Monday 2 September 2013

Three Recent Blog Voices on the Syrian Situation

from Collective Evolution Blog
Chemical Warfare In Syria: “What Bush Did With Iraq Obama Is Doing With Syria” Says Russian MP
August 28, 2013 by Arjun Walia

Russian Foreign Affairs Committee chairman of the Russian Duma, Aleksey Pushknov stated:

Obama is fiercely moving towards war in Syria, just like Bush moved towards war in Iraq. Just like in Iraq, this war won’t be legit and Obama will become Bush’s clone, Pushkov wrote on his Twitter page on Sunday (3)(0)

Iran has also warned against military intervention in Syria, voicing concerns that it would result in a conflict that would engulf the whole region. Iran foreign ministry spokesman, Abbas Araqchi has expressed that Iran is ready to defend Assad. They are strongly warning against any military attack in Syria, emphasizing that there will be consequences that would not be restricted to Syria, but for the whole region. Iran is an ally of Syria, and this comes as no surprise as the United States and Israel have attempted to manufacture an excuse for military intervention in Iran. We’ve seen this in the past with the accusations of a nuclear weapons program being developed in Iran. Is it a coincidence that these countries are the only ones that do not have a Rothschild central bank?

I’m not denying the chemical attack in Syria, but I think it’s very important to be open to the possibility that the United States was privy to this information before it occurred, that they had a hand in creating the conflict necessary to justify a military intervention, and that they sacrificed the lives of so many -as they have done before in order to move forward with their agendas. International media has reported this over and over again as a fact (1)(0), but corporate media has not even brought up that possibility, they are instead reporting the exact opposite.

The elite thrive off of conflict, and have been doing so for years. What we are seeing here is a take over of the middle East that is almost complete in order to establish a new world order and possibly a one world government. Global conflict is usually manufactured, the human beings involved are often used as puppets and turned against each other through mass propaganda. Countries opposing the military intervention might deploy their own intervention if the US and it’s allies intervene, which could lead to a greater conflict that might have been planned all along as well. It’s so hard to really know what is actually happening behind the scenes. Our planet is not one of transparency, but one of secrecy,this is what needs to change. Fortunately, more and more people are starting to see that what we are told on our television is far from the truth, and something else is playing out here.

Four star United States general Wesley Clark trying to tell the world something eluded to the fact that this was all planned.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also called reports of chemical weapon use “a provocation,” adding that, according to its data, the materials accusing the Syrian government of the atrocity were prepared ahead of the alleged incident actually taking place. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Washington and its allies would be repeating past mistakes if they intervened in Syria(2). It’s similar to the time when 9/11 was used to justify the intervention of Iraq. The same ones creating the problem are proposing the solution to push their agenda forward. Here is more info to suggest that the interventionists approved the attack before it happened, although news coming out of Russia is more credible, a primary source straight from the horses mouth.

Syria has denied the use of chemical weapons on its own people, saying that this is a ridiculous accusation, citing that the Syrian government would never attack its own people. So where are these attacks coming from? How many people will have to lose their lives as a result of orchestrated events? It’s time we stop believing the explanations that global corporate media feeds us on a daily basis. There is evidence to suggest that Syrian rebels manufactured chemical weapons outside of  Damascus(1). Again I would like to reiterate that the Russian Foreign Ministry has told us that the chemical attack was prepared ahead of the alleged incident actually taking place, and that it was not orchestrated by the Syrian government.

So what exactly are we witnessing here? We are witnessing alleged chemical attacks from the Syrian government on its own people. These accusations (again) come straight from Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, News Corporation, CBS and NBC Universal -basically the entire mass mainstream media. The major shareholders of these corporations are the same shareholders of big oil, big pharma and big food, so ask yourself, who are you putting your trust in? All other sources around the world are providing proof and reporting that the Syrian government was not responsible for releasing the chemical weapon attack, and that the attack was instead manufactured from the same forces that want to intervene!

Given everything that’s happening in the Middle East, and the involvement of the US and Israel, I do not see how one can believe mainstream media outlet explanations for what is occurring in the Middle East. People in the western world see people dying, and are shown horrific proof of that, but the explanation behind the whole phenomenon is manufactured, programmed into us and we tend to believe it without every questioning it.

Military intervention in the middle East comes right after a conflict that would justify such action. Creating a conflict to justify an action is exactly what the controlling elite do. They create an event, manufacture the consent of the masses and then push forward with their initially desired agenda.

So many events are occurring on our planet, they continue to provide the chance for us to wake up and see what is really happening here. This whole concept of violence and war no longer serves us, and those that wish to continue creating it seem to continue pushing forward. The ultimate goal here is to create a possible World War III, similar to the way World War I and II were created so that the elite could benefit from it. If your source of information for conflict in the Middle East is mainstream media, you should truly consider looking elsewhere.

