Sunday 31 March 2013

Sermon Blues by Chris Welch

in Facebook (Notes) on 28 March 2013 at 11:51 AM

Pastor: I can't get a sermon.....I've been thinking all week.
Jesus : Who says you have to have one?
Pastor: It's my job d'oh. That's what they pay the tithe for. I am employed by them.
Jesus: Who said they had to tithe?
Pastor : Everyone knows Christians have to tithe
Jesus : I said people could give and give generously from a willing heart. I never said about tithing. That whole thing was for a different time, a different people and an old covenant. This is the new covenant in My Blood.
Pastor: Well if I didn't tell them they had to tithe no one would give.
Jesus:'d be surprised how freewill works. Secondly, what's the problem anyway? Go out and get a job.
Pastor: I haven't got time I'm leading a church remember?
Jesus: Who said you are leading the church? I thought I was?
Pastor: I know we say that, but the fact is if I didn't do it then nobody would.
Jesus : Good
Pastor: What do you mean good?
Jesus: When nobody leads, then that gives room for my Spirit to raise some men up in ministry gifts and all the others to give as the Spirit gives them utterance or gives them instruction.
Pastor: But pastors are in charge.
Jesus: Where does it say that? Rabbis are in charge under the Old Covenant. Where does it say that under the New?Jeremiah said "They do not teach each other anymore each one his neighbour for each of you shall know the Lord from the least to the greatest."
Pastor: That all sounds like Quakerism to me. And Quakers now invite Buddhists in, and anybody says anything they like. Completely wrong doctrines as well as right doctrines.
Jesus: Perhaps they are not connected to Me anymore and the Melchizedek Order. For you are all priests now after the Order of Melchizedek. You are a nation of kings and priests.
Pastor: Well I wish that was so, but many people do not even know you.
Jesus: Well perhaps you should be telling them that all can know Me, I included everyone when I stretched my arms open and died.
Pastor: So you are saying I shouldn't be in charge?
Jesus: Nowhere does it say a pastor is in charge. It says I gave many pastors for taking care of the sheep. It also says I gave many ministries for the equipping of the saints. Where are your apostles?
Pastor: We've got one apostle. He visits now and again. But he's far too bossy and I am in charge here.
Jesus:You are not in charge. Neither is that apostle. I don't give one apostle. Paul wrote "Not many are fathers". There are several fathers moving between churches, just as there are many prophets and pastors and teachers all moving in and around a local church.
Pastor: I've never heard of such a thing
Jesus: None of you modern pastors read the Bible much do you?
Pastor: I read the bits I like
Jesus : It says all ministry is given for the equipping of the saints.
Pastor: I don't see that as practical. How can ordinary what you call minstries possibly be adequately trained to run 3 year courses with exams and a certificate? It's just not practical.
Jesus: The equipping of the saints has nothing to do with three year institutional courses with exam certificates.
Pastor: It doesn't? That's how I got mine.
Jesus: I never gave you that certificate. I wouldn't give you any certificate.
Pastor: Now you are being rude.
Jesus: I wouldn't give you a certificate of paper because I have already given everything you need in Me. I write my Living Law right across your being...this is how the New Covenant works. When you are mature in it, you find yourself imparting it, others recognise it, and "a man's gift makes way for itself" Proverbs says.
Pastor: I teach being born again. I teach forgiveness received by faith because of your work on the Cross.
Jesus: You only preach one sacrifice. You only preach the Blood
Pastor : What are you saying now? There is only one Cross.
Jesus: I spelled it out in the Old Testament. One animal was slaughtered for sin. The other was sent away into the wilderness. It's the only way I could represent two things at once back then. It's the Blood and the Body.You were not only forgiven...but you also died in Me. I took your spirit and that of all in Adam in My Body into death. And I raised you all up as living spirits fused in Me. You are all new creations.
Pastor: They never told me that one. I studied for 3 years. I studied all about eschatology and the terrible history of the church. What you are saying is a different gospel.
Jesus: No. This IS MY GOSPEL. Unless you eat of my flesh and drink my blood you do not have any life in yourselves. What YOU are preaching is a different gospel. The gospel you preach leads to the terrible church history and a meaningless eschatology because nothing works.
Pastor: This is all doing my head in. And I still haven't got a sermon.
Jesus: This is all doing My Body in. And perhaps you have no right yet to give a sermon until you let me write My one in you.My Body builds itself up by that which each joint supplies. But nobody can supply anything other than that which I have already supplied. The Holy Spirit is given to make known to you all that which is mine and is now yours.It is not by power, nor by might, but everything is now by My Spirit says the Lord.If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation entirely, the old has simply passed away....the new is already here.
Pastor: You have criticised just about everything I do. I am not sure I and the congregation will ever change.
Jesus: It is as hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle .
Pastor: How am I rich?
Jesus: You have status with man, but outside of My Cross, none with me. You have people forcibly paying you a tenth of
their income every week even though this is not in the New Covenant. You want to be in charge of my works, yet do not recognise My Charge and the way I operate. You do not know more of the gospel than an Old Testament rabbi, who also believes in forgiveness by faith in God on the Day of Atonement. You are rich but outside of Me, and in reality you have little or nothing. Yet you will not relearn.
Pastor: Jesus, it's hard for me to ever relearn. I am in my forties. I would look foolish if I ever said my training was insufficient.
Jesus: Do you want emptiness, or do you want Life?
Pastor: I want your life,but I am not prepared to admit to any congregation I am wrong. I would be out of a job, and then who would pay for my living?
Jesus: I am your Supplier. I am all you need.
Pastor: *silence*

Jesus: Then I will send out into the highways and the byways and compel others in, for the sons of the Kingdom have refused the wedding invitation and the celebration WILL BE GREAT in the Honour which the Father has given Me, in the honour of the Holy Spirit's work, and in the honour of the Father who completes every work perfectly and abundantly.
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  • Rich Novek Amen Chris, a perfect picture of the different gospel in action...thanks!
  • Lydia Joy Shatney AWESOME!!!
  • Gail Cochrane THAT is a CONVERSATION!!!! And one that is so needed today!! Thank you, Chris.
  • Tunji Ayoade The Blood and the Body combination action in redemption. . .
  • Cliff Gableman I wonder how many "pastors" could or would receive this message? Thanks Chris.
  • Rich Novek My guess not too many, way too much to lose!
  • Ray E Horton Good message. After being with good churches so long, I forget there are probably pastors out there that need to hear this.
  • Carol Lucas Winkler I do believe there are churches, and pastors, who are like this, but i will say that i had a pastor who had a heart for God, and he truly loved everyone the same. He was a big giver, and he was down to earth. He didn't condemn, or try to squeeze money out of people.He was always giving money away. His love, and joy, and lifestyle are the things that made me want Jesus. Religion can be ugly, and hard, but we can't throw all pastors under the bus. I loved going to that church, for 16 years, until we moved. It was like a family, and the pastor was like our brother. I understand why so many are down on church, and pastors, because i have never found a church like the one i attended for so many years. I was taught about the love of God. I am thankful i had that pastor, and that preacher, when i was young, and knew nothing, at all, about the Lord. There have been pastors, in churches i visited, who were out for money, and fame, and numbers. It is sad...

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