Sunday 18 January 2015

How Central the Job story is with Annalize Mouton

But first, Neville Johnson's message

Annalize shares
How faithful is our Father!!!!!!! I listened to this only this morning… and hear, hear, hear what he says about Job!!!!!!! Wooohoooooooo!!!! Thank you Father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Confirmation upon confirmation!!!!!!!!! Only this morning Father said: Job is for today, it shows us the process, the stand in faith in the FINISHED WORK – CHRIST, learn to defend ourselves against the accuser, and what happens when we see Him!!!!! Oh, our Father, you truly are our Father!!!!! In the next comment I shall post what I had written earlier this morning BEFORE I listened to Neville!
Yesterday at 14:23 · Edited · Like · 2

Annalize Mouton Job: the sons of God appeared and satan was there also. Accusations followed from satan and the other “sons of God” still trapped in the false mindset (carnal mind); [see the same pattern in Zechariah 3 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him. 2The LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you, Satan! Indeed, the LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?] What ensues is a process whereby our Father/Origen comes to light. (Parental testing is the use of genetic fingerprinting to determine whether two individuals have a biological parent–child relationship. A paternity test establishes genetic proof whether a man is the biological father of an individual). Light brings the embedded imprint to the forefront.

Oh, and when we see how our earthly lives have fallen short of the reality of the Truth of our being, that we are exactly as He is, how we have spoken and entertained thoughts and behaviours completely not in accordance with the Truth of who we ourselves and our Father is, we fall on our faces, like one who is dead. Job – ”I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You; Therefore I retract, And I repent in dust and ashes." John – Revelation 1:17 When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man. And He placed His right hand on me, saying, "Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, 18and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.…
Isaiah – a man of unclean lips!

Then we expect punishment and eternal damnation, but oh, the goodness of our Father. It is I, your Father who loves you with a neverending perfect love. He Himself has taken all of that away in a Redemption provided even before we came to this earth. When we see God, we see ourselves as He intended us/as we really are now – the picture/image of us that He had kept alive in Himself. He brings out the family portrait: Father and Sons – that makes the “mortal man” fall on their faces, as dead – and the blood/Spirit/life/DNA of our Father is revealed. And we ourselves are revealed, too. As His sons, made in His image and likeness. Know we know God/Spirit our Father aright, we know ourselves aright, and we know all our fellowmen aright. Our eyes have seen God/Christ.Spirit/the Kingdom of God/His Word/DNA within us. Now we walk as sons of God in the earth and we are about our Father’s business – getting His sons, our brothers and sisters back into His house. By our love, our Father’s love now issuing out of us, we break the news to them of their true identity, open the prison doors and set them free from bondage and slavery, the yokes of oppression, and we start the process of gently leading them back home to our Father and theirs, and we feed them, heal them, carry them. This does not happen overnight: we would first have to win their trust, we ourselves have to live as sons of our Father and put His life on display through the same sets of circumstances and situations that befalls every man, and when they taste Him – love, joy, peace, kindness, humility, life, abundance. We establish His kingdom on earth with His and our resources that have been kept in heaven for us, not where rust and moth destroys.

That is why Jesus said: in the earth you will have trouble, take up your cross and follow me, deny, lose your life (this earthly soul life of the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, the lust of the eyes – the infatuation with this touch, see, hear, feel, taste, 5-sense world. Endure the tribulations of the flesh-body so that the spiritual can be released. Lose that old false mortal man mindset ruled by the law of sin and death, and put on the mind of Christ/God/Spirit. Clothe ourselves fully with Christ/God's Spirit/Garment, [that's to hide in the cleft of the Rock, to go through the eye of the needle (to get in there we have to get rid of everything we have been carrying – every earthly concern, shame, guilt, pride, good things, bad things, all accummulated things), and be covered by the bloodstained pierced Hand of God. Oh, there is so much more to be said, but I pray that Father will open our spiritual eyes and that we will all SEE HIM in this life!

Something that I shall share with you sometime soon, but which I urge you to search out for yourself, is the nature of the awesome, atomic, fiery, shekinah glory, kabo(w)d of our Father, and why "mortal man" cannot “see” Him or come into His presence on our own without the proper protective covering (the Blood/Life of the Lamb, Jesus Christ). It has forever been thus: His glory is such that if we would enter it without the right clothing, the same thing would happen to us as should we walk with our exposed skin into an atomic bomb, or a room filled with radio-activity. Search out how the Blood was the covering to protect the children of Israel and all those who so wished, against “the plague” and see what happened to those who disobeyed God’s instructions of how to prepare themselves before they come into His presence. Jesus Christ is our protective covering – now and forever, prepared from before the foundations of the earth. Enter fully into Him. (unedited version)