None of what is happening in the middle East is necessary and many desire for it to stop. The problem is that many people on the planet believe in different explanations for the conflict. There is no Israel, there is no Russia, there is no United States. There are only a hand full of multinational corporations and financial institutions that collude together, create events and then present them in a certain fashion in order to manipulate our perception. It’s so difficult to know what is actually happening, but it’s not difficult to know that it is part of an agenda that the elite have been planning for many years. Everyday more people are starting to believe that politicians are just puppets that exist to serve the corporations and financial institutions that ‘own’ the government. Are politicians like Obama really making the decisions? Or is he simply the one being used to push these decisions forward?

One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. The bamboozle has captured us. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan

Preparations to attack Syria

Aug 27, 2013

There have now been two poison gas attacks in Syria. The first was on March 19, 2013. The latest occurred on August 21, 2013.
The first gas attack was discovered to be perpetrated by the Syrian rebels against President Assad’s troops. This prevented the US from going to war as they had desired.
The UN inspectors arrived to investigate just before the second attack. Was Syria’s president so stupid as to use poison gas right after the arrival of UN inspectors? He already had the upper hand in the civil war. Gas attacks are generally a last resort when all other options have failed.
The rebels have threatened to use poison gas this past year, complete with videos of rabbits dying from the gas, accompanied by threats against Assad and his soldiers.
The rebels also took control of a chemical factory last December.
Here is a 6-minute video giving a short history of news accounts from the past year.
Yesterday, August 26, US Secretary of State John Kerry essentially announced that the US was going to war against Syria. I know of no act of Congress declaring war, but then the Constitution has been disregarded for many years. Precedents contrary to the Constitution have now become institutionalized, making it much easier to go to war.
According to General Wesley Clark, the US plan to overthrow Syria dates back at least to September of 2001. You may watch his statement toward the beginning of the 10-minute video here: (If it comes up “Page Not Found,” wait a few seconds; it will come up anyway.)
This video shows the leaked emails showing that Qatar had proposed framing Syria by sending chemical weapons to the rebels. The rebels could use them against civilians and then claim that the government was guilty in the attack. They claim that the US government was interested in the plan, because it was a way to attack Iran through the back door of Syria. (Syria and Iran have a defense pact.)
But in order for it to work, the US and NATO have to act fast before the truth gets out. Once the war breaks out, the truth will be irrelevant, and it will be unpatriotic to oppose the war. Those who oppose the war will be accused of not supporting our troops.
When General Clark revealed that the US was going to overthrow seven nations in five years, Syria was toward the top of his list. The question is WHY?? What is the real motive of the US government? Why has the CIA been supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in the guise of spreading “democracy” among the Middle East nations? Do they really want democracy, or are they deliberately trying to destabilize the Middle East for a more sinister purpose?
In my view, the plan is to remove potential threats against the Jewish state. Iraq has been conquered, Egypt and Syria are in chaos. This allows the Israelis to focus on Iran and even to attack them without fearing reprisals from their near neighbors. The plan has obviously taken longer than originally thought, mostly due to Russia’s obstruction in Syria. Russia has done more to prevent this war than most people realize, and for this they are demonized in the Western press.
Yet there is a deeper and more sinister plan at work, something that goes even deeper than the plans of the Israeli armed forces. It is the plan from more than a century ago, conceived by Albert Pike, to bring about three world wars. The first two are now in the past. We are now moving quickly toward the third and final phase.
I summarized this plan in a weblog dated September 25, 2012:
World War I was designed to overthrow the Czars of Russia and to turn it into a nation of atheistic Communism, weakening religion. The purpose of World War II is also given:
This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.
World War II, then, created the perceived need for an Israeli state, which came about in 1948. This, in turn, was to be the irritant which would ultimately cause World War III. Pike writes:
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.
Its purpose was to destroy Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Pike wrote that the disillusioned from all three religions (along with the atheists) would then be ripe to become Luciferians. It is no secret that Pike himself was an avowed Luciferian. His mentor and benefactor was Mazzini, who had succeeded Adam Weishaupt (who died in 1830) as head of the Illuminati. Albert Pike was told to join the Freemasons, and within a very short period of time he was the head of the Scottish Rite. In 1871 his letter to Mazzini suggested his plan to make Luciferianism a world religion by instigating three world wars that would destroy his religious competition.
