some kind of metal contraption was put between my legs to hold them in place. Then it began. His face was contorted and I knew he was going to be as violent as possible. He was. He used more than his penis to penetrate me with and used suffocation too. I was left injured, bleeding and torn. I then had to endure many more satanic elites taking their turn too. I was around 5 years old. When my turn was over I was thrown on the floor next to the small fire. I was grateful for the rest. I knew I had so much more to go through.

 I then became aware of cheering and clapping. It was the awards ceremony next. Elite satanists like to do this. The grand master would be calling out names and achievements. They would all be looking over at the prize table.

The prizes this year were a group of black boys. Ranging from ages approx 2 to 6 years old. Each winner was allowed to pick a child. A minion would then take the child away. There were approximately 5 child prizes. Shortly after, each minion would return with the prizes but now, each child was on a large skewer. They had been skewered through the anus and out of the throat. Their heads left dangling. Blood dripping rapidly.
 I was raped until unconscious and unfortunately, left alive.

Of course, they hadn’t been killed first so, each child was dying slowly and in unimaginable pain. I was watching on in a heap on the floor. Myself bleeding and in pain but knowing that these children were suffering more than me. I was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. I wanted to scream from my very core and release every emotion. I couldn’t and still never have.

 Huge cheers went up as each minion appeared with the skewered prizes. Adrenachrome was being drank in abundance so the disgusting, vile, elites were now also starting to squeal. The prizes were taken to the roasting area. Cooked alive over burning flames like hog roast. This was their Christmas dinner. The prize winners got to choose which body part they wanted. Then the remains would be feasted on by the rest.

 After dinner the orgies began. Children were raped to death, literally. I was raped until unconscious and unfortunately, left alive. My Christmas night would end in a dungeon or cellar depending on which country estate I was at. I would be left there until the hunting games began on Boxing Day and the satanic nightmares would begin again.

 As I write this today and relive such trauma and horrors, I’m reminded of why I do what I do. Why I speak publicly and put myself through so much. Why I stand as an open target on the front line and why I never ever give up. These memories are my childhood memories but, the same memories will be being made tomorrow for many other beautiful innocent children. My heart and soul grieves beyond words and my body and mind feels rage that is indescribable. Please never forget us and what we went through. Please never take our survival for granted and above all, please NEVER EVER stop fighting until every child is safe 💔🙏💔 Written December 2023 Written by Jeanette Archer Survivor of SRA

More information on a similar theme with Aldenham School Hertfordshire from People's Voice 

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