This was the plan, but as I said earlier, God also had a plan which would use the plans of men to accomplish His purpose. At the present time, the news is reporting the civil war in Syria, which is part of the plan to overthrow the dictators of secular Arab states in order to turn them into Islamic religious states. The people themselves are unaware of their role in the grand scheme, for they cannot see beyond their desire for the establishment of Islam. But they are pawns in a much larger plan.
The plan is even larger than the price of oil. It is actually a plan to bring about World War III, in which the Israeli state and the Arab states will destroy each other. That will certainly cause the price of oil to go up, and "the elite" oil barons are preparing to sell a lot of oil from Alaska's Gull Island site at very high prices. Likewise also, the Bakken oil deposit in North and South Dakota and Montana is being developed for this purpose. It appears that the plan is for America to replace the Arab world as the foremost producers of oil.
Beyond this, the deeper plan is to destroy religion and atheism through disillusionment. I do not know if the oil barons understand this or not. Certainly, those in the upper echelons of Freemasonry are aware of the plan.
Those who are following Albert Pike’s plan for a third world war do not realize that God has control of the situation and is using them to bring divine judgment upon the ungodly and to fulfill the divine plan for the earth.
If we are ignorant of God’s plan, we will not know how this will turn out. But if we know the Scriptures, we will understand. Most of the church thinks that God will save the Israeli state at the last minute. But that is not the plan. Jeremiah 19 pictures Jerusalem as an old earthen jar that was to be smashed in the valley of Ben-hinnom (“gehenna” in Greek). After giving us God’s reasons for the plan, Jeremiah 19:10-12 says,
11 Then you are to break the jar in the sight of the men [the elders of Judah] who accompany you 11 and say to them, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Just so shall I break this people and this city, even as one breaks a potter’s vessel which cannot again be repaired; and they will bury in Topheth because there is no other place for burial.’ 12 This is how I shall treat this place and its inhabitants,” declares the Lord, “so as to make this city like Topheth.”
The city was destroyed in Jeremiah’s day, but it was rebuilt by Nehemiah. The city was again destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Romans, but it was again rebuilt. As long as it stands, Jeremiah’s prophecy has yet to be fulfilled completely. The city stands today ready to be broken in such a way that it can never again be repaired or rebuilt. Perhaps this suggests a nuclear strike, where fallout would prohibit anyone from living in the area.
In this way, I believe, God will “cast out the bondwoman and her son” as Paul prophesied in Galatians 4:30. He identified Jerusalem as Hagar, the bondwoman, and her children as the followers of Judaism, who were persecuting the church.
It appears that God is using the secret leaders of Mystery Babylon to destroy Jerusalem, and when that purpose is accomplished, then God will expose them for all to see and will overthrow them. This will clear the way for the Kingdom of God to emerge in the earth.
So get ready to comfort all those Christian Zionists who gave money to send Jews to their deaths in Jerusalem. Many of them will be basket cases.
Some years ago I received a word from the Lord that linked Rosh Hoshana to the coming destruction of Jerusalem. I do not want to assume too much in this, however, because I have seen over the years that there are some alternative views on virtually every revelation. It might be that Rosh Hoshana is a starting point—such as the start of a war leading to the eventual destruction of Jerusalem. It may be that an event on Rosh Hoshana is prophetic type of what will occur at another time, or even a step in a series of events.
Nonetheless, I have watched Rosh Hoshana every year for many years on account of this personal revelation. It may be relevant in 2013, because it appears that the US government has decided to intervene directly in Syria within a few days. Rosh Hoshana begins the evening of September 4, 2013.
In addition to this, September 1st has always served as a prophetic type of Rosh Hoshana, because it is the first day of our own seventh month on the modern calendar.
How would a war with Syria affect us? First of all, expect the price of oil to shoot up. Second, expect the stock markets to drop dramatically, except for oil companies and defense contractors, which always benefit from war.
We have already been told that the US government will run out of credit in mid-October unless Congress passes another increase in the debt limit. In time of war, hardly anyone would vote down a debt increase, so expect another trillion-dollar hike in the debt limit.
As for the war itself, watch how Iran and Russia react to US intervention in Syria. Iran has a defense pact with Syria, and the US and Israel are salivating as they await an excuse to attack Iran. If Iran gives them no excuse, it is certain that one will be provided, much like has happened with Syria already. Remember that the US government has provided false flag events to obtain a pretext for most of the wars in the past century.
It appears that we are finally at the point where history is entering its great climax to prepare the way for the Kingdom of God.
- See more at:

Preparations to attack Syria

Aug 27, 2013

There have now been two poison gas attacks in Syria. The first was on March 19, 2013. The latest occurred on August 21, 2013.
The first gas attack was discovered to be perpetrated by the Syrian rebels against President Assad’s troops. This prevented the US from going to war as they had desired.
The UN inspectors arrived to investigate just before the second attack. Was Syria’s president so stupid as to use poison gas right after the arrival of UN inspectors? He already had the upper hand in the civil war. Gas attacks are generally a last resort when all other options have failed.
The rebels have threatened to use poison gas this past year, complete with videos of rabbits dying from the gas, accompanied by threats against Assad and his soldiers.
The rebels also took control of a chemical factory last December.
Here is a 6-minute video giving a short history of news accounts from the past year.
Yesterday, August 26, US Secretary of State John Kerry essentially announced that the US was going to war against Syria. I know of no act of Congress declaring war, but then the Constitution has been disregarded for many years. Precedents contrary to the Constitution have now become institutionalized, making it much easier to go to war.
According to General Wesley Clark, the US plan to overthrow Syria dates back at least to September of 2001. You may watch his statement toward the beginning of the 10-minute video here: (If it comes up “Page Not Found,” wait a few seconds; it will come up anyway.)
This video shows the leaked emails showing that Qatar had proposed framing Syria by sending chemical weapons to the rebels. The rebels could use them against civilians and then claim that the government was guilty in the attack. They claim that the US government was interested in the plan, because it was a way to attack Iran through the back door of Syria. (Syria and Iran have a defense pact.)
But in order for it to work, the US and NATO have to act fast before the truth gets out. Once the war breaks out, the truth will be irrelevant, and it will be unpatriotic to oppose the war. Those who oppose the war will be accused of not supporting our troops.
When General Clark revealed that the US was going to overthrow seven nations in five years, Syria was toward the top of his list. The question is WHY?? What is the real motive of the US government? Why has the CIA been supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in the guise of spreading “democracy” among the Middle East nations? Do they really want democracy, or are they deliberately trying to destabilize the Middle East for a more sinister purpose?
In my view, the plan is to remove potential threats against the Jewish state. Iraq has been conquered, Egypt and Syria are in chaos. This allows the Israelis to focus on Iran and even to attack them without fearing reprisals from their near neighbors. The plan has obviously taken longer than originally thought, mostly due to Russia’s obstruction in Syria. Russia has done more to prevent this war than most people realize, and for this they are demonized in the Western press.
Yet there is a deeper and more sinister plan at work, something that goes even deeper than the plans of the Israeli armed forces. It is the plan from more than a century ago, conceived by Albert Pike, to bring about three world wars. The first two are now in the past. We are now moving quickly toward the third and final phase.
I summarized this plan in a weblog dated September 25, 2012:
World War I was designed to overthrow the Czars of Russia and to turn it into a nation of atheistic Communism, weakening religion. The purpose of World War II is also given:
This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.
World War II, then, created the perceived need for an Israeli state, which came about in 1948. This, in turn, was to be the irritant which would ultimately cause World War III. Pike writes:
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.
Its purpose was to destroy Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Pike wrote that the disillusioned from all three religions (along with the atheists) would then be ripe to become Luciferians. It is no secret that Pike himself was an avowed Luciferian. His mentor and benefactor was Mazzini, who had succeeded Adam Weishaupt (who died in 1830) as head of the Illuminati. Albert Pike was told to join the Freemasons, and within a very short period of time he was the head of the Scottish Rite. In 1871 his letter to Mazzini suggested his plan to make Luciferianism a world religion by instigating three world wars that would destroy his religious competition.
This was the plan, but as I said earlier, God also had a plan which would use the plans of men to accomplish His purpose. At the present time, the news is reporting the civil war in Syria, which is part of the plan to overthrow the dictators of secular Arab states in order to turn them into Islamic religious states. The people themselves are unaware of their role in the grand scheme, for they cannot see beyond their desire for the establishment of Islam. But they are pawns in a much larger plan.
The plan is even larger than the price of oil. It is actually a plan to bring about World War III, in which the Israeli state and the Arab states will destroy each other. That will certainly cause the price of oil to go up, and "the elite" oil barons are preparing to sell a lot of oil from Alaska's Gull Island site at very high prices. Likewise also, the Bakken oil deposit in North and South Dakota and Montana is being developed for this purpose. It appears that the plan is for America to replace the Arab world as the foremost producers of oil.
Beyond this, the deeper plan is to destroy religion and atheism through disillusionment. I do not know if the oil barons understand this or not. Certainly, those in the upper echelons of Freemasonry are aware of the plan.
Those who are following Albert Pike’s plan for a third world war do not realize that God has control of the situation and is using them to bring divine judgment upon the ungodly and to fulfill the divine plan for the earth.
If we are ignorant of God’s plan, we will not know how this will turn out. But if we know the Scriptures, we will understand. Most of the church thinks that God will save the Israeli state at the last minute. But that is not the plan. Jeremiah 19 pictures Jerusalem as an old earthen jar that was to be smashed in the valley of Ben-hinnom (“gehenna” in Greek). After giving us God’s reasons for the plan, Jeremiah 19:10-12 says,
11 Then you are to break the jar in the sight of the men [the elders of Judah] who accompany you 11 and say to them, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Just so shall I break this people and this city, even as one breaks a potter’s vessel which cannot again be repaired; and they will bury in Topheth because there is no other place for burial.’ 12 This is how I shall treat this place and its inhabitants,” declares the Lord, “so as to make this city like Topheth.”
The city was destroyed in Jeremiah’s day, but it was rebuilt by Nehemiah. The city was again destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Romans, but it was again rebuilt. As long as it stands, Jeremiah’s prophecy has yet to be fulfilled completely. The city stands today ready to be broken in such a way that it can never again be repaired or rebuilt. Perhaps this suggests a nuclear strike, where fallout would prohibit anyone from living in the area.
In this way, I believe, God will “cast out the bondwoman and her son” as Paul prophesied in Galatians 4:30. He identified Jerusalem as Hagar, the bondwoman, and her children as the followers of Judaism, who were persecuting the church.
It appears that God is using the secret leaders of Mystery Babylon to destroy Jerusalem, and when that purpose is accomplished, then God will expose them for all to see and will overthrow them. This will clear the way for the Kingdom of God to emerge in the earth.
So get ready to comfort all those Christian Zionists who gave money to send Jews to their deaths in Jerusalem. Many of them will be basket cases.
Some years ago I received a word from the Lord that linked Rosh Hoshana to the coming destruction of Jerusalem. I do not want to assume too much in this, however, because I have seen over the years that there are some alternative views on virtually every revelation. It might be that Rosh Hoshana is a starting point—such as the start of a war leading to the eventual destruction of Jerusalem. It may be that an event on Rosh Hoshana is prophetic type of what will occur at another time, or even a step in a series of events.
Nonetheless, I have watched Rosh Hoshana every year for many years on account of this personal revelation. It may be relevant in 2013, because it appears that the US government has decided to intervene directly in Syria within a few days. Rosh Hoshana begins the evening of September 4, 2013.
In addition to this, September 1st has always served as a prophetic type of Rosh Hoshana, because it is the first day of our own seventh month on the modern calendar.
How would a war with Syria affect us? First of all, expect the price of oil to shoot up. Second, expect the stock markets to drop dramatically, except for oil companies and defense contractors, which always benefit from war.
We have already been told that the US government will run out of credit in mid-October unless Congress passes another increase in the debt limit. In time of war, hardly anyone would vote down a debt increase, so expect another trillion-dollar hike in the debt limit.
As for the war itself, watch how Iran and Russia react to US intervention in Syria. Iran has a defense pact with Syria, and the US and Israel are salivating as they await an excuse to attack Iran. If Iran gives them no excuse, it is certain that one will be provided, much like has happened with Syria already. Remember that the US government has provided false flag events to obtain a pretext for most of the wars in the past century.
It appears that we are finally at the point where history is entering its great climax to prepare the way for the Kingdom of God.
- See more at:
from the blog of Dr Stephen Jones

Preparations to attack Syria
Aug 27, 2013

There have now been two poison gas attacks in Syria. The first was on March 19, 2013. The latest occurred on August 21, 2013.

The first gas attack was discovered to be perpetrated by the Syrian rebels against President Assad’s troops. This prevented the US from going to war as they had desired.

The UN inspectors arrived to investigate just before the second attack. Was Syria’s president so stupid as to use poison gas right after the arrival of UN inspectors? He already had the upper hand in the civil war. Gas attacks are generally a last resort when all other options have failed.

The rebels have threatened to use poison gas this past year, complete with videos of rabbits dying from the gas, accompanied by threats against Assad and his soldiers.

The rebels also took control of a chemical factory last December.

Here is a 6-minute video giving a short history of news accounts from the past year.

Yesterday, August 26, US Secretary of State John Kerry essentially announced that the US was going to war against Syria. I know of no act of Congress declaring war, but then the Constitution has been disregarded for many years. Precedents contrary to the Constitution have now become institutionalized, making it much easier to go to war.

According to General Wesley Clark, the US plan to overthrow Syria dates back at least to September of 2001. You may watch his statement toward the beginning of the 10-minute video here: (If it comes up “Page Not Found,” wait a few seconds; it will come up anyway.)

This video shows the leaked emails showing that Qatar had proposed framing Syria by sending chemical weapons to the rebels. The rebels could use them against civilians and then claim that the government was guilty in the attack. They claim that the US government was interested in the plan, because it was a way to attack Iran through the back door of Syria. (Syria and Iran have a defense pact.)

But in order for it to work, the US and NATO have to act fast before the truth gets out. Once the war breaks out, the truth will be irrelevant, and it will be unpatriotic to oppose the war. Those who oppose the war will be accused of not supporting our troops.

When General Clark revealed that the US was going to overthrow seven nations in five years, Syria was toward the top of his list. The question is WHY?? What is the real motive of the US government? Why has the CIA been supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in the guise of spreading “democracy” among the Middle East nations? Do they really want democracy, or are they deliberately trying to destabilize the Middle East for a more sinister purpose?

In my view, the plan is to remove potential threats against the Jewish state. Iraq has been conquered, Egypt and Syria are in chaos. This allows the Israelis to focus on Iran and even to attack them without fearing reprisals from their near neighbors. The plan has obviously taken longer than originally thought, mostly due to Russia’s obstruction in Syria. Russia has done more to prevent this war than most people realize, and for this they are demonized in the Western press.

Yet there is a deeper and more sinister plan at work, something that goes even deeper than the plans of the Israeli armed forces. It is the plan from more than a century ago, conceived by Albert Pike, to bring about three world wars. The first two are now in the past. We are now moving quickly toward the third and final phase.

I summarized this plan in a weblog dated September 25, 2012:

World War I was designed to overthrow the Czars of Russia and to turn it into a nation of atheistic Communism, weakening religion. The purpose of World War II is also given:

This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.

World War II, then, created the perceived need for an Israeli state, which came about in 1948. This, in turn, was to be the irritant which would ultimately cause World War III. Pike writes:

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.

Its purpose was to destroy Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Pike wrote that the disillusioned from all three religions (along with the atheists) would then be ripe to become Luciferians. It is no secret that Pike himself was an avowed Luciferian. His mentor and benefactor was Mazzini, who had succeeded Adam Weishaupt (who died in 1830) as head of the Illuminati. Albert Pike was told to join the Freemasons, and within a very short period of time he was the head of the Scottish Rite. In 1871 his letter to Mazzini suggested his plan to make Luciferianism a world religion by instigating three world wars that would destroy his religious competition.

This was the plan, but as I said earlier, God also had a plan which would use the plans of men to accomplish His purpose. At the present time, the news is reporting the civil war in Syria, which is part of the plan to overthrow the dictators of secular Arab states in order to turn them into Islamic religious states. The people themselves are unaware of their role in the grand scheme, for they cannot see beyond their desire for the establishment of Islam. But they are pawns in a much larger plan.

The plan is even larger than the price of oil. It is actually a plan to bring about World War III, in which the Israeli state and the Arab states will destroy each other. That will certainly cause the price of oil to go up, and "the elite" oil barons are preparing to sell a lot of oil from Alaska's Gull Island site at very high prices. Likewise also, the Bakken oil deposit in North and South Dakota and Montana is being developed for this purpose. It appears that the plan is for America to replace the Arab world as the foremost producers of oil.

Beyond this, the deeper plan is to destroy religion and atheism through disillusionment. I do not know if the oil barons understand this or not. Certainly, those in the upper echelons of Freemasonry are aware of the plan.

Those who are following Albert Pike’s plan for a third world war do not realize that God has control of the situation and is using them to bring divine judgment upon the ungodly and to fulfill the divine plan for the earth.

If we are ignorant of God’s plan, we will not know how this will turn out. But if we know the Scriptures, we will understand. Most of the church thinks that God will save the Israeli state at the last minute. But that is not the plan. Jeremiah 19 pictures Jerusalem as an old earthen jar that was to be smashed in the valley of Ben-hinnom (“gehenna” in Greek). After giving us God’s reasons for the plan, Jeremiah 19:10-12 says,

11 Then you are to break the jar in the sight of the men [the elders of Judah] who accompany you 11 and say to them, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Just so shall I break this people and this city, even as one breaks a potter’s vessel which cannot again be repaired; and they will bury in Topheth because there is no other place for burial.’ 12 This is how I shall treat this place and its inhabitants,” declares the Lord, “so as to make this city like Topheth.”

The city was destroyed in Jeremiah’s day, but it was rebuilt by Nehemiah. The city was again destroyed in 70 A.D. by the Romans, but it was again rebuilt. As long as it stands, Jeremiah’s prophecy has yet to be fulfilled completely. The city stands today ready to be broken in such a way that it can never again be repaired or rebuilt. Perhaps this suggests a nuclear strike, where fallout would prohibit anyone from living in the area.

In this way, I believe, God will “cast out the bondwoman and her son” as Paul prophesied in Galatians 4:30. He identified Jerusalem as Hagar, the bondwoman, and her children as the followers of Judaism, who were persecuting the church.

It appears that God is using the secret leaders of Mystery Babylon to destroy Jerusalem, and when that purpose is accomplished, then God will expose them for all to see and will overthrow them. This will clear the way for the Kingdom of God to emerge in the earth.

So get ready to comfort all those Christian Zionists who gave money to send Jews to their deaths in Jerusalem. Many of them will be basket cases.

Some years ago I received a word from the Lord that linked Rosh Hoshana to the coming destruction of Jerusalem. I do not want to assume too much in this, however, because I have seen over the years that there are some alternative views on virtually every revelation. It might be that Rosh Hoshana is a starting point—such as the start of a war leading to the eventual destruction of Jerusalem. It may be that an event on Rosh Hoshana is prophetic type of what will occur at another time, or even a step in a series of events.

Nonetheless, I have watched Rosh Hoshana every year for many years on account of this personal revelation. It may be relevant in 2013, because it appears that the US government has decided to intervene directly in Syria within a few days. Rosh Hoshana begins the evening of September 4, 2013.

In addition to this, September 1st has always served as a prophetic type of Rosh Hoshana, because it is the first day of our own seventh month on the modern calendar.

How would a war with Syria affect us? First of all, expect the price of oil to shoot up. Second, expect the stock markets to drop dramatically, except for oil companies and defense contractors, which always benefit from war.

We have already been told that the US government will run out of credit in mid-October unless Congress passes another increase in the debt limit. In time of war, hardly anyone would vote down a debt increase, so expect another trillion-dollar hike in the debt limit.

As for the war itself, watch how Iran and Russia react to US intervention in Syria. Iran has a defense pact with Syria, and the US and Israel are salivating as they await an excuse to attack Iran. If Iran gives them no excuse, it is certain that one will be provided, much like has happened with Syria already. Remember that the US government has provided false flag events to obtain a pretext for most of the wars in the past century.

It appears that we are finally at the point where history is entering its great climax to prepare the way for the Kingdom of God.
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Bombshell: Syria's 'chemical weapons' turn out to be sodium fluoride used in the U.S. water supply and sold at Wal-Mart

Tuesday, September 03, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)
Tags: Syria, chemical weapons, sodium fluoride

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(NaturalNews) Natural News can now reveal that the Syria chemical weapons narrative being pushed by the White House is an outlandish hoax.

To understand why, you have to start with the story published in The Independent entitled Revealed: Government let British company export nerve gas chemicals to Syria.

Sounds scary, right? As The Independent reports:

The Government was accused of "breathtaking laxity" in its arms controls last night after it emerged that officials authorised the export to Syria of two chemicals capable of being used to make a nerve agent such as sarin a year ago.

What, exactly, are those two dangerous chemicals that need to be controlled via "arms control" regulations? You won't believe me when I tell you. They are:

• sodium fluoride
• potassium fluoride

You can see this yourself in the screen capture of The Independent breaking news story. Note the headline and the subhead. The headline describes "nerve gas chemicals" and the subhead explains them as "sodium fluoride" and "potassium fluoride."

click here to watch my video explaining all this at

U.S. water fluoridation chemical is Syria's "chemical weapon"
If these chemical names sound familiar, that's because sodium fluoride is the same toxic chemical that's routinely dumped into municipal water supplies all across the USA under the guise of "water fluoridation."

In fact, the forced feeding of sodium fluoride to the U.S. population is called a "public health" victory by the CDC, FDA and dentists everywhere. Yet this same chemical, when sold to Syria, is openly and repeatedly referred to as a "chemical weapon." This is true across the BBC, the Guardian, Daily Record and Sunday Mail, and literally thousands of other news websites.

According to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, any government "regime" that uses chemical weapons against its own people should be bombed / invaded / overthrown by a coalition of other United Nations members. By his own definition, then, the United States of America should now be invaded by the UN because the government uses a deadly chemical weapon -- sodium fluoride -- on its own people.

By implication, then, John Kerry is now calling for the UN to bomb the USA. As the international media now confirms, sodium fluoride is a chemical weapon, and this chemical weapon is used against the American people every single day in the water supply, a favorite attack vector for terrorists.

"Evidence" of chemical weapons nothing more than hair samples of people who drank sodium fluoride
As you might have guessed, Secretary of State John Kerry is running around "pulling a George Bush" by claiming Syria has used weapons of mass destruction on its own population. Here's a sample of his claims:

"In the last 24 hours, we have learned through samples that were provided to the United States that have now been tested from first responders in east Damascus and hair samples and blood samples have tested positive for signatures of sarin." Kerry said this on NBC's Meet The Press.

But what, exactly, is he saying? That hair samples have tested positive for "signatures" of sarin, not sarin itself. What is a "signature" of sarin? The fluorine element, which is of course the basis for sodium fluoride.

In other words, this "evidence" of chemical weapons in Syria may be nothing more than a collection of hair samples taken from people who drank fluoride. As this study shows on, hair analysis is a commonly-used practice for assessing exposure to fluoride. It concludes, "hair may be regarded as biomaterial of high informative potential in evaluating prolonged exposure to fluorides..."

Typically, this analysis is conducted with ICP-MS instrumentation, using a plasma torch that disintegrates all organic molecules, leaving only the resulting elements (fluorine). Tests done on Syrian citizens using ICP-MS would not be able to distinguish between sodium fluoride and sarin exposure in terms of the detection of elemental fluorine.

Read that again, because it's crucial to understanding the hoax being perpetrated by the White House: Tests on hair or other tissues, if done using ICP-MS (the most common elemental analysis technology used today), would not be able to distinguish between sodium fluoride and sarin.

Sarin has the chemical formula:

You will notice that the only elements in this formula are:


Out of those five elements, four of them (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorous) occur naturally in the human body in large quantities. Fluorine is the only element that strongly stands out against the rest in terms of elemental analysis. And fluorine is the same element that forms the basis of sodium fluoride. Sarin can, of course, also be detected as a complete molecule using liquid chromatography systems (HPLC), but this is highly unlikely to have taken place given the inherent instability of the molecule, which breaks apart upon exposure to simple moisture in the air or in the body.

Thus, ICP-MS testing could be used to intentionally "blur" the evidence, making sodium fluoride appear to be "signatures" of sarin, precisely as Kerry is now claiming in the media. As the whole point of all this is to fabricate evidence to justify a political war in the first place, there isn't any real scientific scrutiny being applied to all this. Obama, Kerry and others are spouting whatever they think the people will swallow, and since most of the U.S. public is scientifically illiterate, it turns out they will swallow some real whoppers.

Same sodium fluoride chemical added to water for infants
Sodium fluoride, by the way, is also added to drinking water for babies and infants. It's a key ingredient, actually, in a product called Nursery Water that's "enriched" with extra sodium fluoride, the same chemical now being called a "chemical weapon" by the international media. You can see this for yourself at or just check out the photo below:

As you can see, this sodium fluoride infant water -- which the White House effectively calls a "chemical weapon" -- is sold at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Albertson's, Safeway, K-Mart, Rite Aid and even Toys "R" Us. Bet you never knew you could buy chemical weapons at Toys "R" Us, did ya?

The Nursery Water label, shown below, lists "sodium fluoride" as a key ingredient:

You'll also notice that the label includes instructions for using this sodium fluoride baby water:

"...ready to mix with formula and cereal, dilute juice or drink - just open and pour!"

Yep, you read it: the same "chemical weapon" that's about to start World War III is part of your baby's formula recipe. When sodium fluoride is in the hands of Syria's Assad, it's called a "chemical weapon," but when it's part of your baby's diet, it's called "nutrition." How's that for Orwellian doublespeak?

Syria's "chemical weapon" also added to Colgate toothpaste
Just in case adding Syria's "chemical weapon" to baby water isn't enough for you, it's also a key ingredient in Colgate toothpaste.

Yep, according to dentists, chemical weapons also "fight tooth decay," so they should be added to toothpaste. Check out the label on this Colgate toothpaste and see for yourself:

Keep this in mind the next time you carry toothpaste with you when you attempt to travel by air. The TSA can pull you aside and legitimately accuse you of working for the Assad regime as a chemical weapons terrorist while charging you with the federal crime of "transporting chemical weapons."

Mainstream media admits U.S. food companies use chemical weapons against their own customers
Unless the mainstream media retracts all its thousands of stories about sodium fluoride being a "chemical weapon" sold to Syria, it must come to terms with the fact that it is also accusing the U.S. food industry of using chemical weapons on consumers.

Sodium fluoride, after all, is added to countless consumer products, from toothpaste and mouthwash to drinking water. Sodium fluoride does not magically change from a "chemical weapon" in Syria to a "nutritive mineral" by crossing the ocean. Sodium fluoride is sodium fluoride, and it's dangerous no matter who consumes it.

Keep this in mind the next time you hear a dentist recommending dumping sodium fluoride into the local water supply. You can correctly counter their absurd request by threatening to call Homeland Security to report them as a terrorist for engaging in the indiscriminate deployment of a chemical weapon in the water supply -- a favorite target for terrorists worldwide.

By the way, I'm not joking on this: I actually encourage you to call Homeland Security and report your local city council members as terrorists who are mirroring the Assad "regime" in Syria by using sodium fluoride "chemical weapons" on the public. You might even call the United Nations and ask them to intervene in the USA's use of chemical weapons against its own people... right? Isn't that what John Kerry is asking the world to do in the case of Syria? Why does the USA have immunity from using chemical weapons on its own people when Syria is threatened with war for using the exact same chemical weapons on its population?

Same "nerve gas chemicals" exported to Syria are imported from China by nearly every U.S. city
By the way, the same sodium fluoride that was exported to Syria as a "chemical weapon" is routinely imported by U.S. cities to dump into the municipal water supply. They call it "water fluoridation" and dentists push it like candy because it actually causes wildly increased tooth decay, mottling and discoloration (all of which adds up to increased repeat business for dentists).

As documented by Natural News, sodium fluoride is touted by China's exporters as a multi-purpose chemical that functions as a deadly pesticide, absorbs chemicals in the nuclear industry and more. See these two photos for more proof. These were created as marketing materials by China's fluoride export industry:


Uses: It's mainly used as a flux in the aluminum smelting by fused-salt electrolysis; also an opalizer in the manufacture of enamel; an opacifier and auxiliary solvent of glass and enamel; an insecticide of crops; a flux in aluminum alloy casting; and in the production of ferrous alloy and effervescing steel; as well as a wear-resistant filler for resin and rubber-boned abrasive wheels.

As I first said back in 2012, "Fluoride is a chemical weapon!" Now it turns out John Kerry agrees with me, and he's using fluoride as an excuse to bomb a sovereign nation.

Quick question: If Russia begins bombing the USA, can they use the same excuse that Obama and Kerry are using on Syria? "We had to save the American people from the chemical weapons used by the Obama regime!"

Also worth seeing: The Fluoride Deception video by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger:

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